Mosaic (38 page)

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Authors: Leigh Talbert Moore

BOOK: Mosaic
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You just didn’t know about it.

Meeting Lucy for lunch, come with. Will send deets.

Love you.

She froze staring at the words and trying to remember how to breathe. In all the times they were together last night, they’d said so many things, but they hadn’t said that. Or maybe they had? There were so many ways to tell a person you loved them apart from using three little words.

I love you. Xxx



* * *


LuLu’s was crowded as always for a Saturday in April, but Lucy had managed to find a large table overlooking the playground. She stood and waved when the three of them entered the open-air restaurant on the canal.

“Oh my gawd!” She ran forward, grabbing Jules in a tight embrace. “You’re gorgeous. The most amazing combination—just like I said. And you’re an artist?”

Jules nodded. “And a writer.”

Anna leaned forward and kissed her friend. “
are gorgeous as always. Where are these boys?”

“Out on the play maze. I’m fat as a cow after Meggie. I think I gained fifty pounds.”

“I don’t know where you’re hiding it.”

They went to the table, where Meggie was in a carrier on an upside-down booster chair. Jules went straight to the white-haired infant and picked her up. “Oh! She’s so cute!”

“You can walk out and chat with the boys if you’d like.” I pointed over the railing where two skinny blond boys and one husky brunette were making their way around a rope maze.

She shrugged and headed to the entrance, Lucy’s infant over her shoulder.

“I went on and ordered sweet tea for everybody, but get whatever you want. I just didn’t want the kids to be thirsty. It’s so hot.”

“Julian’s joining us,” Anna took a seat across from her friend.

“I know! He told me. Are you about to

Gabi fake-coughed too loudly, and Anna gave her an annoyed smirk. “I’m not sure what you mean, but I did see him yesterday.”

“And spent the niiiight.” Gabi pretended to murmur behind her hand before she took a pull from her straw.

“OH, YAY!” Lucy clapped. “So you’re getting back together? That is so great. Can I help plan the wedding?”

“Hang on—slow down!” Anna held her hands up.

“What? You’re thinking you won’t get back together?” Lucy’s light brows were clutched over her eyes.

Anna’s eyes drifted over the railing out to the rope maze where Jules stood watching the boys, Meggie contentedly perched on her shoulder. “We have a lot of bridges to cross before we start talking matrimony.”

“Oh, please. She’ll love Julian.
loves Julian.”

Anna laughed, looking down and remembering the first time she’d heard those words out of Lucy Kyser’s mouth, only they were about her twin brother.

“Is Jack joining us?”

Lucy’s eyes darted around the room. “Oh, well… I didn’t know if that would be a good idea with Julian and you and all.”

“Lucy! Text him right now and tell him to come!”

“Are you sure?” But she was already typing on her phone.

Gabi took a packet of melba toast out of the narrow basket on the table. “Might as well smash them all together in one fell swoop.”

A warm hand touched Anna’s back, and she looked up into the eyes that sent her insides bursting into a shower of fizzy sparkles.

“I hope I’m not too late.” Julian bent down to plant a light kiss on her lips. More fizzy sparkles.

Lucy let out a peal of laughter. “I’m so right! And I called it. Don’t you dare go hiring anyone else to plan it.”

“Oh my god.” Anna complained under her breath. Then she jumped to the side. “Ouch!”

Gabi’s elbow was digging into her side. “He
better.” Her best friend hissed in her ear.

“Gabi, hey!” Julian reached over the table to hug her, and it was possible her best friend, the very serious astrophysicist almost fainted.

Julian sat in the chair beside Anna and leaned forward toward his sister. “Okay, I’m just going to be honest with all of you, since we’re all friends here…” He rubbed his palms on the front of his black jeans. “I’m kind of nervous.”

“Can you possibly get any cuter?” Lucy shook her head at him, but Anna kissed his cheek.

“Don’t be nervous. She’s out there holding Meggie if you want to spy.”

“I haven’t even seen Meggie.” He sat up straighter, looking over the railing and frowned. “But I don’t see anybody out there except the boys.”

“Looking for me?” Jules’s voice was terse, and the four grownups sat back quickly in their chairs. Meggie was squirming and grunting.

“Oh, my little piggy’s hungry!” Lucy laughed. “I swear she eats more than the boys ever did.”

She rose, taking the infant from Jules and walked quickly towards the back of the restaurant. Anna stood, hoping against hope her daughter would reserve judgment.

“Jules, I know you kind of already bumped into each other. This is your dad. Julian.”

Julian studied his daughter, and it seemed he could read what was happening behind her narrowed blue eyes, identical to his.

“Hullo, Dad.” A definite tone of sarcasm soured their daughter’s greeting.

Julian’s lips puckered into a frown as he coolly watched her take a seat. “Jules.”

“You’re the old tosser I met at the beach. What’s new in the world of wankdom?”

“Jules.” Anna’s voice had a tone of warning, but Gabi jumped up.

“Hey, I’m going to check on Lucy. It must be crap balls trying to nurse in a public bathroom.”

Anna’s best friend left, and the three of them were alone. For a moment, nobody spoke then Julian took the lead.

“So hey, Jules. Trust me, I know. It sucks air not having a dad for sixteen years. I’m sorry about that.”

“He didn’t know.” Anna hummed under her breath. “Jules, if you’d just say whatever’s on your mind, we can at least try to address it.

“Yeah?” Her voice rose, and she put both hands on the table. “I read your sodding
blog, Mum. I know he was shagging some chav named Renee, and that’s why you left. He’s not just a wanker, he’s a sodding git.”

Julian leaned back in his chair and snorted a laugh. “Wow. First, that was freaking awesome. I don’t think I’ve ever been insulted so well. Second, you kept a private blog?”

“Oh my god, Jules! You what?! Things were in there you should
have read!” Anna covered her burning cheeks with her hands. Then she lowered them fast. “What the hell were you doing reading my private blog? It was

“Mum. You are
a divvy. You put me in your bedroom for two days then you leave a thumb drive labeled ‘Anna’s private blog’ in your desk? Like I’m not going to read that?”

“It’s called invasion of
, young lady. I have never done anything like that to you.”

“Can we all just take a breath?” Julian reached forward and lifted one of the drinks off the table. He took a long sip then winced. “Damn, sweet,

“I love it.” Jules grabbed the one nearest her and took a long swig. “Sweet iced tea is the best part of America.”

“Jules… part of what your father and I discussed last night was the
he told me back then.”

Her daughter cut disbelieving eyes at both of them. “Really. The lie. That sounds mighty convenient. Did you make that up on the spot, old chap?”

Julian laughed again. “We are seriously going to be tight. Eventually.”

“He didn’t tell me. Rachel told me. It wasn’t possible for them to be together.” She turned to Julian. “Renee had already gone.” He looked down at his hands as she continued. “You said that… to make me take the job.” Her eyes were hot. “And I slapped you so hard.”

“Stop.” He reached forward and slid a thumb under her eye. “You’re forgetting I was still really mad about what I thought was going on with you and Jack.”

“Wait.” Jules’s mouth fell open, and she wasn’t even trying to close it. “You’re saying it really
a lie? You weren’t shagging bloody Renee?”

“Hey! Somebody knows I’m a sucker for a British accent.” Jack’s friendly voice made Anna jump two feet.

“Jack! Oh my goodness.” Anna stood and he gave her a quick peck. She motioned to a chair beside Jules. “Please sit. Lucy’s in the restroom feeding Meggie.”

“Mother of flippin Christ.” Jules hissed as she slouched back in her chair.

“He has that effect on all the females in our family.” Julian took a pull from the straw in his drink and frowned again. “It just doesn’t get better.”

“Hey, man.” Jack reached a hand across to his brother. “How’s it hanging around the office. How’s Dad?”

Julian returned his shake. “Good. Put that degree to work and see if you can figure out why he keeps having these spells.”

Jack’s expression fell slightly. “I’m a pediatric surgeon. The bodies I work on are usually a little stronger.”

“Is something wrong with your dad?” Anna’s brow creased, but Lucy interrupted all of it.

“We’re all here! I hope you don’t mind, I just went and ordered a little bit of everything for the table.” Meggie was over her shoulder and an entourage of servers was behind her placing several Cheeseburgers in Paradise, seafood baskets, and two chicken wraps on the table. “Those are for us,” she whispered in Anna’s ear.

“Looks great, sis.” Jack stood and kissed his sister’s cheek then took baby Meggie from her again.

“Are you planning to steal her?” Anna laughed, watching the infant nuzzle into her uncle’s neck.

“I might.” He winked, and Julian’s hand moved to Anna’s thigh under the table.

She reached down and covered it with her own then she leaned over and kissed his ear. “I love you,” she whispered before straightening back up.

He leaned back, looking over her shoulder. “I’m sensing a shortage.”

“Jack, this is our daughter…” Anna paused to stifle a laugh. “Juliet.”

“No shit!” Jack exclaimed.

“Jack!” Lucy cried. “This is why Meggie can’t hang with Uncle Jackie once she’s able to talk.”

“I’m sorry. You caught me off-guard.” He rubbed the baby’s back before nodding toward Anna. “My apologies. I had no idea you had a kid.”

“At least I wasn’t the only one.” Julian straightened in his chair, but Jules was watching her dad closely.

“It’s really cool to meet you, Jules.” Jack continued. “I’m your uncle, and trust me. Your parents have been in love since… well, hell. Before I came along and screwed it all up.”

“You didn’t—” Anna started, but Julian’s hand on her thigh tightened. She started to laugh. “Welcome to your family. It’s still evolving, but hopefully the worst is behind us now.”



Chapter 6



Julian arrived at the house in Fairview an hour early to pick up Anna and Gabi for the final reunion event. It was a formal affair, so he wore a suit and tie, and while the women finished dressing, he sat on the couch with his daughter not watching television.

“You have a boyfriend back in England?”

Jules was dressed in black leggings and a tunic, and she leaned against the opposite arm of the couch with an enormous bowl of popcorn. “You’re not really starting with that, are you?”

He laughed. “What should I start with?”

“I don’t know, but I’m not about to dissect my love life with you.”

“I only asked if you had a boyfriend.”

Her eyes narrowed. “No.”

“Why not? I never had any trouble getting dates.”

“Of course you didn’t!” Her foot shot out and kicked him. “Look at you, you old tosser.”

“I looked up that word. I think we should find me a new nickname.” He leaned toward her and grabbed a handful of popcorn.

“Whoa! What the bloody hell happened to your hand?”

The knuckles were swollen, and he’d put tape over the backs of two. “I just caught it—smashed it moving furniture.”

“What were you doing moving furniture?”

He moved back to his spot and put popcorn in his mouth, not answering.

She studied him a moment, and then her eyes narrowed. “You’re not some saint, you know. So you lied to her to make her chase her dream, but if she’d stayed, I’d have been born here. It would’ve been a different story, but it would’ve been just as good.”

“I wasn’t being noble,” he said, finishing the handful of popcorn. “I was pissed, and I just said it. I thought she wasn’t being honest about Jack, and maybe… I wanted her to go away again. I didn’t know she’d stay that long.”

“Have you kicked that git’s arse yet?”

Julian laughed. “You mean your uncle, my brother? Anna doesn’t want me to.”

“Screw that. He needs to be taught a lesson.”

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