Moore, Gigi - Desiree's Lone Wolves [The Double R, Book 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (32 page)

BOOK: Moore, Gigi - Desiree's Lone Wolves [The Double R, Book 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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He sunk his fangs in quick, making surgically efficient and sensual strokes with his teeth and tongue, beyond a formality. “Ready?” he whispered against her throat, and Desiree had a second to nod before he eased his well-lubed cock between her ass cheeks and pushed.

Her breath hitched in her chest at the pressure. She didn’t think she would ever get used to this intense fullness, but she knew that she never wanted to do without it, either.

Sam stroked her arm, murmuring sexy foreign words that made her wetter even though she didn’t know what he said. His deep, sultry voice proved the real turn-on rather than the words themselves. “More, Sam. Please fill me…” She pushed back against him as Sam and Carson both drove forward, squeezing her between them.

Heated skin against heated skin, intimately flanked by them, Desiree couldn’t have felt more cozy or safe. She couldn’t have felt sexier and more wanted. She couldn’t have been more turned on and insatiable

She turned her face to look at Sam over her shoulder, cupping his cheek before he raised his face from her throat to kiss her on the lips.

She caught a glimpse of his eyes, the naturally golden-honey hue even lighter, turned yellow, like Carson’s, with his arousal.

Desiree parted her lips, letting Sam slip his tongue into her mouth to share the taste of her essence. She had tasted her own blood before, sucking her finger into her mouth after getting a cut while chopping vegetables or from some other mishap. She knew the taste, metallic and salty. This was different, flavored with the taste of Sam and all his emotions and desires.

She groaned a guttural animal sound alien to her own ears as Carson and Sam moved against her in synch.

Desiree rocked back and forth between them, matching their rhythm as they brought every inch of her body, inside and out, to life with their hands and mouths as well as their powerful cocks.

Sam maneuvered his body until his neck hovered right over Desiree’s mouth. “Do it,
Make me yours.”

Desiree opened her mouth over his throat and closed her eyes. She brought her mouth close enough to kiss him, licked and nibbled his skin. He tasted different from Carson, yet the same, as if she could taste their connection and share it.

,” Carson whispered.

Desiree closed her mind to everything except what her two men did to her body, every nerve ending swamped with arousal when she sank her teeth into Sam as she had his brother before him. Sam’s blood burst against her taste buds the instant that Carson thumbed then lightly pinched her clit, spurring her to suck harder and grind her hips between them more desperately.

“That’s it,
. Come for us. Come now.”

His words worked like a switch, powering Desiree to an orgasm that exploded through her body with crippling force.

She trembled and slumped in Carson and Sam’s grasp, crying out and panting as they each came inside her on such thunderous growls, Desiree waited with pounding heart for Helena to come rushing up the stairs at any moment to check on all of them.

Several heartbeats went by with the three of them lying still in silence, the only sound echoing through the room the noise of their heavy breathing.

After a long time, Sam sat up smiling and looking refreshed. “I’m ready for round two in the shower. How about you guys?”

Carson chuckled, shook his head, and covered his eyes with an arm.

Desiree’s smile mirrored Sam’s. She remained too choked up to speak, though, just so glad Sam had come back to them from near-death.

Desiree had to wonder, though, how long the goodwill and lull would last.

She hadn’t forgotten about Remy, out there somewhere plotting his next move against her men, and wondered what Carson and Sam’s next move would be.

She knew that whatever they decided, she would be right there with them.

Desiree elbowed Carson in the ribs. “Coming, slacker?” She leaped out of the bed before he could grab her and followed Sam to the bathroom, laughing.

Chapter 19

“I need you,
” Sam pulled Desiree close as he stood under the warm spray, eager to feel her silken skin against him, eager to feel her soft body.

She came willingly, a devilish twinkle in her whiskey eyes as she smiled up at him. “I need you, too, honey.”

“Mmm, honey. I like it.” He kept his tone light, tried to distance himself as much as he could from what Desiree had told him and Carson about Jeremy-the-prick.

He had never felt as murderous toward anyone as he did toward the unknown boyfriend, except for Remy. He knew if he ever came across this Jeremy he wouldn’t be responsible for his actions.

Sam nuzzled Desiree’s throat, wanted to be close to her, needed her humanity to keep him grounded and sane…less homicidal. He licked the earlier bite he’d placed there. She didn’t seem to be in any undue pain or stress from it, and Sam was glad. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her in any way, shape, or form.

Which was why he dreaded the heart-to-heart she, he, and Carson would have to have soon, the heart-to-heart about their true identities and why they were on the run.

Would she still want to be with them after she learned the truth about them?

Desiree ran her hands down his ribs before curving her arms around his waist. “Are you still in some pain?”

“No.” That proved true enough. Once he’d shifted, his metabolism had finally kicked in to handle his body’s healing, so no, he wasn’t in any pain. At least he wasn’t in any physical pain. Now emotional pain, that was a horse of another color, and one with which he struggled every minute he kept the truth from Desiree.

She deserved to know what she would be getting into, had gotten into, hitching her wagon to theirs. Carson had told her earlier that it wasn’t too late to change her mind and that they wouldn’t think any less of her. That still held true. He just hoped she chose to move forward with them.

He’d never been very good at lying, didn’t like to, although the last several years, by necessity, he had become adept. However, the more time he spent in Desiree’s company, looking into her sincere, solemn eyes, the urge to confess grew stronger and stronger.

He was sure Carson was on the same page with him on this and figured they’d tell her about themselves together once they finished their shower. That was, unless her curiosity finally got the best of her and Desiree asked him something now, outright.

“Why the frowny face, then?” Desiree squeezed him to her as she tilted her head back to kiss his chin. “Missing that ornery brother of yours?”

At her words, the shower door slid open and Carson stepped into the tub to join them. “Did someone mention my name?”

Sam grinned. His brother always knew how and when to make an entrance.

He was relieved to not have to talk to Desiree all by his lonesome as he didn’t want to muck up the most important discussion he probably would ever have in his life.

“Ears burning?” Desiree teased.

She seemed so much more lighthearted and carefree since they had started their relationship. Sam wanted to take credit for that but knew that he and Carson would have to take the blame when she slipped into sadness after they divulged their past to her.

“As well as some other parts,” Carson teased her back and bent his head to kiss her on the lips as she turned to him.

Sam watched them for several long seconds, saw Carson slide his tongue into Desiree’s mouth, and his little friend reacted, hardening painfully.

Desiree reached for him as if sensing his need, or maybe she had seen him rising from her peripheral vision. Her palm brushed him and he trembled under her caress before she circled his shaft with her fingers and gave it one firm pump.

Sam closed his eyes and groaned. He moved closer, following her pull like a lost puppy. He felt her thumb the pearl of liquid at the crown of his cock, circling it around and around. He opened his eyes when she stopped, saw her end the kiss with Carson as she raised her thumb to her mouth.

Both Sam and Carson watched her, entranced as she sucked her thumb into her mouth and tasted Sam’s spirit.

Sam licked his lips, desperate to be inside her. If it proved the last time they would all be together again, he would make it worth their while.

It’s not going to be the last time. We’re going to make this work.

He knew he wanted it enough, more than he had ever wanted anything, almost more than he wanted to have his father back.

Carson moved behind Desiree, relinquishing the sweet haven of her pussy to Sam.

Sam nodded at him and stepped to Desiree’s front. He caressed her ribs with his thumbs, slowly moving up her smooth torso until he palmed her full breasts.

Desiree closed her eyes and tilted back her head to rest just below Carson’s shoulder.

Carson stared at Sam as he gripped Desiree’s hips and Sam got the message. He needed to keep her distracted while Carson entered her. They hadn’t brought in any lube, and Carson was just a little thicker around than Sam, which meant this could get a little tricky for Desiree.

Sam fondled and squeezed her breasts together, lowering his head to take first one hard nipple then the other into his mouth. He suckled and nipped, circling her aureoles with the tip of his tongue right before Carson pushed past the first ring of muscle.

Desiree gasped and clutched at Sam, digging her nails into his back as she blindly reached for his mouth. Sam complied, taking her lips with his in a frantic kiss before he drove his tongue into her mouth to dance with hers.

Carson slid in a little further, and with each inch, Desiree dug her nails a little deeper into Sam’s back. He welcomed the pain, sank into it as he swallowed Desiree’s moans.

When Carson was almost seated to the hilt, Sam guided his cock to Desiree’s opening, caressing her moist folds with the head of his cock and losing himself in her soft whimpers.

“Please,” she begged. “Oh please, Sam…” She drew him near with one hand on his back and clamped her other down on Carson’s flank.

Sam could imagine her nails doing the same damage to Carson’s thigh as they now did to Sam’s back and shoulder. Only the water mitigated the score of her nails. Nothing mitigated his hunger, however. She could flay him alive and he’d still want her, would gladly bleed for her.

He stepped closer, easing further inside. Her pussy remained so wet, Sam barely had to push before he slid all the way inside.

Desiree sighed and slid her hand down his back until she cupped one ass cheek in her hand. Balanced between them, Carson driving deep from behind, she raised a thigh to settle onto Sam’s hip. He plunged forward and circled his hips with a grunt as he dug his fingers into her supple thigh to ground himself.

Sam bent his head to kiss her, driving his tongue as he drove his cock, pounding into her from the front as Carson pounded into her from the back.

Desiree’s cries grew and grew, reaching a shattering crescendo before she finally came between them with a prolonged shudder.

Carson’s release quickly followed, and Sam wasn’t too far behind him, panting as he rested his forehead against Desiree’s.

Moments later he came around to her soft crooning, her fingers gently burrowing through his damp waves.

It didn’t surprise him that they were alone.

“How long?” he rasped.

“Not that long. Carson just wanted to give us a few more minutes alone.”

Did he want Sam to break the news to her alone? Did he think Sam could handle it more tactfully than him? Or did he not want to see the cold, indifferent look in Desiree’s eyes when she finally rejected them?

BOOK: Moore, Gigi - Desiree's Lone Wolves [The Double R, Book 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
10.48Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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