Mountain Men II: Primal Hunger (3 page)

Read Mountain Men II: Primal Hunger Online

Authors: Mandy Monroe

Tags: #menage, #erotic romance, #multiple partners, #menage a trois, #contemporary romance, #shifter romance, #cat shifter, #multiple heroes, #bear shifter, #carnal romance

BOOK: Mountain Men II: Primal Hunger
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His shirt.

After sex.

Her dark hair was pulled back in a
ponytail that had a slight curl at the end. Gavin couldn't stop the
image of that ponytail wrapped around his fist from flashing in his
mind. Gavin was stunned momentarily when she turned and the full
force of her bright smile focused on him then gaped.

the yoga instructor," she

"Now, now Miss Brooks, that's not very equal
opportunity of you."

She shuffled somewhat uncomfortably
but Gavin could scent her arousal in the air. It heightened his and
made his loose fitting pants tent.

"You're right. I've just never had
a yoga instructor that ... well, looked like you."

Gavin couldn't contain his bark of

"I’ll take that as a

Maura blushed an attractive pink on
her neck and up her cheeks.

"It was supposed to be one. It just
wasn't a very well worded one."

Gavin turned the conversation
towards the purpose of the visit and asked her the series of
predetermined questions for new guests. He was pleased that yoga
was already something she had experience in and began to run
through a series of poses. Most of the beginning poses were
standing but when she bent forward to do the 'downward facing dog'
pose, he realized it was going to be a much harder workout than he
thought ... for him and his cock.

Her infatuating backside was thrust
in the air, her shirt riding up slightly, and the yoga pants
stretched across the plush perfection. Her back was flat and her
legs about shoulder width apart. It was all he could do to keep his
hand from straying to cup those beautiful cheeks and stepping in to
rub the growing length of his flesh against hers. A moment later
she teetered as she stood on one leg and instinctively Gavin put
his hands on her waist to steady her. Her waist was soft and
feminine and if he wiggled his thumb up another inch or two, he
would be able to just brush the underside of her breast. He saw her
nipples pearl and couldn't resist a feather light brush against
them as he withdrew his hand.

Maura let escape an almost
inaudible gasp of breath at his touch. Gavin grinned somewhat slyly
to himself. He continued to find excuses to touch her during their
time that wasn't an overt grope--like running his flattened palm
down her spine to ensure she was supporting it by keeping it
straight, placing a hand on her soft middle to remind her to use
her core stability and breathing, or gentle swipes of his fingers
between her knees when she needed to widen her stance. He felt his
response to her with every touch and was innately pleased to hear
the little gasps and hitches of breath that let him know she wasn't
unaffected by him either.

Very interesting.

* * * *

Maura couldn't believe the way she
was acting during yoga. Well not acted so much as
Gavin, worlds
hottest yoga instructor, had her damn near panting, melting down
into a puddle in her panties. Every touch and swipe of his hand on
her body was like pulling a string attached right between her legs.
She was having trouble breathing at all, much less taking deep,
cleansing breaths. She couldn't fathom what had gotten into

All this activity and fresh air
must have jumpstarted your libido.

Well that was just going to have to
stop. There was no way a man who looked like
would be attracted to her. She
wasn't the type men like Gavin and Bain went after. She was on the
verge of dropping trousers and jumping their bones. Her mouth
literally watered around both of them and they probably couldn't
pick her out of a lineup of one. She had never been this attracted
to any man and here she was fighting an overwhelming attraction to

It had to be something in the

Turning her attention back to her
itinerary she almost groaned when she realized she would get no
break from her sexual onslaught. The very next assessment she had
was her strength training assessment with Bain. Checking the time
and deciding there was no time for a cold shower either, Maura
opted for a cold drink instead.

There was plenty of that in the
main hall. Grabbing a cold bottle she briefly considered pouring it
over her head, or maybe down her pants, before meeting with Bain
but decided adding any extra moisture in her pants was the exact
opposite of what she needed.

After chugging down a few bracing
gulps of the frigid water, Maura made her way out of the eating
area and into the weight room. Bain stood next to a large full
length mirror replacing some free weights on the rack. He had a vee
of sweat down the back of his shirt and his hair clung to the back
of his neck. She had a fleeting desire to lick the sweat from his
neck and anywhere else her tongue could find the tasty droplets but
gulped down more water instead.

She couldn't help taking in the way
he moved. Even the simple act of putting weights back on a rack
caused his muscles to shift pleasantly under his clothes. She
resisted the urge to feel those muscles moving under her

The door clicked shut behind her
and startled her out of her growing sexual fantasy. Bain turned
just in time for Maura to collect her thoughts and compose herself
before she got caught undressing him with her eyes

"Miss Brooks, I'm Bain. I showed
you to your cabin."

Maura nodded.
As if I could forget

"Please come in and we can get

"Please, just Maura."

She stopped next to him and looked
up, meeting his gaze. Bain's pupils dilated, his eye color shifting
slightly and she found herself being pulled into them. She was
fascinated with the flecks of gold that glowed within the dark
brown depths.

"Maura it is then."

Maura barely repressed a shudder at
the way his deep, husky voice caressed her name. She literally felt
his timbre travel down her spine. He placed his hand at the small
of her back to direct her towards the free weights and she bit her
lip to keep from arching into it and encouraging his palm to slide
down a little further.

As if he could read her mind,
Bain's palm flexed slightly against her and she did shudder
slightly. He released her then and handed over some lightweight
dumbbells. To monitor her weightlifting technique, Bain turned her
toward the full length mirror and stood behind her.

Lifting the weights over her head,
Maura began the grueling repetition of pumping them up and down
while feeling the heat of Bain's body radiating into her from
behind. He lifted her arms by slightly, palming the sensitive
underside right near her elbow and she felt little electric tingles
dance up her arm to her breasts. When she had to lift her arms
straight out to the side, Bain placed one hand on her waist and one
on her lower spine to correct her posture. His hand was big and
spanned it completely. It scalded the thin material of her t-shirt
and sent sizzles into her panties. So many images flashed through
her head of things that she would like that hand to do, she was
thankful she was exercising and had an excuse for her sudden
shortness of breath.

Laying on the bench to press what
looked like teeny tiny weights on the bar, she breathed a brief
sigh of relief that she would get a break from the arousal his
touch was causing. That was a very brief breath because she
realized he was going to spot her and ... yup, his groin was a few
inches from her face. She saw the hairs on his thighs ruffle
slightly when her panting breath brushed across them and thought he
shuddered a little.

She tried to focus on the lifting
and the lowering but kept getting distracted by what was covered by
workout shorts and under armor just a few inches from her mouth.
Saliva pooled on her tongue and she could just pick up the musky,
but pleasant, scent of his sweat-slicked skin. Lucky for her,
before she could embarrass herself by giving in to the impulse to
lick his thigh or something, they were changing position

Maura thought maybe working legs
would give her the break she needed to get her mind under control.
Bain gripped her ankle and his hand completely encircled it. She
felt the now familiar tingles rush up her leg.

Nope. No break.

Bain was glad for the break in his
schedule right after his appointment with Maura. He needed to gain
control of himself. He had been sporting a serious hard-on from the
very minute she walked in and he got a whiff of her scent. Just
thinking about it made his cock jerk. He marched to his office and
debated on where to pour the bottle of water, throat or

He growled irritably. Normally he
was very decisive. Bears weren't known to be real wishy-washy. He
was very pointed in his goals and how to achieve them. Now, he
couldn't even decide where to pour water.

Chapter Two

The second day of boot camp retreat
dawned with a splash of brilliant colors across the sky. Wispy fog
floated across the mountain peaks and treetops, adding to the
mystical feel of the location and dew twinkled on the grass giving
the morning sparkle. It was the most pleasant walk to breakfast
Maura had ever had. She could almost imagine fairies flitting about
at any moment.

Fairies, indeed.
Maura shook her head at herself.
All this mountain air and exercise
be getting to me if
I’m expecting fairies and the like to appear.

Breakfast once again included
healthy food and handouts, but this time everyone received an
individualized workout schedule. She had one-on-one instructions
with both Bain and Gavin. She bit back a groan that was about equal
parts pleasure and frustration. The pleasure both of the men caused
also increased her frustration. Hopefully she would acclimate to
the decreased oxygen levels in the higher mountain elevations and
this wicked obsession with not one, but two men, would

Yeah, right.

The itinerary listed a canoe trip
beginning in about an hour that included the entire group. Although
the thought of paddling herself around in a boat was foreign, and
she worried she wouldn't have the strength to keep up, it still
seemed like an exciting adventure. She went to her cabin to get
dressed in her bathing suit and shorts. She donned sunglasses and a
hat after a generous layer of sunscreen had been applied all over
her pale skin.

On the walk to the riverbed where
they would be introduced to the instructors and guides, Maura met
and pleasantly chatted with some of the other guests and was
beginning to genuinely enjoy herself. A few skeptical glances
aside, most of the others were happy and eager to get started on
their adventure. There was much comparing of class times to see the
similarities and differences in each other’s schedule.

The group arrived at the site and
Maura groaned when they walked up on Gavin and Bain standing with
two men that she had never seen before. The two new men were
introduced as student guides, graduate students in forestry and
wildlife management. Darryl seemed ok, greeting everyone warmly. As
a bonus Darryl didn’t seem to get the flicker of judgment in his
eye when he saw her size. Seth was another matter altogether. There
was something unsettling about his gaze, it was too ...

Guests discovered they would be
carrying the canoes from the dry docks, up the forest trail for a
mile, and to the actual launch spot. The guides would pair up Gavin
and Darryl together in one canoe in the front with Bain and Seth
bringing up the rear. When guests were paired in boy-girl groups
and assigned a canoe, Maura tried to ignore the half disguised eye
roll of her male counterpart. She was determined not to give him
the satisfaction of adding fuel to his ignorant and narrow minded
fire. It only served to strengthen her resolve to do whatever it
took to push through to the end.

Halfway down the trail, lugging the
backend of a canoe she was increasingly sure was made from lead,
Maura began to suspect her partner was allowing her to heft a
greater and greater amount of the weight. She was sweating and her
muscles were already shaking from exhaustion but vowed that she
would bite her tongue off before she complained and got labeled the
lazy fat chick. Concentrating on not dropping the boat also kept
her too occupied to stare at Gavin and Bain. The burn in the
muscles in her arms and back wasn’t quite enough to keep a warm
burn of a totally different kind from zipping across her breasts
and goose bumps across her sweat slick skin.

* * * *

Bain could tell the man carrying
the canoe with Maura was shifting the brunt of the weight to her.
The tilt of the boat told him that. Maura’s face was set. She was
clearly determined not to be seen as weak, but that determination
told him nothing about how she was doing. He knew she had to be
getting exhausted already, but her expression gave no hint of it if
she was. She looked like she would carry the canoe by herself all
day if they asked.

He felt a wave of admiration swell
in his chest. She was strong. She might not be able to lift as much
as he could, but she was strong in spirit and determination. Bain
could count on one hand the people that engendered that kind of
admiration in him. It was an emotion he was much less familiar with
than, say, anger, vengeance, or disgust. Those he knew

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