Murderville 2: The Epidemic (25 page)

Read Murderville 2: The Epidemic Online

Authors: Ashley,Jaquavis

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #African American, #Urban

BOOK: Murderville 2: The Epidemic
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“Tell me what happened in L.A.” Omega’s deep voice boomed with authority, causing her to look up at him.

“What do you mean?” she asked. “Nothing happened.”

“You’re not a good liar, Dahlia. Don’t insult me. I’m giving you a chance to tell me from your own mouth, in your own words. If I hear it from someone else, it will not be good for you.”

Dahlia stood and walked around the table, her nails touching the top of the table with her long red fingernails as she approached him. She opened his legs, turning his body toward her. She could see the skepticism in his eyes. He didn’t trust her, and she would have to spin this web very carefully in order to trap him. She straddled him, sitting on his lap, with her warm pussy radiating through the fabric of his slacks. She could hear his desire for her in the way that he grunted slightly. His manhood stiffened, and she knew that once he was turned on, her words would sound more believable. Her sex could cloud any man’s judgment.

“You’re right, Omega. Something did happen in L.A., but before I tell you, I want you to promise me that you won’t do anything stupid,” she said.

Omega gripped her chin and looked her in the eyes. “Talk,” he commanded.

“I wanted to tell you before, but you were making so much money with Po and things were going so well that I didn’t want to be the reason everything fell apart,” she said, her eyes watering with burden as she shook her head from side to side.
And the Academy Award goes to . . . ,
she thought.

“Tell it to me straight, Dahlia. What happened?” Omega asked. His jaws clenched as he grinded his teeth furiously.

“Po came onto me. He and Liberty were going through problems, and he kissed me. He was drunk, and I told him to stop,” Dahlia said, shedding tears.

“Did you fuck him?” Omega asked.

Dahlia looked at him as if his words insulted her. “Of course not, Omega. Is that all you think of me? I love
Omega. I was over there because you asked me to be. I would never . . .” she paused for dramatic effect as she stood from his lap. “I can’t believe you would ask me something like that.”

Omega stood and pulled her close, then said, “Stop crying, Dahlia. You should have told me sooner!” He was outraged at the disrespect. He had done nothing but show Po love by putting him on, and
was how he was repaid. “I’ll handle it. I tried to show him how to get money. I tried to put him on the winning team. Now he’s cut off. No more
diamonds, no more coke. Nobody eats! I’ma starve the li’l nigga to death!”

Dahlia watched him storm out of the room, and then crept to his office door as he put in the phone call to cut Po out of the diamond trade. Omega was connected worldwide. He had people everywhere, and when he put in the order to excommunicate someone, it was strictly followed. Po wouldn’t be able to hustle knockoff bags if he wanted to. Omega seized all that without remorse. It was that part of Omega that made Dahlia wet and reminded her of their earlier years when she had fallen head over heels for him. Little did Omega know, once he placed that call he was collateral damage. He was playing right into her hand.

*    *    *

The moonlight illuminated Dahlia’s bedroom casting a blue glow over her sleeping husband as she lay folded up beneath him. The red numbers on the digital clock were her focal point. She didn’t even blink, she was so focused. She had been lying in the exact same position, contemplating her next move. The scent of Omega sickened her. He was not who she wanted to be underneath right now and what was meant to be a loving embrace as she slept felt like unbreakable chains.




The minutes ticked by mind-numbingly slow, torturing Dahlia to the point of insanity. She was losing control, and she desperately needed to put things back
on track. She didn’t foresee her jealousy causing Po to send her away. She had underestimated his affection for Liberty. She wouldn’t make that same mistake twice.
I can’t do anything with Omega’s watchful eye on me at all times,
she thought. She eased her body from underneath Omega and paused when he shifted in his sleep. Her heart almost stopped from the fear of him awaking. Dahlia looked at him. He had been good to her. He had rescued her from the streets of Sierra Leone and showed her a life that she would have never known without him. His one mistake was keeping her too close, protecting her too much, secluding her from everything. Dahlia was suffocating from too much love from Omega. A man in his position came with too many chains, too many rules, and she was about to break free.

Dahlia slipped her hand under her pillow and pulled out the hunting knife that she had hid there the night before. She touched the blade softly. It was so sharp that it cut her finger slightly. A small dot of blood appeared on her fingertip, and she licked it away. She was like a shark, and the taste of blood made her thirsty for more. She took the blade and slid it across Omega’s neck. His eyes shot open, and his hand instantly went up to his neck as he bled out. He stared at her, pleading with his eyes as he gurgled, struggling to breathe.

Dahlia stood as he reached for her, moving out of the way just before he touched her, and watched with a stone face as Omega’s life slowly faded away. It looked like a painful death, but Dahlia never blinked. She was cold, and in
his last moments on this earth, Omega finally saw her true colors. She was the devil in human form.

*    *    *

Omega’s funeral was like a huge parade as his coffin was carried on the shoulders of his henchmen as they proceeded through the town of Sierra Leone. The mourning viewers that crowded the streets cried for the generous man they had come to know. Dahlia and the African mafia clapped loudly, slowly, in honor of the old burial ritual. It was to ensure that Omega was really dead and not just in a trance. They clapped to wake him, but everyone was well aware that it was for tradition only. Omega had been murdered. His neck slit from ear to ear. There was no coming back from that.

Dahlia’s face was covered by a black veil. The black peplum style dress she wore matched the black lace gloves that covered her hands. She had dressed to a model’s standard for the occasion and had made sure that Omega was just as sharp. There was no way that she would send him home half-assed. When he was alive, he did everything in style, so in death she gave him the ceremony worthy of an African king.
That’s the least I can do considering,
she thought in amusement. Dahlia marched at the head of the procession with her head lowered until they finally reached the cemetery. She played the grieving widow well.

Po walked up toward the grave but was stopped before he could pay his respects. Dahlia watched as Omega’s men turned him away. The anger on Po’s face could be seen a mile away. The last thing that Dahlia wanted was a scene at
Omega’s funeral. As the clergyman read a passage from the Bible, Dahlia excused herself, quietly slipping away from the group to walk over to the altercation.

“Dahlia, what the fuck is this? I’m not welcome here?” he asked, his brows dipped in irritation.

“It was Omega’s wishes, Po. He had you cut off,” Dahlia whispered.

Po looked perplexed as Omega’s men stood between him and Dahlia, who looked sympathetic. “Meet me at my place in an hour,” she said. “Now please go and let me lay him to rest.”

She watched Po retreat, and she had to check the smile that spread on her face. Omega’s death had brought Po back to Africa without Liberty, and it was the perfect opportunity for Dahlia to level the playing field. Before Omega’s untimely demise he had ensured that Po be locked out of the game. Dahlia was equally connected and knew all of Omega’s contacts extremely well. She knew that they would allow her to fill Omega’s shoes. Dahlia wasn’t naïve, however. She knew that a woman with that much power could not rule without having a strong man as the face to protect the empire. Niggas would try her. They would test her left and right, assuming that she was too weak to defend her throne, and she would be without Po. Omega’s will was strong even in death, and no one would go against his wishes to railroad Po, except Dahlia. She could easily unlock the doors for Po and welcome him back into the fold of things. She could be his new connect . . . if he saw things her way.

*    *    *

“Why the fuck was I cut off?” Po asked as soon as Dahlia opened the door. Her red eyes and solemn face immediately made him regret the question.

“Hi to you too, Po,” Dahlia replied as she stepped to the side and allowed him to enter into her home.

“I’m sorry. I just don’t understand. How did all of this happen? Did you see who killed him?” Po asked.

She shook his head. “I didn’t. It was dark, and I couldn’t see much. I heard the struggle. By the time I turned on the lights Omega’s neck had been slit. I only saw the back of the killer as he ran out. I called for help, but by the time help came, Omega died in my arms. It all happened so fast, I didn’t know what to do,” she whispered as a single tear slid down her cheek. She quickly wiped it off of her face. She shook her head and looked up at Po. “You want some coffee, some food or something? I know you had a long flight,” she offered.

“I want answers, ma. Since when have I been cut off? Omega and I were doing good business . . . profitable business,” Po argued.

“He thought you were skimming money from him. He wouldn’t tell me everything. You know how private Omega was, but I overheard him on the phone saying that you had been stealing money. Telling him that you were selling the diamonds for a higher price than what you told him and keeping the difference. I tried to tell him that it wasn’t like that, but he wouldn’t listen,” Dahlia said.

“Who the fuck planted that seed, Dahlia? You’re not telling me everything. There’s nobody close enough to me to know how much I’m selling shit for. Who would tell him that, especially knowing that it wasn’t true?” Po yelled in frustration.

Dahlia knew that if she threw a name out directly that Po would not listen, but if he came up with a suspect on his own he would hear it loud and clear.

“I don’t know, Po! I told you a long time ago that I would do anything to be there for you! Don’t you think if I knew I would tell you?” Dahlia defended, crying. “The only people who even knew about the diamonds were me, Ayo, Rocko, and Trixie . . .”

“But Rocko and Trixie didn’t even have access to Omega . . .” Po’s words drifted off as his mind pointed him to Ayo.
He the only nigga that even knew how to get to Omega,
Po thought.

Dahlia saw Po putting the pieces together in his mind and knew that he was accusing exactly whom she had implicated. Ayo was a problem and a thorn in Dahlia’s side. Ayo would stand in her way because he saw right through her, but if she had her way, Po would knock Ayo for her.

“I can’t think about this right now,” Dahlia said, feeling overwhelmed as she took a seat. “That isn’t even important right now. What am I going to do without Omega? Somebody came into our home and murdered him. Am I next?” she asked.

Po sat beside her and put one arm around her shoulder. “No, you’re not next, ma. You know the risks that Omega
took. There’s no telling what went bad or what enemies he had. Everything will be okay,” Po comforted her.

Dahlia rested her head on his chest. Po knew that without Omega’s blessing that he would never be able to do business out of Africa again. There were no diamonds as clear as the ones coming out of the mines of Sierra Leone. He needed a new connect. Po thought about stepping away from the game. He didn’t need to be dealt back in. In the short time that he had done business with Omega he had accumulated more wealth than one man could spend, but the power fed his ego. He was addicted to the money and wasn’t ready to let go of the hold he had over his empire.

“I need this connect,” he mumbled.

Dahlia raised her head and touched his cheek with her hand. “I can get you the diamonds, Po. I told you that I was ready to ride for you before you had me exiled from L.A.,” she said with a small smile, only half-jokingly.

“You were out of pocket, ma. You were wearing your heart on your sleeve. You know my situation,” he replied.

“I know the connect, Po. He won’t do business with you, but he
do business with me,” Dahlia whispered. “We can be a team, Po. We’ve always played so well together.” Her voice was low and seductive as her lips touched his ear as she spoke. His loins tingled from her touch. Dahlia’s sex was the best he had ever had, and she had a way of working her tongue that made his knees buckle. Dahlia was like that poisonous apple in the Garden of Eden. He just had to pick her. His hands fell down her back until they rested on her round behind, and he pulled her into his crotch.

“What about your precious Liberty?” Dahlia asked, breathing heavy in lust.

Po ripped her shirt open and feasted on her breasts. “Don’t talk about her,” he said as he ravished her body, pushing her against a wall.

“Fuck me, Po,” Dahlia said as she stuck her sweet tongue in his mouth.

Her body always tasted so good. It was as if she used the syrup from the earth to lotion her skin, and Po indulged in her, sopping her up as she removed his shirt. Every place she touched caused goose bumps to appear on his skin. Dahlia made her way south, her warm tongue licking a trail to the V cuts that outlined his lower abdomen. She gripped his stiff penis firmly and licked around his chocolate rod, then engulfed it. She sucked on his dick gently while her hands jerked him off, twisting and turning as he fucked her face. The pleasure she was giving him was irresistible, and Po was backed up. With Liberty pregnant, he felt that she was too delicate to be intimate with so it had been awhile. His head fell back as Dahlia slurped sloppily on him, making sure to keep her mouth nice and wet. Po’s body tensed as he let go. He tried to pull away from her, but Dahlia grabbed his ass and kept him close as she swallowed every drop of his nectar.

“Hmm,” she moaned. “I missed you.”

He adjusted himself, and she stood to her feet. “There’s a lot more where that came from, Po. We’re good together, baby. You’ll see soon enough.”

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