Naughty Angel (Sexy Nerd Boys #2) (10 page)

BOOK: Naughty Angel (Sexy Nerd Boys #2)
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“Eve, you need to stop.”

I grab her hips and roll her onto the bed so that she’s laying beside me now instead of straddling me. I take a deep breath, willing my massive hard-on to go away so I can think clearly.

“Why won’t you?” She asks sadly.

“For one, you are high as a goddamn kite. You don’t even know what you’re asking right now.”

“I know what I’m asking. You want me, and the only way I can know if you want more than just one night with me is to give you one night and find out.”

“What the fuck?” I knew she was going to be fed a whole bunch of bullshit, it would be nice if someone would see me for who I really am, just once.

“I don’t want you to want me just because I’m a challenge. I want to know the real you, not who you think you should be to get me into bed. Logically, the only way to assure those things would be to give you what you want.”

I take her face between my hands and wait until her eyes focus on me before I start to talk.

“You have
been just a challenge to me. I am being real with you,” I say each word slowly and clearly so that I can be sure each and every one sinks in.

“Okay,” She whispers. “Are you mad at me now?”

“No, you just surprised the hell out of me. I know people say a lot of things about me, but I’ve shown you the real me.”

“I like the real you,” She whispers, her eyes starting to drift close.

I kiss her nose gently and slowly ease off the bed.

“Where are you going?” She mumbles sleepily.

“To deal with the uncomfortable situation you left me with.”

I slip into the bathroom and ease my throbbing cock out of my boxer shorts. I close my eyes and picture Eve’s spectacular tits bouncing as she was grinding against me. I run my thumb over the barbell in the tip of my cock and shudder, wishing it was Eve’s luscious tongue. I brace myself against the wall and grip my cock firmly, conjuring the little moans and sighs Eve makes when I nibble her neck. I pump harder, imagining Eve spread out underneath me, face contorted with pleasure as she cries out my name. Fuck, I want her so goddamn badly. My balls tighten as I pump faster. Pleasure rips through me as I shoot my load on the floor with a sharp gasp.



Chapter 14


              I awake feeling extremely disoriented. Asher’s arms are wrapped around me, holding me close. It suddenly becomes clear to me I’m not wearing a top. I gasp and try to extricate myself from him, frantically looking around for my shirt.

              “What’s wrong, Angel?” Asher asks sleepily.

I squeal with surprise and secure the comforter to my bare chest. Asher chuckles beside me. I look over to find him in nothing but a pair of boxer shorts.

“Oh my gosh, did we…?” I remember taking my shirt off and basically begging him to have his way with me, but I don’t remember anything after that.

              “No,” He says softly, opening his arms and beckoning me to lay back down with him.

              “I don’t know where my shirt is,” I protest.

              “I got a pretty good look last night as it is,” He says with a smirk.

I feel myself blushing furiously.

“You’re absolutely beautiful.”

I acquiesce, snuggling back against him, keeping one hand on the comforter to keep myself covered. Asher pulls me close and starts to kiss and nip at my neck, heat blossoms between my thighs.

              “By the way,” Asher says as he nuzzles my neck, “I think we should go ahead and scratch the flashing thing off your list.”

I try to hide my frown. I mean, sure, I'm not all that well endowed but I sort of figured guys liked to see boobs of all shapes and sizes. But, apparently Asher doesn't think anyone else would want to see mine.

“Angel, get that pout off your beautiful lips. It's just that I kind of like that I'm the only one who's seen your tits. I'd kind of like to keep it that way.”

My stomach dips excitedly.

His hand moves to my bare stomach and he uses one finger to draw circles on my skin while he continues his work on my neck. I try to snuggle closer to him and I end up grinding my butt against his hard...manhood. He growls deep in his throat and nips at my shoulder.

              “Somebody’s a little worked up this morning,” I acknowledge breathlessly.

              “Maybe that’s because I had a gorgeous half naked woman in my bed last night and I ended up having to jerk off in the bathroom.”

I gasp at the brazen statement. Heat claws at my stomach and I grind my back side against him again.

              “Did you...uh...think about me when you did...that?” I ask, surprised at my own forwardness.

              “You bet your sweet ass I did.”

Asher tugs my ear between his teeth and then nuzzles against my neck. Part of me feels like I should feel creeped out that he was touching himself and thinking about me. But instead, the heat building in me intensifies.

“That’s” I say the word like it’s a foreign one to me.

Asher lets out a soft moan and turns my face towards his, claiming my lips hungrily.

              My alarm on my phone starts to go off and I grunt with irritation. Asher chuckles and reluctantly breaks the kiss.

              “Can’t I just keep you prisoner in my bed all day?” Asher pleads.

“I have a study group and then work today. So, unfortunately, that’s not going to happen.”

I give him one more chaste kiss before climbing out of his bed, still trying to keep my chest covered.

“You know I’ve already seen them,” Asher reminds me again.

I sigh and finally let the comforter fall. Asher whistles with appreciation as he stares at my breasts.

              “You're like a twelve year old boy,” I accuse playfully.

“Absofuckinloutely. I loved tits when I was twelve, and I love tits now.”

              “Do you mind if I take a shower...and maybe borrow a shirt to wear?” I ask.

“Sure, I’ll make you breakfast,” He offers.

I chuckle at the image of Asher at the stove with a ‘kiss the cook’ apron.

              “Putting cereal in a bowl doesn’t count as making someone breakfast.”

              “For your information Ms. breakfast police, I was going to make you an omelette,” He counters, getting out of bed in nothing but his boxers.

I take in the glory of his chiseled butt and abs.

              “Omelet? Yummy.”

Asher laughs at my enthusiasm as I rummage through his drawer for a t-shirt to wear. I pull out one with a physics joke I don’t understand on it and take it with me to the bathroom to shower.



Just as I’m finishing up the omelets Eve appears from the bathroom with her wet hair pulled into a messy bun, looking all too tempting in my ‘particle physics gives me a Hadron’ t-shirt. For some reason seeing her wearing my clothes gives me an instant hard on. Not that it’s the first time she’s worn a shirt of mine, but damn is it sexy.

“What’s this?” Eve asks after she sits down at the table.

I make my way over to her with our breakfast. I see that she’s looking at a sheet of notes I’d made for my work with Dex.

“Just some notes for Dex’s research,” I shrug, taking the page from her and sliding her omelet in front of her.

“That’s your work?” She asks in surprise, looking again at the page full of equations I’d been working on. “So you’re like a genius, aren’t you?”

“I’m good at math and physics,” I say with a shrug.

The truth is, I’m good at school in general.

“If I was a genius, I would’ve taken advantage of you last night when I had the chance,” I joke, winking at her.

“Shoot, I’m going to be late,” She says when she notices the time. Eve starts shoveling food into her mouth rapidly. “Oh my gosh this is so good,” She groans.

Once she’s done I take her plate and walk her to the front door.

“Thanks for being a good guy,” She says with genuine appreciation in her voice.

She gets up on her tiptoes and places a soft kiss on my lips.

“For you? Any time. Have a good day.”



              I can’t keep the smile off of my face all day long. Something about wearing Asher’s shirt is making me feel a sense of intimacy and closeness all day long. As I make my way from campus to
Bad Wolf
for work I run into Dex.

              “Hey there Eve, how’s it going?” He asks.

              “I’m great. How’re you?”

“I’m-” His eyes land on my shirt and he stops talking. His brows furrow like he’s trying to figure something out, and then it hits him. “Shit,” He mutters.

              “What’s wrong?” I decide playing dumb is the best way to go on this one.

              “That’s Asher’s shirt. Eve…” He shakes his head as he struggles for words.

              “It’s no big deal Dex, Asher and I are friends. I mean, I borrowed a shirt of Nikki’s just two weeks ago.” I wave it off like it’s nothing.

Dex’s eyes meet mine and his look clearly says ‘do you think I’m an idiot?’

“You know what? I’m going to pretend like I believe that, because I want to have plausible deniability. I’m not sure why keeping Asher’s dick on lock down around you was my job to begin with,” He says, shaking his head again.

“Whoa, Asher’s...junk...hasn’t been anywhere near me,” I insist.

Dex let’s out a huff of a laugh.

              “Just be careful.”

              “Thanks, I’ve got to get to work.”

I hurry away before I decide to finally tell someone off for thinking that Asher is like some sort of sex predator. He’s a kind, sweet, brilliant man, and I don’t understand why no one else can see it but me.


              The bar has been slammed all night, and in spite of the fact that I’m dressed pretty modestly I’ve gotten a ton of tips. Around midnight, just as business is winding down, Brahm shows up. He takes a seat at one of my tables and smirks at me from across the bar. I take a leaf out of Asher’s book and curse under my breath.

              He’s got a lot of nerve coming in here. He actually left a bruise on my arm where he grabbed me the night we broke up. Well, screw him I’m not going to let him intimidate me. I hold my head up high and march over to his table with a smile plastered on my face.

              “Hey, Brahm. What can I get for you?” I ask, my voice laced with forced sweetness.

              “I’m here to talk to you,” He says.

My smile falters a little, I so do not want to do this, especially while I’m on the clock.

              “Sorry but I’m working. And, I don’t believe there’s anything else for us to say,” I respond calmly, turning to walk away.

He grabs my wrist and holds it tightly.

“I think there’s a lot to say. I understand that you’re trying to assert some sort of independence, and I get that. That’s why I haven’t tried to contact you, I figured I’d give you a little time to cool off. But, it’s been two weeks now and I’m tired of waiting. You’re mine Eve.”

His words send a chill down my spine.

“No, Brahm, I’m not,” I say quietly so as not to draw attention, while at the same time trying to pull my wrist free. His fingers tighten and I gasp in pain.

“I saw you leaving his house this morning. And, even though you’re a slut, the Lord will forgive you and so will I. Now let’s stop all of this nonsense and come home with me now.” His voice is calm and eerie, and I continue to try to pull my wrist free.

              “I said no.” My voice is unintentionally louder than I meant it to be, and within seconds Ethan is at my side.

“Is there a problem here?” He asks tersely, his hard eyes boring into Brahm.

He releases my arm and plasters on an unsettling smile.

“No problem.” Brahm turns his harsh glare back on me and fear runs up my spine. “Submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh.”

He turns and leaves.

              “What the fuck creepy shit was that?” Ethan asks once he’s gone.

              “Peter 2:18,” I answer quietly.

              “I’m going to call Asher, I don’t think you should go home alone in case that creep is waiting for you,” Ethan offers.

This snaps me out of my stupor.

              “Why would you call Asher?” I ask, an edge of panic creeps into my voice.

I can only imagine how much Asher will flip out to hear that Brahm basically assaulted me at work. Ethan fixes me with a ‘don’t play stupid’ look.

              “I’m calling Asher,” He repeats, pulling out his phone and dialing. “Hey man, everything’s cool, but you should probably walk Eve home from work.”

              I hear an explosion on the other end of the phone.

“I just said she’s fine,” Ethan says calmly, and then listens to Asher’s reply. “I’m sure she’ll explain everything to you when you get here.”

“Thanks for running Brahm off.” My hand goes to my wrist where he had grabbed me.

“Did he hurt you?” Ethan reaches towards me to see my wrist. I pull back.

              “I’m fine,” I assure him.

In no time at all Asher storms into the bar like some sort of avenging angel. He looks around until his eyes land on me, as I’m just finishing refilling the condiments at my station.

              Asher rushes over to me and looks me over like he’s checking that I’m intact. His gaze stops on my wrist, which already has a faint bruise starting to show.

“What happened? Are you okay?” He asks, he reaches out and gently takes my arm to examine the bruise.

              “Yeah, it’s not big deal. Ethan’s overreacting,” I say casually, trying to brush off the whole incident.

Ethan stops wiping down the bar and gives me a look that clearly says that if I don’t tell Asher about Brahm then he will. I exhale in a huff and steel myself for his reaction.

“It was Brahm.”

              “What?” His voice is cold as ice, his gaze bores into mine.

              “Um...Brahm showed up here and was saying a whole bunch of crap about how I belonged to him, and he grabbed me. That’s all that happened.”

Asher chews on his lip ring, clearly restraining himself from saying whatever it is he wants to say.

              “Are you finished up? Can I take you home?”

“Uh, yeah.” I nod. Ethan waves at me and nods at Asher, and we leave. As soon as we’re outside Asher’s cool facade snaps.

“I’m going to have to have a little chat with that delusional cock sucker. And, if he ever lays a hand on you again I will fucking kill him.”

“You don’t have to do that, Ethan already ran him off,” I argue. I really don’t want anyone to get into a fight over me.

“I don’t like that he hurt you.” Asher says, taking my hand again and placing a gentle kiss on my wrist where the bruise is. “And, now I’m going to have to hurt him.”

Now I’m glad I didn’t mention that Brahm may have been following me since he saw me leaving Asher’s house this morning. I’m sure Asher would actually kill him if he knew that.

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