My Girl (6 page)

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Authors: Stormy Glenn

Tags: #Fiction, #Gay

BOOK: My Girl
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Nicky's breath fluttered in his chest. He knew meeting them was important to Seth and hoped to make a good impression. He just didn't know how he would accomplish that when he had to lie to them right from the beginning. It didn't bode well for the future, yet another reason Nicky felt so hesitant about committing to Seth.

Seth was quickly turning into everything Nicky ever dreamed of. The man was smart, caring, and drop dead gorgeous. He also seemed to want to stick around for the long haul. He was supportive unlike anyone Nicky had ever met.

Nicky was just terrified that Seth's support wouldn't last when push came to shove. How could he ask Seth to put himself in danger? Even being with him now while playing dress-up put Seth in danger. If Morales caught wind of where Nicky was, the danger to Seth would increase to a level he didn't know if he had a right to expect Seth to agree to.

Nicky would be destroyed if Seth got injured, or worse, because of him. Despite what he told Seth, Nicky truly did care for the man. He could easily imagine spending the rest of his life side by side with him. He knew he'd be happy every day they were together.

"We can do this another time if you would prefer, Nicky."
It wasn't until Seth spoke that Nicky realized he had a death grip on the man's hand. He smiled nervously and loosened his hand. "No, this is okay. I guess if we're going to be in a relationship I'll need to meet your parents at some point, right?"
Seth looked stunned for a moment then a beautiful smile slowly spread over his face. Nicky hadn't meant to say they were a couple but after watching the joy fill Seth's face, he was helpless to pull his words back.
"Do you mean that, Nicky?"
Nicky drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly as he tried to find the right words to give Seth what he wanted but retain control of his emotions, emotions that were screaming at him to take a chance while he had it. His head was screaming at him to run back down the walkway.
"I mean that I want to be with you but you need to understand I am still scared. I don't know exactly what this is that is happening between us. I just know I've never felt this way about someone before and I don't want anything bad to happen to you."
"Nicky, being with me doesn't mean something bad is going to happen to me."
"You don't know that," Nicky insisted. "If Morales catches you—"
"If, Nicky, if."
Nicky rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to respond when Seth knocked on the door and it was immediately opened. Nicky plastered a smile on his face that he didn't really feel and turned to greet Seth's parents.
"Seth, son, it's good to see you."
"Dad," Seth said.
"And who is this lovely lady?"
Nicky arched an eyebrow and turned to send a meaningful glare in Seth's direction.
Lovely lady, indeed.
He was so going to make Seth pay. Not because he was being introduced as Seth's girlfriend but because he detected amusement in his chocolate-brown eyes.
"This is Nicky."

* * * *

Nicky smothered his laugh as Seth's mother directed his lover to carry the dishes into the kitchen and load the dishwasher. Seth looked like she was forcing bamboo shoots under his fingernails. He looked tortured.

"We can go right here to the patio while Seth loads the dishwasher, hmm?"
Oh hell, here it comes
, Nicky thought as he climbed to his feet and followed Mr. and Mrs. Leighton out to their patio. Mrs. Leighton sat in a white cushioned chair and gestured for Nicky to sit across from her on a white cushioned lounger. Mr. Leighton started a small fire in the stone fire pit sitting between them.
"This is very nice out here, Mrs. Leighton."
"Please, call me Pamela. Calling me Mrs. Leighton makes me feel like my mother-in-law." She waved a hand at Nicky as she laughed. "God love the woman but I am not nearly old enough."
Nicky grinned. "Pamela it is."
"Richard cut back on work last year but we both decided that we need an oasis to get away from everything until he could fully retire." Pamela waved her arms around the large backyard and patio. "Our oasis."
Nicky glanced around him and understood exactly what Pamela was talking about. While the backyard had a fence around it, it was surrounded by tall, leafy trees and colorful flowers. The stone patio went from the house to the edge of an in-ground pool made to look like a rock pond instead of a modern one.
The flames from the fire pit lit up the patio area and gave it a soft glow that wasn't too bright but just enough to make the area feel homey and comfortable. Nicky could imagine spending hours on the patio curled up in Seth's arms just listening to the night pass by.
"It's very nice. I can see exactly why you love it so much."
"I love it but Richard promised that once he retires we can move to somewhere warmer. The winters just seem to get colder and colder each year."
Nicky smiled and nodded because he really didn't have anything to say to that. He was from Boston. Their winters could be brutal. He had no idea how winters were out here in the west.
"So, you're dating my Seth."
Nicky's eyes widened as he turned his gaze away from the backyard and back to Seth's mother. He knew the questions would come eventually. He just had to figure out how much to tell the woman without giving away his secret.
"Yes, Seth helped me move into my apartment a few weeks ago and, well…" Nicky smiled and flicked his hand in the air. "You know how it goes."
"Actually, I have to admit that I am a little surprised. Seth doesn't usually bring the people he dates home to meet us. I guess you must be pretty special."
"I certainly hope so. I think Seth is very special."
"I'm sure you can imagine our surprise when Seth called and said he wanted to bring a girl home to meet us."
"Yes, I'm sure." Nicky tried to keep the smile on his face but knew it didn't reach his eyes when Pamela frowned at him. "I know all about Seth. He told me everything."
"Did he?"
"Mother, stop interrogating Nicky."
Nicky was never so glad to hear someone's voice. He looked up and watched Seth walk out of the house and over to the lounger to sit down. Nicky immediately leaned into Seth when the man wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
"I was just asking how well she knew you, son."
"Nicky knows all about me."
"So she said."
Nicky couldn't figure out if Pamela liked him or not. He could understand her confusion about Seth bringing him home but he didn't think that was a reason not to like him. And she wasn't exactly hostile but more like disapproving.
"Does she know you're—"
"Nicky knows I'm gay, Mother."
"Were gay, Seth, were." Pamela frowned, her forehead wrinkling. "If you're dating a girl then you can't exactly say you are gay anymore, now can you?"
Nicky felt Seth tense next to him. He reached down and squeezed Seth's hand, hoping to give the man some support. He knew this conversation was hard on his lover. Seth was essentially lying to his parents on Nicky's behalf, and Seth didn't seem like a man who handled lying very well.
Nicky opened his mouth to tell Seth to go ahead and tell his parents the truth when Seth began to speak.
"I love Nicky and that’s all you need to know. Whether Nicky is a guy or a girl or the man on the moon shouldn't matter. The dynamics of our sex life shouldn't matter either. Not you or anybody else has a right to stick their noses into our bedroom. All you need to know is that Nicky cares about me and makes me happy."
"I just worry… Seth, you've been gay all your life. How can you be sure this is what you want?" Pamela's hand waved toward Nicky as she spoke. "I have nothing against your girlfriend. I'm just concerned that you're making a hasty decision."
"Believe me, there is nothing hasty in my feelings for Nicky."
"Seth, I'm your mother. I know you. Once you make up your mind about something a crowbar won't get it out. I just need to know that you're making the right decision. Don't give up who you are because of a pretty face."
Nicky gaped. Seth's mother was actually arguing for her son to be gay. He'd heard a lot of stories about parents trying to talk their children out of being gay. He'd never heard of a parent trying to talk her son into being gay. He didn't quite know what to say or how to react.
He did know that the whole conversation was upsetting to Seth. Nicky could feel Seth's thigh muscles bunch under his hand. He leaned over to whisper in Seth's ear. "It's okay, Seth, tell her the truth if you need to. I don't want to come between you and your mother. She obviously loves you very much and she's just concerned."
Seth's head moved back an inch or so as he turned to look at Nicky. "I can't put you in danger, Nicky," Seth whispered.
"Do you trust your parents?"
"Of course." Seth frowned.
"Then tell them the truth. We don't have to tell them everything but they might feel a little better if they knew you hadn't switched sides."
"It shouldn't matter!" Seth snapped. "I love you and that’s all that should be important."
"Seth Daniel Leighton!" Pamela exclaimed, her face suddenly becoming very fierce. "Don't you talk to that poor girl that way. She's done nothing to deserve it and if you truly love her they way you say you do, you should be ashamed of yourself. I taught you better than that."
Nicky blinked. Pamela was defending him? Could things get any weirder than that?
"I apologize for Seth's behavior, Nicky. I know this situation can't be easy for you but he really is a great young man…" Pamela glared at her son, "despite his lack of manners."
"I'm not worried, Pamela." Nicky smiled as he patted Seth's thigh. "This situation is a little unusual for all of us."
"You're being very understanding considering how I lit into you."
Nicky was surprised, and growing more impressed by the woman with each passing moment. He was starting to believe that Pamela truly was interested Seth's best interests and not just who he brought home to meet the folks.
"Seth means a great deal to me. We're still working out exactly what that is." Nicky chuckled. "Mostly because I've never met anyone like him in my life, but I know he means well, as do you. I don't take any of it personally."
"That’s very generous of you considering everything I've said." Pamela sat back in her seat and sighed. "I must seem like a monster to you."
"No, not at all. You're concerned for Seth and I understand that. I just want you to know that I want only the best for him."
"And if you're not the best thing for him?"
A burst of nervous laughter fell from Nicky's mouth. "I seriously doubt I am the best thing for Seth but I'm going to keep hoping he never figures that out." CHAPTER 11

Seth curled his body tighter around Nicky's sleeping form. He needed the comfort contact with the man brought him. Tonight hadn't been easy for him. Seth had this feeling of impending doom, like something dreadful was going to happen to Nicky and take him away.

Seth couldn't seem to shake the feeling either. He wanted to wrap his arms around Nicky and never let the man go. He didn't even want Nicky out of his sight. Seth had half a mind to call into work sick for the next decade or so just so he could keep an eye on the man.

"Stop thinking so much," Nicky murmured against

Seth's chest. "You're keeping me awake."
"Maybe I was hoping you would be awake?" Nicky rolled a little until his body was lying on top

of Seth's. His legs fell down on either side of Seth's hips, his hands resting on Seth's chest. Nicky's eyes blinked at the low light in the room as he rested his chin on his hands.

"What's wrong, Seth? Why aren't you sleeping?" "Just thinking, babe."
"About what?"
Seth smoothed back a lock of sandy brown hair

from Nicky's cheek. He was still a little bit in awe of Nicky's beauty and hoped he remained that way for the rest of his life. Nicky was breathtaking, even masquerading as a woman.

"You, what else?"

"Yeah?" Nicky's smile was sensual, sending a shiver of delight through Seth's body. "What about me?"
"Just thinking about how beautiful you are."
"Men aren't beautiful, Seth."
"Says who?" Seth grinned at the disgruntled frown that came over Nicky's face. "I think you're beautiful and you just have to live with that fact because I don't think it's going to change any time soon."
Seth laughed at the overly dramatic eye roll Nicky gave him. He suddenly felt more joyous than he had a moment ago and wanted Nicky closer than he was. Seth grabbed Nicky under his arms and pulled the man up his chest. At the same time, he brought his knees up, spreading Nicky's legs.
His cock started to harden at the small he heard hitch in Nicky's breathing when their groins settled against each other. Nicky's face flushed with arousal.
"Seth," Nicky groaned.
Seth was suddenly hard and aching and needed Nicky like he couldn't remember needing the man since they had met. He wrapped his hand in a good amount of Nicky's long hair and pulled the man's head down for a passion-filled kiss.
He licked a small line across Nicky's lips until the man groaned and opened his mouth. The touch of Nicky's tongue stroking his own sent a shiver of lust racing through Seth's body, hardening his cock until it was almost painful in its intensity.
Seth held Nicky's lips to his by the hand clenched in the man's long sandy brown hair. With the other one, Seth stroked a line down his back to his ass. Nicky's ass was so rounded and tight, Seth knew he would be fascinated for years to come. Just imagining what the little globes looked like was enough to make Seth breathe heavier.
He moved his hand down between Nicky's ass cheeks to the small puckered hole that quivered at his touch. Gently pressing one finger in, Seth tested Nicky's readiness. He would never do anything to hurt the man quickly becoming the most important person in his life.
Luckily, the ease with which his finger sank into Nicky's tight grip told Seth the man was still stretched from their earlier lovemaking. That didn't mean they wouldn't need lube. Seth kept his lips glued to Nicky's as he reached under the pillow for the lube. He popped the top and squirted a liberal amount on his fingers before dropping the bottle onto the mattress next to them.
Nicky moaned and bucked against Seth when he pushed first one, then two fingers deep inside of his ass. Seth moved them in and out a few times before adding a third. He felt a groan of his own start building in his throat when Nicky began riding his fingers.
Damn, Nicky was so responsive. Seth knew without a doubt that Nicky had been made to be loved by him, heart, body, and soul. Their bodies moved together like they were two halves of the same whole. Every touch of Nicky's hands on his body sent Seth's passion soaring, every soft moan made his heart beat faster.
Feeling that Nicky was prepared enough, Seth reached between their bodies and grabbed his cock, aiming it toward the opening he knew would send him to the stars. Before he could start to push in, Nicky suddenly sat up, a sensual grin on his face that took Seth's breath away.
Nicky grabbed Seth's hands and placed them on his chest. Seth cocked an eyebrow when Nicky raised his body up until he felt the man slowly sink down on his cock. The intensity of pleasure that raced through Seth's body rocked his world. No one made him as hot and horny as the man above him.
"Fuck, Nicky!" Seth hissed as he bucked up, thrusting his cock into Nicky's tight ass.
"Shhh," Nicky whispered as he leaned down over Seth and nipped at his jaw line. "Let me."
Seth had no idea what Nicky was talking about until the man started moving in slow, sensual movements, his hips going up and down in a rhythm as old as time. Seth grabbed onto his hips, nearly paralyzed by the feelings flowing through him and the sight of the man atop of him.
Seth's breathing shortened with each movement of Nicky's body. His heart beat faster and little beads of sweat trickled down the sides of his face. At least Seth thought they were sweat until Nicky leaned over and kissed his eyelids and he realized that tears clung to his eyelashes.
It was a slow loving. Nicky moved at a pace he dictated no matter how much Seth might have wanted something faster. But with each settling of Nicky's body down onto his, Seth began to see the merits of it. The pleasure built slowly between them until it was a blazing inferno.
And despite Nicky's position leaning over Seth, the man never broke eye contact, as if they were connected in that manner just as much as they were physically. A sensual light passed between them that affected Seth more than the sexual connection that they had. It shook Seth down to his toes and stole the breath from his throat.
Seth felt his body teetering on the edge of an explosive orgasm but he wanted to take Nicky with him. Somehow he just knew it wouldn't be the same unless he experienced it with his lover. With that thought in mind, Seth reached down and wrapped his hand around Nicky's cock and began slowly stroking the man.
"Come with me, Nicholas."
Seth didn't know if it was his demand, the way their bodies moved so perfectly together, or the use of Nicky's full name but the man's eyes rolled back in his head and a loud moan filled the room as hot liquid shot between them.
Seth cried out as Nicky's inner muscles tightened down on Seth's cock and dragged him into the abyss right alongside Nicky. The world seemed to flash in different sparkly colors as he filled Nicky's tight channel with his release.
Seth wrapped his arms tightly around the man when Nicky collapsed down on top of him. He peppered little kisses along Nicky's temple and felt answering kisses on his neck where Nicky's face was buried.
He felt content, happy. Seth couldn't think of another place he wanted to be in the world than where he was at that exact moment. He held heaven in his arms and it came in the form of a beautiful man pretending to be a woman.
"Shit!" Seth exclaimed as a sudden realization struck him when he felt a dribble of cum fall on his thigh. "We didn't use a condom."
Nicky chuckled. "I guess you're stuck with me then."
Seth's heart pounded in his chest just as it had moments before but for a very different reason. Was Nicky saying what Seth hoped he was saying? Seth swallowed past the sudden lump in his throat before speaking.
"And the problem with that is what?"

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