Naughty Angel (Sexy Nerd Boys #2) (12 page)

BOOK: Naughty Angel (Sexy Nerd Boys #2)
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He takes his finger and slowly strokes me. Now that he’s touching me I forget to feel self conscious. All I can feel is the liquid heat streaking through my veins and settling in the pit of my stomach and between my legs. He lowers his head again and kisses me between my legs the same way he has kissed my mouth before. Hot, wet open mouthed kisses that cause my back to bow with the electricity zipping through me. Desperate moans tear from my throat. His tongue strokes me expertly. My legs begin to shake and the heat threatens to consume me, like before, in the car.

              “Let go for me, Angel. I want to feel you come on my lips and tongue. Please, I’ve been dreaming of it. I wake up so fucking hard from the dreams of eating your pussy.”

Oh god, his words spike through me like adrenaline.

His tongue circles my sensitive nub and my fists clench in his hair so I have something to anchor me to this world, because I feel like I’m about to fly away. He continues to stroke and suck me with his tongue. The pleasure is so intense it brings tears to my eyes. Maybe I should be embarrassed by the sounds I’m making, but I just can’t bring myself to feel anything other than desperation for him to keep doing exactly what he’s doing. And, then he takes a finger and slides it inside me slowly. He pumps his finger in and out purposefully. I can’t hold back from screaming his name as my body explodes with heat and pleasure.

He doesn’t stop until I feel exhausted and boneless.

              “That was…” I don’t even have words.

what all the fuss is about. I totally get it now.

He pulls me into his arms and tenderly kisses my jaw. As he holds me close I can feel his hard length against my hip and I suddenly know I want to give him what he just gave me. I’m wishing I had found the time to read that Cosmo article before I came over.

I roll to face him and move my hand down so I’m cupping him through his jeans. He moans and thrusts against my palm. I run my tongue along his bottom lip and I can taste myself on his mouth. It sends a thrill of intimacy through me to know that he’s touched parts of me no one else ever has. I flick my tongue against his lip ring and fumble with the button on his jeans. He puts his hand over mine to stop me.

“You don’t have to, Angel,” He assures me, his voice husky and strained.

“I want to.”

I run my tongue along his throat and he relents, releasing my hand so I can finish unbuttoning his jeans.



Her delicate fingers grasp my throbbing cock tentatively and she begins to stroke clumsily.

Fuck, that’s so hot.

“Don’ intimidated,” I warn.

Some girls get freaked out by my piercing I have down there, and I don’t want Eve to feel weird about it.

Eve’s fingertips graze the barbell piercing I have through the head of my cock. I drag in a ragged breath and try to restrain myself from grabbing this beautiful, perfect woman, flipping her onto her back, and burying myself so deeply inside of her she’ll never forget how it feels when I claim her.

“It’s pierced,” She notes with interest.

is,” I chuckle.

“Is this okay?” Eve asks nervously.

I grit my teeth and nod, for fear of what will come out of my mouth if I open it. Reaching down I wrap my hand around hers and guide her movements, showing her the rhythm I need. Her free hand slowly travels up my abs towards my chest, the the while stroking me in her firm grasp. I’m almost shaking with restraint, pleasure zinging up and down my spine.

“It’s not really what I expected.” Eve observes in a conversational tone.

I let out a small laugh, at her poor timing for a conversation.

“What’d you expect?” My voice is gravelly and strained.

“Well, it’s softer than I thought it would be.”

“Angel, I’m hard as fucking granite.”

She giggles lightly and her roaming hand finds my nipple ring and begins to trace it experimentally.

“No, I mean the skin. It’s like satin over a steel pipe. And, it’s a lot bigger than I was expecting. I’d read that six inches is average, I think this is quite a lot larger than that.”

I let out a strangled laugh, thrusting my hips forward, fucking her hand. The fingers on her other hand tug gently on the nipple ring.

“Now that you’re pretty well acquainted with it, why don’t you call it what it is,” I suggest huskily. A dirty word tumbling from her pristine mouth might just push me over the edge with a vengeance.

She gazes down at her hand stroking me, looking almost mesmerized by what she’s doing. She shifts her head upwards and our eyes meet. Her lips form the word I was hoping to hear.


“Fuck sweetheart, you have no idea how much you turn me on.”

Her grip on my cock tightens a fraction and my entire body tenses.


The hot spurts coat her hand as she continues to stroke me until the pleasure subsides.



              Asher grabs a washcloth to clean my hand off and then pulls me against him and strokes my hair.

“Hey, tell me something I don’t know about you,” Asher inquires.

“Um, I’ve never been to a carnival but I’ve always wanted to go to one,” I admit.

“I think we could manage that.”

“Really?” I can’t help but laugh at my own child-like enthusiasm.


He kisses my cheek and then my nose and my heart turns to jell-o from the tenderness of it.

“Can I ask you a question?” I ask hesitantly.

“Of course, but if the question is ‘how did I get to be so sexy?’ , I’ll save you time and tell you that I was just born this way,” He jokes and I bite his collar bone. “Ow.”

“I’m trying to be serious right now,” I insist. “Have you been fooling around with anyone else since we’ve started? I mean, I know it’s not really my business, and you’d have every right to. I was just wondering...” I’m rambling now.

Asher cuts me off with a light kiss on the lips before pulling back and holding my gaze.

“It’s just you, sweetheart. I have no desire to be with anyone else right now.”

“Okay. I just thought that we’ve been fooling around for about three weeks and I realized that there hasn’t really been much in it for you up until today. I wouldn’t blame you for going elsewhere to get your needs met.”

Although, contrary to my words, the idea of Asher with anyone else makes me want to scratch someone's eyes out.

“Angel, first of all you’d better not tell me that was a guilt hand job. Because, I’m going to be pissed if you did that because you thought you owed me something.”

“No, I did it because I wanted to,” I assure him, his tense expression relaxes a little.

“Secondly, I’m being completely serious when I tell you that you are fulfilling needs that I didn’t even know I had. You’ve eased the empty feeling of loneliness I’ve been feeling for years.”

My heart clenches at his words.

“Me too,” I whisper, kissing his jaw and snuggling close.

I am falling so hard and I don’t even care to try to stop it.



Chapter 16


When I get back to my dorm the next morning there’s a rose and a note taped to the door of the dorm. I grab them and look to see what the note says.


For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man. I Corinthians 11:8-9.


              I shudder as I read the words. This could only be from Brahm. I immediately throw the rose in the garbage, but I stuff the note into my desk drawer. I wonder for a moment if I should tell Asher about the note, but decide against it. I really don’t want him to get into a fight with Brahm. And, I’m sure Brahm will get the hint eventually and move on.

              As I’m getting dressed my phone buzzes on my bed.


Nikki: girls night?

Eve: sounds good :)


I send a text to Asher as well to let him know that I’ll be busy tonight.


Asher: ok, take it easy on the illicit drugs this time though Willie Nelson ;)


“So, what’s going on with you and Dex?” Abby asks Remy as soon as the drinks are flowing.

              “I agreed to go on a date with him,” Remy confides anxiously.

              “Yay,” Nikki claps her hands excitedly. “You went with him and met his daughter this past weekend, right?”

              “Yeah, she’s adorable and super fun. He really is a great dad, which is so hot. And, now that I’ve agreed to go on a date with him he’d better give up the goods, because I’ve been celibate for way too long,” Remy says.

              “Yeah, now that I’ve seen how wonderful sex is, I don’t think I could go back to the land of celibacy.” Abby shudders at the thought.

              “I really can’t wait to suck his dick, I really love going down on a man,” Remy reveals with a smirk.

Lee makes a gagging noise and Nikki and Abby laugh.

“Knock it all you want you crazy lesbians, sucking a guys dick can be really hot.”

I blush, wanting to add my two cents but afraid that if I do they’ll want to know who the guy is, and I’m not ready to open that can of worms.

              “I totally agree. You have a vibrator right?” Abby asks Remy. Remy nods. “You should try using it on yourself while you go down on him. It’s amazing and I guarantee he’ll like it too.”

“Oh my god, please do not put those images of you with my brother in my head,” Lee complains, cringing.

Everyone laughs and Remy turns back to Abby.

              “I’ll definitely try that. Maybe that’ll warm Dex up to the idea of Edwardo, he seemed a  little weird about it.”

              “You named your vibrator?” I ask, feeling the blush creep into my cheeks.

              “Of course, Edwardo is a close friend,” Remy says and I practically choke on the beer that I’m drinking.

              “Don’t you have a battery operated boyfriend Eve?” Abby asks.

My eyes practically bulge out of my head.

              “No,” I almost shriek. “I’ve never even…” I gesture awkwardly at my lady parts.

              “Oh, that won’t do.” Abby shakes her head with feigned graveness. “regular mastrubation is healthy and important.”

              “She’s right, even once you find a boyfriend and decide to explore sex it’s still a great idea to have a good sexual relationship with yourself,” Remy says and everyone else nods their heads in agreement.

I can feel my face burning bright red from this topic of conversation. Although, I have to admit that I’m intrigued by the idea. I wouldn’t even know where to begin.

              “Um, speaking of which. Do you guys think you could give me the low down on, you know, ‘safe sex’. I’m fairly certain that, contrary to what I was taught, prayer and abstinence aren’t the end all be all,” I ask awkwardly.

I figure it’s less awkward to ask them than to ask Asher about birth control, and even less awkward than ending up pregnant.

              “Not really my area of expertise.” Nikki holds her hands up in defeat.

“Well, there are tons of options as far as pregnancy prevention goes,” Abby explains. “The pill is very popular, but there’s also the IUD, which goes in and stays for years without having to worry about it. And then, of course you always want to use condoms, even if you’re on other prevention because those other things don’t prevent STDs.”

“If you make an appointment at the health center on campus they’ll get you more info on the options.”

              “Don’t condoms kind of ruin the mood?” I ask.

              “You should talk to the guy long before you’re actually in the moment so that it doesn’t get uncomfortable. But, unless you’re in a serious, exclusive relationship with someone you
trust, you should use a condom,” Remy adds.

I decide to call the health center tomorrow to make an appointment, not that I’m ready to take that step with Asher, but I don’t want to get caught up in the moment and not be prepared.



              I spent extra time at the physics lab this afternoon since I knew Eve was going to be busy. And I feel like we’re making good progress on Dex’s experiment. Once I get home I spread out on my bed and turn on my Ipod to relax.

When my phone buzzes on my nightstand I practically jump off the bed to get it, hoping that it’s Eve. I am so in over my head with this girl.


              Angel: So…I want to try masturbating but I don’t know what to do. Could you help me?


              In the name of all that is holy this girl is going to be the death of me.

My heart is beating a mile a minute. The thought of Eve touching herself has me at full mast already.

I hit the “call” button.

              “Hello.” Her voice is breathless and even huskier than usual.

“Are you fucking with me?” I ask incredulously.

“No, but I know it’s kind of a strange request since you’re a guy you might not know what a girl should do. I understand if you can’t help.”

              “Oh, I can help,” I assure her confidently. “Where are you right now?”

              “In my dorm... alone.”

“Good. First thing I want you to do is get naked and then lie on your bed. Get nice and comfortable,” I instruct.

I hear shuffling on the other end as she does as I told her. I unzip my jeans and take my throbbing cock in my hand.

              “Okay, now what?” She asks tentatively.

“Close your eyes and imagine I’m there with you. I’m going to tell you what I’d be doing to you and you’re going to touch yourself just how I would.”

              “If you were here, would you be naked too?”

              “Would you want me to be naked beside you in bed?”

“Yes,” She breaths.

My cock twitches in my hand and I give myself several slow strokes.

“If I were with you right now, I would start by cupping your tits and squeezing your nipples between my fingers.”

I hear her breathing increase as she does as I describe.

“Then, I’d keep one hand on your tits and use my other hand to move slowly down your body. I’d trace slow circles on your inner thighs until you’re aching for me to touch you right where you’re dying to feel me,” I describe.

“Yes,” She gasps as she follows the instructions again.

“Are you getting wet for me, Angel?”

Her breathing is heavy as I await her answer.

              “Don’t be shy Eve. Am I making your pussy wet?”

“Yes,” She moans softly.

My own breath is coming in short gasps as I feel the pleasure rising inside of me with each stroke and each word.

“Now, I’d finally stroke a finger through your wetness, making circles right over your clit.”

              “Oh god, it feels so good,” She moans into the phone.

              “That’s right Angel, just like that. Try doing it a little faster.”

              “Oh, god, yes!” She moans and I stroke myself harder, faster, our rapid breaths filling the phone.

              “Now, take your other hand and put one finger inside of yourself, but don’t stop rubbing,” I instruct between gasps.

“Oh! Asher!”

I can’t hold back when I hear her cry out my name as she comes, I let the pleasure explode through me.

Our heavy breathing fills the phone for several minutes. Once my breathing returns to normal I tug my shirt over my head and wipe myself off with it before tossing it into my laundry hamper in the corner of my room.

              “Oh my gosh, we just had phone sex.” Eve’s voice is filled with surprise.

              “Yes we did, and
is something that would be way too advanced for a fourteen year old.”

I wish Eve was laying next to me in my bed.

“Was it...good for you?” She asks nervously.

              “Sweetheart, I came harder just thinking about touching you than I ever have inside anyone else. You constantly surprise me. What brought this on all of the sudden?”

“I was laying here thinking about you and how good you make me feel. I wanted to feel like that again,” She explains.

              “You know, part of the advantage of having someone you hook up with regularly is that you can just text that person to come over and rock your world. You don’t have to do it yourself,” I inform her with a chuckle.

“I know, but Abby told me, and I quote, ‘no matter how often a woman gets laid, she still needs to give herself some love on the regular’.”

“Why doesn’t it surprise me that Abby said that?” I’ll need to remember to thank Abby the next time I see her.

              “I wish you were here in bed with me,” She sighs sleepily into the phone.

“Alright, I’ll be there in a few minutes.” I practically jump out of bed. If she wants me there I’m more than happy to oblige.

“Really? I mean, I’m pretty tired I’m probably just going to fall asleep in about ten minutes,” She warns.

              “Then I’ll fall asleep with you. Unless you don’t want me to?”

“No, come over,” She says in a forced casual tone.

I’m out the door before she can change her mind again.


When Eve opens the door she’s wearing nothing but an oversize t-shirt and who knows what underneath. My dick is at full attention again. But, as she steps aside to let me in she yawns, and I force myself to ignore the needy bastard between my legs.

I kick my shoes off and strip off my jeans. Eve’s eyes go wide as I stand there in nothing my boxers.

              “Like what you see?”

              “You're cocky,” She accuses as she climbs into bed and holds the blanket up for me to climb in beside her.

I’m not a religious man, never really have been, but this is about as close to heaven as I can imagine. I pull her petite frame against me so we’re spooning. She wiggles her ass against me and I hold back a moan. I don’t know if she can feel my hard on or not, if she can she doesn’t say anything about it. Then she tucks her ice cold feet against me and I jump.

“Holy hell, have you had your feet in the freezer?”

              “Hush, you keep my feet warm and don’t complain about it,” She commands teasingly.

My heart swells at how playful and confident she’s started to become in our time together.

“Bossy tonight, aren’t we,” I grumble teasingly in her ear.

“Shhh, it’s sleepy time,” She mutters.

I kiss her shoulder softly and nuzzle into her neck. She smells like flowers and sunshine, and my heart stutters as our breathing syncs up and our closeness engulfs me. And, then it hits me like a ton of bricks...I'm falling in love with Eve Moore.

“Goodnight, Angel.”



I wake up to an empty bed and try to suppress my disappointment.

“Good morning,” Hadley sing songs from her side of the room.

I blush and pull the blankets over my head. She must’ve seen Asher in bed with me before he took off, I can only imagine what she must think happened.

“So, are you still sticking with your story that you haven’t given it up yet?” She demands.

“We didn’t have sex.”

The door to the room creaks open and I peek my head out from under my blankets to see Asher with coffee and donuts.

“Morning Angel, I brought breakfast.”

He looks between Hadley and me, probably trying to figure out if he’s interrupting something.

“Mmm, breakfast and orgasms, you are the perfect man,” Hadley teases.

Asher’s eyes go wide, I shake my head to communicate that I didn’t tell her anything, she’s just making her own assumptions.

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