My Werewolf Professor (18 page)

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Authors: Marian Tee

BOOK: My Werewolf Professor
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Her hands fell away from his body as he lifted her up by her buttocks. She found herself gripping the sheets the higher he lifted her, and then there it was, his tongue lining her folds, and Kassia’s lips parted in a silent scream.

It was sweet, beautiful torture, his tongue stroking up and down her folds. When he lowered her back to the bed, she started to breathe, only to feel the professor parting her folds wide open—

Her eyes flew open, her breath quickening.

His tongue slipped between the folds.

” She couldn’t stop herself from whimpering this time, and she hastily released the sheets to cover her mouth with both hands. The professor started thrusting his tongue in and out of her, and Kassia’s world started to spin faster and faster. She pressed her hands closer to her mouth, struggling to keep her whimpers down.

Kassia found herself clutching the professor’s rock-hard shoulders. She didn’t think she could stand any more of this without dying. It was too much, too exquisite, too beautiful. She tried to pull away, but the professor wouldn’t let her, even deepening the thrusts of his tongue in response.

“Oh God, Professor…” She tried to make it last, but it was impossible. Kassia came with a cry, no longer able to stay silent. The professor’s mouth ground down on her sex, and she came even harder. She felt him lapping every drop of her come, drinking it, and her world spun out of control. She saw stars behind the lids of her eyes, her orgasm completely taking over her body.

When Kassia opened her eyes, the professor was seated next to her in bed, and he was cleaning her with a damp hand towel. Shyness struck her, and heat stole across her cheeks as she tried to push his hand away and close her legs.

The professor’s gaze narrowed. “
Be still.

The command in his voice made her go weak, and Kassia found herself obeying him. She fought to keep still even as the sense of awkwardness grew. He was just so
at cleaning her.

When he was done, she watched him stand up and turn towards her bathroom. She rose up to a sitting position, self-consciously clutching the covers to her body as the professor got rid of the hand towel and washed his hands.

Alessandro’s lips curved when he saw Kassia hiding behind the sheets. “You look like you’ve been ravished,” he commented softly.

Her blush deepened as she mumbled, “We both know no kind of ravishing was involved.”

Returning to the bed, he sat down next to her, stretching his legs before scooping a surprised Kassia into his lap.

“Professor!” She tried to wriggle away, but his arm around her waist tightened like an immovable chain, preventing her from leaving.

“Rest here.” His hold gentle but inexorable, he pushed her head down until she was lying against his chest.

The fact that she was naked and in his lap while he was fully clothed made her feel both aroused and awkward, but with her curled up in his arms this way, the urge to leave had all but disappeared. The truth was, she liked – no, she
– being this close to the professor…and they both knew it.

“Is your sister okay?”

As Kassia spoke, Alessandro felt her snuggle deeper into his arms, and his lips curved, knowing that the action had been unconscious on her part. Whether she liked it or not, her body already knew it belonged to him, and he liked it that way.

“Esmeralda’s fine. She’s learned her lesson.”

She nodded against his chest. “I’m glad to hear that.”

Alessandro ran his fingers through her hair, something he had never done with another woman. But with Kassia, the need to touch her was always there, and it was one he never could resist. “How was your day?”

“It was okay.”

“You were bored without me?”

“You’re arrogance personified, aren’t you, Professor?”

“Ah, but I hear the truth in your voice.” Satisfaction filled him. “You
bored without me.”

Kassia almost told him the truth. More than bored, she had been hurt by his silence, the pain growing in proportion to the length of his absence. But in the end, she kept it to herself, knowing there was no point dwelling on making him feel guiltier.

Changing the subject, she murmured, “You never answered my question.” She lifted her head up to look at him. “Tell me more about your childhood.” She wanted to know something that the other students – that all the women who wanted the professor – didn’t know. She had tried researching about him online, but stories about his childhood were surprisingly sparse despite the Morettis being famous for their wealth and bloodline.

Gazing down at her, Kassia’s eyes once again proved to be windows to her soul, telling him exactly why she was asking her question. Alessandro almost sighed as the truth once again struck him.

He did not deserve to have her feel so strongly about him.

“I’m not on good terms with my older brother.” It was Alessandro’s first time to speak of his silent feud with Domenico without being asked, and the meaning behind it wasn’t lost on him.

Surprise showed in her eyes. “You mean,
Domenico Moretti

He bristled at the way she said his brother’s name. “Don’t tell me you find him attractive, too.”

“I’m not blind. Of course I…wait a minute—” Kassia started to smile. “
Are you actually jealous?

“The hell I am.” But he placed a quick hard kiss on her lips right after, wanting to remind her that he was the only man who could make her body sing. When he lifted his head, he found her grinning like an idiot at him.

Alessandro grimaced. “Shut up.”

Her grin widened, but then Kassia saw the professor looking around and she quickly wiped it off her face. She knew he was trying to find a piece of paper he could roll and smack her head with.

The suddenly solemn expression on her face didn’t fool him one bit, and he growled. “Impertinent little chick.” Almost every woman he had fucked didn’t care to tease him the way Kassia did, and he found it both amusing, disturbing, and arousing all at the same time. He also found himself needing to kiss her for it.

When the toe-curling kiss ended, Kassia released a dreamy little sigh as she settled herself more comfortably in the professor’s arms. Closing her eyes, she asked, “Is it serious? Your fight with your brother?”

He considered the question seriously and finally, he said, “Yes and no.”

Just like the professor to answer so vaguely
, Kassia thought ruefully. “Well, I hope you two make up soon.” She paused then added wistfully, “I always thought it would be nice, you know, to have siblings.”

“Your parents can always adopt.”

Her smile faded. “No, they can’t. My father’s dead, and my mom…” She hesitated then told him in a rush, “She’s Kimberley Dresden.”

Astonished, he tipped her chin up, asking, “Do you mean the one who came here…”

She nodded. “She left me with my grandparents – her parents, actually – and a few months ago, she came back into our lives just so I’d sign a non-disclosure agreement to never tell anyone I’m her child, among other things.” She shrugged. “Technically, I’m breaking that agreement now, but I know you won’t tell anyone so…” Her voice trailed off.

Kassia’s struggle to keep her hurt from coloring her voice was visible, and anger rose inside him at the sight of it. “I’m sorry, sweetheart.”

She could hear the sincere regret in his voice, and it eased her sadness away. “Thank you, but you don’t have to be sorry for me. It makes me sad when I think of it, but I really had a happy life with my grandparents, so in a way I’m not sorry for it either.”

He nodded, seeing that Kassia meant every word.
Damn Kimberley Dresden,
he thought grimly. He knew it was not his place to seek revenge on Kassia’s behalf, but he also knew he wouldn’t be able to rest until he made the woman pay for the pain she had caused her own daughter.

To lighten the mood, he sought for something else to talk about, asking, “How are you doing with your classes so far?”

Kassia coughed.

He rolled his eyes, knowing what that meant, saying dryly, “Don’t bother trying to think of excuses.”

The professor knew her too well. “Well…”


She gave him a shamefaced look. “If I don’t pass the quiz next week, I
need to attend a supplementary class for my Lit subject.”

His voice became pained. “

“I can’t help it,” she protested. “I don’t like reading.” She was barely done speaking when the professor lifted her off his lap and reached for her clothes. Before she knew it, he was dressing her, and she asked dumbly, “Why?”

“We’re reviewing.”

Her eyes widened in horror. “Noooooooo—”

He shut her up with another hard kiss. “
” He continued dressing her.

“But Professor…” Her voice was faintly muffled as she obediently lifted her hands and let the professor slip her tank top over her body. When she could see him again, she said glumly, “We have so little time together.” She shifted her hips as the professor pulled her shorts up. “I don’t want to waste it on studying.”

Alessandro absolutely refused to let his smile make its way to his lips. “Do you know how childish you sound?”

“I’m being honest,” she corrected, “not childish.”

Refusing to dignify her even more childish words with an answer, Alessandro lifted her up and dumped Kassia in her armchair. Frustration flashed in her lovely brown eyes, and this time, his amusement won over.

He laughed.

Kassia’s toes curled at the sound of the professor’s laughter.
It was so beautiful
, Kassia thought giddily. She could listen to it the entire time and never get bored.

The dreamy expression on Kassia’s face was telling, and Alessandro shook his head. “

How could she be so open with him
, he wondered tautly. He had hurt her so many times already, and even her own mother had only served to teach Kassia lessons on betrayal instead of unconditional love.

And yet here she was, still wearing her heart on her sleeve.

“Don’t ever change,” Alessandro heard himself say.

Kassia frowned warily at him. “Do you really mean that?”

He nodded.

“Then…if so, you shouldn’t mind that I may fail my classes from time to time—” The professor moved so fast, and before she knew what he planned to do, he had already reached for her review sheet on the desk, rolled it into a scroll, and—


“Ouch!” She glared at the professor even as she touched her forehead.

He was unimpressed. They both knew that getting smacked by rolled-up paper wouldn’t cause her any pain.

“You said you didn’t want me to change,” she accused.

“Not that way.” And he smacked her again on the forehead with his paper scroll for being so stubborn. “I’d have eased up on you if I knew that you were truly struggling with your classes, but that’s not the case, is it?”

She thought about lying. But then the professor started slapping the paper scroll against his palm, and she changed her mind. “No, sir,” she grumbled instead.

He smirked.

She scowled. “I hate you.”

“Yes, yes, I’ve heard that before, and to be frank…”

Her breath caught at the way the professor looked at her under his lids.

“I’m addicted to the way you
me, Ms. Summers.”

All sorts of memories seared her mind at his words, every one of them featuring her naked in his arms, and Kassia turned red at the innuendo. “Professor!”

Leaning forward, he nibbled on her lip, and her entire body quivered. But before she could fall against him, the professor was already pulling away. “Professor.” This time, she said it with longing.

He shook his head. “Another kiss will cost you.”

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