More Than a Playboy (4 page)

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Authors: Monique DeVere

BOOK: More Than a Playboy
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She rewarded him with the usual frown, but if anything, it was fiercer than usual. “Um...thanks.” She popped off the lid and glanced into the cup.

As he watched her take a deep inhale, a look of pleasure on her face replacing the frown, Cameron experienced a sense of satisfaction. In a roundabout way, he had put that look on her face.

She re-covered the cup and took a sip.

To avoid the risk of Sandy turning and finding him watching her drink his gift as though he was a lovesick teen, Cameron focused his attention on Lydia, who was looking from Sandy to him and grinning.

Sandy grinned, too.

He didn’t trust that sassy grin. “So, what were you girls talking about?”

“We were talking about smacking you over the head with a frying pan.”

Three years of Sandy’s insults should’ve prepared him, but even with the sassy grin as a warning, she still caught him by surprise. “Whatever for?”

Sandy opened her mouth at the same time Lydia chimed in. “Because you tugged her hair.”

“I tug your hair all the time. Do you want to hit me also?”

She wiped her mouth on her sleeve before Sandy could reach for a tissue. “No. My daddy used to tug my hair like that when I was little. But then he died.” She bit a piece off the ice cream cone, her feet swinging under the table. “I like it when you do it. It’s like I have a daddy again.”

Cameron’s heart melted. “Then I’ll do it all the time.”

“Mummy said,” she continued. “When a boy pulls a girl’s hair, it means he likes her. So you must like Sandy.”

He most certainly did like Sandy—more than liked her—and had for the better part of three years. “Do you think Sandy likes me?”

Sandy made a choking sound as though her coffee had gone down the wrong way.

Lydia reached out and gave his shoulder a sympathetic pat. “I don’t think so. She wants to hit you with a frying pan. That really hurts.”

He couldn’t suppress his laughter even if he wanted to. “You won’t hit me with a frying pan, would you, princess?”

Lydia smiled and shook her curls, making them tumble in wild disarray around her head.

“See?” He tugged on one of Sandy’s blonde curls just for the hell of it...and because he couldn’t lose the desire to touch her. “At least one female likes me.”

Sandy glared at him, but he noticed the tiny, playful smile at the corners of her mouth. “Will you stop that?” Her hand shot out and swatted his arm. Her mouth fell open in a surprised O. Too late, she realised what hitting him meant.

Cam laughed as he stood and held out a hand to Lydia. “I think Sandy likes me after all,
. What do you think?”

The little girl rewarded him with a pink ice cream smile, her eyes wide with excitement as she gave him an exaggerated nod.

Sandy groaned, threw her free hand in the air, and glanced up to the heavens.

Unable to resist teasing her, Cam sent her a wink, completely unaffected by her scowl. What he wouldn’t give to lean down and kiss her. He couldn’t wait for the charity ball. The chance to steal a dance with Sandy rooted anticipation deep in his belly.

Only a few more days and he’d have the perfect excuse to hold her in his arms.


he Limo pulled up to an extravagant white residence that looked more like an eastern European palace than a private house. Spotlights illuminated the manicured grounds—beautiful flowerbeds, and a huge fountain featuring a couple locked in each other’s arms as they kissed under a waterfall.

The chauffeur opened the door.

Sandy slid along the bench seat behind Daniel and Jamie as they stepped out onto the decorative concrete drive into the October night.

When a chilled breeze drifted over her bare shoulders, Sandy pulled her white fake-fur wrap snug around her. Strains of merriment drifted from the house as the three of them thanked the chauffeur and headed to the main entrance behind another group of arrivals.

Two huge white pillars bracketed a Coat of Arms above large gilded double doors, which opened as they drew near.

“Good evening. Invitation?” The door attendant held out his large hand as they stepped into the marbled hall. An impression of gilded ceilings, lead crystal chandeliers, and yellow topaz marble created an elegant setting.

The plump-faced door attendant gave the black type on each glossy red and white invitation card a cursory glance before nodding them on.

“Thank you,” Sandy muttered as another attendant took their wraps and coats. She headed up the long marble stairs behind the rest of the group to the ballroom. So far, everything about this house astounded her. From the well-kept grounds, to the fabulous gold leaf on just about everything, but most of all, the marble walls and floors enthralled her.

Daniel gave a low whistle while Jamie chuckled and wrapped her hand around his arm. “I have a great feeling the charity is about to do very well tonight.”

Sandy let her gaze slide over the large, elegant room as she sought to single out their host. Not because she was desperate to see Cam after a whole three days without him popping into the agency. And not because she missed him. She was merely looking for Cameron in the hope he would introduce them to the owner of this house. She was dying to ask about its history. Some kind of royalty lived here, and if she got to spend time with Cameron as a result, she wasn’t going to complain.

Just when she was about to give up the search, she spotted him amidst a small group of men. Her heart leapt and her stomach followed. Though he stood with other men of similar dress, he was somehow more distinctive. His black designer tuxedo appeared classier; the quarter inch satin strip running down the side of his trouser leg added a sleek contrast to the matte black material. He’d left the single button on his jacket open to reveal the red silk cummerbund, which hugged his flat stomach in a way that overworked her imagination.

The way he filled out a tux taunted her mind with intimate questions. Were his shoulders as broad as they appeared? Or was the incredible width of his chest emphasized by his white tuxedo shirt?
If his chest was as masculine as it seemed, did it give way to a muscled abdomen with a fine line of hair trailing down the middle?

A waitress paused in front of them, indicating the tray she palmed at shoulder height. “Champagne?”

Grateful for the waitress’s interruption, Sandy grabbed for a glass at the same time Daniel did, as if the alcohol was a lifeline to her sanity. Cameron was not the man she should be fantasizing about. Besides, for all she knew he was skinny and unfit under that superb tuxedo.

Daniel smiled at the waitress, a cute dimple appearing in his right cheek. “Can you get my wife a cranberry juice?”

“Sure.” She turned but not before sliding her gaze over Daniel with a smile that was way too friendly.

Chuckling in response to her blatant interest, he placed one hand over the slight bump under Jamie’s red silk dress while his other hand, holding the champagne flute, hugged her to his side. “We’re having our second baby.” He turned his gaze to look deep into Jamie’s amused eyes. From her relaxed reaction, she was used to women reacting to Daniel, and was secure enough in her marriage not to let such unconcealed female attention toward her husband affect her. “Isn’t my wife the most beautiful woman in the world?” His voice was low, deep, and sincere.

Sandy almost sighed when his lips slanted over Jamie’s. She cleared her throat. “She’s gone. I think she got the message. You love your wife.”

She drank down the bubbly liquid in her glass. She wanted what Jamie had—a husband who would kiss her in the middle of a public function as an effective communication to all women that she was the only woman he wanted. A man who didn’t care about money, whose life didn’t revolve around seeking pleasures without commitment or responsibilities.

And most definitely not a playboy like her father, who was happy to keep her mother as his mistress, his bit of fun for a while, until she’d fallen pregnant with Sandy. Then she’d lost her appeal. Benjamin had turned his back on them the day Penny had shared the news of her pregnancy with him.

She’d never met her father, and never wanted to. He didn’t want her, and she didn’t want him—or any man even a little like him.


he theme for the ball was black, white, and red.

The guests all wore varying combinations of the dress code, but only one woman held Cameron’s interest, and she stood not six feet away, holding a champagne glass as she chatted with Jamie and Daniel Jacob.

Sandy had her long golden curls swept up into a sophisticated style that allowed a few tendrils to hang in soft wisps around her face. The ones brushing her neck urged him to sneak up behind her, sweep them aside and kiss her nape.

“So who is she?”

Cam dragged his attention from Sandy and glanced at his buddy, Justin Knight, who was standing next to him. He met Justin five years ago when he was searching for a well-equipped sports shop and found Knight Sports, the successful high-end sporting goods company Justin owned. They’d become fast friends once Cam discovered Justin was as crazy about extreme sports as he was.

“A very special lady.” They both turned to get a better look at Sandy.

“Special as in you’re interested in her, but she doesn’t feel the same about you?” Justin gave him a you-poor-sap grin.

“Oh she feels something. I haven’t figured out what it is yet.”

Cam’s gaze travelled over Sandy. The ankle length red dress hugged her slender curves in a way that let everyone know the body under it was toned and fit.

“Have mercy,” he muttered as he snagged a champagne flute from a passing waiter and let his attraction for Sandy tug him in to join her little group. They’d finished eating about half hour ago and most of the guests now mingled or populated the dance floor. He would’ve liked to sit next to Sandy while they ate the five-course meal, but he knew someone would out him. For now, he’d rather Sandy didn’t know whom he was.

“Hi, Cam. Great do.” Daniel slapped him on the back when he joined them. “But I have to tell you, my wife has fallen in love with your—”

“Do you mind if I steal Sandy away for a dance?” He couldn’t let Daniel finish. Not when he had a pretty good idea what the other man was about to say. He took Sandy’s flute and placed it along with his own on a passing tray, before guiding her to the dance area with a hand on her lower back.

She stopped halfway to their destination as if only just realising what had happened. “How about asking me if I want to dance with you?”

She was cute when she was annoyed.

He gave her his most charming smile. “I’d be very honoured if you would take pity on me, princess, and dance with me.”

She stepped back. “Sorry, Cameron. My dance card is full.”

As she took a couple of steps away from him, Cameron felt a desperation he’d never experienced before. If he didn’t get Sandy to spend time with him outside of work, he didn’t stand a chance of moving past colleague status. He wanted her to see him as much more than a co-worker. He wanted it more fiercely than he’d wanted a puppy at six years old.

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