Moth (24 page)

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Authors: James Sallis

Tags: #Fiction, #Mystery & Detective, #General

BOOK: Moth
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“Pain can be good, Lew. The same as other strong feelings. Love, fear, devotion. It can give us reasons to go on when there aren’t any others. It can become a new center for a new self.”

Or an excuse for all sorts of evasions.

But I said: “You’re proof of that, Clare.”

“Of course, it can also give us a reason to make a perfect fool of ourself at eleven o’clock at night.”

“Is that what you’re doing?”

“God. I hope not.” She was silent for a few moments. “I guess what I’m doing, really, is using the situation as an excuse to call and say how much I miss you. Yeah. I’m pretty sure that’s it.”

“I miss you too. More than you can know.”

“You could have called.”

“No, Clare. I couldn’t.”

“Okay. So I never was much good at these coy, girlish ploys. Give me credit for trying. I was supposed to call
And now I’m doing that.”

“It’s good to hear your voice,” I said after a moment.

“I’d like to see you, Lew.”

A moth fluttered into my window’s light again and again.


“If that’s all right with you.”

“It is.”

“You understand …”

“I think so. I’d like to see you, whatever I do or don’t understand.”

“Maybe we could have a drink.”

“That would be great. Where?”

“I don’t know. Tip’s, maybe?”

Ça va

“Want me to pick you up?”

“I’ve had enough car for a while. I’ll walk. See you there. Give me fifteen, twenty minutes.”

“Oh, Lew, I almost forgot: Bat came home. I went out Tuesday morning and there he was, sitting on the car, like nothing ever happened.”

“Nearest thing he could find to his fridge, I guess.”

“I guess. God, I’m looking forward to seeing you.”

“Then go saddle up your car, scrape off any stray nesting cats and drive if you’ll excuse the expression like a—”

“Don’t say it!”

“—good friend.”

“I hope so, Lew. I do so want to be.”

“See you soon. Calm seas, Clare.”

And I walked out into the darkness toward her.

Four streets up, hearing voices close by as I came to a corner, I turned my head. Further down the block, a mugging was taking place. It had begun that way, at least; now it seemed to be progressing. One of the men had the woman’s purse over his own shoulder. He knelt at her head, holding her down with hands flat against her shoulders and licking upside down at her face while the other one’s hands burrowed roughly under her skirt. As I watched, that one reached up and slapped her hard on the cheek, then took her neck in his hand.

I shouted and started toward them, instinctively turning to keep the injured arm out of sight. Both jumped to their feet. The one who had been at her head ran. The other stood his ground till I came closer and slipped my hand into my coat pocket. Then he also bolted.

“Are you all right?” I asked. A plain woman in her early thirties, inexpensively dressed.

“I think so.”

“Don’t be afraid,” I told her.

Then I, too, was running.


(new title)



The Long-Legged Fly






Black Hornet



Eye of the Cricket






Ghost of a Flea



Cypress Grove



Cripple Creek



Salt River






The Killer is Dying



Death Will Have Your Eyes



Limited Edition Boxed Set



(Only 100 sets available containing all thirteen titles including
. Plus a FREE twelve inch vinyl of James Sallis music and two short stories specially recorded for this publication.)

Order online at

This ebook edition published in 2012

First published in the UK in 1996 by No Exit Press

an imprint of Oldcastle Books

PO Box 394,

Harpenden, AL5 1XJ

All rights reserved

© James Sallis 1993

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