Read My White Billionaire Bundle (BWWM Billionaire Romance) Online

Authors: Claire Fenton

Tags: #BDSM, #Erotic Fiction, #Interracial, #African American, #United States, #Short Stories (Single Author)

My White Billionaire Bundle (BWWM Billionaire Romance) (4 page)

BOOK: My White Billionaire Bundle (BWWM Billionaire Romance)
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“Yes,” I said.

“Where?” She was fast.

“Inside me,” I said.

Denise gave a little nod. “Well, Mr. Stannis said he wanted me to give you something.” She handed me a small box from next to her ledger. “Now go splash some water on your face and get back here in five minutes.”

I high tailed it to the nearest bathroom. I locked it behind me, and put the box onto the vanity. I opened it. Inside I found a small rounded plastic tube, like a large pill. It had thin bands of fabric attached to it, and when I held it up I saw that it was some kind of G-string.

A note fell out of the box. I picked it up:

Tina, your education continues. Put this on. You will wear it all day. Any time I think of you, any time I’m bored, I’ll send a text message to a specific number and buzz your clit. If you give Denise any trouble, I’ll give her the number. I’m sure she could find some websites she could post it to.


My pulse was racing. This was nuts. This was beyond crazy. I was just some kind of toy for him, something to play with? I wasn’t going to take this. He had some nerve.

But then I thought about what he said. About being afraid. Was I afraid of this because it would hurt me? No. I was afraid of it because I didn’t know what would happen. I could run from it, but that wouldn’t conquer the fear.

Teeth gritted in determination, I took off my pants and underwear and slipped on the device. It had a concave groove, cupping my hooded clit like a glove. I slipped my panties on over it, then my pants. I felt it press up against me, more intimate than any inanimate object has a right to be.

I splashed some water on my face and checked myself in the mirror. I looked at the time and bolted out of the bathroom. I didn’t want to be late again!

“It’s a little odd to have a woman bellhop,” the ancient man said. His eyebrows were like long pine branches covered in snow. Hair crawled out of his ears and mixed with his white neck hair. Eww. Eww. “Back in my day they had strong young men do this job. The women stayed at home. Better days.”

“Well, times change Mr. Hockens,” I said, all smiles. I struggled to pull his huge luggage down the hall. It must’ve been made of wood and brass. It weighed fifty pounds and had a single small handle on the side. I wheezed, lifting the suitcase enough to drop it six inches ahead of me. “You come prepared, don’t you?”

“Oh, if I have to travel, I like to travel a certain way. My wife always cooks me a big casserole, and I just pack it into my luggage,” he said, slowly ambling next to me. “And I bring my own water, of course. A few gallons.”

I looked over at him. “You have a casserole and gallons of water in this suitcase?” I heaved it another six inches.

“Well, I’m not going to trust anything cooked in a New York kitchen! They have immigrants here!” He seemed to be very upset at this revelation.

For a split second I was sure I could murder him in this hallway and make it look like an accident. Pick him up and throw him down the nearest laundry chute. He probably weighed less than his fucking water and casserole filled suitcase.

“Taking a break dear? Well, I guess I should expect it to take longer when there’s a woman handling it,” he said.

“Now wait one-“ I began. A strong thrumming sensation filled my lower half as the device against my clit came alive. No device this small should’ve been able to buzz this hard, but it did. I felt it in my toenails. I gritted my teeth and leaned against the wall, my legs turning to jelly.

“Take your time, deary. I don’t hold your deficiencies against you,” he said.

The buzz stopped. As suddenly as it had come on, it was gone. My slit was moist with excitement, despite my brain pleading that this wasn’t the time or place. Alas, it had a mind of its own. I wondered when the next buzz would come. I anticipated it.

“Ok, I’m ready,” I said. I heaved the suitcase another six inches, and we continued down the hallway, him continuing to mutter about the natural inferiority of women.

“You’re going to love the conference room,” I said to the Korean pop group as I led them into the elevator. “Our chairs were designed by Paul Burnaise, the table is actually a door from a ninth century Spanish castle, and the view is to die for!”

The doors began to close when a hand shot through them. Maggie stepped into the elevator, giving me side eyes. “Nineteen,” she said as the elevator doors closed. “And this is for you,” she said, handing me a note.

My hand went up to hit her number. Half way there, my crotch exploded in vibrations. Shit! My mouth open, all I could do was let out a high pitched squeal. I closed my eyes and put all my weight against the hand rail.

“What the hell?” Maggie said, leaning past me and hitting her floor number. “Keep it together,” she whispered at me severely.

I bit down on my lip, trying to fight the paralyzing vibrations coming from the little device on my clit. “I’m fine, I’m fine,” I said. This was not a good place to have a full fledged moaning orgasm!

Thankfully, the buzzing stopped as we got to the conference room floor. Without missing a beat, I escorted our guests down the hall and into their conference room. Back in the hallway, I unfolded the note Maggie had handed me.




“Come in,” Mr. Stannis said. He was dressed in a stunning dark blue suit. His tie was the lightest pink, and set off his white collared shirt. I felt myself get hotter just looking at him.

I stepped into his suite and he closed the door behind me. I turned to walk towards him but before I could, Denise walked in from the side bedroom. She had a glass of red wine in her hand.

“You did very well today, Tina,” Mr. Stannis said. “Are you willing to take your education further? I have more to teach you, and I think you’re ready.”

“I don’t think she’s ready,” Denise said, looking at me while taking a sip.

I stood up straighter and met her eyes. “I’m ready.” Fuck her if she thought she was going to scare me.

“Are you-“ he said.

“Yes,” I said, cutting him off short. I knew it would piss him off. I hoped it did.

The muscles in his jaws tensed and relaxed. “You might not know this about Denise, but she’s a champion dog breeder. She has incredible insights. I’ve asked her here for her…” He looked over at Denise. “Professional opinion.”

Denise slammed the rest of her red, then put her glass down. She walked towards me, stilletto heels landing solidly despite a tiny sway in her hips. I could see a small smile form on her lips. Whatever was going to happen, she was going to enjoy this. “She isn’t much to look at.”

“Hey!” I said defensively.

“But she has potential,” he said, pouring himself a glass of scotch from the bar along the wall. “It just takes the right kind of experiences to unlock that potential.”

Denise was now standing in front of me. I could smell the wine on her. “Let’s get a better look at the bitch.” Her hands went to my shirt, and she undid my buttons with surprising speed. My bra, pants, and panties were next. She paused when she saw the vibrator resting against my clit. She looked over at Mr. Stannis.

He gave a shrug. “A man gets bored.”

Shaking her head, she pulled the vibrator off me. She walked around me, a finger running across my bare shoulderblades, my shoulders, and then back to my chest. “There’s nothing extraordinary about her.”

I gasped as she took hold of my breast and squeezed hard. I was about to punch her when she release me. I massaged my poor tit. She had a grip!

“She’s quiet, I’ll give you that,” Denise said, walking around me again. “Is she a good fuck?”

“Yes,” he said.

That made me stand up a little bit taller still.

“Does she have any hang-ups?” Denise said from behind me.

“Yes, but I think we can get through them with enough patience and hard work,” he said. He voice was getting thicker, deeper with every sip of alcohol.

I could feel the warmth from her body, her heat pressing up against me. Being inspected like this, scrutinized, was thrilling. I felt her hand wrap around my hair as she pushed my face forward and down. Bent over and exposed to the world, I looked straight ahead while she continued her inspection.

“She does have a pretty pussy,” Denise said, eyes at my fanny.

I inhaled sharply as she touched me down there. Her thin elegant finger traced the outline of my slit, my shaved lips puffing and pouty.

“How…nevermind, let me find out,” she said.

I moaned as she plunged a finger into me, wiggling it around in my tunnel. I bucked my hips backwards, trying to bounce my ass off her hand.

“She’s tight, isn’t she?” he said, pouring himself another scotch. I could see the front of his pants tenting up. He was enjoying this performance: the dominant woman inspecting the submissive one. I was getting turned on watching him watching me!

“I’ve been in tighter,” Denise said, pulling her finger out of me. The finger then swirled around my asshole. “How’s her ass?”

I squirmed, trying to stop her finger from entering me.

“Untested, as you can guess,” he said, walking closer. “I think tonight she should go for her first walk.”

“What?” I said. What did that mean?

“I think you’re right. It’s better to find out early if she’s got the guts. If not, time to move on,” Denise said, giving me a solid smack on the ass.

Mr. Stannis stood in front of me, over six feet of confident masculinity. His powersuit was meant to melt panties and hostile boardrooms alike. He took no prisoners, brokered no mercy. I needed him so badly. “Tina, are you ready for your walk? It’s fine if you’re not, but I’ll be disappointed.”

“I’m ready,” I said.

His hand came down to stroke my cheek, and I kissed it. “Open your mouth,” he said.

I obeyed.

He put his thumb in my mouth. “Suck.”

I did.

At that moment I felt intense pressure against my asshole as something lubricated was pushed past my sphincter. Like something slipping into place, it was inside me. I could feel thin hairs cascading down the backs of my thighs.

“Very good, Tina,” he said, taking his thumb out of my mouth. “Do you like your new tail?”

“Yes,” I said, shaking my ass. The black tail swished back and forth.

“Now,” Denise said, walking over with a collar and leash. “Let’s get you ready for your walk.” The soft leather of the collar slid against my throat, small metal studs on the outer edge. The buckle secured, Denise snapped the leash into the ring under my chin. “Would you like to walk her?” She offered the leash to Mr. Stannis.

‘You first,” he said, one hand absently tugging at himself through his pants.

“Heel,” Denise said.

I got down on all fours, and took a moment to take in the strange new feeling. It was cooler down here, and I could easily see the floor. But arching my neck back to see higher was painful. My knees objected but I ignored that for now. My legs were spread and my excited pussy was leaking my juices down one leg.

A tug on the leash brought me back to reality and I crawled over to Denise. Her black stiletto heels smelled of patent leather and raw rubber. Her legs were shaved down to a diamond sheen. “Heel means your front paws are behind my toes.”

I corrected my position, feeling the tail tassels brush against my thighs.

Without a word, Denise began to walk around the suite. I crawled after her, my head and tail swinging with every step. My knees soon grew used to the hard marble floor. My breasts hung down, nipples fully erect.

I could hear Mr. Stannis walking behind us. Following us. I imagined his eyes on my feet, moving up my calves, my thighs. He’d catch glimpses of my hot aching slit through my tail. I licked my lips.

“Thirsty, are we?” Denise said. “Very well,” she said, walking us towards the kitchen. The marble changed to handpainted tile, wood cabinets rising up on all sides. A steel dog water bowl came into view next to the sink.

I crawled over to it, looking down into the bowl.

“You know what to do,” Denise said.

I bent my head forward, my tongue extended and lapped at the water. It was cold and clear, and I drank my fill noisily. When I was done, I looked up at Denise, water spilling down my mouth and neck.

“Good girl,” she said, petting me on my head. “Mr. Stannis, I think she’s house trained enough. You could do better, but you could also do worse.”

“Thank you for your attention, Denise,” he said, walking up and taking my leash from her. “Let me walk you out,” he said as he held my leash out to me.

I reached up to take it with my hand.

“No,” he said. “Open.”

I pulled my hand away and opened my mouth. He put the leash across my lips and I held it there. I dabbed my tongue out to taste it. The taste was astringent, bitter and salty.

“Be a good girl,” Denise said as she and Mr. Stannis walked to the door of the suite. I heard a little bit of quiet chatter and laughter before the door closed.

He came back into the kitchen and took my leash from me. “I’m very pleased with you Tina. I know you were upset last night. I was upset as well. I think we’ve gotten to know each other a bit better since then, though,” His hand came down to affectionately stroke my side.

“Mmmmm,” I moaned, needing his touch. I thought back to last night. The blindfold, the restraints, his mouth all over me. My aching pussy screamed to be touched.

His hand went further down my back, stopping at my ass. “What’s this?” he said, and I felt his hand touch the dampness down my inner thigh. He ran his hand up and pulled it away, bringing my essence to his nose to. He inhaled deeply, then stuck his fingers in his mouth. “Oh Tina, your scent drives me wild, and you taste so good.”

My legs quivered at his words, some deep bestial part of my brain screaming that I needed him to mount me this instant. To fill me up, ram in and out of me to scratch this itch that couldn’t be scratched. “Please,” I said.

BOOK: My White Billionaire Bundle (BWWM Billionaire Romance)
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