More Than a Playboy (10 page)

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Authors: Monique DeVere

BOOK: More Than a Playboy
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Sandy slid her hands over
the impressive muscles of his hard chest up to his neck where she locked her arms and drew him back with her against the pillows.
Then he was kissing and caressing her again, moving down her body at a torturous pace,
igniting an inferno that burned into her bare skin and pooled heat low in her pelvis
He kissed, nibbled, and explored her body as he took her to staggering heights of pleasure.

She curled her fingers in his hair, loving the way his breath tickled her skin. She rubbed herself against him, the
slow friction dragging a heavy groan from deep in his chest.

“You’re so incredibly sexy...” Cam’s warm mouth closed on one of her aching nipples, sending pinpricks of dizzying sensation through her. She drew in a gasp of wonder. Never before had she experienced a response like this.
ou leave me breathless.” His husky whisper vibrated against her flesh, and she moaned.

His hands felt so good on her.

felt so good.

He knew exactly how to touch her.

Where to touch her.

Would she awake and discover this was a dream? Was Cameron truly saying these wonderful things to her? Touching her with such adoration, he pushed out the dark pain that was her mother’s legacy and replaced it with renewed light, love, and hope for her future? Even if this was a dream, it had shifted something inside her. Sandy knew she’d never again be the broken woman she’d been up to a few hours ago.

Cam had done that for her. Taken her brokenness and made her complete again. For that, she’d love him forever.

His hand crept along the inside of her thigh, closing in on the place where she ached for him to soothe.
She closed her hand around his heavy erection, liked that she made him suck in his breath.

“Cam...please...” Her voice was thick and sounded so sultry she scarcely recognised it as her own. “I need you now.”

Capturing her hand, he stared into her eyes. His were iridescent and intense. He shook his head. “I want you too much to last if you caress me like that.” Threading his fingers through hers, he imprisoned her hand next to her head on the big pillows. “Give me a minute, okay?”

Sandy nodded. Her lungs squeezed, and it was all she could do to catch her breath.

Cam dropped a kiss on her nose, released her, got up from the enormous bed, and strolled butt naked into the adjoining bathroom. Within seconds, he was back. Tossing a box of condoms on the table beside the bed, he rolled one on and grinned at her. She liked the way he looked, all sexy and passionate with that regal air that used to drive her nuts but now drove her wild.

“Where were we?” He sunk onto the bed and drew her into his arms. His mouth tasted hers, warm, wet, and full of need—a need that matched hers.

His arms braced either side of her enclosed her in a cocoon of burning desire as he pinned her with his delicious weight. She widened her legs to accommodate him. C
urled one leg around his and rubbed her calf against the back of his hair-roughened thigh.
He pressed his hips forward, and when the hard length of his erection slid through the wet folds at her core, they both released drawn-out groans. Then he drew back and let the head of his penis glide down to her entrance.

He plunged into her.

Sandy cried out from the concentrated sensation, and Cam stilled. He looked down into her face, his eyes dark with a mixture of arousal and concern.

“Aw, princess, did I hurt you?”

She shook her head, lost in an incredible sensory overload. “No...don’t feel so good.” She wrapped her legs around him and lifted her hips in encouragement. The tight pressure building between her thighs begged for release.

He lowered his forehead to hers, his breathing harsh, whole body shaking from his restraint. “You’re so tight. I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Then don’t stop. If you don’t continue right now, I just might die.”

“You should go on top.” He rolled onto his back, taking her with him.

Sandy sat astride him lost in waves of enthralling pleasure. Cam was thicker, longer than she was used to. He stretched her, filled her so deliciously that she never wanted his lovemaking to end.

His hands bracketed her hips. “How’s that?”

“Better than amazing.”

His chuckle was low and rough with desire. “Yeah, much better,” he said on a growl.

She lifted her hips then delaying gratification, slid back down the steely length of him at a snail-like pace. On a drawn-out moan, her head fell back, her hair brushed Cam’s thighs, and she felt them quiver under her.

He thrust up in unison to her downward bounce as she planted her hands on his chest and rode him to a quick orgasm. She never wanted this to end, but the sensations were too powerful to prolong, and a series of raspy moans slipped from her throat as wave after rapturous wave of orgasmic bliss stormed her body.

Cam’s hands ploughed through her hair to
the back of her head and pull her down for a hot kiss that told her he was nowhere near finishing yet. Without breaking the deep kiss, he flipped her onto her back so he was on top. Supporting most of his weight on his left forearm, he slipped his right hand under her butt, angling her for better penetration as he drove into her hard and fast, the thick head of his penis introducing her to yet another sweet spot, one that tugged a second orgasm from deep inside her.

“Oh, Cam,” she cried out his name. Every one of her muscles locked up, her internal walls tightened, convulsed, squeezing Cam hard.

This time he couldn’t hold back his release. She saw his fight in the tension around his mouth, the grit of his teeth, the perspiration breaking out on his forehead and finally she saw him lose the fight. He exhaled a harsh breath on a deep groan as if his orgasm tore from his soul.

“I love you,” Sandy whispered, smoothing a lock of Cam’s hair from his forehead.

He grinned. “I’ll never get tired of hearing you say that.” He settled his mouth on hers for a long kiss. “I love you,” he whispered against her lips when he broke the kiss, then drew back and stared into her eyes. “Just don’t make me wait too long before you marry me.”

“ASAP.” She pulled him down for another kiss. “I couldn’t wait if I tried,” she told him a second before his mouth landed on hers.


and orange splashed across the horizon, turning the white sands surrounding San Kidd—the private Bahamas Island Cam had rented for his and Sandy’s wedding—a romantic shade of burnish pink.

A wedding at sunset had been Sandy’s choice, so Cam had gone along with it. He wanted to give her whatever she wanted even if he wasn’t happy about it. She deserved a wedding fit for a princess, and he wanted her to have one.

She’d kissed him and said, “This is the wedding I want, Cam.”

Her smile had done him in, and he’d found himself agreeing to the simple wedding with their close friends and family to help them celebrate. Besides, anything more elaborate would take time to plan, and Cam didn’t want to spend a second longer than he had to without making her his wife.

So here he was, standing on a beach at sunset in front of a minister with a handful of his and Sandy’s friends waiting for his bride to come to him.

Soft steel band music started up. He turned to see Sandy walking down the makeshift
between two rows of white chairs with gold coloured ribbons tied to them. She looked as though she was floating. Someone had swept up her beautiful long golden curls on her head in some kind of sophisticated style that made his hands itch to mess it up. He liked her tousled and sexy—the just-out-of-bed look was his favourite. But she was as beautiful now with white flowers pinned into her hair, a matching bouquet in her hands and her simple pearl satin sheath hugging her body. A
slight breeze teased the soft tendrils around her oval face and lifted the lapels of his black tux.

She was arresting.

Everything in him stilled. Everything except his gut, which manoeuvred itself into a giant knot. His throat got tight.

A smile tilted her full lips, and his stomach bottomed out. His chest felt like someone had knocked the wind out of him and he couldn’t catch his breath. When she reached him, Jamie, TDA’s owner relieved her of her bouquet.

He held his hands open palms up, and Sandy placed her hands in his. He wanted nothing as much as he wanted to lay his lips on hers, but they weren’t at that part yet.

He was a patient man, he could wait.

The minister began the ceremony and Sandy gazed up at him, her eyes glistening with happy tears. He was a little choked up, too, and if it wasn’t for the fact that he was a prince and expected to conduct himself with a certain level of decorum, he probably would’ve shed a tear or two.

“Who has the rings?” The minister asked.

Justin Knight, Cam’s best man stepped forward. “I do.” He handed the platinum bands to the minister and stepped back.

The minister blessed the bands, then held out the princess-cut diamond one to Cam.

He took it. Holding Sandy’s slender left hand, he waited for the minister to continue.

“In the presence of God and these, our friends,” he repeated after the minister. “I, Prince Nicholas Cameron Berkeley-Scott, take you, Alexandra
Donovan, to be my friend, my lover, the mother of my children and my wife.” Her warm honey gaze shone with adoration. He prayed to God he never did anything to make her look at him any other way. “I will be yours in times of plenty and in times of want, in times of sickness and in times of health, in times of joy and in times of sorrow, in times of failure and in times of triumph.” He cleared the suspicious thickness from his throat. Any second now, he was going to make a monumental fool of himself. He slipped the diamond-set band on her third finger. Taking a deep breath, he continued, “I promise to cherish and respect you, to care and protect you, to comfort and encourage you, and stay with you for all eternity.”

The women in the seats behind them sniffed, and the men shifted uncomfortably.

A tear slipped from Sandy’s lashes as she reverently touched the shiny symbol of commitment. He reached out and smoothed her tear with his thumb, dying to kiss her and make her his. He loved her beyond reason and couldn’t wait to start his life with her—grow old with her.

WHEN IT WAS Sandy’s turn to repeat her vows, she struggled to clear the lump from her throat.

With tears obscuring her vision, she focused on Cam’s handsome face. In a husky voice, she said her vows. “In the presence of God and these, our friends, I, Alexandra
Donovan, take you, Prince Nicholas Cameron Berkeley-Scott, to be my friend, my lover, the father of my children and my husband.” Her voice cracked as she placed the plain platinum band on his finger. “I will be yours in times of plenty and in times of times of sickness and in times of times of joy and in times of times of failure and in times of triumph.” She gave him a smile she knew must’ve been watery, but her tears were because she was so incredibly happy. “I promise to cherish and respect you, to care and protect you, to comfort and encourage you, and stay with you for all eternity.”

They stared into each other’s eyes as the minister said, “I now pronounce you man and wife.” He turned to Cam. “You may kiss your bride.”

Cam grinned, drew Sandy into his arms.

With a backdrop of lazy waves at low tide trickling onto the sand, and their friends’ applause, he kissed her like he was starving.

And she kissed him back with the same consuming passion.

In all her romantic fantasies, Sandy had never dared to believe she’d be loved so thoroughly...and by her very own


Thank you for reading
More Than a Playboy
. I hope you enjoyed Sandy and Cam’s story. You met Justin Knight in a cameo role in
More Than a Playboy
. Now read his story in
More Than Friends

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