More Guns Less Crime (53 page)

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Authors: John R. Lott Jr

Tags: #gun control; second amendment; guns; crime; violence

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A M t" indicates material is located in a table or other figure; an M n" indicates material in an endnote.

accidental shootings, 1—2, 110—12, 112t,

114, 115, 235, 285nn 18-19 aggravated assaults

after adoption of concealed-handgun law, 79t, 138t, 143t

per 100,000 people, 45t Alschuler, Albert W., 144, 148-49 Alstyne, William Van, 68 American Housing Survey, 69—70 Andersen, Harold W., 153 arrest rate

and crime rate, 56, 103-6, 119-20, 145-46

defined, 250

missing observations about, 154-55

and number of police officers, 120—21

status as explanatory variable, 117—20 assumptions, questions about, 131—32 Australia, 241 Ayres, Ian, 147, 213-15, 217-18, 224-30,

285n21, 290n31, 303nn87-89

background checks, 162, 163, 292nn7, 9

Beard, Michael, 202

Becker, Gary, 273nl0

Bell Campaign, 223

Berg, Alan, 13

Black, Dan, 129, 131, 135-41, 142-43, 146,

155-56, 157, 209-13, 224-25,

290nn28-29 Brady, James, 157, 219 Brady, Sarah, 162, 219 Brady law, 14, 20, 36, 86, 90t, 91, 109, 162-

64, 191, 199, 202, 254, 285nl5, 300n70 Brazil, 241

broken-window effect, 26, 290n23 Bronars, Stephen G., 295n25

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, 163, 294nnl0, 12-13 Published Ordinances—Firearms, 49 Bureau of the Census, 48, 253-55 buyback programs, 18, 168

Carroll, Thomas, 16

Center for Gun Policy and Research,

Johns Hopkins University, 128-29, 130 Center to Prevent Handgun Violence,

267n45 Chapman, Stephen, 125 Chicago Police Department, 8 Cleave, Philip Van, 2 Clinton, President William, 9-10, 168, 238,

242, 266n37, 282n29 Columbine High School, 195, 236, 243 concealed-handgun laws

and accidental deaths, 54, 110-12, 112t,

115 adoption of, 43, 132-33, 263n3, 277-

78nnl0, 12, 23 aversion to public debate about, 126—

28, 286-87n2 and crime, 11—12, 20 and crime rates, 46t, 51, 52t-53t, 118—

20, 135-38, 152 and crime trends, 70, 73-75, 74t, 76t defined, 250 and deterrence, 160 discretionary and nondiscretionary,

144-45, 277nnl0-12 economic benefits from, 54,55t, 56,160 and mass public shootings, 100—102,

115,194-97,236-38 and specific types of crime, 77t, 78t, 79t, 97-100, 98t, 133-34, 140t, 142t, 143t

concealed-handgun laws (continued) spillover effect, 93t, 94t, 162 in states, 46t, 58-60, 118-20, 142-43,

151-52 and suicide, 113 and urban areas, 161 variation across states, 83, 86, 87t—89t variation in effect across counties, 62-

63, 64t-67t variation in effect across states, 75, 79,

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