Mosaic (43 page)

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Authors: Leigh Talbert Moore

BOOK: Mosaic
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Finishing a series four years in the making, I know there are a bazillion people I need to thank. I’ve tried to thank specific folks along the way in each book, so hopefully this round won’t be ten pages long…

First and foremost, I have to thank my husband, Richard, my best editor, who never once allowed me to give up on this series. He’s always believed in me, and he’s helped me in so many ways—most especially by letting me be a little crazy at times and a lot (mentally) absent at others. I love you so much.

Second, I have to thank my little girls Cat and Laura, who were just babies when I started
. Thanks for understanding when Mommy says “just one more minute,” it really means an hour. Thanks for being so incredibly patient with me when you were too little to understand why I was always on the computer. Thanks for being excited and asking if I’d written any more on
when you got older and understood. Thanks for praying for me (Aww!). I’m so blessed and lucky to have you both. I love you so much.

Special thanks to my family—my mom, who said, “I know when I haven’t heard from you in two weeks, you must be writing.” My sweet dad, who’s always ready to “take the children off your hands.” My extended family and my “Moore family,” who read and share my books with friends and book clubs. All of you touch my heart so much. I love you guys!

Some amazing people have emerged during this last installment to encourage me and offer support and expertise. Huge thanks to Ilona Townsel, whose cards and notes of encouragement made me look forward to checking the mail, and whose beta reads and brainstorming are tons of fun. Love you!

Mandie Jones, my right arm, my best personal assistant
my Master Teaser Maker, the most organized person on this team of two… You are the greatest, most intuitive helper. You are never allowed to leave me—haha!

Christi Allen Curtis, who approached me about doing the cover and then knocked my socks off with the most gorgeous photography. You are the best. Thank you so much for loving these stories.

My beta readers and friends Kim Barnes, Sharon Hattenstein, Tracy Womack, and Melissa Ott. You guys mean the world to me. I know I can put a book out if you all give me the thumbs up. Love you guys!

To my writer-friends, who are some of my best friends, to the Indelibles and Indies Ignite and the Listies and my blog buddies and YA Confidential,
for understanding my absenteeism, but most of all,
Thank you
for always supporting and encouraging me. Love you all~

To all the amazing readers who’ve contacted me on Facebook, who’ve sent me emails and tweets. To Tina and Chad, whose personal dragonfly love story touched my heart—even if I only just found out about it! To my readers on Wattpad and the administrators there, who fell in love with the story and couldn’t wait for more.

To Giselle at Xpresso Tours and Natalie and Jennifer at Love Between the Sheets for doing such a fantastic job with cover reveals and release day blitzes. And to all the bloggers and readers who helped me spread the word. I feel like I know so many of you personally, and I appreciate you all so much.

Being independent takes a village, and I love love
all my fellow villagers. You all have a very special place in my heart. Thank you for buying and reading and sharing my books.

I hope you love this final installment as much as I do. <3 Leigh


About the Author


Leigh Talbert Moore is a wife and mom by day, a writer by day, a reader by day, a former journalist, a former editor, a chocoholic, a caffeine addict, a lover of great love stories, a beach bum, and occasionally she sleeps.



Books by Leigh Talbert Moore:


The Truth About Faking


The Truth About Letting Go


, Book 1 in the Dragonfly series (2013)

, Book 2 in the Dragonfly series (2013)

, Book 3 in the Dragonfly series (2013)

, Book 4 in the Dragonfly series (2014)



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