Navy SEAL Survival (10 page)

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Authors: Elle James

BOOK: Navy SEAL Survival
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Rolf raised his beer, touched it to the rim of her glass. Then he downed a long swallow.

“How long have you been in Cancun?” he asked.

“I got here yesterday.”

He nodded. “I arrived this morning.”

Natalie shook her head. “Nothing like adventure on your first day.”

“I don't understand. I thought they had sufficient security at the resort. Have there been other attacks in the area?”

“I wouldn't know.” She didn't tell him about the diving incident. If her attacker wanted to try again, she'd make sure it happened this time. Lance had her back with the embedded tracking device. Hopefully, Duff wouldn't interfere this time. However, Melody's friends didn't have embedded devices. Natalie needed all the help she could get to see to their safety. She'd need to be at her sharpest. One of the women who'd disappeared had been at the Mayan ruins when she'd gone missing.

“I'd better call it a night.” Natalie drank the last of her wine and stood. “Thank you for the drink.”

Rolf touched her arm. “Would you like for me to walk you to your room?”

She smiled. “Thanks, but the last time you walked somewhere with a woman, you got the worst end of the deal. I can get from here to the hotel by myself. But thanks.” As she headed back, she cast another glance around the bar. Two couples danced to a slow song, the SEALs were scooting back their chairs and rising and no one else appeared to be prime candidates for kidnappers. Perhaps they'd moved on to another hotel.

Duff's friends exited out the opposite end of the bar, heading toward the bungalows.

Natalie considered checking in with Lance one more time, but decided a radio check in her room was good enough. As she walked through the lobby, she couldn't help but look for Duff. He should be back in Kylie's room by now. Her heart fluttered. Kylie's room was next to Natalie's. She and Duff would be sleeping only a few steps away from each other.

Out of the corner of her eye she spotted the dark-haired man Kylie had danced with earlier—the one with the button-up shirt and tailored trousers. He hurried toward an exit, his body tense, his gaze swinging side to side.

Natalie's pulse jumped. Something about the way he moved made her hackles rise and her nerves leap to attention. As he ducked through the door, Natalie altered her direction and followed.

The man entered a hallway marked Employees Only off the side of the huge lobby.

Natalie stopped short of the restricted-access hallway.

The man walked quickly to the end of the corridor and out the exit door at the end.

Natalie looked around to make sure no employees were wandering around, then jogged down the hall to the end where a large metal door with a red sign above it read
. She eased through and caught a glimpse of the man.

He walked quickly through a dark alley between the main building and what appeared to be the utilities building housing the air-conditioning units. Natalie gave him time to reach the end of the building before she stepped through.

Once outside the hotel, Natalie slipped into the shadows and scanned the area for movement. For a moment she thought she'd lost track of the man.

Then she spied a trouser leg rounding the corner of the hotel toward the bungalows. Why would a man sneak through the employee-only area of the hotel and then out the employee exit? Perhaps he was one of the staff members or...he had something to hide.

With no weapon tucked beneath her minuscule dress, and her headset back in her room. She had no way to call for backup if something went south. But if Sneaky Dude was someone important to her sister's disappearance, she owed it to herself and to her sister to follow him.

She slipped out of her high heels and tiptoed to the edge of the building, wishing she had worn something dark, covering her arms and legs and hair so that she would blend better with the shadows. If the man thought someone was following him and turned, he'd see her light blue dress like a ghostly figure hovering nearby.

She stayed back far enough he wouldn't see or hear
, but close enough she didn't lose

He disappeared into the bushes.

Torn between running to catch up and revealing her position, Natalie moved silently in the shadows until she reached the stand of bushes.

Parting the branches, she peered through to the path leading to the bungalows.

A dark figure moved along the edge, fifty feet to her right.

Natalie eased through the branches and waited beside the bush until her quarry stopped outside the door to one of the bungalows. After a quick knock, the door opened, shedding a triangle of light onto the stoop. Slim, pale arms reached out, wrapped around the man's neck and dragged him over the threshold. The door was closed, pitching the path into darkness again.

Natalie hurried toward the bungalow so that she didn't lose track of which one it was. When she came abreast of the building, she memorized the number. She'd run it by Lance to find out who was registered there.

A tiny ray of light shone from one of the windows on the side of the bungalow. Natalie eased up to it and peered inside.

The man and woman were locked in a tight embrace. Feeling like a Peeping Tom, Natalie backed away and ran into another wall. She swallowed her gasp. Hands locked on her arms and spun her around.

Chapter Nine

Natalie stared up into Duff's smiling face. He leaned close and whispered against her ear, “We have got to stop meeting like this.” He slid his fingers down her arms.

Natalie sucked in a breath and willed her heart rate to slow. “You scared a year off my life.” Natalie grabbed his hand and pulled him along the path, back toward the hotel.

When they were far enough away from the bungalow with the embracing couple, he pulled her to a stop. “Why were you following that man?”

“He was acting suspicious,” she said, glancing toward the bungalow.

“He might have been meeting his lover.”

Natalie sighed. “You're probably right. The way they were carrying on...”

The door to the bungalow opened and light spilled out onto the stoop again.

“Damn. He's coming out.” Natalie grabbed the front of Duff's shirt and rose up on her toes. “Kiss me.”

He dropped his duffle bag and complied, crushing her mouth with his. Duff circled her waist with his hands and pulled her closer.

Natalie wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss, one eye open, her gaze on the man leaving the bungalow.

He stopped, hesitated and turned away, walking fast toward the beach.

Natalie really had no idea when he disappeared out of sight. The kiss that had started as a ploy to hide the fact she'd followed the guy out to his secret assignation had turned into more than subterfuge.

Duff slid his hands low on her waist.

Natalie curled her leg around his calf, leaning into him, her center rubbing against one of his thick thighs. Her short dress hiked up.

Duff cupped her bottom, his fingers digging into her.

If she hadn't been fully dressed, they might have taken it all the way.

What might only have been seconds stretched into a lifetime. Finally, Duff pulled away, his hands rising to grip her arms. “You're here for your sister.”

“Right.” Natalie ran her tongue across her lips, moistening them after another incredible kiss. Her head spun and her knees wobbled. “I should go to bed.”
With Duff.

A grin spread across his face. “And here I thought you were coming around.” He kissed her forehead, grabbed his duffle bag and took her hand. “Come on. I'll walk you back.”

They didn't speak all the way back to the hotel, but her hand felt warm in his and she liked how work-roughened it was. This man wasn't afraid of getting his hands dirty. Hell, he probably killed people for a living. And rescued them. From what she'd read about SEALs, they did whatever task assigned: destroying enemy arsenals or strongholds, assassinating enemy leaders and rescuing hostages.

Right at that moment Natalie could have used a little rescuing from herself. With the worry of her sister's disappearance weighing heavily on her, and no clear leads, she shouldn't be thinking about getting naked with a virtual stranger. Especially one as lethal as Duff.

Strengthening her resolve to fight her desires and get a good night's sleep, she stopped at the entrance to the hotel. “Good night, Duff.”

Duff was standing closer than she'd anticipated and the scent of his aftershave wafted up to her nostrils, tantalizing her, making her forget that fresh resolve, opting for immediate gratification in someone to hold her through the night.

She raised her gaze to his and fell into his green eyes.

He lifted a hand to cup her cheek and bent, capturing her mouth with his.

Natalie kissed him back, her heart pounding, sending a rush of blood through her body and heat pooling low in her belly.

“Good night, Natalie.” He brushed her lips with his, this time in a feather-soft touch that left her wanting so much more.

When he straightened and opened the door to the lobby, she hurried inside and headed for the elevator bank.

Feeling as if she'd escaped what could have been a big mistake or the best decision she'd made in her life, Natalie oscillated between continuing on her march to a lonely bed and going back to invite Duff to join her.

Before she could do the latter, she stepped into the elevator and pushed the button for her floor.

The doors started to slide closed when an arm jutted between them and forced them back open.

“Did you forget we were going to the same floor?” Duff grinned and stepped into the car with her, letting the doors close behind him.

Natalie's eyes narrowed. “Then why did you let me go outside the hotel?”

He held up a hand. “You seemed in a hurry to get away from me.”

“It's not you, per se.”

He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall of the elevator as the doors closed, locking them into the confined space. Alone. “Not me? Then who are you trying to get away from?”

Natalie bit her bottom lip and faced the door, not Duff. “No one. Forget it.” She wasn't about to tell him she was running away from the raging desire he'd inspired in her from the first time she'd seen him.

Duff's broad shoulders filled the elevator car and made Natalie's heart thump against her ribs. If he didn't know Kylie's room was beside hers before, he'd know when he walked her to her room.

They rode in silence, neither one touching the other, though Natalie had the strongest urge to reach out and grab his hand. And a lot more than his hand. The man had her tense, on edge, ready for...what? Another kiss?

A kiss didn't seem to be nearly enough where Duff was concerned.

When the elevator door slid open, Duff waited while Natalie stepped out.

In the corridor Natalie led the way, stopping in front of Kylie's room.

Duff raised his brows. “Which room is yours?”

She tipped her head toward the one next door.

The corners of Duff's lips turned upward. “Afraid I'll steal into your room while you sleep?”

“No, I'm more afraid you won't.” Oh, hell, had she really said exactly what was on her mind?

He held out his hand. “Your key.”

She removed it from a hidden pocket in her dress and gave it to him.

“Nothing is going to happen tonight,” he said, opening the door for her.

Natalie straightened her shoulders, definitely disappointed by his announcement.

As she started past him he added, “Unless you want it to.”

She stumbled. “Pardon me?”

He cupped her chin as he had downstairs. “You heard me.”

Already, Natalie was lost. She leaned into his open palm. “You had to do it, didn't you?” she muttered.

He chuckled. “Do what?”

She slipped her hand in his and led him into her bedroom, closing the door behind him. “You had to make me want you.”

It might be the worst decision she'd ever made on the spur of the moment, but it was the only one she could consider. She wanted him. Wanted his body next to hers, his fingers touching her in her most private places. That hard ridge beneath his jeans indicated he was as excited as she.

Duff stopped. “Are you sure?”

Natalie nodded. “I am.” She reached behind her, unzipped her dress and let it fall to the floor. “Now, don't make me wish I'd had the good sense to send you away.”

“Sweetheart, I'll make you wish for a lot of things...” He threaded his fingers through her hair and pulled gently, tilting her face up to receive his kiss. “But not to send me away.”

With the heat of his lips on hers, she could feel the truth in his words. She opened her mouth and her body to him, refusing to back down or to second-guess her decision.

Duff ran his hands through her hair and down her naked back, flipping the hooks loose on her bra. He slid the straps down her arms and flung the garment to the side.

A shiver of anticipation rippled across Natalie's skin as Duff palmed her breasts, covering them with his big, rough hands.

She arched her back, pressing them harder into his touch.

“You're beautiful,” he whispered into her ear, nipping at her earlobe.

Natalie tipped her head to the side, giving him better access to her throat and the pulse beating like a snare drum at a parade. “You're overdressed.” She made quick work of loosening the buttons on his shirt and dragged it over his broad shoulders.

Ah, yes. Those shoulders were drool-worthy and shouldn't be covered. Natalie traced the tattoo on his right arm and bent to taste his skin there. Slightly salty and purely male. Sweet heaven, he was turning her inside out with the need to see all of him.

With that in mind, she jerked the button loose on his jeans and ran the zipper down. His shaft jutted out. The man went commando.

Her core melted into molten heat, making her throb and ache for more. Natalie slid her hands over his backside, easing the jeans from his hips while clenching her fingers around his taut bottom.

Duff groaned and trailed a path of kisses down the long line of her throat, pausing at the insanely beating pulse at the base. He tongued it once, then lowered his hands, cupped her bottom and lifted her, wrapping her legs around his waist.

Three long strides brought them to the bed where he eased her onto her back. With a swift tug he removed her panties, exposing her moist entrance.

Duff's eyes and nostrils flared as he stepped between her legs. He skimmed his hands across her thighs toward the apex and the tuft of hair covering her sex. “Stop me if I'm going too fast,” he said through clenched teeth.

“Please,” she said. “You're going too slow.”

With a soft chuckle he dropped to his knees, draped her legs over his shoulders and feathered his fingers along her inner thigh, searing a path to her core.

“Please,” she moaned, digging her nails into the comforter, her body writhing. If she didn't have him soon, she'd come apart in a million pieces.

“Patience, Natalie.” Duff slipped a finger between her folds and strummed the strip of flesh hidden between.

Electric shocks ripped through her, making her even more aware of the man and everything he was doing to her.

Duff dipped his finger into her channel, swirled it around and up through her folds to stroke that special bundle of nerves, igniting her in a firestorm of sensations.

Again and again he stroked her, bringing her to the edge of sanity. When he parted her folds with his thumbs and bent to tongue her there, he took her to an entirely new dimension. He continued his assault until she thought she would die from pleasure.

Then he was on his feet, fumbling for his wallet in the back pocket of his jeans. Duff pulled out three foil packages, dropping two on the floor. Without bending to retrieve them, he ripped open the third packet and rolled the content over his pulsing shaft. He scooted her back and climbed onto the bed, parting her legs for him to slide in between.

Past her ability to control her impatience, Natalie bent her knees, locked her legs around Duff's waist and buried her heels into his bottom.

He drove into her, burying himself to the hilt. For a long moment he stayed deep inside her, giving her time to adjust to his width stretching her inside.

Natalie closed her eyes, taking all of him. She curled her fingers around his broad shoulders, digging her nails into his skin. This was what she'd been craving from their first kiss.

Duff eased out and back in, repeating his moves over and over, settling into a firm, thrusting motion, gliding in and out.

Natalie dropped her heels to the mattress and rose up to meet him, the tingling sensations returned, spreading from her center outward in waves. She rode the tide, her breath caught in her throat, her heart hammering.

Duff thrust one last time and remained buried deep inside her, his shaft throbbing, his body rigid with the extent of his release.

When at last he relaxed, he dropped down on top of her, then rolled to the side, taking her with him, without severing their intimate connection.

Natalie rested her head in the crook of his arm and took in a ragged breath, his masculine scent filling her with intense satisfaction and the realization once would never be enough with Duff.

For a long time he held her against him, his hand drifting over her skin, stroking her in gentle tribute to what they'd just shared.

“That was incredible,” she said when she could finally form thoughts in her sex-fogged brain.

“Why do I feel there's a ‘but' coming?” He chuckled, his fingers curling into her bottom, pressing her closer.

She gave him a sad, halfhearted smile. “But this isn't helping me find my sister.”

“Tomorrow we'll turn this resort town upside down.”

She shook her head. “Whoever has her and the other women will not be that obvious. And there could be so many different places they could be hiding.”

“One thing is certain,” Duff said. “They tried to take you.”

She nodded.

“They might try again.”

Natalie shook her head, running her hand along the rigid muscle of his arm. “Not with a hulking SEAL following my every step and now sleeping in my room.”

He brushed the hair out of her eyes. “I can't help it. I don't like that you're using yourself as bait.”

“What other option do I have? They seem to be taking blondes.”

“Surely there are other blondes they can target.”

Natalie chewed on her bottom lip. “Do you think Chelsea was one of their attempts?”

“Maybe.” His jaw tightened. “I'm not sure I trust the man she was with. What do we know about Rolf? What if he staged that scene to throw us off?”

Natalie had been thinking along the same lines. Now would have been a good time to tell Duff that she had a man working with her who could identify Rolf and others frequenting the resort.

She opened her mouth to admit she was not alone and had a backup plan.

A soft knock at the door made them both stiffen.

“Natalia?” a woman's voice called through the heavy door.

Natalie rolled out of the bed, grabbing for her discarded dress. “Who is it?”

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