Mr. Smith's Whip (11 page)

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Authors: Brynn Paulin

BOOK: Mr. Smith's Whip
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From the bathroom, Colin drew a razor over his face while he ran a lazy hand over his engorged cock. He had no intention of leaving this house without fucking Livvy into her forbidden orgasm—one orgasm that wouldn’t be enough to take off her edge before they went to
The Dungeon.
One orgasm that would give him an excuse to “punish” her—though they’d soon need to discuss pain for play and punishment itself. Truly, he preferred reproof by spanking or other disciplinary measures. Tonight, wouldn’t really be about that.

His cock leaked at the thought of the sexual games they played. Livvy was the ideal partner. Willing, enthusiastic and trusting. She liked some pain and especially discipline. It played perfectly into his dominant nature and his ability to give pleasure through punishment.

Her moans from the bedroom were driving him to the edge of his own release. She wouldn’t hold out much longer. Quickly, he finished his shaving. As he wiped away the shaving cream, a sharp cry echoed from the bedroom and he knew he’d better move it. His intention wasn’t to set her up to fail. When she “failed”, his cock would be inside her.

Livvy’s head rocked back and forth. The shirt had slipped to the side, and her eyes were squeezed shut as the dildo moved into the part of its program where it thrust into her, very much like he would in a moment. She was retreating into herself to control the moment.

They couldn’t have that.

She startled as he climbed onto the bed and licked a path from her navel to her sternum.

Her exertion tasted good. Turning his head, he lightly bit the side of her breast.

Her wide eyes told him he had her attention now. “You want to come?” She nodded frantically then whimpered as he removed the dildo. He tossed it to the floor without thought then removed the gag. “Whose pussy is this?”

“Yours,” she groaned as he pushed forward. Her cunt was like a vise around his cock—a wet, silky, vise. He wouldn’t last long.

“Who do you come for?”

Please.” She tremored around him, almost there.

He dipped his head beside hers, his hips thrusting hard and his groin connecting with her clit. “Whose cock are you going to milk?”

Livvy screamed, plummeting over the edge, her limbs straining as she convulsed into him. She clamped around him, so tightly, he could barely move.

“Colin,” she moaned, a sure sign that she’d fully lost control. His name pushed through his body like a storm, dragging away all vestiges of his discipline. With a strangled grunt, his cum gushed from him.

“Call in late to work,” he murmured when he’d gathered himself. They lay in a tangle—

mostly him tangled in her. Carefully, he disengaged himself from her still clenched pussy. She wanted more, but it would need to wait. Tonight, when they returned to bed, he’d fuck her until they both collapsed and they couldn’t manage another release until they’d both rested a few hours.

“Can’t,” she whispered. She turned her head and kissed his ear. “I’m a little tied up.”

“I can fix that.” He reached up to unfasten the cuffs. Olivia ducked her head and caught his nipple in her mouth. With a strangled growl, he abandoned his task and buried his fingers in her hair. His cock stirred. “Livvy…” he sighed.

“Please, Sir. I want some more,” she laughed against his chest.

“You’re a naughty baggage, aren’t you,” he chuckled. Reaching up again, he finished releasing her then scooted down the bed and opened the shackles. She immediately drew up her limbs, curling up and looking at him.

“You didn’t say I could come,” she said.

“But you did.”

“I suppose I’ll have to be punished.”

“You don’t look or sound worried about that.” In fact, she appeared rather pleased with herself.

“I’m not. I don’t think you’ll do anything to harm me—bring pain…?” She shrugged.

“Maybe. But harm? No. Pain is part of our game, right?”

“Yes…” he replied, her use of the word “game” giving his pause. Did she consider this a brief episode? A diversion while he was in town?

She smiled up at him. “I need a phone, and…I think your dildo is going to fuck a hole in the carpet.”

He glanced down at the eager thing pumping away like crazy. Hopefully, he wasn’t working away at nothing himself.

Chapter Nine

Having near perfect attendance to work had its benefits. Her boss never questioned her need to come in late. And by the time she would normally have been heading to the library, she and Colin were on the way to
The Dungeon.

“Are you feeling okay?” he asked.

She nodded, wondering what she was in for. He’d been tense and quiet since before they’d showered together while they’d been getting ready. “Whatever it was, it’s passed now. I feel fine.”

“Good.” I want you to have your full strength.”

Fear roiled in her stomach. No matter how much she trusted him, the unknown frightened her. She knew Colin wouldn’t do anything that would be detrimental, though she might bear marks for a short period of time, but she wondered about her endurance level. How much could she take? How far would he push her?

“It’s the whip, right?” she asked.

He appeared surprised that she knew. “Syb told you?”

She nodded.

“I’ve used the whip since I was nineteen. Fourteen years now. I’m very accurate.” Pushing at her fingernail, she didn’t look at him. “So you’ll have perfect aim for my ass?”

“Or your thighs.”

The skin there twitched as she imagined a lash across them. “That’s why you wanted me sexually on edge?”

“It helps. Livvy, you have to understand, if you say no, it’s no. I’ll stop.”

“But you’ll be disappointed?”

“Yes,” he said simply. His tone indicated nothing.

“This is something you want sexually?” she ventured. She understood that the submissive’s behavior was often the key to the Dom’s pleasure. D/s was often a give and take of pain. He might hold the whip, but she held the power for his fulfillment or lack thereof.

“You think I’m a deviant.”

She laughed. “Yes. But so am I, I guess. That’s between us. Human predilections have traveled these paths for eons. It’s a subculture people never talked about. And the punishment part used to be readily accepted in society—though the pleasure component wasn’t a given.”

“Sometimes you stun me,” he said quietly, squeezing her hand.

“I read a lot.” She looked out the window as they entered the club’s underground parking lot. “It doesn’t mean I’m not frightened.”

“I’ll always take care of you.”

“I know.” After he’d freed her earlier, he’d carefully rubbed lotion into all of the places where she’d been restrained. He’d been meticulous in determining if she’d strained any muscles.

Before they’d left the club that first night, he’d done the same.

Colin came around the car and handed her out. Together, they walked to the underground main entrance. A man with dark, mussed hair met them. He unlocked the door and let them inside. It was then that she realized that a special concession was being made for them to be here this early. Colin must have called while he was warming up the car earlier.

“Rob,” Colin said and they shared a stiff man-hug. “Thanks. I appreciate it.”

“No problem. I understand. I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have my own playroom at home. Jenna and I would spend a whole lot more time here.”

“As soon as I get a place…” Colin alluded. “Rob, this is Olivia. Livvy, this is Rob Colvin. He owns
The Dungeon.

They exchanged pleasantries then Rob handed Colin a key on a diamond shaped, gold key ring that reminded her of old-time hotel keys. “Your usual room,” he said. “I’ll be in my office, just ring if you need anything. Good to meet you, Olivia. I hope to see you again soon.” He headed away while Colin led her in the other direction across the entry. It looked a lot like the lobby of a health club with a main desk, a drink bar, tables and seating that overlooked a darkened glassed-in area. Right now, it seemed as if Rob had gone to great lengths to make the place look like anything but a sex club, but what would it look like during business hours?

They took the elevator to the fourth floor, but walked past the “library” where they’d had their first scene here. At the end of the passage was a set of double doors with a key reader beside it. Colin waved the gold diamond of the keychain before it. The door clicked open.

Motion activated lights flickered on as they entered. He didn’t pause until they reached the last door on the passage.

Olivia’s stomach was in knots. With each step, she grew more and more tense and worried about what would happen. She was so tense that when he opened and held the door, she hesitated before entering. The pause did not go unnoticed. Colin’s brows drew together, but he didn’t say a word once she stepped through.

The door banged shut with all the thunder of a dungeon sealing in its prisoners. Though it was a psychological ploy, she started to shake in the darkness. She felt every bit the captive.

Colin pulled her roughly to him, her blouse ripped as he yanked it open. Yanking down her bra, he squeezed her breasts then twisted the clamps still holding the tips.

She cried out as fire lit through her.

“You’re mine now, slave,” he growled. “I’ll show you who your master is.”

“No,” she begged, falling immediately into the role-playing. She fought him as he tore off her shirt, not really caring that he’d shredded her favorite top.

“Your safe word is ‘bicycle’, Livvy. It’s the only word that will make me stop.” He squeezed her breast roughly. “Understand.”

“Yes,” she cried. “Please don’t do this,” she continued, falling back into it. She struggled with all her might to get away, knowing Colin was far stronger, and she’d never win. Her shoes came off in the battle and put her at even more of a disadvantage.

“You’ve been disobedient.”

“No, I haven’t. I’ve done everything you’ve said.” God, she never realized how arousing something like this could be.

“Have you? Yet, even now you fight.”

She twisted away, and he released her. She stumbled backward. Cold metal glided across her back and clanged together as she ran into it. She blinked as Colin flicked on the low lights and revealed the Spartan, gray-stoned room housing his disciplinary gear.

A shocking thrill spiked through her. She backed away, grabbing the manacles and chains she’d run into and swinging them at him. He caught them with one swoop of his hand and circled her wrist with the other. He yanked her hard to him.

“There’s no escaping now,” he growled. He gave her no quarter as he fastened the manacled to the wall. Going to the wall he pressed the switch that drew the chains upward.

Slowly, irrevocably, her arms were forced over her head. He didn’t stop the machine until her heels were an inch from the floor.

Arms crossed, he circled her. His face was implacable, his jaw hard. Despite her earlier fear, unbelievable arousal flooded her. If it had been anyone but him, she was sure she would have been terrified. But not with him.

Suddenly, he yanked off her skirt. The button in the back popped, plinking across the stone floor. Then she stood in only her panties and bra. He stopped before her, studying her.

“You’re my prisoner now. You’ve heard what I do to my slaves?”


He flicked open the front closure of her bra. Since it was trapped on her arms, he snapped the straps and tossed it away as the flotsam it now was. His mouth came down on her nipple. He licked around the crinkled tan skin, avoiding the clamped tip. She groaned as his teeth sank into her exposed areola.

Needing to be closer, she grasped the chains and lifted her legs. She wrapped them around him. Her pelvis ground into him as he turned his attention to the inside curve of her breast. He sucked hard while she arched into him.

“Mine,” he grated.

“I belong to myself,” she insisted.

“Not anymore.” He pulled open his pants, fingered aside her panties and drove into her pussy with no preamble. Grasping her hips, he drove into her hard. His fingers dug into her skin as he pistoned in and out of her as fast as an out of control train.

“My cunt,” he grunted. His hands slid to her ass. One of them smacked hard. “My ass.”

“No. Mine,” she insisted, knowing her denials were driving them both further along the path of no return.

He bit her shoulder and she screamed, her channel convulsing around him. He chose that moment to pull free. “Bad slaves get no release,” he decreed.

“No,” she wailed. She needed him. Her whole body vibrated with need.

But Colin zipped his black jeans. He yanked his polo shirt over his head and tossed it aside. His back muscles rippled as he walked to the implements on the wall. Her heart stuttered when she saw what he picked up. It was far larger than she’d imagined.

She took a deep breath, determined it would be okay. Syb had said it would be. So had Colin. Still, she eyed the whip with wide eyes.

“Olivia,” he said in a hard voice.

“Yes, Mr. Smith,”

“Do you remember your safe word?”

She nodded.

“Say it. Out loud so I know you remember.”


Without a word, he picked up a bar that appeared to be at least a foot and a half in length, maybe longer, and a pair of shackles. He dropped the whip at her feet then moved behind her.

She flinched when he tapped her ass with the bar.

“This isn’t for punishing you, slave.” Crouching he grasped her ankle and secured it in one of the shackles clipped in to the bar then repeated it with the other foot. It didn’t occur to her until afterward that perhaps she should have fought, especially when he sank his teeth into her ass. “Or perhaps it is,” he continued. “With your legs wide open like this, I have total access and you’re completely at my mercy.”

She shuddered as he hooked the bar into a recessed ring in the floor.

“You slaves never appreciate it,” he growled scooping up the whip and sinking completely into character once more. “But a whipping takes absolute aim. You’re always squirming and trying to get away. Can’t have that, now can we?” he asked as he wrapped the whip around his arm then drew the tail along her belly.

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