Read Moon Crossed (Werewolf Hunter Series): Season 1 (Episodes 1-6) (Crescent Hunter) Online

Authors: Bella Roccaforte

Tags: #horror, #paranormal, #supernatural, #suspense, #new adult, #paranormal romance, #urban fantasy

Moon Crossed (Werewolf Hunter Series): Season 1 (Episodes 1-6) (Crescent Hunter) (38 page)

BOOK: Moon Crossed (Werewolf Hunter Series): Season 1 (Episodes 1-6) (Crescent Hunter)
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Chapter Twenty-One



on my bed, I'm trying to prepare for the onslaught of questions. I
don't want to lie, but I really don't think what happens between Cole
and me is anyone's business. It's pretty simple, though: the subject
just has to be what happened at the meeting. That's all; easy, right?

Before I make the trek
downstairs, I send Cole a text. I wish everything didn't have to be
so conflicted. Last night was grim and amazing. What we shared was
beyond anything that I've ever experienced before. Even though I know
that it's fleeting, it's an experience I will forever treasure.

Hey, can't wait to
see you later. ~Claire.

I slide the phone into
my pocket and head down for the Spanish Inquisition. I pop into the
kitchen and go straight to the coffee pot. I can feel their eyes on
me, staring, judging. Then again, I could just be paranoid. They
probably have no idea. It's probably better if I stop obsessing.

“Okay, so what
happened last night?” My mood immediately turns somber. “How
many casualties?”

“Four hunters and
three wolves on our side didn't make it.” Ki has trouble not
hanging his head when he speaks. This really is a sobering moment.

“How many
Amicalola wolves were lost?” I ask. Each life is just as

“They only lost
six,” Locke says.

“Only?” I'm
stunned he would say it that way.

“Yes, we should
have taken out more of them,” Ki says shaking his head.

“No mercy.”
Aunt Rain comes in through the back door.

I go to her, giving her
a big hug. She's pretty battered and bruised; even though she's
healing fast, I can tell that she really took a beating. “I'm
glad you're okay.”

“You too.”
She puts her hands on my shoulders. “No one could find you and
we were all concerned once Pike retreated.”

“I had to get out
of there. It was just too much.” I rest my elbows on the table
and hold my head in my hands.

“I know, Claire,
but when you have a target painted on your back, running off alone
into the woods is not the smartest thing you can do,” she

“She wasn't
alone,” Locke says accusingly.

“Who were you
with?” She cocks her head to the side.

“Ben and Cole.”
Ha, got ya.

“I didn't realize
that Ben was there.” Locke arches his brow.

“He was.” I
want to stick my tongue out at him.

“Not when we got
there; it was just you and Cole.” Thanks a bunch, Ki. Remind me
to shit on your pillow the next chance I get.

She gives me a look of warning.

I shake my head.
“Something happened last night and I need to talk to you about

“Is this girl
talk?” Aunt Rain asks cautiously.

I blow out a frustrated
breath. “Since when did my sex life become public domain?”

“I knew it,”
Locke says, slapping his hand on the table.

“You don't know
anything.” I cut him a hard glance. “But you all seem to
be laying bets on when I'm going to lose my virginity.” Oh God,
don't think about it. You just lost your virginity. Don't think about
how amazing it was with him.

Ki asks, trying to snap me out of my thoughts.

“I want to talk
about the healing,” I insist.

“What healing?”
Aunt Rain sips her coffee.

“Cole's heart was
pierced by a silver blade, yet he was still able to run to me, and
when he died, I was able to bring him back.”

“He died?”
she asks.

“Yes, I felt his
spirit leaving his body. His heart stopped.” I look her in the
eye to drive home my seriousness.

“There's no way;
we can't bring anyone back from the dead.” She shakes her head
in disbelief.

“Maybe he was
only mostly dead, I don't know. But there was this golden light that
surrounded us and we both healed almost instantly.” I raise my
brows, still in shock over what happened.

“I've never heard
of anything like that before.” She looks at Ki. “You?”

“No,” he
answers quietly, but he's deep in thought. “Let's keep this to
ourselves for now, shall we?”

Aunt Rains says.

“Do you have any
idea what it means?” I check my phone to see if Cole has texted
me back. He hasn't, but he's probably in bed, where I should be. With

“I'm certainly
curious to find out if he was actually pierced with silver. There's a
possibility that it was just a normal sword,” Locke says,
stroking his beard.

“Either way, it's
still strange,” Aunt Rain adds.

“We should talk
to Cole, make sure he knows to keep this quiet for now.” Ki
looks to Locke.

“I'll get in
touch with him,” Locke agrees.

“Do you think the
council will get involved now?” My eyes widen at the situation.

“I'm not sure,”
Aunt Rain starts. “It would seem there's a countrywide movement
to allow moon-touched wolves to live and just be wild wolves.”

“Are you kidding
me?” How stupid.

“I wish she was,”
Ki chimes in. “Some are saying it's like a natural selection of

selection, my ass.” I roll my eyes.

“I, for one, want
to know that if I become moon-touched someone will put me down. I
wouldn't want to think of a world that could become overrun with
invincible wolves that are blood thirsty for humans.” Locke
flashes me a pleading look.

“You know I would
never let you be that way.” I put my hand on his.

“Same goes for
me.” The remorse in Ki's eyes touches my heart.

“So what are we
going to do to step up security around here?” Aunt Rain poses
the question.

“I'm not sure
that's really necessary. I think just being extra vigilant will be
fine.” I sip my coffee.

“They just waged
war on the hunters, Claire. They are serious and are not taking no
for an answer,” Ki points out.

“Except now there
are several hunters they are after because of their losses last
night.” Aunt Rain shakes her head.

“How can they
possibly justify that? They attacked us on hunter territory. They had
no business being there.” Outrage raises my voice an octave.

“Pike is one
ballsy mo-fo.” Locke tilts his head.

“Yes, he is. He's
crazy, too. He has nothing to lose but power.” Ki looks Locke
in the eye. “He'd rather be dead than powerless.”

“We have to kill
him.” My tone is concise and cold. “I was going to...”
I trail off, remembering what stopped me. Cole still hasn't texted

“We also have to
think strategically, because he will. When will you be your most
vulnerable?” Ki asks.

Locke and I exchange a
gaze. “During the full moon.”

“Oh my God,
you're right. You guys will be locked up, and he knows it. He'll be
at his strongest. That's when he's going to strike.” I shake my
head, already trying to figure out how to protect myself.

“You need to not
be here on the full moon,” Aunt Rain states, like it's the only

“No way. I'm not
leaving my home.” I get up from the table to refill my coffee.

“Claire, it may
be the only way to keep all of us safe.” Locke tries to soften
his tone to calm me, but it's not going to work.

“What? I'm going
to leave my boys, my research, and my home once a month so he doesn't
kill me?” I shake my head and put my cup down hard on the
counter. “I'd rather be dead than live like that.”

“We're just
talking about one night. Taking you somewhere that he can't find
you.” Ki crosses the kitchen and puts his hand on my shoulder.
“I promised your dad I'd keep you safe.”

The tension in my jaw makes a popping sound. “I'm not going to
run. I belong here, protecting my boys and my territory.”

“This isn't about
territory. Pike obviously doesn't respect territorial boundaries if
he was willing to attack at Hayden's,” Ki points out.

“And Red Top,”
Locke adds.

“I do respect
territory, especially mine, and I'm going to protect it.” I
throw my shoulders back in a show of strength.

“Claire, please,”
Aunt Rain pleads. “Just this one moon until we can get this
figured out. If we can bring a formal case against him with the
council – ” I cut her off.

“We can what?
Have a piece of paper that says 'please don't kill Claire?'” My
lips purse at the preposterous idea that any involvement from the
council will be helpful at this point. “No, it's simple. Pike
comes here, he dies.”

I check my phone again.
Nothing. Hearing from him would calm me. I don't even know if he got
home okay. My mind starts racing with everything.

“Well, it would
seem I'm spending the full moon here.” Ki invites himself to
our moon party.

“That's fine.”
I look at him. “I hope you're ready to be locked up with the
rest of the wolves,” I challenge.

“Claire, I'm
perfectly capable of controlling my shift on the full moon.” Ki
sits back at the table.

“I don't need any
surprises,” I say with an authoritative intonation.

“You won't get
any from me,” Ki says. “Not negotiable. I'm not going to
be locked up.”

“Then you can't

He's shocked that I'm holding firm.

“Ki, it's my hope
that you'll have to bury me one day when I'm old and gray. If you
shift, if you run, I may have to put you down. Please don't do that
to me.” My voice sounds small and pleading.

“I'm not going to
have an issue. I've made it this long, haven't I?”

“But what if you
don't?” Locke asks, truly concerned.

“It's going to be
fine,” Aunt Rain interjects. “Besides, I'll be here along
with a host of hunters.”

“What?” I
blow out a frustrated breath. “I don't want a house full of
people. I'll have enough stress with the full moon and the boys.”
I check my phone again. Nothing.

“We have to keep
everyone safe. You, most of all. You're the only one working on an
actual solution to the moon-touched problem,” Ki points out.

“Something that
isn't a
final solution
,” Locke says, arching his brows.

I pull my bottom lip
into my mouth, trying not to pout, but I'm willing to make this
compromise. “I don't want a lot of extra wolves here.”

Ki says.

“So we'll have
you, Kyle, Brogan, Rabbit, Trevor, Tor, and Cole downstairs with me.
And everyone else up here?” I ask, looking at Locke.

Aunt Rain looks at me questioningly. “That reminds me.”

I stretch my arms in
the air. “Listen, I'm exhausted. I'm going to go take a nap.”
I scurry out of the kitchen before anyone can protest. I don't even
say goodbye. Hopefully no one is offended, but hey, anything to avoid
that kind of confrontation right now. Especially when I have some
questions of my own for Aunt Rain later.



It's dark outside.
“Great, back to vampire time.” I grab my phone off the
nightstand and check it. Two texts from Lili.

Hey chica ~Lili

Whassup? ~Lili

Hey I really need to
talk to you. ~Lili

Shit. How did I not
hear that? I scratch at my tummy and look at the scars. They're
there, but they don't hurt. It's like the one on my arm. It will
never go away. This is very curious, since Aunt Rain doesn't have any
scars like this. Why do I?

Sorry, babe, I was
sleeping. Long night last night. ~Claire

I'm downstairs. I
really need to talk to you. Can I come up? ~Lili

Yeah ~Claire

There's a light tapping
on the door, and I'm still in the bed. “You can come in.”

Lili opens the door and
peeks around as though she's scared. “Hey.”

“Where have you
been?” I open my arms, inviting her into a hug.

“I've been –”
She stops and studies me closely. “Holy crap, you lost your

“What?” Oh.
My. God. Is it that obvious?

BOOK: Moon Crossed (Werewolf Hunter Series): Season 1 (Episodes 1-6) (Crescent Hunter)
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