Mysty McPartland (10 page)

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Authors: My Angel My Hell

BOOK: Mysty McPartland
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His thumb grazed across the nipple and felt it pucker; his hand wrapped around her lush mound and he squeezed it gently when she cried out into his mouth, his tongue swept around hers as he pressed himself against her.

The tension in his shoulders eased when he sensed her fear had evaporated under his heated kisses; knowing that she was no longer afraid sent the blood soaring through his veins. He muffled a growl of satisfaction when her clung tightly to his shoulders. It was a heady moment when she went up in flames in his arms.

The erotic sensations of
her fluttering little touches on his back sent the hunger leaping through veins, he tore his mouth away from hers and moving down, he captured her tight nipple in his mouth and, drawing it in, suckled like a man who was dying for sustenance.

His hand slowly slid down until it came to the soft curls
at the apex of her thighs and nudging them apart, cupped her womanhood and felt the heat emanating from the source of her desire.

Gently he parted her
petal soft nether lips and at the first touch of her dewiness she jerked her hips against his fingers. Her reaction to his stroking her so intimately more than pleased him. He drew his finger slowly up and gloried in her wetness when he found her pearl of passion, lightly he fondled it sending her writhing madly and whimpering throatily.

Lifting his mouth
, he captured her other nipple sucked it between his lips as he moved his fingers down and gently he plunged one inside of her. She seemed to go apart and he could no longer hold himself back. However, he continued to stretch her making sure she would be ready to accommodate him.

Only when h
e was satisfied did he lift himself up and, kneeing her thighs further apart, he moved between them and settling himself above her, made sure he kept most of his weight on his elbows. Placing his mouth on hers, his tongue swept inside consuming her with desire hoping to drown out the pain that he was about to cause her when he thrust himself inside her.

Inch by inch he slipped inside her until he reached the barrier of her innocence
, he closed his eyes and flexed his hips tearing passed her maidenhead and was buried up to the hilt. His mouth caught her scream and he ignored the fists beating on his back, he was to overwhelmed; finding himself sheathed inside an angel.

I’m in heaven; my angel has taken me to heaven.
He was gloved so tightly in her hot, silken essence that he wanted to lie there forever. His fingers threaded through her hair as his mouth continued to coax the passion back for her. All he could think of was how utterly amazing it felt to be encased in such rare and true beauty.

The anguished cry from his wife resonating around the room, he froze. He broke the kiss, his breathing harsh. Glancing down at her, he was awash in guilt for hurting her, but he couldn’t pull out of her, it was just impossible. His cock was throbbing inside of her and needed relief. He kissed her lips gently, lightly. “Just wait a few minutes, lass, and the pain will ease I promise ye.” Seeing the disbelief in her wet eyes, he sighed, placed gentle kisses over her face, and forced himself to wait. Even though it was killing him, he refused to take his own pleasure without her.

A curse rolled of his tongue when her damp eyes glared back at him in disbelief. He drew in a long ragged breath. Lowering his head he brushed light kisses over her face and waited for her to relax. After several long seconds he once more claimed her mouth gentle at first, but slowly increased the pressure and deepening the kisses.

Slowly lightly, he started to move inside her, God she was tight, so silky and wet.
Kiss by kiss, one glide of his hips after another he could feel the passion reclaiming her. It was heaven and it was hell to keep himself under control and not plunge into deeply. Though it was nearly impossible he managed to hold himself back.

A jubilant growl rumbled in his chest the very moment she started to respond, he could no longer stop himself from moving, increasingly he slid in and out of her. When she stared to squirm under him, his strokes became stronger, more demanding. He was astounded when she abruptly became a passionate wildcat, he lost the hold on what little control that remained within him and he plunged into her fiercely.

He reached down,
pulled up her leg and placed it over his hip, he felt himself slide deep inside, and it seemed to send his wife over the top. She screamed wildly in ecstasy, her hands came up, gripped his hair, and pulled his mouth down to hers, he growled his satisfaction as she kissed him with uncontrollable, consuming hunger.

No longer able to restrain himself
, he plunged into the haven of her body again and again until she clamped around his cock and cried out into his mouth, as her liquid fire surround him. She shuddered beneath him and her nails dug into the flesh of his back. He lifted his head and roared as his seed shot out of him in a powerful gush. He continued to stroke himself inside her until the the last drop drained from him then collapsed on her completely shattered and weakened.

, lying beneath her husband, Dalla could still feel the tremors shake her, her mind was a complete muddle. The exquisite waves of ecstasy that washed through her were something she didn’t know or even expect would happen.

body had ever explained that part to her; she couldn’t contain her joyful smile. It was truly an amazing experience despite the initial pain. Sighing in contentment, she closed her eyes as she tried to keep the remarkable feelings inside her. She shook her head remembering how terrified she had been.

The moment the door had opened she trembled in
fear; she knew exactly what was going to happen. She held her breath and swallowed when she saw the hot, hungry heat in her husband’s black eyes. Slowly, she lowered the brush as he moved towards her like a predator. He reminded her of a hungry wolf about to devour his dinner. When she was hauled off the seat and plastered against him with her feet dangling in the air she gave a squeal of fright.

He had cut it o
ff as his mouth robbed every bit of willpower out of her. The power of his kiss consumed her in liquid fire and left her completely overwhelmed. Trembling she lay on the bed dazed, her body shook and a fire was burning deep inside her. Through her lashes she watched her husband disrobe and when he removed his shirt, she stared at his massive chest.

She had been
mesmerized by the power of his rippling muscles. She licked her lips; her breathing became labored and she quivered with each breath she took. When his hands went to the wide belt at his waist, her heart raced, her breasts tingled and a pulsing heat started between her thighs.

Lord help her, s
he didn’t know why she was letting this happen, she should be fighting him not lying naked before him craving his kisses and his touches. But she couldn’t seem to help herself or find the will to resist. She ached painfully from something she didn’t understand, and all she could do was stare at him with need.

the thick leather strap fell from his fingers  and his kilt dropped to the floor, her eyes widened as she saw the large hard length of him bared to her. Her eyes swung up to his face and she could not hide how terrified she was. If he put that monstrous thing inside of her, he would surely tear her apart.

Before she could think of
a way to prevent him, he was on top of her. The feel of his hard massive body covering hers sent a surge of heat through her. Not even uttering a protest she met him kiss for kiss. Her hands wandered over his broad shoulders and muscular back, wanting to feel his muscles beneath her fingers. His hair brushed against her face and she couldn’t help but arch into him.

Her body
was consumed with fervor and no longer her own, she sobbed huskily as spears of pleasure shot through her. She grasped the wide shoulders tightly digging her nails in as she let the rivers of rapture consume her.

Unprepared for the pain her scream of anguish
ripping through her was swallowed by his kiss, agony was swiftly tearing away the mist of passion that had held her it in its web and all she felt now was painful discomfort. When he lifted his mouth from hers, she pushed at his shoulders trying to dislodge him and make him pull out of her, but he wouldn’t budge and the tears slipped from her eyes.

When he said it would not hurt for long s
he didn’t believe him; how could this terrible pain go away? It felt strange and uncomfortable being filled with his immense length and she shifted beneath him hoping to ease the ache. Her eyes flew open in disbelief when she felt his gentle rocking movement inside her. Suddenly, she realized that she no longer hurt and something else was blossoming and growing in the place he invaded.

Each time he moved within her, it seemed that the fire was growing into a flaming inferno and she couldn’t help but wiggle beneath him. She let her lashes drift down and once more her arms slipped over his solid broad back as a heady
pleasure started to consume her. He had taken her to heaven and now she could only lay beside him in amazement.








Chapter Eleven



Suddenly coming awake with a start, Tarrel at first didn’t know what woke him and for a few moments remained absolutely still. Then he grinned as he gazed down at his wife in the dim light from the fire. She was sprawled over him; her head rested between his ribs and her hair was tickling his groin, her breath puffed heatedly over his stomach sending little shivers of desire through his blood stream.

Clenching his jaw and breathing heavily he could prevent his cock from waking up demanding satisfaction. Reaching down, he stroked the side of her head and lightly down her arm continuously. The woman somehow managed to steal every bit of his strength out of him and once he rolled off her and drawn her into his arms, he’d fallen asleep.

His lashes lowered
as he remembered every moment he’d been buried inside of her. And he had been right, his angel had taken him to heaven and it was the most glorious place he had ever been. It was taking a great effort not to wake her and slip himself into her again, but he knew she would be tender and he would have to wait a little longer to return to heaven. Sighing with regret, he reached down and gently lifted her up so that now her head was resting on his shoulder. Pulling up the blankets, he settled covers over them, closed his eyes, and tried to sleep.

awn lighting the sky, he came awake for a second time, the first thing he noticed that she was once again resting between his ribs and thighs. Her hair was spread over his chest and groin and the covers were around his knees. He thought it was the most awkward way for a lass to sleep but glancing down at her, thought that she looked quite contented and so damn beautiful he could already feel his thoughts starting to slip away from him.

Before his brain turned to porridge, he tore his eyes away and as gently as he could, he shifted her and laid her head on the pillow. He slid off the bed and pulled the blankets up over her so he wouldn’t be tempted to make love to her. With a sigh of disappointment, he saw to his personal needs and dressed. To take the chill from the room he started the fire, and once it was going, threw some logs on and quietly slipped out of the bedchamber. He wanted be alone before everyone and his wife woke up, time to think and time to plan what he would do about punishing the woman.

Oh he hadn’t forgiven her for drugging him and he doubt
ed he ever would, he still couldn’t believe she would be so desperate to do such a despicable thing to him. Surely, she would have realized he would have the right to severely reprimand her for doing it. He rubbed his jaw as he stepped outside. It would take a very long time before he could ever trust her and then it wouldn’t be fully. Nay, he would never put his full faith in her now.

It was disappointing, but it was a fact that
she was untrustworthy and a wee sly wench. Now that he knew though, he would be on guard and always watch her closely. It was definitely not the type of marriage he hoped for or he was pleased with but, there wasn’t any other choice and he would just have to accept what fate had dished out. Mayhap in time, if she proved herself not be to so scheming and vindictive, his wariness of her would ease.

He shrugged his shoulders
; what difference did it make they were married and that was that. Pity though that the angel wasn’t as beautiful on inside as she was on the outside. He closed his eyes and drew in a deep breath as he remembered what it was like being buried inside her. It had been pure heaven, such unmitigated bliss. It was like being wrapped up in a warm embrace and welcomed home. Hearing a sound his eyes flew open and he cursed for having such daft thoughts.

A growl rumbled in his chest
when his cock started rising to attention, and muttering a few more curses he headed down the steps and made his way to the stables. Once his stallion was bought to him, he swung up in the saddle and rode away. Damn wench was becoming a distraction he neither wanted nor needed and if he wasn’t careful she would be a constant disruption in his life and he would never accomplish his duties as laird.

Never had another wench ever affected him like his wife, it was damn embarrassing to walk around twenty four house a day with half a hard on and the other half with his cock rock hard. It was another infliction he was determined to
eradicate. Though in the past he’d been attracted to many women, none of them had ever come close to making him a lustful daft, imbecile like the woman he had wed.

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