My Werewolf Professor (23 page)

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Authors: Marian Tee

BOOK: My Werewolf Professor
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When Alessandro’s hands forcibly pressed her hips down to keep her still, Kassia took advantage of her freed hands to run them over his back. The smooth, hard, muscled texture of it made her sigh with pleasure, and both she and Alessandro shuddered when her fingers found the muscled cheeks of his buttocks.

She dug her nails into the tight skin, and another powerful shudder racked the professor’s frame. It made her feel powerful and beautiful, but even so, it didn’t stem the insatiable, restless feeling inside of her. Looking up at him, she whispered, “Please, Professor.” She knew she was being reckless, but she couldn’t help it. She wanted
She wanted everything, and she was so darn tired of waiting.

Alessandro strove to stay in control. “Think about what you’re asking, baby,” he said hoarsely. “You’ve never had sex before. You need to think—”

thinking,” Kassia cut him off fiercely. Curling her arms around his neck, she pulled herself up to place a kiss on his mouth, and her heart skipped several beats when he kissed her back hungrily.

Pulling away, she whispered against his lips, “I’m thinking I want you to take me now—”

Alessandro’s body jerked at the seductive pull of Kassia’s words.

“So will you, Professor?” The faint hesitation in the professor’s eyes frustrated her, and she heard herself demand, “Take me. Take me,
before some other man—”

Fury flared in the professor’s eyes at her words. “
” The ominous growl had terror piercing through Kassia’s sensual haze, making her wonder wildly what she had gotten herself into.

Oh God, oh God, he looked fit to kill at the mere mention of another man.

Kassia tried to pull away, but the professor’s hold on her had turned into immovable chains.

She was trapped under a furious, hungry Lyccan, and it was all her fault.


The growl, accompanied by the dangerous glint in his green eyes, shut her up.

“So be it, Kassia.”

The finality in his voice made her quiver, and she couldn’t recall whether she had ever felt so afraid and aroused at the same time.

Alessandro couldn’t get Kassia’s words out of his mind, couldn’t stop making himself see red at the mere fucking idea of another man taking Kassia’s virginity.

Looking down at her, he said in a hard voice, “Make no mistake, Kassia.
You are mine.
Mine to
Mine to
Mine to
” Even as Kassia’s eyes widened, it no longer mattered, and he only swallowed her gasp of shock in a kiss meant to mark her anew with his possession.

“I will kill anyone who tries to take you away from me,” he whispered harshly against her lips. “
” His hand moved and he gripped her hair, making her look at him. “So if you don’t want anyone to die, look only at me.”

So much power and danger surrounded the professor at that moment that Kassia knew he was no less harmful than a time bomb set to explode. The display of inhuman strength should have impressed her, but it didn’t.

How could it when she saw that underneath the anger was the professor’s unspoken pain? Pain that she herself had caused, pain that came from the professor’s belief that he didn’t deserve her and so he would only have himself to blame if Kassia chose to play around and find another man.

The professor might have hurt her numerous times, but it didn’t make her love go away, didn’t make her want to see him hurt like he was now.

She wanted the professor to stop hurting, and there was only one way to do that.

Raising her hands, she again found the courage to clasp his face, an act that only a girl who truly loved could do. “I’m
professor.” She looked into his eyes, saw wolf and man, and loved both. “Yours to fuck,” she whispered shakily. “Yours to own, yours to love—”

The professor groaned, and then his mouth was covering hers, and she kissed him back even as her riotous emotions made Kassia fight back tears.

This time, the professor was an unstoppable force, seducing and tempting her with every move of his lips and hands. He kissed his way down her body at an agonizingly slow pace, making her plead wildly and writhe restlessly on the bed.

He spent forever worshipping her breasts, cupping them one at a time as he devoured her nipple until it strained into a painfully tight tip. After, the professor moved down, and she moaned long and hard when his mouth found the core of her passion. Oh, how he played her clit with endless patience and mastery, turning her into a throbbing, screaming mass of sensation. At the last flicks of his tongue, she had come, and only when the folds of her sex parted open at her pleasure did the professor finally raise himself up and push his engorged cock inside her body.

Alessandro’s teeth gnashed as he sought to control the movement of his cock even while his body clamored for him to lose himself in Kassia’s tight, warm sex. He wanted to fuck her so deep and hard, wanted to fill her with his seed until it dripped down her legs, and the thought that it
happen nearly drove him insane.

Inch by inch, he pushed inside her, his gaze on her face, watching for any sign of hurt. When their eyes met, Kassia managed a smile. “It d-doesn’t hurt.”

A hoarse laugh escaped him as Alessandro realized that his little tender chick was actually trying to comfort him.

Realizing he didn’t believe her, she insisted, “It really doesn’t.” It was true. Faint tremors still racked her body, making the feel of his cock inside her sex less abrasive. Even so, she couldn’t help feeling a little stiff, unable to get the fear and knowledge that it
hurt out of her mind. She had tried not to look at his cock but failed. It had been gigantic, and even with just the head of his cock inside her now, she already felt so full.

“Do it now,” she whispered.

The professor’s brows lifted.

“I don’t want you distracting me.” Swallowing, she admitted the truth to him, saying shakily, “I want to see your face when you make me yours.”

The sweetness of her words made him close his eyes. “God, Kassia…” Opening them, he told her rawly, “Then look at me now.”

When the meaning of his words became clear, Kassia sucked her breath in.

Keeping his eyes on her face, Alessandro slowly pushed his cock further inside her. Even as pain flashed in the brown depths of Kassia’s eyes, he didn’t stop, forcing her sex to stretch wider and wider—

Kassia’s fingers curled against his shoulders, turning into a tight grip as she whimpered in hurt. “Professor…” Her eyes drifted close at the sheer pain of it.

“Look at me now,” he gritted.

Slowly, her eyes blinked open.

He pushed all the way in, and Kassia let out another whimper as his cock tore through her hymen.

Kassia was in a daze, temporarily unable to make sense of exactly what she was feeling. Relief, maybe, because it was all over. Disbelief because she hadn’t known it would hurt that much. But most of all…

She looked up at the professor.

Something profound but unnamed, something that made her feel complete, because she had finally given the professor what she had always thought was his.

” The way the professor spoke her name made her toes curl, but before she could say his name back, he had started to move, and she could no longer think. It started with long, slow strokes that went deeper and deeper. When Kassia started moving her hips to meet his thrusts, the professor changed his pace, making his strokes harder, less precise, and faster.

So, so fast she wondered dazedly if an ordinary human could move this fast and make her feel this good…

The professor bent down, his lips latching onto her nipple, and then he was moving again. She threw her head back and screamed, her fingers digging harder into his skin as the two-fold pleasure threatened to take over her.

“Alessandro…” His name was torn out of her soul.

Alessandro shuddered at the way Kassia said his name, knowing that there had been a time he had genuinely believed she would never say his name that way again.

His desire spiraling out of control, he found himself fucking her harder, his hands diving deep under her body to cup her buttocks so he could penetrate her more deeply. Sounds of sex filled the room – his balls slapping against her sex, the rasp of his cock sliding in and out of her folds, the breathy little whimpers of Kassia intermingling with his low, heavy panting—

Underneath him, Kassia’s throat bobbed and she started breathing in quick, loud gasps. “Professor…” Her eyes began to dilate, and then she was coming.

Seeing Kassia reach her orgasm aroused him like no other sight, and with a groan, Alessandro came as well, his hips pushing down almost wildly as he pumped his seed into her with every downward thrust.

He roared her name, and in his arms, she shuddered again, the sound of her name on his lips prolonging her pleasure.

Pulling her closer when both their bodies were sated, Alessandro pressed a kiss on her forehead.


My love.

Beside him, Kassia froze, and he realized that he had spoken the words out loud. Tension electrified the air, and the scent of her anxiety reached him. Frowning, Alessandro tipped her chin up. “What’s wrong?”


His eyes narrowed, but his voice was pleasant when he asked, “Have I mentioned that Lyccans possess an extraordinary sense of smell?”

Kassia shook her head, thrown off by the unexpected question.

“We do.” He paused, and added gently, “It’s good enough to detect human emotions.”

Her eyes widened when the import of his words sank in.

“So, I ask you again, little chick. What’s wrong?”

Kassia’s heart felt like it was a second away from exploding. Oh. Crap. Why. Now. She swallowed. “Y-you said…” She couldn’t make herself say it, didn’t feel she deserved to say the words.

“My love?”

A small nod.

“And you are,” he stated simply.

She wanted to cry.

The light in Alessandro’s eyes disappeared. “Hearing the words trouble you?”

She couldn’t make herself answer. She was so scared she’d lose him if she did, but she couldn’t make herself lie either.

Coldness settled in the pit of Alessandro’s stomach as he took in the misery in Kassia’s brown eyes. “Kassia.” He struggled to keep his voice level even though a large part of him warned him to desist if he didn’t want to see his entire world crumbling.

The sound of her name on his lips seemed to break her, and she choked out, “Don’t ask, please.”

He wished, God, he damn well wished it were that easy. But he was done deliberately blinding himself to the truth and constantly taking the coward’s way out through denial.

”Just say it,” he said, and it was even harder now to keep him from sounding harsh.

More tears brightened Kassia eyes. “Y-you seem t-to think this changes things.”

“And?” he heard himself ask even as his chest started to constrict.

It doesn’t.”
A tear slipped. “I w-want to be with you. I thought I’d eventually c-change my mind…but w-when you called me my love, I wasn’t…
I was…” She inhaled unevenly. “I was terrified. All I could think about was,
I have to get away before you hurt me again.” She lifted pain-darkened eyes to him. “And I don’t think the fear’s ever going to leave, Professor.”


Kassia woke to the smell of bacon and eggs…and the sight of a big, black wolf next to the bed. Even though it was silent and motionless while staring at her with unblinking, vividly green eyes, the power and danger emanating from it was unmistakable and palpable.

“Holy cow!”

It was enough to make Kassia sit up in shock, her mind transitioning from the hazy depths of sleep to instant, panic-stricken wakefulness.

The hotel bedroom, which she had thought gigantic last night, now felt claustrophobic. Fear deprived her of rational thinking, and all Kassia could think was that she was alone with a wolf.

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