Nehru (29 page)

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Authors: Shashi Tharoor

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I was privileged to have several conversations with Phillips
Talbot, who first met Nehru as a visiting student in 1939 and over the next
twenty-five years as journalist, scholar, and diplomat, and the quotations from
him are from these conversations, not from any published material. From my
departure for graduate school in the United States in 1975 to his death in 1993,
my late father, Chandran Tharoor, peppered me with a remarkable array of newspaper clippings on Indian politics and history, many of which I have used and quoted from. My friends Arun Kumar and Ramu Damodaran have read the manuscript with care and offered me invaluable information and in-sights of their own, for which I am most grateful.

It hardly needs stating that, in distilling such a wealth of material into a short volume, I have made my own selections of facts and material on which to dwell. The responsibility for any errors of detail or interpretation, and indeed of omission, are mine alone.

Select Bibliography


Soviet Russia: Some Random Sketches and Impressions
(Allahabad: Ram Mohan Lal, 1928)

Glimpses of World History
(Allahabad: Kitabistan, 2 vols., 1934–35)

An Autobiography
(London: John Lane, 1936)

Letters from a Father to a Daughter
(Allahabad: Kitabistan, 1938)

Towards Freedom
(New York: John Day, 1941)

The Discovery of India
(1945; reprint, New Delhi: Nehru

Memorial Fund, 1988)

A Bunch of Old Letters
(New Delhi: Asia Publishing

House, 1959)

India's Foreign Policy: Selected Speeches
Delhi: PubNehru: The Making of Indialications Division, 1961)

Selected Speeches, September 1946 to April 1961

Delhi: Publications Division, 1961)

Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru,
First Series, vols.

1–15, ed. M. Chalapati Rau, H. Y. Sharada Prasad,

and B. R. Nanda (New Delhi: Orient Longman,


Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru,
Second Series, vols.

1–16, ed. S. Gopal (New Delhi: Nehru Museum

and Memorial Library, 1984)

Works by Nehru Family Members

Indira Gandhi,
My Truth
(New Delhi: Vision Books,


Sonia Gandhi, ed.,
Freedom's Daughter: Letters between

Indira Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru, 1922–39

don: Hodder and Stoughton, 1989)

Sonia Gandhi, ed.,
Two Alone, Two Together: Letters be-

tween Indira Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru, 1940–64

(London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1992)

Krishna Nehru Hutheesing,
We Nehrus
(New York: Holt,

Rinehart and Winston, 1967)

Vijayalakshmi Pandit,
The Scope of Happiness
(New York:

Crown, 1979)

Biographical Works on Jawaharlal Nehru

M. J. Akbar,
Nehru: The Making of India
(London: Viking, 1988)

Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, USA,
Jawaharlal Nehru: A Photo Perspective
(New York: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 1989)

Michael Brecher,
Nehru: A Political Biography
(London: Oxford University Press, 1959)

Norman Cousins, ed.,
Profiles of Nehru
(New Delhi: India Book Company, 1966)

A. K. Damodaran,
Jawaharlal Nehru: A Communicator and Democratic Leader
(New Delhi: Radiant Publishers/Nehru Memorial Museum & Library,


Michael Edwardes,
Nehru: A Political Biography

Penguin, 1971)

Sarvepalli Gopal,
Jawaharlal Nehru: A Biography

Volume One: 1889–1947
(Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1975)

Volume Two: 1947–1956
(Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1979)

Volume Three: 1956–1964
(Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1984)

H. V. Kamath,
Last Days of Jawaharlal Nehru

Jayasree Prakashan, 1977)

M. O. Mathai,
Reminiscences of the Nehru Age
(Delhi: Vikas, 1978)

M. O. Mathai,
My Days with Nehru
(Delhi: Vikas, 1979)

Frank Moraes,
Jawaharlal Nehru: A Biography
(New York:

Macmillan, 1956)

B. N. Mullick,
My Years with Nehru: The Chinese Betrayal

(New Delhi: Vikas, 1972)

K. Natwar Singh, ed.,
The Legacy of Nehru
(New Delhi:

Har-Anand, 1996)

Stanley Wolpert,
Nehru: A Tryst with Destiny
(New York:

Oxford University Press, 1996)

Rafiq Zakaria, ed.,
A Study of Nehru
(Bombay: Times of

India, 2nd rev. ed., 1960)

Other Works

M. J. Akbar,
Kashmir: Behind the Vale
(New Delhi: Vi- king, 1991)

A. Appadorai,
Essays in Indian Politics and Foreign Policy

(Delhi: Vikas, 1971)

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad,
India Wins Freedom
(Hyderabad: Orient Longman, 1988)

J. Bandyopadhyaya,
The Making of India's Foreign Policy

(Calcutta: Allied, 1970)

Krishan Bhatia,
The Ordeal of Nationhood
(New York:

Atheneum, 1971)

Catherine Clément,
Nehru and Edwina
(New Delhi:

Penguin, 1996)

Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre,
Mountbatten and

Independent India
(Delhi: Vikas, 1982)

Reginald Coupland,
The Constitutional Problem in India

(London: Oxford University Press, 1944)

J. P. Dalvi,
Himalayan Blunder
(Bombay: Thacker, 1969)

C. Dasgupta,
War and Diplomacy in Kashmir 1947– 48

(New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2002)

Michael Edwardes, ?Illusion and Reality in India?s Foreign Policy,”
International Affairs
41 (January 1965)

Katherine Frank,
(Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2002)

John Kenneth Galbraith,
Ambassador's Journal

Houghton Mifflin, 1969)

Ramachandra Guha, “Democracy's Biggest Gamble,”

World Policy Journal
(Spring 2002)

Ramachandra Guha, “Nirad Chaudhuri's Nehru,”

Hindu Magazine,
November 24, 2002

Y. D. Gundevia,
Outside the Archives
(Hyderabad: Orient

Longman, 1984)

Welles Hangen,
After Nehru, Who?
(London: Rupert

Hart-Davis, 1963)

Selig S. Harrison,
India: The Most Dangerous Decade

(Madras: Oxford University Press, 1960)

H. V. Hodson,
The Great Divide
(London: Hutchinson,


Prem Shankar Jha,
Kashmir 1947
(Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1996)

B. M. Kaul,
The Untold Story
(Bombay: Jaico, 1969) Sunil Khilani,
The Idea of India
(New Delhi: Viking Penguin, 1997)

B. Krishna,
Indian Freedom Struggle
(New Delhi: Manohar,


André Malraux,
(New York: Henry Holt,


Zareer Masani,
Indira Gandhi: A Biography
(New York:

Thomas Y. Crowell, 1975)

Neville Maxwell,
India's China War
(London: Jonathan

Cape, 1970)

Neville Maxwell, “Reconsiderations: Jawaharlal Nehru,”

Foreign Affairs
52 (April 1974)

Ved Mehta,
Portrait of India
(New York: Farrar, Straus &

Giroux, 1970)

K. P. S. Menon,
Yesterday and Today
(New Delhi: Allied,


Frank Moraes,
Witness to an Era
(Delhi: Vikas, 1973)

Janet Morgan,
Edwina Mountbatten: A Life of Her Own

(New York: Scribner, 1991)

A. G. Noorani,
Our Credulity and Negligence

Ramdas G. Bhatkal, 1963)

D. G. Tendulkar,
(Bombay: Publications Division, 2nd ed., 1961)

Raj Thapar,
All These Years
(New Delhi: Seminar, 1991)

Shashi Tharoor, “E Pluribus, India,”
Foreign Affairs

(January/Febuary 1998)

Shashi Tharoor,
Reasons of State
(Delhi: Vikas, 1982)

Shashi Tharoor,
India: From Midnight to the Millennium

(New York: Arcade, 1997)

Badruddin Tyabji,
Indian Policies and Practice

Delhi: Oriental Publishers, 1972)

Lord Wavell,
Viceroy's Journal,
ed. Penderel Moon (Lon- don: Oxford University Press, 1972)

Muhammad Yunus,
Persons, Passions and Politics
(Delhi: Vikas, 1980)

Philip Ziegler,
(London: Fontana/Collins,



Abdullah, Sheikh, 142, 165, 203, 253

Abyssinia, 112

affirmative action, 237–38

Afro-Asian Conference, 151, 189




After Nehru, Who?
(Hangen), 195

Ahmed, Muzaffar, 69

Akali movement, 49–50

Akbar, M. J., 145

Alexander, A. V., 139

Ali, Maulana Muhammad, 46,

46n, 253

Ali, Munshi Mubarak, 5

Allahabad, 1, 50–52

All-India Congress Committee

(AICC), 70, 125

All-India Muslim League.

Muslim League

All-India States People's

Conference, 115, 142

All-India Trade Union Congress,


Ambedkar, B. R, 229, 253

American imperialism, 58

Amritsar Massacre, 30–34, 51,

64–65, 76

Amrohvi, Rais, 190

Anarchical and Revolutionary

Crimes Act, 26, 26n, 29

Andhra Pradesh, 173

Ansari, M. A., 47


of Annie Besant, 25–26

of Jawaharlal Nehru, 42–46,

49–50, 77–79, 88–92,

94–95, 121–22, 125–27

of Mahatma Gandhi, 77, 125,


of Motilal Nehru, 42–44, 77–


Ashoka, 183

Asian Relations Conference, 151

Ataturk, Kemal, xiv, 34

Attlee, Clement, 118, 123, 134,


Aung San, 137

(Nehru), 95, 96–

97, 107–8

Azad, Maulana Abul Kalam, xvi,

106, 108, 123, 126, 138,

144, 145, 254

balkanization, 152–53

Bandaranaike, Solomon, 200


British partition of, 11–12

famine in, 133

Besant, Annie, 8, 23–26, 254

Bhagwati, Jagdish, 176, 244

Bharatiya Jana Sangh (Indian

People's Party), xvi–xvii

Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP),


Birla, Ghanshyam Das, 98, 254

Black Act.
Rowlatt Act

Bose, Subhas Chandra, 66–67,

112, 114–15, 117, 122–

23, 136, 197, 254

Britain/British government

Amritsar Massacre and, 30–34

attitude of, toward India, 133

brutality by, 30–34, 89, 125,


Cabinet Mission Plan of, 137–

45, 149

call for complete independence from, 59–62

demonstrations against, 64–65

education of Nehru in, 9–18

Indian elections held by, 134–


loss of power in India by, 136–


Muslim League and, 73, 103–

4, 130, 134–45, 147–48,


negotiations between India

and, 83–85, 87–88, 139–

41, 143–44, 146–47,


offer of Dominion status by,

123–24, 153

partition of Bengal by, 11–12

reaction of, to Indian

nationalist movement,

25–26, 26n, 63–65, 72,

76–78, 82–84, 89, 121,


view of Nehru of, 68–69, 84,


weakness of, 140

withdrawal from India by, 149

during World War II, 116–24,


British imperialism, 58, 116, 240

Brockway, Fenner, 55

Brooks, Ferdinand T., 8

Brussels International Congress

against Colonial

Oppression and

Imperialism, 54–55

Burma, 137

Butler, Harcourt, 44

Bux, Allah, 130

Cabinet Mission Plan, 137–45,


capitalism, 175–77, 240–41

Caroe, Sir Olaf, 152

caste issues, 92, 236–39

Chagla, M. C., 66

Chaplin, Charlie, 199

Chaudhuri, Nirad, 223, 226

Chauri Chaura, 43

Chavan, Y. B., 71


communism in, 58

Nehru's admiration for, 112,

116–17, 208–10

disconnect between father and, 231–32

as father's official hostess,


marriage of, 127–29

Nehru's writings to, 81–82

state of emergency called by,


as successor, 194–95

Gandhi, Mahatma

about, 255

assassination of, 160–61

Bose and, 114–15

demonstrations led by, 75–76

fasting by, 92, 127

imprisonment of, 77, 125, 127

influence of, on Indian

National Congress, xiv,

35–37, 67, 69–70

Jinnah and, 130

Khilafat movement and, 34–35

negotiations between British

and, 83–85

Nehru and

compromises between, 67,

93, 97

differences between, 43–44,

53, 59–62, 84–85, 92, 94

loyalty between, 29–30, 35–

39, 138

power relations between,

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