Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) (26 page)

Read Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) Online

Authors: Jessie Courts

BOOK: Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)
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Her sinful speculation had made
her embarrassingly wet and she was instantly mortified that a few days away
from Luc had her chomping at the bit. Suddenly inexplicably angry at herself
for being so needy she abruptly stopped her machine intending to get out of
there as quickly as she could. Towelling her face she grabbed her hoodie and
tried not to look as she passed the incredible hulk on her left still pounding
the moving platform at an impressive speed.


Rachel should have predicted that
nothing in her world ever went as planned lately and what happened next would
haunt her until the day she died. The string of her hooded top was trailing
behind her and as luck would have it got caught in the conveyor of the man’s
running machine dragging her backwards. Instead of letting go of her top she
tried to yank it back which is when she lost her footing and went flying on to
the machine causing the hulk to lose his balance and topple backwards.
Instinctively reaching for him in a futile gesture to try and break his fall,
Rachel only succeeded in making things worse. The poor man grabbed her arms
resulting in him pulling her down with him as he hit the wooden floor, landing
flat on his back with a loud “Oof.”


Rachel was currently lying along
the deliciously sweaty length of him; her head having crashed into his massive
chest as she screamed, “Oh shit; oh fuck; I’m so sorry. Fuck I’m such an


Rachel’s mouth was stuck on repeat
as she scrambled and slipped back down his big body and on to her feet. Leaving
him lying there winded and looking completely flummoxed and totally gorgeous,
Rachel grabbed her bag, raced out the door, and legged it back to the office.



Dripping with sweat and
mortification, Rachel let the water from her little office shower cascade over
her in an effort to calm down. “What the hell?”


A replay of the last 10 minutes of
her soap opera of a life was on a loop in her head and she couldn’t shake the
feeling that this wouldn’t be the end of it, especially if she saw him again in
the gym. Rachel groaned at the humiliation of it all – how on earth did
she end up falling on top of a bloke again? She was usually so refined; hardly
clumsy at all, and yet recent events were conspiring to prove otherwise.

The other niggling annoyance was
that he had felt so good underneath her that the entire episode had left her
downright horny. No denying the man was ‘totally fit’ as the twins would say.
In fact, Rachel didn’t recall ever having seen a more handsome and masculine
man ever. The feel of his hard muscles and smooth skin lingered in her memory
and she drifted off into a daydream, which had him sweeping her up into his
arms off the floor for a passionate kiss by way of introduction.


Rachel was tempted to lather
herself into oblivion but it didn’t seem appropriate at work so she dried
herself off quickly; dressed, and dashed out to get some coffee and breakfast.
Now back at her desk with an adequate quota of caffeine close at hand and a
sausage sandwich laden with brown sauce, Rachel indulged herself in a little
internet surfing. She needed to prepare for her Monday meeting with the new CEO
so she decided to follow up on Angela’s brief description of Joe Mason by
Googling him. She reckoned he probably had a lot of web coverage if he was half
the hot shot Angela had claimed.


Throwing up several sites Rachel
opted for a recent New York Times interview from their business pages. As she
waited for the page to load she chewed on her breakfast and washed it down with
a long gulp of coffee. Not twenty seconds later and said coffee was decorating
the front of her PC monitor as she had spat out a full mouthful in shock at the
image in front of her. Joe Mason was not short, or bald or fat. Her new boss
was tall, dark, handsome and huge. Remarkably like the man in the gym she had
just assaulted. Rachel groaned.


“Oh no; that’s very bad. Very.
Bad. Rachel what have you done?” Literally in a tailspin Rachel cheeks flooded
with colour and she felt very light headed suddenly. Grabbing her phone she
called Lucy.


“Mum – it’s early what’s


“Is Jess with you?”


“Mum you sound a bit odd –
yeah she’s here. Wait, I’ll put you on loud speaker.”


“Oh my god, oh my god – you
cannot believe what’s just happened.” Rachel blurted out the whole story to her
daughters who were intermittently snorting; crying and asking for more details.
“What am I going to do?”


“Mummy calm down!” they both cried
at her.


“Listen, Mum, honestly. You need
to call Auntie Karen – she’ll know what to do.” Jess ever the sensible
one dished out good advice ”But its fine. That man just had a gorgeous sweaty
hot mama land on top of him – I promise you he’s not as put out as you
think. Bet he’s still thinking about you too.”


“Yeah Mum” joined in Lucy, “And we
have it on good authority that you’re milf.” Both sisters creased up shrieking
‘milf’ at her down the phone.


Rachel however, had frozen on the
spot; the colour draining from her face. Her first thought was that Luc had
broken his promise and told the twins about them but that made no sense, the
Twins would have wiped the floor with both of them by now. Still, she felt


“What do you mean milf?” she


“Mother I’d like to fuck!”


“I know what it bloody means”
Rachel barked at the phone.


“Colin, Mum – you remember
him from the pub. He said he’d give you one any day.”


Rachel sagged in relief. So much
drama in one short morning had drained her will to live. Calling the twins had
seemed like a good idea at the time but now she was rather regretting it. It
was time to end the call before they drove her anymore nuts.


“I have to go to work. Have a good
day baby girls. Say hi to Luc for me.”

“You can say that yourself, Mum,
he’s here too.”


Rachel sighed and pinched the
bridge of her nose to ease some of the tension building in her brain. “Great”
thought Rachel, “this is the day that just keeps on giving.”


“Err, hi Mrs Renton.”


“Hello Luc. Well, this isn’t awkward at
all now is it? I’m sorry you had to hear all that. Girls that was cruel.” More
sniggering littered the airways. Rachel sighed resignedly. “Kids – I
really do have to go and see if I can salvage the day. Good luck with your
exams. Love you madly.” And she ended the call.


Rachel twisted the chair round to
face the imposing view of the City. So many thoughts clouded her brain she
needed a moment to sort them and decide what to deal with first. Joe Mason, oh
god, how was she ever going to face him? The only good thing is that he didn’t
know who she was and that element of surprise might just work to her advantage.


Luc, however, deserved more
consideration and at precisely the moment she thought of him a message caused
her IPhone to vibrate in her hand. Glancing at the screen she wasn’t surprised
to see it was from the boy himself. What she couldn’t predict however was his
one word message in big shouty capitals




Rachel grinned at Luc’s message;
he really was quite amusing. However, she had a Board Meeting to prepare for
which was now going to be possibly the most awkward situation she had ever
found herself in. How she was going to face Joe Mason following this morning’s
disastrous events, she had no clue. One thing she was sure of though was that
nothing could get in the way of her end goal. Genesis was not going to be
terminated because of her idiotic behaviour. She wiped away the remaining
traces of coffee from her PC, keyboard and desk and with renewed determination,
started on her presentation.




Saturday really was the most
depressing day when you are on your own Rachel discovered when she found
herself once again at her kitchen table alone. Tomorrow she was joining her
friends for Sunday lunch at Karen and Rory’s house, but today no one was around;
the twins were still at uni, and she had completed all her chores.
Having worked like a woman on a mission
until late last night, she didn’t even need to go over her presentation again.


The day stretched long and boring
ahead. It was tempting to give in to the urge to go back to bed but Rachel gave
herself a little pep talk and took herself off to the West End for a splurge in
Selfridges. As it was the weekend and no congestion charge applied, she took
her car toying with the idea of stopping in at the gym before she came home.


Rachel loved her little BMW and as
it was a nice day let the roof down. London Town was a great place to be in the
sunshine and she counted herself lucky to be a native. The hustle and bustle of
a busy Saturday afternoon left no room for melancholy and Rachel brightened at
the prospect of a treat or two at her very favourite place to shop.


She parked in Selfridges’ car park
and had the car valeted while she was shopping. It was a good opportunity to
look for something for Joe’s Welcome Do. Angela was busy organising a cocktail
party to be held in the office boardroom next Saturday night and all staff and
top clients were invited. Rachel had been looking forward to it until the
rather unfortunate incident where she found herself lying on top of her new
boss in a rather uncompromising position. Rachel groaned like she did every
time that delightful recollection invaded her thoughts. It didn’t help that her
body remembered the experience in an entirely opposing way to her brain, getting
all warm and fuzzy in the wrong places, while her head beat itself up over it.


Looking around the Ladies fashion
floor; a place she knew and loved; she wasn’t really inspired by anything but
she did find a killer Armani dress and jacket that was perfect for Monday’s
meeting and hopefully for appearing in court in the future. Although power
dressing was such an 80’s thing there was no denying that the right clothes
went a long way to creating a good first impression.


“Ha” thought Rachel, “I think that
ship’s sailed!” Nevertheless, she still wanted to suit up so that when her CEO
realised who she was, and she had no doubt that would be a fascinating ‘eureka’
moment – he would actually take her seriously.


Trotting back to her car, quite
satisfied with her purchases, Rachel placed the bright yellow bags in the boot
of her now gleaming vehicle. When Luc had seen it in her garage he had teased
her that a sporty BMW convertible was hardly an appropriate driving choice for
someone set on helping the under privileged. However, Rachel had always loved
cars and the brighter, shinier and speedier the better. She would give up
anything but her car and didn’t feel the need to justify it to anyone.


Sliding into the cool leather
seat, Rachel’s mind slipped back to the memory of Luc in her garage and by the
time she got to the gym she was incredibly horny. The images of his hot body on
the weights bench flashing through her mind had got her wet and needy and
whilst Rachel was eternally grateful for the amazing sexual awakening Luc had
brought out in her; it didn’t help that there was no one but her trusty
vibrator to alleviate her newly discovered desire for frequent, explosive,
orgasmic sex. She sighed leaning her head on the steering wheel, wondering how
the hell her social life was ever going to move forward if all she was doing
was hiding in the gym on a Saturday night.


The club was pretty much deserted
now it was early evening – why wouldn’t it be? Most normal people were at
home getting ready to go out or snuggling up together watching TV. Half an hour
on the treadmill did nothing to quell Rachel’s desire; no one else came in to
distract her and she was getting a bit bored of her own company. Watching
herself run wasn’t nearly as much fun as watching Joe. Well that was before she
knew who he was of course. She was seriously wound up; grabbing a white fluffy
towel from the changing room, she decided that the steam room would be a good
remedy for de-stressing. She could literally sweat her feelings out!


Rachel loved the steam room. She
couldn’t abide the dry heat of a sauna but there was something quite liberating
about sweating out your toxins. Pushing open the glass door she was instantly
enveloped by the steamy, damp atmosphere. It was very cloying and it took a
moment for her breathing to regulate in the intense heat. The quiet was a
welcome retreat from the mess that was her current existence and Rachel sighed
in bliss as she lay down on the wet tiled bench seat.


“Phew” she breathed as her body
reacted to the temperature in the dark room. Rachel let her towel drop; naked
underneath but having passed no one the whole time she had been running, it was
safe to assume she was on her own. What other loser would be here now anyway
she assured herself? Sweating profusely, Rachel tried to relax enough to close
her eyes and concentrate on anything but her aching nipples and throbbing clit.
Picturing exotic beaches and calm seas seemed like a good place to start and
she really made an effort not to think about how the last time she was lying on
tiles was on her bathroom with Luc inside of her.

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