Read More Than Friends Online

Authors: Susan Mallery

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

More Than Friends (25 page)

BOOK: More Than Friends
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His tongue traced her mouth, circling round and round, ignoring her parted lips and the invitation to enter. She waited, but he only teased. At last, she cupped his head and forced him to be still, then gently captured his tongue in her teeth.

“That’ll teach me,” he murmured when she set him free.

His hands moved to her waistband. After undoing the button and zipper, he knelt and pulled her jeans and panties to the floor. At his urging, she stepped out of the pile of clothing, but when she would have moved to the bed, he held her in place.

He kneaded her derriere and nipped the soft skin on the inside of her knee. Slowly, agonizingly, he inched up. She placed her hands on his shoulders for support. When he’d almost reached the top of her inner thigh, he retreated and began with the other leg. Her breathing came in ragged gasps. In the background, the tape machine clicked as it switched to the other side of the tape. Their song began again.

This time, when he had nibbled his way to the top of her leg, he leaned closer and kissed her stomach just above the triangle of pale hair. One hand slipped between her legs. A single finger unerringly found the core of her desire and began to circle—slowly. Touching, then not touching. And always slow and steady.

Her grip tightened as her knees began to buckle. He caught her as she fell, then he settled her on the bed. The bedspread had been pulled back exposing pale sheets. Before she’d even rested her head on the pillow, his hand moved against her, creating unbearable tension and a long lasting heat.

“This time,” he murmured as he lowered his head toward her breast. “You’re not going to stop at the last minute.”

“If you insist,” she breathed, then bit down on her lip when his tongue stroked across her nipple.

He braced himself on one arm, the teasing at her breasts matching the languid pace below. Her muscles tensed and released in a rhythm she could not control. She wanted to make him go faster, no—slower. Her head rolled from side to side. It didn’t matter, she realized.

“Just don’t stop,” she whispered.

There had been pleasure before, she thought as her knees spread to allow him greater freedom. Soaring releases and sizzling falls. But never had she been forced to surrender so completely.

She felt herself rising quickly to the peak. Instantly he stopped, forcing her back into an agonized state of waiting. The tension dissipated; her muscles relaxed. Only when her breathing returned to something close to normal did he start again. Slower this time, barely moving. Yet the touch—perfect in its pressure—sent her spiraling higher, closer. She passed the place that would have released her before. Now she needed more. He took her where she’d never been.

Twice more she saw her ecstacy; twice more he stopped. A fine sheen of perspiration covered her body. All had ceased to exist, save this moment and the glory of his embrace. Every inch, every pore vibrated. She shook with need. The pleasure swept over her, even as she climbed higher toward a destination she no longer recognized. And still they danced.

Then the tempo changed. His fingers moved faster. He leaned over and suckled her breasts, drawing her nipple in and gently sawing the tip with his teeth. Heat raced over her, starting at her toes and sweeping up.

“This time,” she whispered with her last coherent breath. He couldn’t stop again. Any more would send her into another dimension.

It began quietly. She almost didn’t notice the subtle shifting in her body, the tiny flame that glowed. Small nerve endings quivered, then a few more until her whole being gave itself to the release. She heard words and knew they were hers, but couldn’t understand the meaning. She spoke Chase’s name, felt him urging her to plunge into the fire. She felt tears on her face. With a last flare, the heat consumed her.

In the aftermath, he held her close. His warmth and power gave her strength. When his lips sought hers, she gave back with a passion that surprised her. His exquisite pleasuring of her body had left her sated, yet now that she had experienced being loved by him, she wanted more.

Shifting slightly, until she was on her side and he was on his back, she sought to give back his gift. Her hands traced patterns across his broad chest. The crisp hairs tickled her sensitized skin.

“You feel great,” he said, as her breasts teased his abdomen.

“So do you.”

As her tongue followed a path down his chest, he leaned forward and kissed her neck. Her fingers slid across his flat belly and circled around his navel. After moistening her pinkie, she delicately plunged it inside.

He swore softly and stiffened, then continued his exploration of her jaw.

She moved her hand lower until she cupped his hardness. Moving slightly, she felt for the closure of his jeans. She giggled.

He bit down on her earlobe. “It’s not a good idea to laugh when you first touch a man’s, ah, the, ah, evidence of his desire.”

“What?” She glanced up at him. “Oh, no. It’s lovely.”

“Yeah. Right.”

“Chase.” She chuckled again. “I mean I’m impressed with the size of your—”

He bit down again. “I believe this is what we call a matter of too little, too late.”

She sat up, but left her hand on his crotch. “The reason I laughed is because you’re wearing button-fly jeans.”


“Back in high school you used to wear them sometimes.”


“I always worried.” She glanced down, then realized she was sitting naked in his bed after having had the most incredible experience of her life. Embarrassment wasn’t possible. “I used to hope that you’d be wearing zip-up jeans if we ever made love.”

He raised up onto his elbows. “Why would it matter?”

“With a zipper, I could pull it down by the tab. With a button-fly, I didn’t know how I’d get it undone without touching…it.”

He grinned and tugged on her arms until she was stretched out next to him. “I thought touching `it’ was the purpose of the exercise.”

“Not for a seventeen-year-old virgin.”

“I see.” He kissed her. “And have you recovered from your reticence?”

“Oh, yes.”

She proved her point by undoing the jeans and pulling them off his legs. His briefs followed. Then she touched him. Slowly, thoroughly, her hands stroked the thick length, readying him, teasing as she had been teased.

And when his voice grew rough and his arousal throbbed, she took the protection he handed her and slipped it onto him. He rose over her, his knees pressing against her thighs, his hands clasping hers. Inch by inch, heartbeat by heartbeat, he filled her. The rocking of his hips started her on the path she had recently taken. The tape machine clicked, reversing the cassette again. The song began. She grew closer, hotter, wetter, more ready, more aroused. Her eyelids threatened to drift shut, but she forced them open—forced herself to stare into his soul, knowing hers was equally exposed. Her body trembled, matched the movements of his. The song played on and with one final thrust they clung in mutual release.

And still they danced.


Jenny stirred against him, her long legs shifting and tangling with his.

“I’m hungry,” she said, then bit his shoulder. “Feed me or lose me forever.”

He glanced down at her. “I told you to eat more at the diner.”

“I couldn’t. I was nervous.”

“And now?”

Her slow smile made him feel as if he’d been awarded first prize. “Now I’m not.”

“I happen to know there’s food downstairs,” he said, sitting up and reaching for his jeans.

“I don’t know,” she teased. “I understand that this is a pretty formal place. Would it be all right to just invite ourselves?”

He tossed her his shirt. “I have an in with the owner.”

At the top of the stairs, Jenny gazed longingly at the banister. “Did you ever slide down when you were a kid?”

“Lots of times. My father only caught me once, but there sure was hell to pay.” He frowned at the memory, then pushed it away. “Want to try?”

She shook her head.

“Come on,” he urged. “It’s easy. I’ll even go down to the bottom and catch you.”

“I can’t.” She half turned away, then raised the tail of his shirt to expose her bare derriere. “No bottoms. I’d stick.”

The sight of her long, shapely leg, curvy hips and rear had an instant reaction.

“Come here,” he growled, reaching for her.

“Chase. What about food?”

“In a minute.” He lowered his mouth to hers. His hands cupped her warm flesh and pressed her against his sudden hardness. Her whimper of surrender had him smiling.

“I’ll give you a break this once,” he said, stepping back. “Last one to the kitchen has to cook
clean up.”

“What? Oh, you—”

She raced after him, but with his head start, she didn’t have a chance. He was already sitting at the table when she ran in.

“You cheated!” she said as she came to a halt beside him. The white shirt covered her from neck to midthigh, but her full breasts moved freely under the fabric.

“I learned that from you. Besides, I’m faster.”

“What do you want?” she asked, moving toward the refrigerator.

“Anything that’s easy.”

Chase joined her and reviewed the contents.

While she made sandwiches, he served up cold salads the housekeeper had made. Somehow, they’d never made time for the champagne, so he opened a bottle of white wine. After they’d settled across from each other, he poured them each a glass, and proposed a toast.

“To us,” he said.

She smiled. “To us.” She sipped, then glanced around. “I think this kitchen is the same size as my house.”

He shook his head. “I’ve been in your place. The kitchen is definitely bigger.” He chewed a bite of sandwich. “When I was a kid, I used to eat in here a lot. My father didn’t come home for dinner much after my mom passed on. Except on Sundays.”

“I remember. You used to have to leave for home early and put on a suit.”

“Yeah. It was his way of making sure I’d be comfortable in the business world. I used to pray for simple meals. After about three forks, I always got lost on which one to use.”

Jenny leaned her elbow on the table and propped her head on her hand. “You miss him.”

“No.” Her green eyes held him. Lingering passion left the pupils wide and dark, and he found himself forced to speak the truth. “Okay, yeah, I do. I didn’t expect to.” He took a sip of wine. “I thought once he was gone, I’d forget all about him. But I can’t. I don’t think I ever will.”

love you. As much as William Jackson could love anyone. I know he was pleased you were with him at the end.”

“Maybe.” He remembered the old man’s harsh words, his assumption of Chase’s failure. “I’m glad I was there, that I could hold his hand as he died. I told him—” He shrugged and looked down at his plate. “Right before he died, I felt him squeezing my fingers. I don’t know if he could hear me, but I told him that I cared. That I was proud to be his son. At the time, I think I believed it.”

Jenny rose from her seat and came around the table. She cupped his jaw and forced him to look at her, then she kissed him gently on the lips and settled on his lap.

“Hold me,” she whispered. “Hold me.”

She was asking for comfort, but he was the one being healed. Her body curved into his. The sound of her breathing, the steady beat of her heart, grounded him in the world, while her arms gave him the support to let go.

He felt the burning behind his eyes. He couldn’t cry today, but soon he’d be able to mourn. Then he’d move on.

“I love you, Chase,” she whispered, raising her head so their eyes met. “I’ll love you forever.”

The conviction in her gaze and voice humbled him.

“Come with me,” he said.


“Come back to Phoenix with me. Not because I want to fix you or make up for the past, but because you want to. We belong together.”

She started to stand up, but he held her fast. “Jenny, please.”

“Don’t,” she said, trying to pull away.

“I need you,” he said. “I can’t give you up now, not after all this time.” Her body stiffened, but still he didn’t release her.

“I can’t,” she said at last. “I’m tempted, but—”

“Then give in. For once in your life, do what you want, rather than what you should.”

“That’s easy for you to say.”

She pressed against him again and he let her go. The tails of his white shirt flapped against her bare legs as she paced from one end of the kitchen to the other.

“You want to say yes.”

“Of course.” She paused by the counter and glared at him. “Imagine. Your house in the desert, the chance to fulfill a dream I’ve had to ignore for eleven years. Being with you. Why wouldn’t I want to?”


“No! It’s not that simple. Look at you. Even now you’re still playing the powerful man around town. You’ve come back and you’ve won. You faced everyone down, flaunted your success, saved the mill and been declared a hero. I’m the only loose end.”

“You’re a hell of a lot more than that and you know it.” He rose to his feet. “Dammit, Jenny. Didn’t tonight mean anything to you?”

She folded her arms across her chest. “Of course. I love you. But—” She stared at the ground, then looked back up at him. “Can you say the same?”


“Stop!” She held up one hand. “I didn’t mean to back you into a corner. I was just trying to show you that we want different things. You still want to make it right. I know you care, but you can’t let go of the past.”

She walked toward the hallway. Before she stepped out of the kitchen, she paused. “The bottom line is I have obligations here. People who depend on me. A life that is important and fulfilling. You’ve never once acknowledged that, or tried to understand it.”

Chapter Thirteen

enny stood in the doorway and waited for the explosion. He would hate her now, ask her to leave, never see her again. The silence grew and grew until it breathed down her back like a great beast.

“Don’t do this,” he said quietly. “Don’t tear us apart.”

“I’m not.”

“Yes, you are. Come with me.”

She shook her head. “I can’t.”

BOOK: More Than Friends
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