My AlienThreesome (4 page)

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Authors: Amy Redwood

Tags: #mfm

BOOK: My AlienThreesome
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I heard Garrett talking, Slyte answering. I moaned out in pleasure as a hand—Slyte’s?—moved up my thigh and cupped my pussy. A harsh, growling sound came from Slyte, and it took me a moment to realize he was talking to me. My eyes flew open, locked on to his.
Thank you
, I thought, and
as he touched my clit.

I licked my lips, wishing he would climb on top of me. He would push himself into my tight, wet pussy. He would fuck me hard and deep and kiss my mouth swollen. And when he’d brought me to orgasm, he’d take off the restraints, flip me over and force himself into my ass to spill his come.

Caught in my own dirty fantasy, I let my eyelids flutter shut as he circled my clit with unhurried motions. In the back of my mind, I knew Garrett was watching me, watching how a finger slipped into my pussy. Blood roared in my ears as the finger slid out of me, spreading my juices. He touched my clit, not teasingly but in light strokes that made me grow still, all my muscles tensed. I gave in to the lure of his hand, my orgasm a ripple of waves from my core to the soles of my feet. My own cry mingled with a hoarse exclamation in Dezrian.

The last spasms of my orgasm left my body and I took a measured breath, sharing a smile with Slyte. I knew with absolute certainty that I wouldn’t survive the night on small orgasms like that. I needed more, a long hard ride. The thickness of a cock filling me. The stretch, the exquisite invasion of a male entering my body.

I didn’t dare imagine how it would feel if two males would fuck me. I’d probably die of bliss.

Chapter Four


While my last orgasm hadn’t given me the ultimate satisfaction I craved, it had given me a spell of clarity. Until the next wave of painful need would roll along, I wanted answers. And they had to come from Garrett.

“That drink, bad side-effects?”

“Beside the unnaturally high libido, nothing I’m aware of.”

I nodded, glad. “For how long?”

“Until you’ve worked it off.”

“How come you knew how it affected me?”

“Someone I don’t call my friend anymore was selling the drink. It’s an illegal drug on Earth. Usually, the drink loses its potency quickly after it’s exposed to oxygen. But I’ve seen once what it does to a woman. It’s a mild aphrodisiac for Dezrians, but you are human, and Slyte didn’t know what you got yourself into.”

“How come you speak Dezrian?”

“Easy enough to learn.”


He smiled that killer smile that had undoubtedly made many women fall into his bed. Hah! I knew him too well to underestimate him. And I knew without a doubt that if he wanted something from me, anything, he’d find a way to get it. And he wanted something from me, of that I was sure.

But if he wouldn’t leave the room, I might as well turn it to my advantage.

“Okay,” I said, fixing him with a defiant stare, “I prefer to stay alive. You can stay as a translator, if Slyte doesn’t mind that you hang around.”

“On Dezra, the perfect number is three,” he said. “That translates into the bedroom.”

“Do you also think that?”

“I don’t share the woman I love, I’m selfish like that.”

“And the women you don’t love? What about them?” Anger boiled its way to the surface, which was easy because I’d been pissed at him for the last ten weeks. “How was it for you, Garrett? How was it to fuck your partner and leave without an explanation but with a sorry-ass note? I

“I know, sweetheart.” He took off his shirt while muttering about how hot the room was. “We’ll talk about it when you can think straight again. Deal?”

I gazed at the toned muscles of his stomach as they flexed and moved. He’d asked me something but it had already escaped my limited attention span. There was a nasty gnarl of scar tissue on his chest, which I had never seen before on him.

“What happened,” I said, “did someone try to give you a heart?”

He grinned, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “I have one already,
, and it belongs to you.” He sat beside me on the bed, touching me only with his gaze.

I’d be a fool to trust him again. But I instinctively knew that he spoke the truth when it came to the effect Starlight had on me. If I had my hands free, I’d make myself come and come and
until I dropped dead.

My gaze flickered back and forth between the two men. Both similar in looks yet so different in temperament. Slyte possessed a quiet strength, his high brow spoke of a sharp intellect. And Garrett, damn, he was all muscles and strength, quick as lithium. And his mind worked relentlessly until he had what he wanted. And judging from his refusal to leave my side and his seductive words of love for me, he wanted an encore to our one-nighter.

Egoistic as it might be, it would feel heavenly to be touched by two pairs of hands, two sets of lips, the possibility of two cocks entering me, the scent of male all around me. And I was sure, self-servingly so, that it would banish the effect Starlight had on my body. It would give me the ultimate satisfaction I craved.

“I want you,” I said, holding Garrett’s gaze. A rush of heat touched my checks, my pride suffering a full blow. He shouldn’t think that I was begging for his love. “I mean your body,” I added hastily. “Just sex.”

“Understandable,” he said, placing his hand over his chest. “I’ll try not to feel depressed that you want to use me for sex only. But it breaks my heart a little.”

“Not funny.” How dare he mention heartbreak? Did he have any idea how much I’d cried my eyes out after he dumped me? “I’ve changed my mind again.”

“Just as well,” he said with a grin. “I bet you’ll have another change of heart soon.”

“You’re on.” I’d never been able to resist a challenge he threw in my way, but I could almost feel his arms wrapped around me in a tight embrace. My memory worked too well.

I swallowed a groan as the ache within me grew stronger, the need to be touched and filled rising with a power I couldn’t deny. My thoughts grew hazy and I found myself not caring about anything but the next orgasm that would put my body at ease again. My heart pounded in an alarmingly fast beat as my pussy gave twitch after needy twitch. “Please,” I heard myself moan. “Ask Slyte if he’d like to make me come.”

“It’s too soon,” Garrett said. “I want you alive and well,
. When this night is over, believe me, I won’t allow another man to touch you ever again.”

“As if I’d give you any say in that matter,” I said. “He tries to read my thoughts sometimes, I think. Or talk to me that way. Is that possible?”

“Sure,” Garrett said. “But it’s considered rude to inquire after one’s special skills here on Dezra. Some can read emotions, thoughts, intentions. It would make him a brilliant fighter if he sensed in advance what an opponent planed to do next.”

It would make him a great lover as well. My lips parted, my breath came harder. My gaze locked on Slyte’s face. The image of me sucking his cock came easily, and I concentrated, sending him my best come-hither look.
Come on, Slyte, take off those pants, let me make you come
, I thought, willing the Dezrian on to catch my intention.

Come on, Slyte, take me, let me taste you

If Garrett wanted to be in the same room while I was with another man, fine. I’d crossed the line of modesty a while back and flew at full speed toward all loss of inhibition.

“What are you doing?” Garrett said, a laugh in his voice. “You’re frowning so hard, it looks like your brain’s overheating.”

“Tell him,” I said, my voice hoarse, too impatient to wait until Slyte had picked up on my wish, “that I want to suck him off.”

Garrett said something that sounded like “Fuck” but I was distracted as the mattress moved beneath me and Slyte pushed himself to his feet. Lifting my head, I saw him taking off his pants, freeing his erect cock.

* * * * *

Garrett was watching, I could feel his gaze on us.

Slyte had stripped naked and climbed on top of me. There was a mean part in me that hoped Garrett wished he were the one kneeling in front of my face, cock in fist. It gave me an odd satisfaction, making him see me with another man. Payback for leaving me, maybe, but I couldn’t be sure.

My feelings were knotted and impossible to unfurl, and the nudge of Slyte’s cock against my closed lips made my thoughts spiral away. My hips rolled in a constant motion, and I was sure that my eyes were glazed over with a feverish heat.

Slyte stroked himself, the thickness of his cock intimidating. I parted my lips, flicked my tongue to sample a taste, licking at the drops of come glistening at the slit in the head of his cock. I wanted him in my mouth. My hands fisted and unfisted in an attempt to grasp him. But I was still tied up, and all I could do was lift my head to bring myself closer to Slyte’s cock.

He obliged me and shoved his hips forward. When I gagged, he pulled back, giving me just enough of him that I could swirl my tongue around the tip of his cock. He was big, both in length and in girth, and he controlled his movements, careful that he didn’t push in too far down my throat.

I sucked him harder, lifting my head to take him deeper. I wanted him to fuck my mouth less gently, wanted a raw, brutal act that would pacify the sex-crazed monster within me. Or,
, if he would only push his thick cock inside my pussy. The image was vivid enough to make me groan out. I tried to bring my thighs together but was once more reminded that I was tied up.

Slyte’s breath came faster, his thrusts grew deeper, ragged. No wonder he was close, I was sucking him as if my life depended on it. Slyte trembled as he pulled his cock out of my mouth. He spoke to me, words I didn’t understand, but Garrett would.

“What did he say?” I opened my eyes, turned my head, caught Garrett’s gaze while Slyte adjusted his position to trace his cock along my breasts.

“He said that you have the sweetest mouth he’s ever fucked.” Garrett stood next to the bed, his posture rigid, thunder in his dark eyes.

“Does that bother you?” I whispered as Slyte moved down the length of my body, his lips closing around my nipple. “Do you wish it were you with me?”

“Yes,” he said, “to both questions. I get that you need to have sex with someone you trust though. And right now, that someone isn’t me.” He disappeared from my view as if he didn’t want me to look at him. But I’d seen the longing in his eyes, recognized it because I’d seen it before.

I’d tried to make Garrett come with my mouth that night we shared together. But I’d sucked slowly and taken my time, drawn it out. When I’d finally teased him close, he’d repaid me in kind before he’d spread my legs and pushed himself in me.

The next morning, he was gone. I’d lost my partner and my lover of one night—and all he’d had to say was
I’m sorry
written on a note, proving that he was just another commitment-phobic guy and no better than all the other losers I’d ever met. But I had felt loved that night. I had felt at one with him. He’d made me feel treasured and cherished—and that had been his worst crime. I couldn’t forgive his pretending that he loved me back.

I shut my eyes, banishing the memory.

Slyte had worked his way up my body again, his knees on either side of my torso, his cock brushing my mouth as he leaned over me. I opened for him, took him between my lips. He began to thrust in steady strokes, not too deep but enough to make me groan out in pleasure of being used in an act so sexual.

I knew Garrett was still in the room, even though I couldn’t see him, but I let out a muffled yelp when he touched me. My thighs were spread, my pussy probably glistening with my juices, and he had just cupped me there. I hadn’t asked him to touch me, hadn’t begged, so I guess I’d sort of won our bet.

I loved Slyte’s cock in my mouth, but I didn’t love Slyte. Knowing that Garrett couldn’t keep his hands off me lifted my heart. I wanted all he was willing to give. For this moment, my hurt feelings weren’t an issue. And my mind tipped just this side of insanity when I sensed that he’d moved between my legs.

Anyone walking in on us would get the wrong impression. A naked woman tied up on all four limbs to the bed, one male fucking her mouth while another kneeled between her spread thighs.

Garrett ran his fingertips up my bare thighs, shattering my concerns for propriety. His touch made the skin on my legs pebble. I could feel the shift in the mattress as he leaned forward and put his tongue to my center. He licked my clit. The effect it had was immediate and violent. I bowed away from the bed, but my yell was stifled by Slyte’s cock.

When he slid two fingers inside my pussy, my internal muscles grasped him. My heart beat a mile a minute, making cardiac arrest a distinct possibility. Licking me again, long and slow and with apparent delight, he sent me into another orgasm. I vaguely remembered that he’d told me that I mustn’t get too excited, but I didn’t want him to stop.

The air was filled with the sound of Slyte’s hard breath. He pulled out of my mouth, jerked his cock in his fist before he pushed between my lips again. I could feel him thicken and twitch against my tongue. He pumped his hips, gave a rough shout as his come jetted down my throat. I swallowed, had no choice in the matter, and was too needy to be bothered that the man I loved witnessed how I sucked off another man. Slyte pulled out, lowered himself to give me a deep kiss, whispering sweet little nothings—at least that was my best guess.

I surely had a sated smile plastered on my face, and again my mind was clear, not crazed with lust. If I understood the drink’s effects correctly, then my orgasms worked in my favor. The more I came, the faster I’d shed the drink’s arousing qualities.

Slyte stretched out beside me, his hands wandering lazily along the curves of my body. It was nice, having his constant attention. And it gave me a good view of Garrett sitting at the end of the bed. His chest wasn’t as smooth as Slyte’s but showed a dusting of hair. But his skin glowed in almost the same coloring, if on the lighter shade of copper. I’d just figured out why Garrett spoke Slyte’s language.

“You are half Dezrian, aren’t you?”

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