Mr. Smith's Whip (12 page)

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Authors: Brynn Paulin

BOOK: Mr. Smith's Whip
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“No, Sir,” she managed. “Please…I’ll be good. Let you fuck me whenever you want.”

“You’ll do that anyway. You’re mine.”

“No,” she protested. Her eyes never left the black leather whip. It would sting like hell.

But nothing short of death would make her say the safe word right now. A streak of adventure she’d thought killed by her vagabond childhood was alive and well and goading her forward.

So was her need to please Colin. Her love for him was growing with every moment of prep he was giving her. Despite the rough role-play words, she could tell he was trying to put her at ease and make sure she was ready.

“Still arguing? Shall I prove who’s master?”

She shook her head.

Ignoring her, he pushed her panties down her legs. The stretchy fabric pulled tight between her knees as the whip handle scraped down her thigh. She felt so damn naughty.

Exposed. Loved.

That jolted her. When had she started to love him? When had this feeling grown? Before they’d even gone out the first time. When he’d gotten to know her and protected her and starred in her fantasy—fantasy was nothing compared to the real thing.

His palm flattened on her belly and slid down to her pussy. He parted her with his fingers then easily drove two into her sopping passage. “You can’t convince me I don’t own this channel and all its honey.”

Helpless, she tried to jerk her hips into his touch, searching for the release he so insidiously, repeatedly denied.

“No. Not yet,” he rasped. Stepping away, he swung the whip through the air. It cracked with such ferocity, she cried out though it didn’t touch her flesh. He moved in front of her and lifted the end of the tail. “Kiss the tip, slave. Perhaps it will lessen the sting.” Caught up in his commands, she bent her head forward and touched her mouth to the soft leather. Colin cupped the back of her head and covered her lips with his. His tongue drove into her mouth past the leather tail between them.

“Four strokes tonight,” he said, stepping away.

Her fingers fisted above the manacles as tension flooded back into her. The crack echoed through the room and she screamed as a stripe of fire slashed across her ass. Her body shook.

She couldn’t do this. She head to stop.

“Whose slave are you?” he demanded.

“No one’s,” she sobbed.

He did the second lash quickly, the whistle and crack of the leather seeming ear-shattering before it struck. It landed along her ass, crossing the first mark.


“No one’s,” she repeated. The fire spread, fingering out over the untouched flesh and licking into her cunt. How could it morph to something good? Her eyes rolled back as surprising prickles of satisfaction and ecstasy crept deep into her core. Pleasing him sent insane bliss through her—a bliss she could never have explained. When the third lash slapped her thighs, she moaned. The shock of pain was nothing like the first. When the fourth came, crisscrossing the first on her thighs, she almost asked for another.

Colin grabbed her hair and drew back her head. “Whose?”

“Yours,” she cried. “Yours. Please take me now!”

The whip was tossed across the room. He released her ankles and wrists then her manacles. “On your knees,” he ordered and walked away. Weakly, she pushed off the panties binding her knees then went to the position he’d commanded, her body on fire from the lash and her need of him. Mixed with it was the satisfaction that she’d weathered his whip and pleased him. She flinched as her ass met her heels. Covertly, she touched the two long welts on her rear with her fingers as she held her hands submissively at her back.

Her pussy was dripping and her nipples were so taut she feared she might pop off the clamps though they were on tightly. She still needed him to take her, and she feared she might be addicted to him. Her Dom. Her Master. Her Mr. Smith.

“You promise to be mine?” he said, coming back.

“Yes, Mr. Smith.”

“Please look at me, and use my given name.”

Lifting her gaze from the gray floor, she looked up into his all-consuming stare. “Colin,” she said. “I belong to you.”

Strange tenderness filled Colin as he observed her. This was his woman, and he couldn’t wait to claim her with more than these words. Sitting behind her, he pulled her into his lap, careful of her lash marks. He set down the tub of balm he’d just gone to get. After a moment, he’d have to apply it. Aftercare was important, but so was interpersonal connection—especially in a bonded relationship. “You’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever known.” She snuggled into him. “It wasn’t so bad.”

“I want to make love to you, but this isn’t the place.”

“If you don’t soon, I might have to find a new guy to take care of this sexual need you keep leaving me with.”

Though he knew she teased him, his heart jolted and his world went sideways.

“Over my dead body,” he exclaimed. He wasn’t giving her up anytime soon. He surged to feet, with her over his shoulder, scooped up the balm and headed for the door. “There’s no one besides Rob in the building. We’ll use the library.”

It was the perfect place for them, surrounded by books. He set her on the sofa in the center of the room and came down over her. Her soft body cradled him, and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

“Finally,” she murmured, and he chuckled. This time, there’d be no stopping before they were both sated.

He kissed her neck. “Let me up, love. I want to be naked with you.”

“Come right back.”

“I will. I promise.”

Quickly, he shucked off his pants, shoes and socks. Sitting beside her, he reached for her nipple clamps. “These off, too.”

Air hissed through her teeth as blood rushed into the tips. She held out her arms, and he went into them, again struck by the feeling that he’d been blessed with the perfect woman. He’d cross oceans for her. Her thighs cradled him, holding him where he wanted to be. She was home.

With her, his mind cleared. He’d been divided between lands for too long, unsure where he wanted to end up. His hand brushed back the hair from her face as he gazed at the woman who’d be most cherished in his life.

She canted her hips into him, her damp need grazing his cock. “Please…” she begged.

“As you command, love,” he whispered. Slowly, he sank into her damp passage, allowing himself to feel the completeness he’d denied himself until now. There would be no rush. Not this time. He wouldn’t pull away until they were both good and ready.

Livvy lifted her legs around him and as he ran his hands over her, he felt the welts from the whip. She hummed low in her throat and grinned triumphantly as he touched the marks. How had he gotten so lucky?

His hips pistoned rhythmically, while he stroked her body. He kissed her throat, tasting the clean perspiration that had erupted during their session. She tasted like heaven. She gasped when he took a nipple between his lips. Gently, he laved, again taken by that feeling of tenderness. He needed this part of their life to be as full as the BDSM portion. He needed affection and togetherness. Livvy offered everything he wanted. With her, he was complete. His eyes grew damp, and he hid his face in her neck as they searched for fulfillment.

“Colin,” she cried. Her sweet passage closed around his cock, driving him to completion.

Her fingers dug into his shoulders as she too found her release—the first of many before they left
The Dungeon’s

Chapter Ten

Shifting in her seat, Olivia tried to ignore the soreness where her ass and thighs rested on her desk chair. After their session with the whip, Colin had made love to her for over an hour, adoring every inch of her body, including the stripes he’d left on her behind. Before they’d left, he’d smoothed a tingly balm onto the affected area. It contained lanocaine, but now, four hours later, it was wearing off.

Leaving had been an adventure. With her clothing all but destroyed, she’d worn her unfastened skirt and Colin’s shirt. He’d gone bare chested. The two of them looked like a pair of refugees pulling into her driveway. Thankfully, no one had been around. She’d gotten dressed in new clothes while he’d promised a shopping spree to replace the items he’d destroyed.

Something had changed during that afternoon, and she wasn’t sure what. Perhaps it was successfully meeting the whip. She suspected that was only part of it. They’d forged a connection, something that surprised her since she’d spent her life
connecting with people out of self preservation. Why bother when she’d only be moving on soon? Yet, this time, it was Colin who’d be moving on, and that scared her. He’d worked his way beyond the protective barrier she’d always kept around herself. She wasn’t sure how she’d cope with that. But…she might have to cope anyway. It wasn’t as if he’d made any commitments to her.

He was protective though. He’d insisted that he’d work at the library all day. After the Todd incident, he wasn’t willing to leave her alone—not until the man had been dealt with. Rob had expelled him from the club, but there were still the work issues. How to handle them wasn’t immediately apparent.

Thankfully, Todd was making himself scarce. Perhaps her shoe jabbing into his foot had sent home a message yesterday. Probably not, but she could always hope. She ran her four-inch Manolo heel along her calf. If he came back, she was ready.

Eyeing the cart of books to be re-shelved, she rose. Her eyes closed briefly, and she took a deep breath as her skirt rubbed against her lower half. Her skin was overly sensitive and though she’d worn a soft wool skirt with an even softer silk lining, the slide of fabric made her shudder and sent goose bumps careening up her body. She ached, but even more, it was a sensual reminder of the very naughty things they’d done earlier.

Her body was already ramping up to be with him again. She’d never been in such a state of constant sexual agitation. A feeling she both enjoyed and found distracting.

Work… She had to work, she reminded herself before she wandered too far down the mental path that included Colin and sex and little else. Ignoring the cart for now, she scooped up a few titles from her desk. These needed to be replaced in the back research repository. She’d do that first before they mysteriously walked away and were found on the wrong floor.

The first were housed on shelves to the front of the section, while the last one—a book Colin had used for research—went all the way to a cubby in the back. She was searching for its space when a body crowded in behind her. A large hand ran along her leg while another splayed low on her belly, pressing her to an obvious arousal.

“How are you feeling?” Colin asked quietly, bending close to her ear.

She leaned back her head, letting it rest on his shoulder as his hand explored upward and moved toward her breast. He brushed his fingertips over her sensitive nipple, sending a flow of moisture to her panties. She bit her lip. The man managed to keep her constantly wet. Another trait she’d never found in another guy. Colin knew just how to hit all her hotspots, no matter how inappropriate the location.

They shouldn’t indulge in even this little bit of private interaction here, but she allowed the intimacy to take her. Just being close to him warmed and settled her soul. She had no idea how long this thing would last between them. She’d take what she could.

She moaned quietly as his thumb skated along her thigh. “Not as bad as I would have thought. A little achy.”

“I should put more salve on you. Did you take some pain relievers?” She shook her head, her body melting under his touch.

“You should.” He kissed her hair and stepped back. His hands fell away as she straightened. Hearing footsteps, she reached up and placed the book she’d been holding.

“Well, well… What’s this?”

Turning, she glared at Todd. “Lost again?”

“Funny. The director is looking for you.” He smirked. “I’m sure she wouldn’t appreciate this. Making out on the job, Olivia. I never would have thought it of you.” Rage shot through her, but long years of self control kept it reined in. “I don’t—what did you so crudely call it?—
make out
on the job. I also don’t attack my coworkers and leave bruises on them.”

“The broken bone in my foot says otherwise,” he retorted. “Besides, anyone who knows about your lifestyle would think
bruised you. Don’t go blaming that on me.” Colin seemed to grow several feet beside her. He took a step toward Todd, stopping when Olivia placed a hand on his arm. His face draining of color, Todd moved backward.

“And just
knows about Olivia’s private life?” Colin demanded.

Todd shook his head. “Stay away from me!”

Limping slightly, he scurried away while Colin turned to her. “Are you all right?” She snorted. “It would take more than that worm to worry me. I’m sure the Director just wants to talk to me about this morning.”

Cupping the side of her face, Colin kissed her. She sank into him, enjoying his rapid possession.

“Come see me in my room when you take break. I’ll take care of your behind,” he told her. With a final caress, he headed back to the main research area. She leaned back against the shelf, touching her lips. She wasn’t as confident about her boss as she’d portrayed. What would she do if she was forbidden to see him because he was a patron?

Deciding it was best to face the lion immediately, she headed for the administration offices on the first floor. Dread dogged her. She hadn’t exactly been behaving appropriately at work. Would they call her extracurricular activities into question? It wasn’t anyone’s business, but Olivia didn’t know if she’d be able to fight the small library system if they took umbrage at what she did privately.

Madison Spence, the library director, greeted Olivia warmly as she entered then directed her to take a seat.

“I suspect you wonder why I’ve called you in,” she started. She placed her arms in the desk and leaned forward. “It’s come to my attention that you’ve begun a relationship with one of the patrons leasing space in your area, a…” she glanced at the notebook beside her blotter,

“Colin Smith.”

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