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Authors: My Angel My Hell

Mysty McPartland (21 page)

BOOK: Mysty McPartland
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My angel is back and even though she is my hell as well, I didna want it any other way.

This time he promised himself that he would do everything to protect her feelings and keep her full of happiness. Never again will he let his angel suffer, or let her heart be hurt a second time.
As he cuddled her, he could not believe how stupid he had acted. He was a damn fool to have let his pride and ego be more important than what was truly in his soul. Loving his wife and letting her into his heart didn’t weaken him, it made him stronger, more powerful.
Aye, loving his angel, he was invincible.

Her he
art soaring, Dalla lay full of overwhelming happiness in her husband’s embrace. She knew now that nothing would ever tear them apart again and she knew no matter what the future held, their love for each other would always carry them through to the very end of their existence. It was all she ever wanted and so much more.

BOOK: Mysty McPartland
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