More Than Meets the Ink (10 page)

Read More Than Meets the Ink Online

Authors: Elle Aycart

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Erotic Contemporary

BOOK: More Than Meets the Ink
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“And you do, sweetheart. You don’t have a clue how much you tempt me. I’d do anything now to please you.”

“Are…are you naked?”

“I’m so hard for you I can’t wear clothes. It feels like they’re strangling my dick. I still remember how it felt to be inside you, so tight, so damn hot. I close my eyes and I’m back there, between your legs, driving inside you.”

“Are you…?”

“Don’t be shy, ask away.”

“…touching yourself?”

“Do you want me to?” His low, sexy voice rumbled through her.


“Good, we’re both on the same page then.”

She imagined James stroking his cock, pearls of precum on the crown, and she felt her lower belly spasm, more heat rushing to her already saturated folds. “Next time I get the chance, it’ll be Boys’ Happy Hour. All for you.” She’d lavish his cock, kiss and stroke it, bring him in her throat, and rake her teeth gently over his distended veins. “I want to see you lose control.”

“Control? I don’t have any control around you, haven’t you realized that yet? Now take you panties off, sweetheart,” he ordered in a rough voice, his breath shallow.

She shimmied out of her panties, trying not to sound out of breath.

“Are you wet?”

She was, sopping wet actually. “Yes.”

“Good, I want you to slide your hand down, slowly, and touch yourself. Think of me fucking that pretty pussy. Pet your folds, your clit, tug at that wicked ring. And I want you to tell me all the time what you’re doing.”

“Um…okay. My panties were damp, James. So damp they even clung to my folds. I’m naked now. The ball in the piercing is on my clit, slightly pressing at it,” she said as she circled it with the tip of her index finger. Her hips began to roll up of their own volition. “Maybe you’re right, maybe my clit isn’t so insignificant.”

“Of course not, princess; it’s perfect.”

It was funny how much his acceptance meant to her. “My folds are wet and swollen. And I feel empty. I need you.”

He groaned. “I want you to slide your fingers inside that juicy place. One finger. Now close your eyes and imagine how it’s going to feel when it’s my cock in there, pushing to get in, pumping you. I can’t wait to feel your pussy clamping around me. I’ll be in heaven. So tight. So good.”

She pressed one finger in, rubbed her clit with the palm of her hand, and whimpered.

“Yes, like that, whimper a little more for me, baby. I can almost see you thrashing on that bed. Now slide in a second finger. There’s so many things I want to do to you, so many ways I want to take you, you won’t be able to walk properly for a couple of days after I get my hands on you.”


“And I’ll fuck that pretty mouth too, come deep in your throat.”

She whimpered again at that image, and her hips lifted to her hand. Her clit was throbbing with need, tension gathering behind it with unstoppable force. “James…I…”

His voice was hoarse. “Are you getting close, princess? I bet your thighs are tensing, your hips lifting up, searching for me. Yes, there are those sexy little moans you let out when you’re getting ready to shout your release. Your back arched, your head thrown back, I can see you as if I were there. Let me have it, babe; come for me. I’m almost there too.”

Her climax thundered through her with an intensity that surprised her. Who would have guessed, but James’s voice was better than all the sex toys she had at home. Way better.

“James?” she called at him some time after, her voice drowsy, her body still glowing with residual pleasure, slow to float back to reality. “Are you still there?”

He was breathing hard. “Yeah, princess, I’m here.”

“Sorry I was so fast…”

He chuckled. “Don’t apologize for coming. I was hanging on by my last thread too. I exploded the second I heard you. You are loud; your mom is probably rushing up the stairs as we speak.”

She rolled her eyes. “No, I’m not. And nobody heard me.”

“I heard you,” he murmured. “Thanks.”

She had to chuckle. “I think that’s my line.”

“Nah, thank you for letting me have my wicked way with you. Fucking hot. I never thought phone sex was for me, but I could easily get used to this.”

She stretched in bed like a content kitten. “I’m glad I was your first at something; it isn’t every day one gets to soil a boy’s sweet virginal Catholic soul with dirty talk. I feel so naughty; I’ll probably end up in hell.”

He laughed, the sound warming her, as if he were there, keeping her in his arms, cuddling her. “That wasn’t dirty talk; that was amazing. And you won’t end up in hell for it but in my bed instead, with me shoved deep inside you.”

“Maybe. Odds are badly against us though. We may die from unfulfilled lust before we can have sex in this resort. This place is more closely guarded than boot camp.”

He sighed. “True. The back of my pickup is starting to look like quite a desirable location.”

“Really? You’re taking me parking? Wow. I haven’t gone parking since high school. I think I may be too old for that though. Isn’t there an age limit for parking?”

She involuntarily yawned.

“I’m keeping you up. Go back to sleep, princess, and we’ll talk tomorrow.”

“Will you be able to sleep now?”

“Don’t worry about me. Sleep, babe.”

“Good night, James,” she heard herself saying before closing the connection.

She wasn’t fully awake anymore; she was floating, content. Pumped up on endorphins and on James. In a corner of her mind lurked the nasty impression this wasn’t real, and the higher she flew, the harder she’d fall.

She didn’t care.

* * *

It was barely noon, and the swimming pool area almost empty.

The second James spotted her, a wide smile broke across his face. She reciprocated shyly, blushing as red as a caramel apple. So cute, she must have been remembering their session of phone sex. He knew he was, effusively.

He winked at her and strode to the edge of the pool. “Hi, princess. How come this place is deserted?”

“Palm climbing and coconut cracking exhibition.”

“Ah.” How that one was so popular eluded him, especially when the crowd was barely mobile. “And your mom?”

“There with Mrs. Nicholson,” she answered, the embarrassment on her face slowly receding. “Apparently the guys climbing the palms are um…exotically dressed. As in almost not dressed at all.”

“So that’s the reason it’s so popular. How’s the water?”

“Great,” she said and splashed some on him.

Tate crossed her arms on the side of the pool, her chin resting on her forearms, her luscious ass popping up as she let her body float. He couldn’t see what she was wearing clearly, but that was no one-piece swimsuit but one of those fashionable bikinis that barely covered the essentials. Damn he was screwed, no way to preserve his male dignity and leave the towel currently covering his bulging groin on the chair without flashing his hard-on at her.

Well, whatever, she was soon going to notice it. Praying she wouldn’t look down, he strode to the shower, turned the icy-cold water on full power with little result, and then jumped into the pool. He swam over to her and pulled her into his arms for a long, wet, steamy kiss. She stiffened at first but soon relaxed. Maybe she was ashamed to be seen making out in public, but he wasn’t going to let her put up that kind of mental wall. Not after last night. He liked expressing affection, no matter where he was or who was looking at him—or how short-lived the relationship was bound to be.

“Hi,” he whispered against her lips.

She circled his neck at the same time that she wrapped her legs around his waist. “Morning,” she answered.

Nope, no problems with public displays of affection. He groaned with lust, holding her tighter in his arms and grinding his shaft against her core. Jesus, this was getting harder and harder—in all respects.

“I see you’re ready at all hours,” she said jokingly against his lips. Framed by those long, spiky, wet eyelashes, her pale eyes sparkled with mischief, and he had to close his to block the sight of her away. His eager mind, though, conjured the image of her bent over the edge of the pool, wet and moaning, eagerly taking his dick, pushing herself back at him for more.

Shit, that was not helping. He forced his eyes open.

“It doesn’t depend on me; it depends on you,” he stated in resignation.

She snorted in disbelief.

“It’s true, baby. You get near me, and in two seconds flat, I’m standing in full salute.” Well, in reality, all he had to do was think of her and voilà! Hard as granite. Ready to hammer nails with his dick. A hard-on girl through and through, leave it to his old man to be right about things like that.

“The cold shower didn’t help?”

“Nah.” He shook his head. “At this stage, nothing will, except for the real thing.”

“Maybe hot water will,” she offered, pushing him toward the Jacuzzi. “Hot water leaves me all gooey. Maybe it’ll have the same effect on you. You’re too tense; you need to relax.”

It might have worked, but as soon as they sat in the hot tub, he dragged her over his lap, her sweet ass nudging at his dick, and relaxation went out the window. No gooey effect for him this century. The water was fiercely bubbling, reaching up to his chest. She rested her head on him and sighed.

“Wouldn’t it be great to stop time? Just for a while. Stay in here just like this. No worries. No responsibilities.”

“Doesn’t work that way, princess.” And it was a pity because despite his blue balls, he liked having her in his arms. It felt…right. Go figure that one.

They were silent for a while. He had the nagging feeling Tate was musing about the restaurant. Something wasn’t right with it, but she wasn’t willingly forwarding any information, and he didn’t want to ask too much. Every time he’d done so, she’d avoided the whole subject, or worse, shut down and distanced herself from him. He needed to distract her from those thoughts; the last thing he wanted now was for her to close down.

He kissed the side of her neck. “So, did you sleep well last night?”

“Mmmm, sure I did. Didn’t you?”

“You’re being a tease,” he reprimanded, tightening his grip on her.

She giggled and tried to free herself. That lap dance had him praying to the skies for control. “Stop massaging my dick with your ass, sweetheart, or I’ll fuck you right here.”

She stopped right away. “James, about us having sex…”

“Having second thoughts, princess?”

“No, but we should have the sex talk before, don’t you think? Just in case. Actually, we should have dealt with it before the attempt butchered by your father.”

“Sex talk? You mean the bee and the flower sex conversation? Your parents should have taken care of that a long time ago. Mine did.”

She elbowed him. “No, you bozo, I meant the safe-sex conversation where the bee explains in detail to the flower how he’s always worn a raincoat while buzzing around, and how he’d never gotten entangled with dubious pollen.”

He laughed. “Ah, that sex conversation. Okay, I’ve always been a very responsible bee, the only exception was with Elaine. Before and after my marriage, I’ve been tested several times. No dubious pollen, that is, all negative to HIV and STDs. Strictly hetero. Last checkup was around six months ago. I wrap religiously, so I’m safe. What about you, flower girl?”

“Me too. Me and Aidan both got checked. I haven’t been with anyone since him, so I’m clean too.”

“Good. You see, now we know we’re both safe for the environment.”

She vibrated in silent laughter, her fingers running along his forearm. How she touched his arm and he managed to feel it all over his body was a mystery to him.

“I fear I know, but tell me, what does your kind think about faithfulness?”

He shook his head in resignation. She really didn’t get him; she was so stuck in thinking he was a “type,” she couldn’t see anything else.

“My kind? As in a bee or a black hole wrapped up in fancy paper? Be more specific, sweetheart, because it’s kind of difficult to keep up with your imagery. I’m going to have to watch more National Geographical Channel from now on. I’m lacking facts here.”

She turned to him and pouted. “You’re making fun of me.”

“No shit, sweetheart. You just make it too damn easy.”

She went very serious. “I want to ask you something, and I want you to be totally up front with me.”


“We haven’t talked about it, and I know we don’t have the kind of relationship that would give me any say about it, but I need to be absolutely sure you don’t have anyone back home waiting for you, because I don’t have sex with cheaters. No matter how casual the involvement and no matter how gorgeously sexy the cheater.”

She was so pretty. With her mane of hair slick against her back, her eyes looked huge. Damn expressive too. Now they were staring at him with uncertainty but resolution. He didn’t doubt for a minute that she’d slap him and leave him to dry if he were indulging in a little side affair, which he wasn’t. His type might; he didn’t.

“You think I’m sexy?”

She crossed her arms over her chest and breathed out hard. “That’s all you took from what I said?”

No, of course not, but he liked it when she berated him. It made him hot. Sick really. “No one back home. I’m not the cheating type. Despite my disreputable appearance,” he added with a mocking smile and kissed the tip of her nose. “One flower at a time, that’s my motto.”

“Good to know.” She turned around and rested her back to his chest.

They remained silent until he couldn’t hold it anymore. “Don’t you have anything to tell me? Or do you assume I’d be sleazy enough as not to care if I’m the only one in your bed?”

She snorted, her hand playing with the bubbles. “Of course.”

His tone hardened. “Is someone waiting for you back home, princess?”

She didn’t answer right away, continuing to play with the water. “I believe that’s none of your business, Mr. Black Hole. All you need to know is that I’m willing.” She was poking him on purpose, he could feel it in her demeanor, not that it made it less annoying.

“Humor me,” he insisted, his tone unyielding. He wasn’t sure where it came from, but he felt the unstoppable urge to fuck her into submission. Right there, never mind who was watching.

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