My Russian Master (Service & Submission Book 3) (11 page)

Read My Russian Master (Service & Submission Book 3) Online

Authors: Megan Michaels

Tags: #BDSM Erotic Romance

BOOK: My Russian Master (Service & Submission Book 3)
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“Yes. Well, let me clarify. I’ve never been in a relationship where it’s happened. But I fantasize about it — a lot! Oh, God.” She covered her mouth with her hand, a blush rose up her neck, her cheeks flushing a deep pink. “That was a little TMI. I can’t believe I just said that to you.”

Maxim laughed. “What is… TMI?”

“You know. Well, no, you probably don’t. TMI stands for ‘too much information.’ Like me telling you that I fantasize about your videos.” She covered her face with her hands.

He pulled them down away, gripping her wrists gently but pointedly. He would never let her hide from him. “Caro, there’s no need to be embarrassed. I like it too. There are many of us out there. You aren’t alone.” He leaned forward, kissing her on the nose. “You’re adorable. It is, how you say,
that you are so embarrassed. I like seeing you vulnerable.”

Caroline shook her head as if it would wake her from a dream. “I just… can’t believe this. You’re here. In my living room. Living in my

“Well, this conversation just became easier.” Maxim pushed the laptop aside. “As you know, I believe in spanking, and now I know you do too. It works. It stops bad girls in their tracks, making them good girls again. Yes?”

“Yes. It does.” She worried her lip between her white teeth, her cheeks turning red in embarrassment.

“I’ve watched women. Many. Viktoria is one”—he pointed at the writhing woman on the screen with her now well-striped ass—”who changes because of spanking. Discipline makes women softer — what is the word — gentle, kind. They comply with rules easier, they’re happier. Peaceful. Not all of them are this way, but the ones that like discipline, those who crave it, they become better women when discipline is part of their life.”

She stared back at him, her eyebrows furrowed. He couldn’t tell if she was confused or angry.

“Are you suggesting that I allow you to…

He laughed. “No. I am not suggesting a whipping. I save those for fun — most of the time. The whip is for good girls too.”

Her eyes widened in surprise, but he continued before she could protest. “I’m not sure. I’ve never done this and—”

“A hard spanking with my hand, paddle, or belt will deter any disobedience. It’s something to think about. And since you have always wanted to try it, this might actually be your chance in a safe environment. With someone who is experienced — and knows what he is doing.”

“Maybe.” She pulled her lip between her teeth. “It’s something that worked in the past for me. But, it’s a big step. I just don’t want to... I barely know you. And after watching you in the videos, I mean, I think I should be worried.”

“But you said you liked the videos and you fantasized about them, yes?”

“Yes.” She crossed her arms over her chest, staring quietly out the window.

“Do you think you may be ready to try something you’ve always wanted to do?”

“I don’t know. Do I have to decide tonight?

“No, you do not. I am making suggestion.”

He nodded at her, but stayed silent. It was a big decision, not one made lightly, and one she needed time to come to on her own.

Her gaze flitted around the room, then finally settled on him, keen interest in her eyes. She turned her attention to the laptop, watching Viktoria swivel her hips in arousal, stiffening and clenching her ass from each bite of the whip.

“I’ve loved your page for years,” Caroline whispered, still watching Viktoria’s torment. “I’d never forgive myself if I said no.”

“But you can say no. This is a big decision. I’d like to pursue this with you, Lena. You are a very intriguing woman.”

“I’ve wanted this for so long…” She pulled that lip in again.

It pleased him to see her taking this seriously — because he
be strict with her.

“I’m going to say… yes.” She practically bounced up and down in her barstool.

He’d never seen anyone so excited to be spanked. He’d soon find out— as she would too — how she felt when the rubber hit the road.

Or the leather hit the bottom.

“Before you can change your mind, I have decided to give you a hand spanking tonight for your bad behavior at work. Just a taste of what bad girls get with Maxim. First, I have questions for you, and I want you to be as honest as you can — even if it is embarrassing. I need to know what works, and doesn’t work with you.”

“Okay.” Her voice was small, timid.

“How old were you the last time you were spanked, and who did it?”

“Oh.” Her face flushed and her gaze dropped to her lap.

“Lena, these are important questions. I need to know the answers if I’m going to be rewarding and disciplining you, yes?”

“Sorry. It’s just so…

“Yes, that is as it should be. Even remembering it is embarrassing. It’s okay to feel that.” He reached over, holding her hand in his. “Tell me. How old were you, and who spanked you the last time you were over someone’s knee?”

“I was a junior in college. So, about twenty-one? And my dad did it.” Her cheeks blushed anew.

“Wow. What did you do? That is old for that, no? Not out of the ordinary I’m sure in some families, but still a bit old.” He couldn’t keep the surprise out of his voice. It seemed that women who came from strict homes were sometimes disciplined as late as seventeen or eighteen, maybe nineteen at the most. It was the first time he had ever heard of someone of that advanced as age still being punished.

“I totaled the car he’d given me. I was drinking and driving. A boyfriend had graduated and we all went out partying. I thought I’d be okay to drive. That is until I pulled out into traffic thinking I could make it.”

He nodded. “Yes. That would make me paddle your ass too. You were under his care, living at home when not in the dorms. So, it makes sense to me. That is serious infraction. Caro. You haven’t driven after drinking since, have you?”

She shook her head. “No! Hell, no! My ass tingles just thinking about that whipping.”

“That brings me to my next question. What did he use?”

“A belt. He had a thick, wide black belt. It hurt like hell. He’d never done it that hard or long before.”

“Do you feel, looking back, that you deserved it? Did you feel it was abusive?” He tilted his head, inside hoping her father hadn’t gone too far. He didn’t know her father — but he swore he’d find him if she said he’d brutalized her.

“No! Oh, my father would never abuse me.
. He’s a really nice, caring man. I scared the life out of him. He told me so, said he’d never been so afraid in his life. I totally deserved it, and looking back, he did the right thing.”

“Okay. Glad to hear it. I wouldn’t want anyone hurting you — in the past,
the present.” He rubbed her hand, kissing the top of it. “Now, start from the beginning of your spanking and give me the details. If I have questions, I’ll stop you and ask them.” He leaned back, resting his ankle on his knee.

She cleared her throat. “My brother had moved out of the house by that point, so I was the only child left at home. After Dad picked me up at college we drove home without speaking a word. When we came into the house, he sat down in a chair in the kitchen telling me to take everything off from the waist down. My mom came into the room at that point, telling me how worried they’d been and how they thought I’d been killed. I felt pretty bad. I took down my jeans and panties, even my socks and shoes. I liked to keep my pussy bare and smooth even back then, and when I stood in front of him, he looked at it, asking, ‘Are you on the pill?’ I told him no and he said that my mother would take me to the doctor the next day, because if I was shaving down there, then it meant I was having sex.”

“God. I am man and that embarrasses
. Very uncomfortable — for both of you.”

Caroline shook her head, rolling her eyes. “You have no idea. I wanted the floor to swallow me up.” Taking a deep breath, she started again. “He then lectured me on the dangers of driving and drinking, told me how scared they were, what life would be like without me, and probably a hundred other things that I couldn’t even hear because I was dying of embarrassment.”

“So the humiliation of being naked — was it bad, or worse, than spanking itself?”

She looked up at the ceiling, trying to decide the answer. “I… don’t know. I think it may have been worse. It had been the worst spanking he’d ever given me, so part of me says, no, the spanking was worse. But when I think back on it, the embarrassment of standing there just killed me.”

“Good to know. Just as I expected.” He smiled at her. He definitely knew that humiliation would play a key factor in any discipline session with her.

“He tipped me over his knee and proceeded to hand spank my bottom until I was screeching and very sore. He then stood me up, telling me to stand in front of my mother and apologize. Once I stood in front of him again, he told me to go upstairs, get his big belt out of his dresser and put it on the bed. He then told me I was to visit the bathroom, finishing with standing in the corner waiting for him.”

Maxim interrupted. “Would it be worse being sent to retrieve it, having to carry and hold it before bringing it to him? Or is it harder not knowing what would be chosen and waiting to see what he held in his hand as he came into your room?”

“Oh, God. I hated having to get it and bring it to him. That, I think, was the worst. I never liked touching it. And having to walk to where he was, watching him fold it and palm the buckle, made me shiver.”

“I bet. I never liked that either.” He smiled at her, encouraging her to continue.

She nodded, taking a deep breath. “So, it was a little easier to carry it to my bedroom. But it always felt so heavy and unyielding, the wide, thick leather in my hand. The sound of the buckle jingling made me shiver. But not knowing, and waiting for him to bring it would be difficult. When if I had to fetch it, I guess I still had a tiny bit of control, even if it was forced participation. Not knowing would leave me totally vulnerable.”

“Yes, it would. You don’t like being vulnerable, do you?”

She shook her head

“I forgot to ask. He had you take down your pants and panties. Did you ever have to stand while he took them down? And which was worse?” He leaned back again, looking forward to this answer.

“When I was younger, he would take them down. Again, I hated not having any control — even if all it meant was how fast or slow they were taken down. But I always found it difficult to obey and take them down myself too, like if I stalled long enough I might not have to take them down at all.” She shrugged. She knew quite well that control had always been a huge issue for her.

“I think it would depend on the punishment, if defiance to rules was an issue, then making you obey order would be appropriate. But if who is in charge is the issue, making you submit to me, waiting for me to pull them down would make sense.” He quietly stared at her. He felt like he had slowly begun to peel away the mystery of Caroline, layer-by-layer. She was beginning to make sense.

He nodded slowly. “Continue.”

“After a bit, he’d come up the stairs to my room. I’d hear him take the belt off the bed, the rustling of fabric. I knew he’d be placing two pillows in the middle of the bed, and then he’d call me from the corner. He’d motion to the pillows, a silent directive, and I’d place myself over them. After what seemed like a very long time, the room completely silent, he’d start strapping my bottom with the hard leather. I had to keep my hands on the bed in front of me, or extras would be added. And if I rolled over or pulled my feet up, I’d get more strokes for that too.”

She paused, staring into space quietly remembering. “Things like this didn’t happen often in my family, but when it did, it was… thorough.” She wiped the palms of her hands on her pants and blew out a long breath. She reclined in her chair, willing herself to finish her story.

“Good girl. It’s not easy to be that honest about something so humiliating, is it?” He leaned over, stroking her arm gently.

“No. That was more difficult than I thought it’d be.” She took a large sip of her wine. “So, do you have all the information you need to make some of your devious and evil plans?” She raised her eyebrows at him.

“Caroleena, no sass. I don’t like it and you will find out that you will not like what I do to your bottom. If you get spanked, it comes with its own humiliation and pain. No?”

She nodded.

“There’s no need to hurt your spirit. My only goal would be to turn that gorgeous ass of yours red and make you shed a few tears. I am sadistic and I am a whip master, and you will know it and feel it soon. Just because I love the whip does not mean I love to hurt you. Well, I might like it a little.” He winked at her. “All right. Time for you to stand up over here.” He guided her over to the kitchen table. He pulled a chair away from the table, sitting down.

Then he made her stand between his knees.








Chapter Ten


ow, Caroleena, your spanking begins. This won’t be harsh this time, so no need to prepare too much.” He patted her hip lightly. “Pull your skirt up to your waist and keep your hands on it. Do not interfere, yes?” He took her hand into his very large, thick palm shaking her a little to bring her out of her reverie.

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