My Russian Master (Service & Submission Book 3) (13 page)

Read My Russian Master (Service & Submission Book 3) Online

Authors: Megan Michaels

Tags: #BDSM Erotic Romance

BOOK: My Russian Master (Service & Submission Book 3)
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“Come, little
. Up.” He helped her to stand, her legs wobbly, her entire body shaking, making her feel like a pathetic weakling.

His voice still stern, he pointed. “Bend over the table.” His hand swept her thong onto the floor, a huge palm at the middle of her back pushing her down to the tabletop.

“Oh, no!” Caroline couldn’t keep the whiny note out of her voice. The table was cool against her belly, and she pressed her hot, tear-stained face to the smooth wood.

“Oh, yes. You must have three with my belt.” The tinkling of his buckle followed by the sound of leather being pulled quickly through the loops of his pants had her heart racing, and she squeezed her thighs together in anticipation.

She looked over her shoulder to see him folding it over, palming the buckle. The cold, unforgiving leather tapped on her scorched flesh. Unable to truly clench her bottom in this position, she tightened regardless, feeling her juices release and her clit throb in response.

God, my body loves this. Please dear Lord, don’t let him see it!

“These will hurt. Extras are always hard — so you will think twice before misbehaving again.” The wide strip of leather lashed her bottom so harshly she gasped, her fingers squeezing the other side of the table until her knuckles turned white. Before she could take another breath, the second and third strokes whipped across the underside of her bottom. She dropped her forehead to the table, sobbing pitifully, a rush of relief washing over her that she these were the last of the extras.

The buckle of his belt jangled as he threaded it back around his waist. She knew he would be looking at her swollen, striped ass, but she didn’t have the energy to care anymore.

His hand was cool upon her bottom, patting her gently, helping her to rise as he sat down on a nearby chair. “Come. Sit.”

He pulled her to him, making her straddle one of his thighs. “This is what bad girls receive, especially Maxim’s bad girls. You will be good girl, Caroleena Leigh, yes?”

She nodded, looking away when she realized that tears were welling up in her eyes again.

“It’s okay,
. You can cry. We sit until it passes.” He pulled her to his chest, tucking her under his chin. She didn’t know how long they sat like that, but she couldn’t remember the last time she felt this relaxed. As he held her, she had not a care in the world but his strong arms around her, the beat of his heart against her ear.

And being his good girl.

Where in hell did that come from? I’m no one’s good girl. Am I?

Then she remembered what he’d called her moments before. “Wait a minute. How do you know my middle name?” She hated her full name and he’d used it during her punishment.

“It was part of the contract we signed. You did not know your full legal name was on it? It is a beautiful name.” He rubbed her sore flesh, slowly massaging it. She wasn’t sure if it simply hurt or if it made it better. Anything was better than that same hard hand punishing her though.

“There. Better now?”

She nodded, smiling up at him.

“You are a good girl. We will work on making it so
knows what a good girl you are.” He brushed his knuckles down the side of her face. “I like you, Caroleena. You are smart, sexy, and sassy. All the things I like in a woman.”

“Really? I thought you’d be totally disgusted with me after watching the videos, seeing how I acted today.” She dropped her gaze to the buttons of his shirt.

“Well, it was not becoming of you — but that can be fixed.” His gaze went from her eyes to her lips as he leaned forward.

Oh, my God. Is he going to kiss me?

His soft lips covered hers then, her heart racing. She wrapped her arms around his neck as his hands clutched her bottom, drawing her closer to his warm body. The masculine smell of his soap, his cologne, mingled with her own scent. He slid his tongue into her mouth, teasing and playing with hers. She pressed her clit against his thigh, rubbing herself upon him shamelessly. He groaned into her mouth, sliding his hand to cup her pussy.

“My God, Caroleena, you’re so wet. If I did not know better, I’d think you didn’t see your spanking as punishment.”

She pulled away, glaring at him. He must be nuts, he had to know she’d hated it.

“I know you felt your punishment though. I saw your tears.” He gave her a sly smile. “But, your hot little cunt is dripping.”

Grabbing the back of her head, he drew her to him, devouring her lips again, situating her over his hard cock. She bit and nibbled his lips, sucking on his tongue, grinding and thrusting her hips against his hardened penis, her juices soaking into his pants. Sliding his finger through her wetness, he found her clit, flicking and circling it, bringing her to a climax shockingly fast, her shout muffled by his passionate kiss.

The stubble on his neck rubbed against her temple, her head buried in his neck while her body quaked with the residual tremors of her release. She gasped for air as his large hands squeezed and pinched her freshly spanked ass. Once she came back to a semblance of consciousness, she felt his cock twitching beneath her weeping sex. “Oh, let me—”

“Oh, no. Not yet. I want you to think and decide if this is what you want. I want to make you mine. But not tonight. It is too soon. Your passion clouds judgment. Tomorrow we talk more, yes?” He tilted her chin up, looking her in the eyes. He appeared to be dead serious.

“Really?” She couldn’t believe that he’d simply walk away. Sure, it probably wasn’t easy for him —the outline of his swollen, hard cock said as much. Was he walking because he was a... gentleman?

“Yes. Really. You need to think. If you want me, yes, we do it. If not, I work as fitness chef.” He patted her hip. “Come. Stand up.”

He helped her to her feet. His clothes were wrinkled, and her cum had been smeared all over the front of his pants and down one thigh. “Oh, Jesus! Let me — I’ll wash them. No, I’ll get them dry cleaned. I’m so sorry.”

She brushed at the front of his pants, her touch making him groan. He grabbed her wrists with both hands. “Caro, you cannot do that. No touching. I can clean them. Do not worry.”

“Oh. Yes. I’m sorry.” Suddenly, she felt very naked, distinctly uncomfortable standing practically naked in front of him, staring at the large bulge in his pants. She blushed furiously as she realized just why he didn’t want her help cleaning himself up.

He snatched up her panties from the floor, holding them open at her feet. “Put your hands on my shoulders and step into them.”

She sighed, rolling her eyes. “I can put them on myself, you know.” She held her hand out for them. “Give ‘em to me.”

Looking up at her, he quirked an eyebrow. “
. Do as I said. Now. Starting tomorrow we work on you obeying. Your ass will be sore if you don’t improve soon. Maxim does not repeat orders.

Her stomach flipped, her clit coming instantly to life, throbbing at the sternness.

Shit, that voice of his.

The deep rumble of it scared her almost as much as it turned her on.

She put her hands on his shoulders, feeling like a little girl as she stepped into her panties. He pulled them up her stocking-encased legs, a finger tracing the line of mini buttons on the front of the panties that lead to her clit. “Jesus, I love these buttons. Can you get more of these in different colors?”

She giggled. “I suppose I could.”

“Why is this funny?” He looked genuinely confused. Usually, no panties was the preference of most men — and when they were present, they were usually ripped off her body.

“I’ve never had a guy request I buy certain panties. If you like them that much, I’ll get more tomorrow.” She slid her hand over his bald head again. She wondered if he’d look as masculine with hair. She preferred him this way — rugged, rough, and ready, the stubble on his face only amplifying his maleness. Though it was hell against her soft skin, she wouldn’t trade his wiry facial growth for anything. She thought about how that stubble would feel rubbing against her bare pussy, and her sex clenched on cue.

Both his eyebrows rose. “Wow. What were you just thinking about?”

“Do I have to tell?” She rolled her eyes, and his hand reached around, landing a swat upon her bottom.

“No rolling your eyes. Yes, tell me. I want to know.”

She bit her lip, staring into that dark gaze of his. He wasn’t angry — yet. She’d just have to tell him. It would be embarrassing as hell, but she didn’t dare push him. She had just gotten back into her panties back — she didn’t want to risk being bared all over again.

“I like the stubble on your face, and I was...” She paused, staring at him, taking a deep breath before confessing her thoughts. “I was thinking how amazing that stubble will feel… on my pussy.”

Jesus Christ
.” He didn’t even try to hide how it affected him, adjust himself in his pants. “I’ll be sure to give you your fantasy,
, if you decide you want to move forward with this, you’ll feel my face on that hot, juicy cunt of yours. It will be my pleasure.”

His words left her blushing yet again. It was embarrassing, yet she found herself more than a little excited about what tomorrow might hold.

“Let’s get you to bed. I’ll clean up in here and then go to sleep myself.”

He tucked her under his arm, holding her to his side as he walked her down the hall to her room. He pulled down the bedspread and sheets, patting the mattress for her to climb in.

“But…” She looked over at her dresser. “I need a nightie.”

“You’ll sleep better in the nude. Most people do. Come, lie down.” He motioned her toward the bed. “Besides, your backside will want nothing on it, at least for tonight. Just a small spanking. The pain will be gone very soon.”

She stopped near the bed. “That didn’t feel like a
spanking. Your hand is like a piece of granite.”

“So I’ve been told.” He winked at her. “It is good incentive, no?”

She flopped onto her belly, keeping pressure off her already too sore bottom. Maxim gently tucked the blankets around her shoulders. “Such a good little
. Sleep tight. We talk tomorrow. Your alarm is set, yes?”

“Yes, Sir.” She nestled into the pillow, beginning to drift off toward sleep already.

She was exhausted — but she was also safe, relaxed, and happy.

Very happy.








Chapter Eleven


axim had breakfast ready for her when she walked into the kitchen. She had dressed in a beautiful, smart charcoal suit with a burgundy silk shell. The outfit had his cock twitching instantly. He wondered what panties she had on today. Were they another pair of those panties with the buttons, or something else?

“Morning, Caroleena. Sleep well?” He continued to stir the scrambled eggs in the pan while waiting for the toast to finish. “There are some fresh berries and orange juice. Grab your coffee and come sit. Breakfast is almost ready.”

“My skirt is fitting looser today.” She beamed, twirling for him.

“See? And you aren’t hungry all day either. Eating smart and exercise is all you need.” He placed her eggs on her plate, sliding it in front of her.

After putting the pan in the sink, he turned to her. “How’s your bottom this morning?”

“Maxim! I… don’t want to talk about it.” She dropped her gaze to her plate, suddenly very interested in her eggs.

“I didn’t ask if you wanted to talk about it. How’s your bottom?” He watched closely for her reaction. Stubborn and independent to the last. They were qualities he very much liked about her. She still had some rough edges though, and he’d make it his mission to soften them if she decided to move forward with the next step in their relationship.

She stared at him, apparently trying to judge how serious he was. “It’s… fine. It’s not even sore anymore. No marks either.”

Was that wistfulness he heard? Did she wish she had marks to look at this morning?

“Have you decided if you want to pursue a relationship with me, Caro?” He couldn’t remember the last time he felt uncomfortable, even nervous about a woman agreeing to date him. She intrigued him —and he wanted to see how they would be together.

“I’d really like to get to know you better. Yes, please.” She smiled at him, almost looking bashful. He was sure that wasn’t a normal look for her. She wanted to see him and take this further, it made him as giddy as a schoolboy.

“Good. Me too.” He kissed her gently. “It is a good morning, Caro. Yes?”

“Yes.” She squirmed on the barstool.

He cleared his throat. “You need to know, if I have to punish you again for ill treatment of staff, you
have marks the morning after. Trust me.” He opened the drawer in front of him. “That reminds me. You will wear this all day. No taking it off. If you misbehave, you will be spanked when you get home.
. I’m stricter when the grown-up is my girl.”

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