My Werewolf Professor (16 page)

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Authors: Marian Tee

BOOK: My Werewolf Professor
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The professor’s gaze was still on her.

She couldn’t make herself admit he was right, so she changed the subject hastily. “Are you really going to give me a private lesson?”

The professor’s lips suddenly twitched. “It depends,” he deadpanned, “on what kind of lesson you’re thinking about.” His heavy-lidded gaze caressed her as he spoke, and Kassia covered her mouth in case her gasp slipped out. If it had been anyone else, the line would have sounded like a stupid cliché, but somehow the professor made it work. In fact, it worked so wonderfully she was mortified to realize that she could feel herself becoming wet again.

This calls for another change of subject
, she thought frantically. “Umm…” She said the first thing that came to her mind. “What are you going to do tonight?”

“Lie in bed,” the professor said promptly, “and think about the exact kind of lesson I want to give you.”

Heat blossomed in her cheeks. “Professor!”

Wickedness gleamed in his eyes. “Next question?”

A question hovered on her lips.
What had made him change?
He hadn’t been this open at the start, hadn’t said he wanted her even once. She badly wanted to ask the question, but she didn’t have the courage to do it yet, and so she settled for something safer.

“Tell me more about your family.”

Alessandro frowned. He had not expected that at all. “Why do you want to ask?”

She shrugged uneasily.

“You want to know more about me?”

Guilt flashed in her eyes.

He almost laughed at how easy Kassia was to read. “I won’t answer if you don’t tell me why,” he teased huskily.

“You’re still mean,” she accused him. “Didn’t you tell me you were going to…” Kassia stopped.

He leaned back against his chair, making no attempt to hide his amusement. “Didn’t I tell you I was going to
he asked innocently.

You know.
” Crap, she should be mad right now, the way the professor was toying with her, but she was so stupid, she felt like she just wanted him to play with her more.

The innocence remained in his gaze. “No, I don’t.”

She took a deep breath before muttering, “Woo me.”

“Was that so hard to say?” The professor’s tone had suddenly turned disarmingly gentle, and her mood instantly swung from irritated to infatuated. Crap. Crap, crap, crap. She was so easy to play with.

A shadow fell over her, and she almost jumped in her seat. “How do you do that?” she demanded. He made her feel deaf, with the way he so easily crept up on her.

Ignoring the question, he took her hand and pulled her up. When their eyes met, he said quietly, “I still have one minute left with you before my next class arrives.”

She blinked up at him.

“What do you wish us to do with this last minute?”

Her heart beat hard at the question. Her body knew
what she wanted to happen, but she just couldn’t make herself say it. She could only look at the professor, her eyes cloudy with a mixture of wariness and desire.

Kassia bit her lip, hoping that the professor would consider it answer enough.

He did.

Alessandro kissed Kassia. Her lips parted without him asking, and their tongues mated. But it didn’t feel enough.

Fifty seconds.

He lifted her up, and her arms and legs wound around his body, her pussy fitting right above his cock.

Forty seconds.

He moved them towards the wall, and once her back touched the hard surface, he ground his lower body against hers. She moaned against his mouth even as her legs locked more tightly around his waist.

Thirty seconds.

The sound of footsteps reached him, and their time together dwindled.

Five seconds.

Alessandro reluctantly pulled away, lifting his mouth and lowering Kassia back to her feet as he did. A mewl of protest escaped her, and he brushed his lips against her forehead in apology. “We’re about to have company.”

Kassia blinked in confusion. She blinked again, and the professor was already behind his desk.

“You may go now.” The professor didn’t look up as he spoke, students from his next class entering the room at the same time.

She told herself she shouldn’t be hurt. The professor was only doing this so people wouldn’t talk about them, wouldn’t know that they were…playing. Her mind understood, but her heart didn’t.

As she reached for her bag, her phone beeped, and she took it out. Without looking at the professor again, she headed for the door while switching her phone on to read her message.

It was from the professor.

Don’t forget I belong to you.


“He’s getting to you, isn’t he?” Ellie looked at her friend knowingly. They were having lunch at the cafeteria. Or at least she was. Kassia hadn’t touched her food once. She had been too busy gazing at her phone. She was biting her lip in seeming indecision, but there wasn’t any mistaking the sparkle in her eyes either.

Kassia was happy…even if she clearly didn’t want to be.

Also, it didn’t seem like she heard a single word Ellie had said.

Kassia heard her friend laughing, and she looked up guiltily, realizing too late Ellie had been talking the whole time and she hadn’t heard a word of it. “Sorry,” she mumbled. Her gaze swerved back to her phone as she spoke. She couldn’t stop staring at it.

“Did he text you again?” Ellie asked finally.

Slowly, Kassia shook her head.

“Then what?” Ellie was exasperated.

Kassia hesitated before saying almost guiltily, “He added me on Facebook.”

Ellie was surprised. The professor had struck her as very old-fashioned in many ways, and she knew she wasn’t the only one in school who thought that. It didn’t seem like him at all to have a Facebook account.

“Did you accept his request?” Ellie asked.

Kassia nodded. “And you know what I found out?” She paused then said in a rush, “He just created the account yesterday, and I’m his

“Are you sure it’s not his second account or something?” Ellie cautioned.

“I don’t think he’s the type to do things like that, don’t you?”

Ellie nodded, seeing Kassia had a point. “So…what exactly
your problem?”

Kassia didn’t want to say it.

Ellie frowned. “If you’re waiting for me to second-guess your feelings, don’t hold your breath. I’m your best friend, but I’m not like you. You know how I feel about love and stuff.”

Kassia watched her friend daintily eat her sandwich, and Ellie couldn’t have made her point any clearer by doing so. Eating, sleeping, studying – Ellie could do all of this because she wasn’t struggling with the throes of love. Those same things used to be easy for Kassia, too…until she had fallen for the professor.

Her phone buzzed against her palm, and she almost dropped it in her shock. It was her Facebook messenger, a message notification flashing on the screen. She told herself it would be better to make the professor wait—

But no, her fingers had already moved on its own accord, tapping the screen so she could see the rest of the professor’s message.

What are you doing right now?


Alessandro paused in his work when he heard his phone buzz. Putting his pen down, he clicked on the screen. It was Kassia.

Lunch with Ellie.

His lips curved at the somewhat stiff reply, which was unusual for Kassia. But then, hadn’t he expected this? He had hurt Kassia, and it was clear he had a long way to go before he could woo his little chick into letting him back into her good graces.

You don’t want to ask me anything?


He almost smiled, able to picture Kassia’s excitement, which he knew she was probably regretting right now.

: Ask away.

While waiting for her message, his phone rang, and he answered it when he saw it was his sister. “Esme?”

“Can you come to my school? I’m in trouble.”

Alessandro arrived at Esmeralda’s private school in twenty minutes, mostly thanks to him going over the city’s speed limits. He was obviously expected, a school official waiting for him by the building’s front doors.

“Greetings, Your Highness.” The woman bowed. “I am Teresa, and I’ll be escorting you to the dean’s office.”

After returning her greeting, he asked immediately, “Is my sister alright?”

“No harm has befallen her, Your Highness,” Teresa assured him politely.

That was enough for him, and Alessandro refrained from asking any other question as he followed Teresa. The world recognized the school as being extremely picky with its students, not knowing that its criterion was based on nothing else but the student’s race. The school only accepted pure Lyccans and no one else.

Inside, he found his sister seated on one of the high-backed chairs across the dean’s desk, her back straight, hands hidden under the folds of her skirt. She leapt to her feet as soon as he entered, a mixture of relief and worry in her eyes.

Glancing at her, Alessandro only nodded briefly, knowing that Esmeralda would understand it as his promise to support her, whatever this was about. Striding forward, he bowed to the dean. “Dean Alberto.” She was a woman in her late forties and who, if he wasn’t mistaken, came from one of the oldest families of their race.

The dean inclined her head to the side in silent acknowledgment of his greeting. “Your Highness. Thank you for your prompt attendance.”

Alessandro waited until the dean was seated before lowering himself into the chair opposite his sister.

The dean’s eyes rested on Esmeralda, whose face became expressionless. “As I feel you’re the type to appreciate brevity, I shall get straight to the point. Your sister, Princess Esmeralda, has committed a rather serious offense today. Our inquiry has proven that your sister is guilty of initiating a physical altercation with another student.”

Alessandro’s brows lifted in bemusement. In his entire life, he had never heard of any of his sisters being involved in a fight and hadn’t even thought them capable of any kind of violence. He glanced at his sister. “Is this true?”

Esmeralda slowly nodded.

“We have asked her to issue an apology, but in light of her refusal, we are left with no choice but to subject her to a week’s suspension.”

When Esmeralda didn’t even flinch at the announcement, Alessandro knew not to bother asking his sister to apologize. She was dead set against it, and once a Moretti made up his – or in this case her – mind, there was no swaying it.

Ten minutes later, Alessandro and his sister were alone in the limousine. “Care to tell me what the fight was about?”

Esmeralda swallowed. “It was over Domenico.” When Alessandro stiffened, she knew the anger wasn’t directed at her, and she quickly added, “Don’t blame him!”

Unfortunately, her words only seemed to make Alessandro more furious, with the way his lips tightened.

“I mean it,” she said fiercely. “It’s not his fault.”

Alessandro still didn’t speak, but his gaze on her was completely unimpressed.

“I know you and Alejandro don’t see it, but Domenico’s
being weak. It’s his penance, can’t you see? For all the time he chose power over Misty—”

He shook his head. “You’re young, Esme. You know nothing—”

Esme flared up. “Just because I’m young doesn’t mean I’m stupid!” She stopped speaking when she realized she had raised her voice at Alessandro. She had never done that before, hadn’t ever shouted at any of her siblings, older or younger. Shame engulfed her, and she shrank back against the seat. “I’m sorry, Alessandro.” She bit her lip as the urge to cry suddenly struck her. “I didn’t mean to shout at you,” she whispered.

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