Naughty Wishes 4: Soul (15 page)

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Authors: Joey W. Hill

BOOK: Naughty Wishes 4: Soul
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“She’s just anal,” Chris observed. “OCD. Thank God she’s hot, even though she doesn’t realize she is.”

“One of her few charms.” Geoff grinned as Sam gave Chris another ineffectual shove, but Chris put his hands on her hips to hold on to her, fingers sliding along the waistband of her skirt. It turned his thoughts away from further conversation and toward the desire to share feelings in a far more intimate way. “Speaking of charms, I think Chris and I would like to see them.”

Sam looked his way again, and Geoff deliberately let the smile on his face turn into something else. “We want you naked, nothing between you and us,” he said softly. “Right now.”

He’d chosen his timing well. Instead of seeing a hitch in her response as he would if she’d been immersed in the earlier upset, he saw a smooth change as she stepped away from that and into the zone she embraced best with them.

Chris was on board. He released Sam’s hand, stepped back and took a seat on the arm of the occasional chair Geoff had vacated. Bracing his feet in a spread-knees pose, he crossed his arms over his big chest. Geoff couldn’t have choreographed it any better, because Sam reacted as a woman did when two men who desired her made it clear she was the center of their attention. Her cheeks flushed prettily, and it seemed as if an internal radiance enhanced all her considerable charms.

Geoff gave her an additional push. “Show us how beautiful we make you feel,” he said in a husky voice. “Undress for us that way.”

Her gray eyes revealed so much of her heart and soul. He wondered if she realized what it did to them, seeing that kaleidoscope of response. Dipping her head so her hair fell forward over her shoulders, she freed her shirt from her skirt and slowly drew it over her head. The lace and small cups of her bra, the satin a rich purple color, barely held her quivering breasts. She worked the skirt off her hips, offering a sexy little wriggle to make it drop to the ground. Her panties were a sheer purple mesh down to the folds of her pussy, with only a bit of purple lace over that area to screen the cotton crotch.

She straightened and tossed back her hair, sweeping it back over her bare shoulders in a ripple, posing before them in the scraps of underwear. She’d taken off the pendant and earrings, but retained Chris’s ring, the little cat design he’d bought her at Naughty Bits. The pewter teddy bear with rhinestone eyes winked at the dimple of her navel.

“I’m going to have to buy you a collar,” Geoff observed. “He’s ahead of me in the jewelry department.”

That glow from her increased. “I’d love that,” she whispered.

“Yeah?” He anticipated the charge it would give them both, him putting that around her slim throat and locking it. Maybe he’d get one with a key and give that to Chris to wear on a chain around his neck, a whole other mixed statement of ownership. “What else would you love, Sam? Right now.”

“I want to be with my Masters in the hot tub. With nothing between us.”

Chris glanced at Geoff. Geoff kept his expression neutral, giving Chris tacit approval to do whatever inspired him. Geoff enjoyed watching them both. Was Chris aware of that and, if so, did it get him even harder, as it did Geoff? Watching Chris satisfy a woman never failed to stir Geoff.

Chris rose and moved toward her. He stroked the delicate curve of her breast and earned a tiny little indrawn breath as Sam caught her lip in her teeth. Geoff’s attention narrowed down to every response between them, his own body tightening in reaction.

As Chris continued to caress the sensitive curves, Sam swayed. Sliding an arm around her waist, Chris dropped to a knee and pressed his mouth between her breasts. She curled an arm around his head to caress his hair, fingers pressing into his wide shoulders. She was cradling him against her at the same time she was submitting to him, a pleasure to watch.

Chris curled his tongue around a nipple just below the edge of the bra cup. Sam’s buttocks tightened, creasing the silken fabric of the panties, and the muscles in Chris’s arm bunched as he steadied her. “I can’t get enough of tasting you,” he murmured. “Geoff.”

Geoff moved to join them. Once he was behind Sam, Chris locked gazes with him. “Lift her.”

As Chris slid his hands behind her knees, Geoff understood. Banding an arm around Sam’s waist, he whispered to her. “Let yourself fall backward,” he said.

She did it without an instant’s hesitation, trusting him. Chris slid her legs over his shoulders until her knees bent over them. As he sank to his heels, Geoff cradled her head in one palm, his other arm under her shoulders.

“Move the cups out of my way,” he told her.

She exposed her breasts to him as ordered but arched up with a cry as Chris buried his face between her legs, his hands curving over her thighs to hold her open for him. Bending to put his mouth over one breast, Geoff suckled a nipple to tautness as she writhed in their hold. The position was a precarious one, leaving her unbalanced and relying on their support, but she didn’t seem to doubt them for a moment.

“Oh . . . God . . . going to come,” Sam said on a note of panic, and a little shock, probably at how quickly it was happening. Geoff wasn’t surprised. Despite the disruption to their evening plans, they’d all been on preboil mode at the club. Plus, having had Chris’s mouth on his dick, he knew just how capable that tongue was.

“Do it,” Geoff said. “Come for us. It won’t be the last time tonight, sweetheart.”

She didn’t have time to respond to that, a harsh cry ripping from her throat. He kept suckling her nipples, moving from one to the other. Chris held her fast, so the cry broke into a scream, a plea for mercy that wasn’t likely to happen, not for this.

She was still gasping when Chris let her legs slide off his shoulders. Geoff moved back into a nearby chair, adjusting Sam so she was lying in his lap. Curving his fingers behind Chris’s neck, he brought him off his heels to suck on his lips, tasting her sweet cunt and Chris’s heated mouth at once. Sam’s fingers teased their joined lips, dipping inside his mouth to play.

“Hot tub,” Chris muttered.

“Hell yes,” Geoff agreed. “I’ll carry her there. You strip.” He gave Chris a glittering look that Chris answered with a curled lip of challenge, but when they rose, Sam cradled in Geoff’s arms, Chris was already pulling off his shirt and opening his jeans, toeing off his shoes.

The hot tub had been prepped for their arrival, so all they had to do was uncover it on the back porch and turn on the jets. The tub was screened by lattice, so they had their privacy. The night air was just cool enough to make the contrast comfortable. Chris stepped into the hot tub, already naked, and Geoff eased Sam into his arms. She was still boneless from the climax, but Chris captured her mouth in a demanding kiss that said they weren’t planning on giving her a respite anytime soon. Her grip on his shoulders said she had no objections. Geoff passed a hand over Chris’s hair, giving it a tug, then he stripped off his own clothes.

He ducked back inside for the practical stuff to circumvent the water’s complete lack of lubrication, but he also snagged a couple of other things he thought they might enjoy. He’d noticed someone had been considerate enough to install handles along the wall of the hot tub to help with getting in and out, and that was an opportunity he didn’t intend to underutilize.

As he returned, he used the shadows to cover the things he’d brought, putting them down on the corner of the tub. The creek below was a gentle music adding to the bubbling of the hot tub, and the night was punctuated by a variety of twinkling lights from distant houses, like earthbound stars. Mountain air always smelled so clean, and Geoff inhaled it as he sat on the ledge of the hot tub, letting himself get used to the temperature. It was a little hotter than he or Chris preferred, but with Sam being more cold-natured, they wouldn’t change it. And there was plenty to distract their attention from the threat of boiling.

Chris brought the two of them closer to Geoff, Sam still sitting on his lap. Sam’s eyes were more focused now, a safety light on the porch and the crescent moon illuminating her creamy skin, her radiant eyes. Her fingertips slid along Geoff’s thigh, questing, and he closed his hand over hers. As Chris released her, she rested her knees on the lower step. Water spilled over her breasts, highlighting their shape and the nipples jutting from the small curves. She raised wet lashes to him. “May I put my mouth on you, Master?”

Would there ever be a time his whole body wouldn’t surge at hearing her call him that? Or his heart leap at what it meant, what it could mean, as the love and trust between them grew? He hoped not.

At his nod, she lowered her head and covered him with her mouth. He braced his hands behind him, his eyes closing. They opened as Chris took a seat next to him on the ledge. Without a pause for warning, he dug his fingers into Geoff’s hair and tipped his head back so he could set his teeth to his throat. He ran possessive fingers over Geoff’s chest, teasing his nipples.

“Bastard,” Geoff muttered and seized the hand, but only to put it to his face and bite the heel of Chris’s hand. Leaning in, he took a deeper taste of that wide, sexy mouth. Jesus, having their lips on him in different ways was an incredible experience. Sam’s pull on his cock was irresistible. He wanted to come right then and there. But instead, as he broke the kiss with Chris, he touched her shoulder and drew her off him, ignoring her pout of protest. “Stand up,” he told her.

She obeyed, her eyes widening at his tone of wicked intent. Picking up the cuffs, aware of Chris’s eyes on them both, he clicked them around her wrists. He’d visited Naughty Bits earlier in the week, thinking he might need something like them, in addition to the Velcro cuffs they’d already bought. They were modified police handcuffs, lined on the inside so that foam instead of metal would press against delicate bones when they were tightened, like now. He put his hand on the short chain between the cuffs, smiling a little when her fingers curved up to caress his hand as well as check out the new addition to their toy chest.

“She should still be wet from her climax, but there’s lube there if you need it.” He pointed Chris toward the tube on the corner. “I want to see you inside her cunt. You remember what I told you a while ago? About wanting to be balls deep in you while you’re balls deep in her?”

Chris’s eyes were already black in the shadows, but now they sparkled like coal, his mouth tightening. Sam trembled under Geoff’s hold, the sound escaping her throat telling him she approved of their direction.

“Do you want her from the front or from the back?” Geoff said softly.

“Back,” Chris said.

Geoff reached out and caught Chris’s face in one hard hand. “Is that because you don’t want her to see your face while I’m fucking you?”

Sam froze much the same way Chris did. Good. The lines were fluid, particularly now when they were all figuring their way, but Geoff wanted to be clear that he wasn’t going to be dicked around. Chris’s gaze locked with his, the muscles of his face tight, but Geoff didn’t back off an inch. “No,” Chris said in a low voice.

“Sure about that?” Geoff said silkily. “I happen to know you love spreading her thighs, watching the quiver of her tits as you thrust into her. You love watching her face while she gets lost in it, in what you’re doing to her. Maybe she’d like the same thing. To see both of our faces.”

“Yeah. Maybe. Didn’t think about it like that. Okay. Front, then.” Chris pried Geoff’s hand off him and brushed his mouth over Geoff’s. “I don’t worry about that other shit. I never have. Not really.”

Seeing the truth of it in Chris’s face, Geoff remembered what Logan had said when he’d sought his counsel about Chris. There were those rare few in the world who didn’t worry about being gay, straight or something in between. Enlightened, he’d called it.

Responding to Chris’s honesty with a short nod and a hard squeeze of his bare hip, Geoff turned his attention back to Sam. He adjusted her so she was sitting on the bench rather than kneeling, then put her into a reclining position, palming the back of her head until it met the cushioned headrest. Guiding her bound wrists over her head and behind her, he unlatched one cuff to thread it through a handle before closing it around her wrist again, holding her there. The position left her with her elbows comfortably bent but upper body arched and water-sleek. Between that and the leap of needy response in her eyes when he restrained her, he couldn’t resist trailing his fingers over one glistening breast.

“What are you thinking, Samantha Beth?” he asked. A glance showed him Chris was working some lube over his dick, another distracting visual. The gentle giant, always making sure he wouldn’t hurt their beautiful sub.

“I’m not thinking at all,” she whispered.

“Good. If I’d left your hands free, I would have had you put lube on my cock, get me ready for him. But I think I like looking at you like this, waiting for him to slide into you. Watching the two of you is almost as good as being inside you.”

Her eyes glowed. “It’s a balance with him, isn’t it?” she asked with that lovely shiver in her voice.

“Yeah. I might top him, but we both top you. Him taking you at the same time is a reminder of that.”

Chris slid up beside him, his hand trailing along Geoff’s waist, the upper curve of his buttock. “That may be true, but we’re both hers, Geoff. She knows it.” He gazed at Sam, his eyes covering the same hot-as-hell terrain that Geoff had been enjoying. “Or she should. Shouldn’t she?”

“Yes,” she said. There was a delicious plea in her tone now. “Please. I need you inside me.”

“Never keep a lady waiting,” Geoff said. “Unless, of course, she’s a sub.”

Sam choked on a half laugh, her face suffused with arousal. Geoff was aware of a tightness in his chest. It felt like happiness, belonging. And need. That need had a hint of violence, darkness, a lingering aftereffect from the club experience. There were better ways to channel that.

He moved back, palm sliding along Chris’s wet back and down to his ass as Chris moved between her legs, guiding them up to his hips. He reached down into the water and stroked her. Geoff knew the moment he touched her pussy, because the water surged around her as her head dropped back, lips parting, body lifting to Chris’s touch.

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