My AlienThreesome (5 page)

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Authors: Amy Redwood

Tags: #mfm

BOOK: My AlienThreesome
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He nodded, offering no other explanation.

It shouldn’t hurt that he had kept that from me. Was there anything that I hadn’t told him about me? No, there wasn’t. But if I remembered correctly, he’d been the one asking me question after question during the long hours of flight on board my ship.

Before I’d met him, I was an independent contractor for the confederation, flying the odd mission, when my space glider went kaput after a rough landing. Without the cash flow for replacement parts, I needed a new loan—or a partner.

No one answered my call for a partner who would be willing to chip into the repairs except Garrett. And I had taken one long, hard look at the seasoned pilot, heard about his connections to the private sector, which meant higher-paying contracts, to know that I’d found the perfect business partner.

In hindsight, I should have wondered why he thought
would be a good partner for
. He had money, a reputation as a badass and, as I later found out, friends in high places.

I was broke, had no connections to speak of and was always a little less articulate when I was around him. But he’d said he wanted a break from high-risk jobs, wanted a steadier life, so I hadn’t questioned my stroke of luck. And, true to his word, he got us easy but lucrative contracts.

And after three months and one hot night, he’d left me, only to turn up ten weeks later here on Dezra.

“Can you read my thoughts?”

He shook his head.

I was relieved. It was unsettling that he might be able to spy how much I still loved him. Slyte would know, I thought, but it didn’t seem as if he’d rat me out any time soon.

“Untie me please,” I said. “I’m feeling much better.”

“We’ll see for how long,” Garrett answered, but surprising me, he began to untie me. When he was done, I rolled to my side as Slyte pulled me close.

“Want me to leave you alone with him?” Garrett asked. “I’ll leave if you ask me to because it tears me apart that you are in his arms and I can only watch.”

I looked at him, not trusting my voice. “No,” I said finally, “please stay.”

He nodded, opened his belt, stripped naked in front of my eyes and, foolishly, it made me blush. He slipped onto the bed with me, as I had wished for him to do.

I stared straight into his eyes, so familiar with their small flecks of gold inside the dark irises. Slyte moved behind me, his arms firmly wrapped around my middle, reminding me that I was trapped between two men. One spooned behind me, the other in front of me. Emotions rushed over me so fast I had no chance to catch or study any of them.

“Hey,” Garrett said, his lips moving against mine in a whisper-soft kiss. The slightest smile crossed his face, as if afraid he would spook me if he expressed too much interest. “So you’re feeling better?”

“A bit,” I answered with the truth. “But there’s still that urge within me to jump you. And that’s the drink messing with me.”

“You sure?” There was a twinkle in his eyes, the daredevil smile I’d loved so much.

And still loved, who was I kidding?

“Why, Garrett?” The question I’d longed to ask him every day for the last ten weeks. I’d pictured myself screaming this question, throwing my hurt feelings at his feet. I never imagined I’d ask while lying nose to nose in bed with him as another man was holding one of my breasts cradled in his palm. My heart was so full of pain and longing, I could hardly breathe.

“Tell me. I need to know

Chapter Five


My body was stirring again, demanding attention, sex and release. But I fought my need, didn’t want to give in, turning over and over what Garrett had told me.

“I don’t expect you to believe me,” Garrett said softly, his breath tickling my lips, his words little kisses on my mouth. “But it’s the truth.” He cupped my jaw and feathered a kiss down my neck. He skimmed his fingertips along my throat, pausing when I turned in to his touch.

“I want to believe you,” I said, but doubt lingered, why, I couldn’t say. Maybe I’d been burnt one time too many. “When you agreed to be my partner, you only wanted to keep a low profile, right?”

“Yes,” he said. “That was the plan.”

“You used me.”

“I fell for you, sweetheart.”

but brought my face closer to him, loving the scrape of his beard stubble against my chin. And greedy me, I curled tighter against the hard, hot cock pressing against my butt cheeks. Garrett carressed my front—throat, breasts, my belly—while Slyte took care of my back, tracing my spine with a single finger, his hand slick with oil.

I sensed that Garrett avoided touching Slyte while it was apparent that the Dezrian couldn’t care less about the other naked male in the bed. But it made me feel as if there were an invisible line drawn along the side of my body. Still, line or no line, the feeling of two pairs of hands traveling along my body was intensely satisfying.

Slyte’s hand settled around my breasts from behind to tease my nipples into hard buds and his knuckles rasped across Garrett’s chest.
Oh, oh,
I thought with a smile, he’d just crossed the border.

Garrett backed slightly away from me, or rather, from Slyte’s hand, proving that my assumption had been right.

“Show me the thing on your chest once more,” I said to distract him before he changed his mind about sharing the bed with Slyte and me.

He raised his brow and gave me a look, as if he guessed my intentions, and I traced my finger across the scars on his chest. There, above his heart, was something spiky like barbed wire beneath the scar tissue.

“And you can’t remove it by yourself?” I asked.

“As archaic as it is to put it in place, it’s a sophisticated device.”

I was silent, closing my eyes, partly because Slyte’s caressing touch made me shiver, partly because I was sick to my stomach. “If only you had told me—”

“And have you come after me? You wouldn’t have stood a chance. I’d rather have you hate me than risk your life. And I was sorry,” he said quietly. “It wasn’t a lie.”

“You should have told me when you entered our partnership that you had unfinished business with this guy.” And not any guy, no, it had to be someone so high up and with a reputation so clean you knew he was bone rotten.

“When I got wind of his illegal activities, I wanted out of my pilot contract. You could say a long-time friendship was over. I offered to pay a penalty for the outstanding time, which he didn’t accept. I left anyway, threatening that I’d report him to the confederation.”

“Now that wasn’t smart,” I said. “He probably has half of the officials in his pocket.”

“I know,” Garrett said. “It wasn’t smart and it backfired. His thugs came looking for me when he couldn’t find someone stupid enough to replace me. But I wasn’t easy to find. Until we checked into that motel. The kid who showed us the room, he must have recognized me, knew that there was reward on my head.”

I’d heard of slaves being imprisoned by explosives beneath their skin. But I hadn’t seen it before. “What triggers it?” I asked, my throat tight.

“If they don’t replace it every three days, it starts releasing poison into my blood. They made damn sure that I stick around this time. I had to fly missions under the radar, violating confederation regulations left and right. But, hey, in his own twisted way, he has honor. My contract with him is now up, so I’m soon free again.”

“Just like that?”

He nodded. “I was on my way to debrief when my ship crashed. After the debrief, they’ll take out the device and my life is my own again.”

“You’re not letting them get away with what they did to you, right?”

“I might know a thing or two to bring him down, but that needs planning,” he said quietly. “And right now, I don’t want to think about it. Not when I have you finally back in my arms.”

I was still trying to come to terms with his story. Something else nudged at my brain, but I couldn’t pinpoint what was bothering me. But I knew better than to expect that the confederation would come to the rescue of an independent pilot who’d gotten himself into trouble. By the time the paperwork with the complaint was filed, he’d have been dead.

Tears pricked at my eyes, tears of fury and the pain of a broken heart. “Damn you, Garrett. Why didn’t you tell me, contact me?”

“I couldn’t,” he said. “Not without putting you in danger. I left the room after you fell asleep to get something to drink. They’d been already waiting. I promised to go quietly if they let me pack my stuff. I managed to scribble the note before they dragged me away. I feared you’d wake up, attack them, do something heroic. Feared they would take you along if they realized how much you meant to me. He’s a dangerous guy, I don’t want him to know you exist. I wrote you the note so you wouldn’t come looking for me.”

“And now you’ve found me.”

“Yes, and a few days sooner than I’d hoped for too. Imagine my surprise spotting you across the room. And the next thing I see is you drinking that stuff.”

My thoughts blurred for a second as Slyte pulled me into him, his cock slipping between my legs. My slick pussy coated his length, making it impossible to keep my hips still. I rocked against him, his cock teasing my clit. I slid my hand between my thighs, touching him, touching myself.

Garrett lifted his arm, touched my cheeks with his finger. “You’re all flushed and heated.”

I gazed into Garrett’s dark eyes, my emotions impossible to sort out. Anger and love, sadness and lust, all mixed up in one. When I let out a long moan, my stomach a tight knot of tension, my fingers working my clit faster, Garrett spoke up. While I didn’t understand his words, I thought I detected an exasperated tone to it.

Slyte gathered my arms behind my back and clamped one big hand around my wrists. I struggled against my sudden loss of freedom. Both moved closer until I was trapped between their bodies. All that hardness pressing against me did nothing to calm my too fast breath.

“Relax,” Garrett said, “you’re still a hot mess, but we’ll take care of you.” He brought his nose closer to mine, his tongue teasing me to part my lips. “My love,” he whispered before he deepened his kiss.

He tasted hot and dangerous and with the promise of future heartbreak. I wrapped one leg around his calf, arching upward. But he was lying to me, wasn’t he? No way was his story true. It couldn’t be. It would mean that he hadn’t really dumped me. That he’d planned to come back to me. It would mean that he loved me—and that was certainly too difficult a concept to grasp right now. All I did was feel and take and wish for more.

I kissed Garrett, duelling with his tongue for dominance because we were both eager to explore each other. I let him win, softened against him. His kisses were long and deep, lazy in his delight to explore my mouth and tongue and the edge of my teeth.

Slyte still held my arms behind my back, making touching myself impossible. I forgave him this cruelty because he thrust his cock between my folded hands. It surprised me how turned-on it made me, giving him an involuntarily handjob. He was slick with oil, and I gave him a tighter grip, his cock moving smoothly between the palms of my hands.

Playfully, Garrett nipped into my bottom lip, moved lower, closed his mouth around a nipple and sucked while Slyte’s oil-slicked cock pumped into my hands. I came, stunning myself, but the pull at my breast gave me a sharp orgasm that left me breathless for a second. It wasn’t enough, though for once, my heart didn’t feel as if it would explode. I wanted, needed to be fucked. No more fooling around.

“Garrett,” I said. “I’m feeling a whole lot better.”

“That’s great,
,” he said, clearly not believing any of it. “You just came because I sucked on your nipple.”

“No, I didn’t,” I said, lying through my teeth. “But I want you inside me now.”

He searched my face, placed his hand on my chest, evidently checking my heartbeat. But I could see it in his dilated pupils. He wanted me as much as I him. And Slyte behind me was making me crazy, even though he’d stopped thrusting into my hands and he loosened the hold on my wrists. My lower back was slippery from the oil and my ass rubbed sensually against the hardness of his cock. The Dezrian wouldn’t deny me, I was sure. Arching my back, I pressed tighter against his cock, hoping that my movement spoke for itself. I lusted for one male and I was in love with the other. Both were in bed with me, naked and aroused.

And I knew exactly what it would take to get the drink out of my system.

“Garrett,” I said, my voice husky. “Do you remember how you made love to me?”

“Thought about it for every damn night in the last weeks,” he answered roughly. “But we have to take it slow.” His hand rested on my waist and he gripped me painfully tight, telling me better than anything else how much he wanted me in return.

“Feel how wet I am for you,” I whispered, and moaned when he did. His hand cupped my mound, too gently. “Slip a finger inside me, please.” Curse me if I couldn’t seduce him.

While I watched Garrett’s struggle with his needs and his apprehension, I grasped Slyte’s cock and directed him between my legs. I remembered how good his thick cock had felt inside my mouth. I shivered to think how intense it would be if he fucked my ass. I held on to that thought, hoping that the Dezrian would pick up on it.

I closed my eyes, swallowing a moan. He
picked up on it. Concentrating on the invading feel of a finger slippery with oil against my anus, I felt my eyes pop open as he pushed smoothly in, his grunt one of satisfaction. The thick head of a cock replaced the finger. He pushed slowly in and I pushed back, a cry on my lips as he stretched me. His hand grasped around my hip, steadying me as he thrust his oiled cock deeper in my ass. His breath came hard against my neck. I reveled in this raw act, in the carnal connection to him. It satisfied me in a primal way.

I directed my gaze at Garrett, who undoubtedly knew that I had encouraged Slyte into giving me what I wanted.

“I need this,” I said, pleading, hoping he’d understand. “But I need you too.”

“I understand,” Garrett said, but a muscle in his jaw twitched. “I want you to have all you need, from whoever can give it to you.” His mouth pressed to a thin line, but his chest rose and fell with a quickened breath. “But it’s not easy to watch you with him. As I said, I don’t like to share the woman I love.”

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