Mydnight's Hero (6 page)

Read Mydnight's Hero Online

Authors: Joe Dever

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Lone Wolf, #Magnamund

BOOK: Mydnight's Hero
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After a restless night spent contemplating the mission you have vowed to complete, you rise shortly before dawn and meet with Lord Zinair in the courtyard of the stables that adjoin the Dessian consulate. A horse-drawn carriage is waiting to take you both to the harbour where a sleek Suhnese clipper called
The Azaktana
is ready to set sail. This magnificent ship is one of the fastest vessels ever to have plied the southern seas, and Lord Zinair has commissioned it for your voyage to Sheasu. He and you will be the only passengers aboard.

The Azaktana
is stocked with sufficient fresh water and provisions to enable her to complete the voyage without unnecessary delays. The weather is Zinair's main concern for the southern seas are notorious for the occurrence of sudden storms and squalls. Yet, despite his fears, the weather proves to be uncommonly mild. Aided by a strong easterly trade wind, the long voyage across the Mythenian and Vaduz seas is completed in record time.

Shortly after sunset on the twentieth day of your voyage, the twinkling harbour lights of Mydnight are sighted by the lookout. The captain shouts an order and hurriedly his crew lower the sails to allow
The Azaktana
to glide silently into the harbour of Sheasu's solitary port. As the crewmen secure the ship to the quayside, the scudding clouds part and the decks are bathed by the ashen light of a full moon.

‘In thirty days' time the moon will be full once more,’ says Lord Zinair, thoughtfully. ‘It will then be the moon of Harvestmas. I pray that you and Prince Karvas shall be in Seroa to see that.’

The parting clouds have also revealed a smaller globe of light in the night sky, above the port's eastern quarter. At first you assume it to be just a star, but when you magnify your vision you see it is the stern lantern of a flying ship which is hovering 100 feet above the rooftops.

‘See, there, my lord,’ you say, and point to the orb of light.

‘Ah, yes,’ replies Zinair, smiling. ‘It would appear that Wizard Acraban has arrived before us.’

Lord Zinair's pronouncement is proved to be correct when a young man, attired in the blue and silver robes of a Brotherhood magician, comes striding along the quayside towards your ship. He has a neatly trimmed beard and long, flowing ginger hair, and his chiselled features are distinctly Sommlending.

If you have ever visited the city of Caeno (in a previous
Lone Wolf New Order
turn to 165

If you have never visited the city of Caeno,
turn to 299


You return to the jetty and show your tickets to the ticket seller. He grunts his approval and waves you aboard the riverboat. The number of your berth is written on your ticket, and you discover that you are both sharing cabin number 12 which is located at the stern. You are pleased to discover that it is one of the better cabins aboard. It has a cupboard stocked with food and wine, a washing bowl and a jug of water, and twin bunk beds with mattresses and feather pillows.

After a short while you hear the
of the riverboat's bell. It is a signal that the boat is about to set off for Seroa in five minutes' time and a last call for passengers who are still in Xaia. Through the porthole of your cabin you can see the jetty and a queue of people boarding the boat. Fortunately, you do not see any Cavalians among them.

Once everyone is aboard, the gangplank is raised and the riverboat's waterwheel begins to turn. As the boat gets underway, you lock the cabin door and settle down to a good night's sleep.

To continue,
turn to 46


You are shaken by the sudden impact of hitting the water, but you swiftly muster your senses and fight to stay astride your horse. Prince Karvas and his mount come crashing down nearby and, in a tangle of flailing limbs, you are all swept away by the river's irresistible current.

You are sped along by the rushing water for more than three miles before you reach a stretch of shallows at a bend in the river. Here you are able to regain control of your frightened horses and coax them towards the bank. Bruised and bedraggled, you stagger out of the water and collapse on the muddy shore, gasping for breath.

When you fully recover, you find that you have lost 1 Weapon and 1 Backpack Item during your ordeal in the river. (Make the necessary adjustments to your
Action Chart
 — you may choose which Weapon and Backpack Item to erase.)

To leave the river and return to the trail,
turn to 80


Your skill and persistence finally pay off when the lock clicks open. You twist the iron door handle and push it open to reveal a circular stone staircase which leads all the way to the bell chamber at the top of the tower. On reaching the top you are treated to a spectacular view of the city. As you scan the rooftops and towers using your night vision, you are able to locate stables less than a mile away, to the north of the tower. You commit their location to memory and then hurriedly you descend the stairs to the antechamber below.

As you close the tower door, your Kai senses alert you to a concealed panel in the wall opposite. You press this panel and it slides aside to reveal a secret cache of valuable items:

  • 100 Ren (equivalent to 10 Gold Crowns)
  • Jewelled Knife
  • Silver Signet Ring

If you wish to keep any of the above, record them on your
Action Chart
as Backpack Items. (Ren is local currency which you may carry in your Belt Pouch.)

On your return to the warehouse, Prince Karvas is delighted to hear that there are stables in Bakhasa and he insists that you set off for them at once. He is leading the way out of the ruins when suddenly the tower bell begins to toll once more. Moments later, the temple doors swing open and the procession of black-clad figures file out into the street. Instinctively you take hold of Karvas by the arm and pull him back into the ruins to avoid being seen by the emerging soldiers. As they pass by, you peer around the edge of the crumbling warehouse doorway to watch them. A strange feeling of unease makes the skin on the back of your neck prickle, and immediately you sense that all is not what it seems. When you magnify your vision to take a closer look at the passing figures, you gasp with shock at what you see.

Turn to 100


Bravely your horse obeys your command and he makes a tremendous leap through the fire to land surefootedly on the trail beyond. You sustain no injury from the fire and your horse, too, has escaped with little more than a singed belly. You pat him enthusiastically on the flanks in praise for his courageous action.

To continue,
turn to 285


Your swift action saves the Prince from being struck by a crossbow bolt. It also saves you from being hit when one of these deadly iron missiles ricochets off the paddock gate and whistles by your head.

Turn to 159


The searing flash of the lightning strike singes the skin on your face and hands (lose 3
points), and leaves you blinded for a few moments. When your vision returns, you muster all of your Kai senses and focus them on the narrow strip of land which separates the fissures. Bolts of searing energy leap out of these chasms and soar past the skyship on either side to explode with thunderous cacophony among the roiling clouds. The crew cower with terror, but you maintain your nerve and let your Kai skills take full control of the wheel. After several nerve-racking miles the fissures eventually taper off and then disappear completely. As the
emerges from the gauntlet of deadly white fire, the crew gives a loud cheer in appreciation of your skilful helmsmanship. Gladly you acknowledge their praise, but you keep a grip on the helm for your Kai senses are screaming a warning that the danger is not yet over.

You are five miles clear of the fissures when the steering becomes dangerously erratic. The
is losing altitude and her deck is beginning to tilt alarmingly to starboard. Soon it becomes almost impossible to stand upright. Acraban appears from below and struggles valiantly across the sloping deck to join you at the helm. The young sorcerer looks gaunt and exhausted, and his ginger hair is matted with grime and sweat. Clearly his efforts to repair the ailing skyship have severely drained his magical energies.

‘We have lost one stabilizer and the other is badly damaged,’ he says, grimly. ‘I have done all I can to repair it but I fear it will fail at any moment. Without stabilizers we cannot stay airborne.’

Acraban takes the helm and orders his crew to prepare for a crash landing. Some of the young men tie themselves to the ship's mast, while others brace themselves against the rails and put their fate in the hands of the Goddess Ishir. Prince Karvas has found refuge in a rope locker which is bolted to the main deck. He lifts the lid and calls for you to join him. There is sufficient space for two inside.

If you wish to climb into the rope locker alongside Prince Karvas,
turn to 79

If you choose to stay with Acraban at the ship's helm,
turn to 199


The rock grazes your scalp (lose 1
point) and you almost fall from the saddle, but you manage to keep a tight hold of the reins and pull yourself upright.

The speed and surefootedness of your Bhanarian stallions carry you and Karvas swiftly out of harm's way. You soon reach the rubble-strewn gate of the fortress and dismount to lead your horses inside. Within its crumbling walls there stands a keep, a cylindrical structure of time-worn masonry. The upper parts have collapsed leaving huge chunks of broken stone heaped around its base. Where once stood a gate of gleaming bronze, now only a blackened hole remains. It provides access to an inner hall and you enter to take shelter from the torrential rain.

Engravings in the ceiling and walls of this derelict hall tell you that this fortress was once occupied by the Elder Magi. Both you and Karvas are fascinated by the intricate carvings and you decide to split up and explore this hall further. In an alcove at the north side you discover a shrine dedicated to the God Kai. Clumps of wild laumspur are growing around its base and you discover enough here for 3 potions. (Each Potion of Laumspur is a Backpack Item. It will restore 4
points when swallowed after combat.)

You are examining the shrine more closely when suddenly you hear Karvas scream out in alarm.

Turn to 177


You call upon your Magnakai Discipline of Psi-screen to protect your mind from this psychic attack. The pain in your head lessens, yet your protection does not extend to Prince Karvas who is now on the verge of unconsciousness. You bring your horse around and ride to his aid. As you draw alongside, you pull him upright in the saddle and then, using your Magnakai Curing skills, you are able to revive him to full consciousness (use of this skill costs you 2

The terrible sound of the hunter's horn ceases abruptly and you hear them galloping towards you. Their leader is a broad-shouldered man with a ginger beard and long wavy hair. His hair fans out from around the edges of a conical helm that is topped by a pair of polished antlers. He brings his horse to a halt before you and Prince Karvas and he regards your mounts with an appraising eye.

‘I see you ride Cavalian colts,’ he says, and he points to the eagle brands that mark your horses' hindquarters. You nod in acknowledgement but you do not offer any explanation. The man narrows his blue eyes and strokes his beard thoughtfully.

‘You do not know who I am, do you?’ You shake your head dumbly, hoping that he will take you for a simpleton and return to his deer hunting.

‘I am Halx — the Inquisitor-major of Cavalia. Among my many duties is the regulation and taxation of horses, mules, and oxen. You both ride Cavalian steeds, yet I do not recall seeing either of you in the city before. I trust your saddle taxes have been paid? Perhaps you would be kind enough to furnish your names and places of lodging so that, upon my return to Cavalia, I am able to confirm that this is so?’

You sense that your continued silence is beginning to irritate the Inquisitor-major. His followers are also growing impatient.

If you wish to say that you are special emissaries on your way to Seroa to witness the crowning of Baron Sadanzo,
turn to 116

If you wish to say that you are new recruits to the Cavalian Citadel Guard,
turn to 123


Karvas grabs your hand and pulls you to your feet. The drooling horror utters a chilling cackle and suddenly gathers speed. It has caught the enticing scent of horseflesh drifting on the chill night wind. You unsheathe your Kai Weapon and hurriedly move forward to block its approach to the narrow gully. You must now fight the creature.

Illustration I
—The drooling horror utters a chilling cackle and quickly moves towards the narrow gulley.

(Winged Agarashi — wounded)

This enemy is immune to Mindblast (but not Kai-surge). You may add 5 points to your
for the duration of this fight, for Prince Karvas is assisting your battle against this foul creature. If the Kai Weapon you wield is ‘Raumas’, you may apply the bonus gained due to its unique properties.

If you win the combat,
turn to 129

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