Montana Homecoming (18 page)

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Authors: Jillian Hart

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She rubbed away all signs of damp from her cheeks and snapped straight up in the seat. No way did she want him to see her falling apart like this. She would be okay. She had a plan in place. She would head home—not home, to Colbie and Lil’s—and pack. Have a farewell supper with the family. Leave on the morning bus. She shoved flyaway hair out of her eyes, watching as Liam stepped off the curb, so close she could see the muscle jump along his jaw.

Was he mad at her? Had he come for closure, too? To say what he had to so he could let go of her forever? Air swished out of her lungs in a little gasp. She lifted her chin, determined to listen to whatever he needed to say.

“Oscar’s going to be okay.” He stopped beside the truck, all six foot plus of him, windblown and so incredible her spirit leaned toward his against her will.

“Good news.” Just what she needed. She relaxed back into the seat. Liam didn’t look ready to confront her, but he didn’t look pleased to be talking with her, either. She studied his face, set in stone, and his granite eyes. So distant. She didn’t blame him one bit. She blew out another breath, glad about Oscar’s surgery. “You must be relieved.”

“I am.” He didn’t look it. He looked so remote he could have been a statue hewn from marble, chiseled with a craftsman’s skill. His jaw ground, as if he were debating what to say. “You can’t just walk away like that. You didn’t give me a chance to tell you what I think.”

“I already know.” She winced. With no shields to put up, she had no way to protect herself from what he was about to say. How could she endure hearing how he was glad she’d be leaving because he wanted nothing to do with her ever again?

“No, I don’t think you know exactly how upset I am.” He splayed both hands on the side of the truck, peering in at her through the open window. His sky-blue eyes bored into her with the intensity of a high-powered laser. “I’m upset at myself.”

“What?” That made no sense. Not at all.

“You didn’t feel safe enough with me to show me your vulnerable side, what’s hurt you in your life.” His granite gaze softened, gentleness shining blue as dreams. “That story you told me in there. That was a lot to go through.”

“It knocked me down good for a while, but I got through it.” When would he finally let out his anger at her? she wondered. When would he finally tell her exactly what he thought of her?

“You never got to hear my opinion.” He pulled open the door, eliminating the only barrier between them, the only one she had. Exposed, she gazed up at him.

“I’ve been around the globe reporting on everything.” He leaned in, planted one hand on the dash and the other on the seat back beside her. “I’ve heard enough to know the truth when I hear it.”

“What?” Surely she hadn’t heard him right. That couldn’t be. Even her own mother hadn’t believed her. She simply wanted his forgiveness so badly she was making it up in her head.

“I’m sorry you went through that, beautiful.” He brushed a spray of flyaway tendrils out of her eyes, his touch more tender than anything she’d known before. “I can’t imagine how tough that had to be. And I’m sorry.”

“You believe me?” She blinked up at him, unconvinced.

“I do.” His hand cupped the side of her face, his skin warmly comforting against her cheek. “Because I see you, Brooke. All of you. Your heart is an open book to me. I can see right in. Do you know why?”

She shook her head, emotions and words too tangled up inside her to speak.

“Because I love you. I really love you.” Nothing was more honest than the rumble of his words. “I promise I’ll be a safe place for you from now on. My heart is on the line, Brooke. Is there a chance that you feel this way for me, too?”

Lord, is this what You have in store for me? Love?
Tears broke forth like a dam, washing away all the hard times, all the disillusion and pain, leaving only hope. Hope that rose up as if with angels’ wings because he loved her.

The deepest affection twisted through her, plowing through her pain, unstoppable, shining so bright it was all she could see. “I love you, Liam. More than words can say.”

She laid her hand on his, cherishing the masculine comfort of his touch, grateful for the connection between them, one that strengthened with each breath, each heartbeat. She watched relief move across his face and commitment take root in his soul.

“We can do this long distance if you want,” he said, easing onto his knees. “But I would rather that you stayed nearby so I can see your beautiful face every day. Marry me, Brooke. I want to be your happily-ever-after.”

“I want to be yours. Yes, I’d love to marry you.” She flew into his arms, the safest haven on earth. She held him so tight, as tightly as he held her. She couldn’t believe she was tucked against his chest, listening to the thump of his heart, about to become his wife. His wife!

As if he felt the same, he brushed tender kisses to the top of her head and the side of her face. When she lifted her cheek from his chest she saw the ardent devotion shining in those depths of blue. The kind of love she’d always dreamed about.

His kiss was flawless and gentle, full of heart. Everything a kiss should be. The sun chose that moment to brighten, as if heaven gave its approval. She remembered to thank God as she sank against Liam’s chest, nestling into his arms, home at last.


Late June, one month later

vening sun peered over the stand of tall evergreens bordering the trailer park as Brooke McKaslin stepped foot outside. A hot burst of breeze met her on Lil's back patio where chaos reigned. In the fenced yard, Hunter and Luke manned the barbecue, aided by Max, offering his advice.

Lil in her wheelchair rested in the shade by the picnic table, reading a paperback book. Colbie and the twins waged a squirt gun war at the edge of the lawn, their happy squeals adding to the merriment as Oscar barked, racing at their heels. Bree sited and shot, laughing merrily. With the trial behind her and the Backdoor Burglars convicted, she and Max had set a Christmas wedding.

All was well in the McKaslin world. Brooke shifted the tray balanced in both hands so she could shove the screen door shut, but something stopped her. A sneaker wedged in the doorjamb, belonging to a hulking shadow that became Liam. Tall, striking and hers. His sky-blue eyes hooked her, soul-deep.

“Hey, gorgeous.” He ambled through the door, leaning in like a man on a mission. A mission she did not intend to thwart.

His lips brushed hers slow and gentle. She could feel his heart and his devotion in that kiss. So beautiful, she didn't want it to end. When he broke away, the depths of his heart shone in his eyes. Every time she saw it, it took her breath away. His deep and abiding affection was more precious than anything she'd known before.

“Sometimes love leads to a miracle,” he murmured low, so only she could hear. “It led me to you.”

She'd made the right decision staying in town. After canceling her interview she'd let Colbie talk Dr. Flynn into a part-time job for her. She'd enrolled in a vet assistant program starting fall quarter. The diamond ring on her hand sparkled with the same brilliance her life had become. Jogging every morning with Liam and Oscar—his tumor had been benign—volunteering at the youth center and barbecuing in Liam's backyard. Each moment spent with her fiancé was the happiest of her life. A dream come true she thanked God for over and over again.

“Oscar!” Hunter's shout thundered through the yard. “Get back here with that hot dog! Bad dog!”

His words held no sting as laughter erupted in the backyard. A golden blur reached the middle of the lawn, a safe distance away from the men at the grill, and all four paws skidded to a stop. Doggy ears perked, apologetic brows arched over chocolate eyes and Oscar glanced around as if he couldn't quite believe it had happened again. The food thief inside him had taken over. He seemed surprised to notice the hot dog clenched between sharp teeth.

“Give that back.” Hunter tossed down his barbecue tongs, stalking toward the culprit.

Oscar seemed unrepentant as he chomped down and swallowed. The hot dog disappeared. As Hunter approached Oscar offered a toothy grin and the equivalent of a canine shrug as if to say, “Oops.”

“Who trained this dog?” Hunter growled, shaking his head. “You did a terrible job, Brooke.”

“I never said I trained him perfectly.” She set the tray on the picnic table, laughing. These days she was always laughing. “But you're perfect just the way you are, aren't you, Oscar?”

Big brown eyes glittered in agreement.

“That's the word. Perfect.” Liam's arms wrapped around her from behind and they watched the scene together. Brandi called to Oscar and tossed him a spongy ball. Colbie squirted Bree with her water rifle. Hunter went back to the grill to talk farming with the guys. And Lil watched with a happy smile. The back gate opened and Liam's grandfather ambled in. He held the gate for Madge, who'd been invited to dinner, too.

“Yes, our life is absolutely perfect,” she agreed. “And it's going to get better and better. With you, Liam, I couldn't ask for anything more.”

The future stretched ahead so bright it hurt the eye to see. Home was the best place to be. Luke announced the food was ready, everyone took a plate and they gathered together, all of them, a family.

* * * * *

Dear Reader,

Returning to the McKaslin Clan stories has been like coming home for me, writing about the family I love most. I hope you feel that way, too, when you turn the pages of this book and find old friends in the McKaslins. This time it’s Brooke’s story—the prodigal sister returns home as the family gathers around Brianna to support her through her testimony as a witness. Brooke has plans to leave once the trial is over—no way does she want to stay in Montana where the past can haunt her. So when she meets Liam Knightly and his dog, Oscar, the last thing she expects is for her life to change or for God to nudge her slowly but surely in the direction He means her to go.

I hope you are carried away by Brooke’s romance, you laugh out loud with Oscar’s antics and you are reminded of all the kinds of love that come into a person’s life—and what great blessings they are.

Thank you for choosing
Montana Homecoming
and for returning to the McKaslin family with me.

As always, wishing you love and peace,

Jillian Hart

Questions for Discussion

  1. What are your first impressions of Brooke? How would you describe her?
  2. What are your first impressions of Liam? How does he interact with his dog? What does this tell you about his character?
  3. What do you think of Oscar? What role does he play in the story? Have you ever known a dog like Oscar?
  4. What secret do you think Brooke is hiding? What do you think happened to her in the past?
  5. What do you think Brooke feels when she learns Liam is a reporter? Would you feel this way, too? Why does it push them apart?
  6. How did Brooke’s arrest and conviction affect her?
  7. Family and friends speculate and meddle in Brooke and Liam’s relationship. What part do they play in the budding romance? How does this affect Brooke? Liam?
  8. What makes Brooke soften her stance against Liam? How does he affect her? What does she learn about Liam?
  9. What are Liam’s strengths? What are his weaknesses? What do you come to admire about him?
  10. What values do you think are important in this book?
  11. What do you think are the central themes in this book? How do they develop? What meanings do you find in them?
  12. In the beginning of the story, Brooke wrestles with the losses resulting from her mistake of trusting the wrong man. What does she learn by the end of the story? What has she learned about life? About where God is leading her?
  13. How does God guide both Brooke and Liam? How is this evident? How does God lead them to true love?
  14. There are many different kinds of love in this book. What are they? What does Brooke learn about true love?

ISBN: 9781459227798

Copyright © 2012 by Jill Strickler

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