Morning After (A Reynolds Security Novel) (8 page)

BOOK: Morning After (A Reynolds Security Novel)
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"I had a really good time too sweetheart. You take care of your friend and I'll see you when you get back. You call me if you need anything at all okay. "

"I will."

Chapter 8

Erica paced her borrowed room not quite sure what to do with herself. She had spent many nights in this house as a child but never in the guest room. She and Zoe had often shared a twin bed over the years. Erica had never slept in this house apart from her friend. Now she felt set apart in more ways than one. Zoe had been quiet on the ride from the airport. She expected that but it seemed as if there was something more than that bothering her. Deciding she had to do something besides pace she headed for the hall.

Erica retrieved a couple of bottles from the liquor cabinet and headed back upstairs.  Zoe called her in when she knocked. Zoe's twin bed had been upgraded to a full sometime in high school and that's where she sat now with her laptop.  Erica slid onto the bed and offered her a bottle. She hesitated only a second before taking the bottle. They passed the bottle back and forth in silence for a few minutes before Zoe finally broke the silence.

"Thanks for coming."

"I wouldn't be anywhere else."

"I know." Zoe took another long swig. "Tell me about him."


"Boring Joe of course.
Isn't he the one who's put the secret in your eyes?"

"I have never been able to keep anything from you." Erica sighed.

"Nope, so you shouldn't even try." Zoe wasn't smiling but given the circumstances she wouldn't expect her to.

"There's not a lot to tell." Erica quickly told her about the non-dates they'd shared and the two hot kisses. "It's so fast I feel like I should stop and take a step back, but I just can't. Even though I know I should, I can't. I can't stop thinking about him." 

"Be careful Erica, I don't want to see you get your heart broken."

"I know."

And she did know. Erica had been there the one time Zoe had gotten her heart broken. Even though it hadn't been her own pain she had felt it acutely.

"Zoe," she whispered, "I am out of my element; what should I do?"

"I don't know." Zoe laughed bitterly, "I am the worst at relationships." Zoe took a swig from the bottle. "Play hard to get, that's what Cosmo says to do."  


Erica had every intention of playing hard to get and yet when she went back to her room she couldn't stop herself from calling Ethan.

"Hey there."
His voice was husky with sleep and Erica swiveled to the clock.

"Oh gosh, I woke you up again didn't I?"

"No problem, I am glad you called, it's good to hear your voice. I miss you all ready." Erica went warm at the words.  How could she play it cool when he was so sweet?

"I miss you too," she whispered.

"How is Zoe?"

"Oh, you know..." Erica sighed, "As well as could be expected I guess. Ethan was quiet for a moment.

"How are you?" The concern in his voice caused a lump in her throat. She didn't want to talk about how she was feeling; she didn't want to think about it.

"I killed a half a bottle of crown," she said instead.

"Really? You don't sound like it."

She sighed, "I think it was defective." He chuckled, causing now familiar warmth in her stomach.

"When are you coming home?" 

. Technically she was home, she was back where she'd grown up and yet now it didn't feel like home. Ethan felt like home. How long had she really known him? Not even a week yet? Only a weekend, she didn't know anything about him. This was moving way too fast. Suddenly she was scared sober. What was she doing? How could someone who was always so careful be so reckless?

"Erica?" Ethan's voice pierced her sudden awakening.

"I ah," she cleared her throat. "Next week some time. Monday or Tuesday I think."

"That long?"

"The funeral isn't until Friday."

"I see." She could hear the disappointment in his voice and that was sobering too. He didn't know her that well either. Was all the togetherness of the last few days calculated on his part?

"I should let you get some sleep," she said suddenly.


"Yeah?" He hesitated and she heard him take a breath.

"Call me if you need anything okay."

"I will."




She hadn't called. Since that first night he hadn't heard from her. He called her once and got voice mail. He left a message but she hadn't called him back. It felt distinctly like a brush off and it made his gut churn. 

"Let's go get a beer."  Jace said as he walked into Ethan's office without bothering to knock.

"I don't feel much like being a wing man." Ethan grumbled.

"I don't need a wing man. I do just fine on my own." Jace tried to sound offended.  "You could use a beer. Maybe it'll snap you out of this funk. You need to get laid; forget about this chick."

"I don't want to forget about her, I am not going to forget about her and I am damn sure not going to go get laid." Ethan growled, glaring at his best friend.

"I don't get it man. I have known you for a hundred years. I have never seen you act like this over a woman."

"I had never met this woman."

"Why, what is it about this woman?"

"I don't know.  The first time I saw her something just sort of... stuck. I can't really explain it."

"God, if you say the words love at first sight I'm taking your man card." 

Love at first sight. Was he in love? He didn't think so but he was definitely infatuated.

"Fine, one beer."
Ethan sighed.

Playing pool usually relaxed him but it wasn't doing the trick tonight. Friday night meant a live band and a full house.  It also meant that Jace was more interested in flirting and dancing than playing pool. Not that it mattered, there were plenty of competitors but playing with strangers wasn't the same. The band took a break and Ethan decided it was time to call it a night. He made his way through the crowd and told Jace he was leaving. He turned to do just that and ran into a woman standing behind him. Her pink frozen drink sloshed down the front of her. Ethan was mortified.

"Oh man I am so sorry. I didn't even see you. Let me replace your drink." Ethan grimaced, he sounded like a bad pickup line.

"That's okay." The woman said brushing off frozen pink slush. "It wasn't mine anyway it was for my friend."

"Well let me get you both a new drink."

"You don't have to do that."

"I insist." The woman finally looked up at him and smiled. She looked vaguely familiar but he couldn't place where he'd seen her. He followed her to the bar and bought two more pink concoctions. He followed her back to her table and was halfway there when he realized who the woman's friend was. It was Diane, Jace's new secretary. Jace had complained she was a sexual harassment lawsuit in the making and had taken to avoiding her. He couldn't help but wonder if Jace knew she was here tonight. 

"Hi Diane."
He squared his shoulders hoping that buying her a drink, he didn't know was for her, wouldn't send the wrong signal.

"Hi Ethan," she said brightly and he suddenly wished he hadn't told her to stop calling him Mr. Reynolds. He had only done it to annoy Jace. He placed the drink on the table in front of her.

"I spilled your last one." Diane glanced at the pink stain on her friend and smiled. 

"Ethan, this is my friend Jade. Jade, this is one of my bosses." The woman brushed her long brown hair back over her shoulder and smiled.

"All the more reason to forgive this little mishap. Why don't you join us for a drink?" Even if he had been inclined to join them he knew better than to get friendly with an employee.  He and Jace had been to all the harassment seminars; hell, they had given them. He focused on Jade instead.

"I would love to but I can't. I was just on my way out.
Rain check? It was great meeting you. I'll see you Monday Diane."  He made a hasty retreat not giving either woman a chance to protest. It occurred to him to warn Jace that Diane was there but he didn't want to wade back into the crowd.  Jace was on his own.


Erica watched Zoe as they boarded the plane. She didn't look good. She had dark circles under her eyes she looked like she hadn't been sleeping. Erica was worried. Zoe and her father had been so close, but she hadn't seen Zoe cry at all. She seemed angry. Erica knew the stages of grief all too well but she also knew her friend. Zoe was blocking her out, pushing her away. It hurt; they had been through everything together. She bit back a sigh reminding herself not to push. To let Zoe come to her.

The ride home from the airport was long and quiet. She and Zoe both had their cars there so Erica had to drive home alone. It had now been a week since she had spoken to Ethan. Her plan to slow down and gain a little space was not working. Despite telling herself it was what she needed to do, she wasn't happy. She didn't want to slow down, she wanted to see him, talk to him. Touch him. He had called once the day after she left but he hadn't called since. Maybe a little distance was all he needed to lose interest.  The idea made her sad; more than she was willing to admit.

The Raiders cap was still sitting on her bed right where she'd left it. She picked up the cap and hugged it to her chest. As much as she hated the team it reminded her of Ethan.


Since they didn't get in until after midnight Zoe and Erica agreed to let their employees open the shop and sleep in so Erica wasn't awake yet when the sound of the telephone cut through the air. She didn't move deciding that whoever it was could wait until she was awake. After cycling all the way through her ring tone the phone fell silent again and she settled back in her pillows but then there was a knock at the door. She groaned and rolled over just as Zoe came in.

"Erica, the shop has been vandalized." She said without preamble. Erica wondered if she was dreaming. She pinched her arm and winced.
Definitely not dreaming.

"What happened?"

"Someone threw a brick through the front window. We need to go down there. Shelly has already called the police." Erica threw back the covers and put her feet on the floor. She looked at the clock and groaned. She'd only gotten three hours of sleep. It was going to be a long day.


Erica wished she had stopped to make coffee before she left her house. She really needed it and the police wouldn't let her make coffee in the shop. There was glass everywhere. Every window in the front of the store had been broken. There was a brick with a note wrapped around it. The idea that someone had actually done that was so ludicrous that she nearly laughed. She might have if she hadn't been so angry.  There was yellow police tape across the front; even the sidewalk wasn't usable at the moment.

Zoe was pacing. Their employees Shelly and Max were sitting on the other side of the shop looking sullen. They had both been thoroughly interviewed by the police.  They had interviewed her too. Asked her who might have a grudge.
Whether or not she was insured. Where she had been. But they wouldn't tell her anything.  They wouldn't even tell her what the note said. As she sat there brooding she saw Ethan approach. Her heart gave a wild thump and it only served to irritate her further. She watched as he stopped and talked to a couple of the police officers that were still there.

"Sure they'll talk to him but not to me." She seethed silently. He finished talking to them and walked straight towards her. He didn't say anything he just handed her a travel mug. It was black but it was good and she felt the irritation she had been holding onto start to melt.

"Thank you." She had forgotten how blue his eyes were. How could she have forgotten that?

"When did you get back?"

"Late last night."

"You look tired."

"Just what every girl longs to hear." She said dryly and he smirked. "Great way to wake up, huh?" She gestured at the mess.

"Any idea
who could have done this?"

"No. They won't even tell me what the note said." She glared in the direction of the officers that weren't paying any attention to her. Ethan glanced over his shoulder at the officer he had been talking to and she saw his jaw clench.

"You know what it said." She sat up straighter and he turned and met her eyes.

"It said, ‘stay away’."

"Stay away? That's it? Stay away from where? Here?"  He watched her forehead wrinkle up in thought and longed to reach out and smooth the lines with his fingers. He longed to pull her into his arms and assure her that he would fix everything. But he held his ground reminding himself that he needed to go slow for her.

One of the officers called to her that she was free to begin cleaning up and she sighed and pushed to her feet.

"Need some help?" Ethan offered knowing she would turn him down.

"Thanks." She finally smiled at him and he felt like he could breathe again. "I think I have enough help." He bent and kissed her, quickly while she was still off guard and didn't see it coming. Despite the surprise she returned the kiss with the same vigor she had the first time.

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