Nelson: Britannia's God of War (77 page)

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23 Nelson to St Vincent 30–31.12.1798: Nicolas pp. 213–15

24 Nelson to Spencer 1.1.1799; Nicolas III pp. 217–18

25 Nelson to Pitt 4.10.1799; PRO 30/8/367 ff. 42–3

26 Nelson to Wife 17.1.1799; Naish pp. 480–1

27 Acton, H.
London 1956 pp. 314–334. While Acton dismisses the pro-Jacobin effusions of the Neapolitan historians, he goes on to mistake the role of Nelson and the Hamiltons on very limited evidence.

28 Nelson to General Sir Charles Stuart 7.1.1799; Nicolas III pp. 227–8

29 Acton, pp. 337–8.

30 Nelson to Howe 8.1.1799; Nicolas III pp. 230–1

31 Walker pp. 88–90

32 Nelson to St Vincent 17.1.1799: Nicolas VII p. clxx. Nelson to Minto 19.1.1799: Nicolas III pp 235–690

33 Nelson to Ball 21.1.1799; Nicolas III pp. 236–8

34 Nelson to St Vincent 1.2.1799; Nicolas III p. 239

35 Nelson to Lady Parker 1.2.1799; Nicolas III pp. 248–9. Nelson to Davison 2.2.1799; Nicolas VII p. clxxii

36 Nelson to St Vincent 1, 2 and 3.2.1799; Nelson to Ball 4.2.1799; Nelson to Acton 2.2.1799; Nelson to Niza 1.2.1799; Nicolas III pp. 249–56

37 Nelson to Commissioner Coffin at Port Mahon 5.2.1799; Nicolas III p. 258

38 Nelson to Spencer 17.2.1799; Nicolas VII p. clxxv. Nelson to Stuart 16.2.1799; Nelson to Troubridge 18.2.1799; Nicolas III pp. 267–9

39 Nelson to Spencer 7.2.1799; Nicolas VII p. clxxii

40 Nelson to Ball 28.2.1799; Nicolas III pp. 272–3

41 Nelson to Ball 8.3.1799; Nicolas III pp. 286–7

42 Nelson to St Vincent 20.3.1799; Nicolas III pp. 297–9

43 Nelson to Oushakov 23.3.1799; Nicolas II p. 304

44 Nelson to St Vincent 20.3.1799; Nicolas III pp. 297–9

45 Lloyd, C. ed.
London, Navy Records Society 1950. pp. 36–51

46 King to Ruffo 11.4.1799; Gutteridge, ed.
pp. 38–41

47 King to Ruffo. 1.5.1799; Gutteridge p. 45

48 Nelson to Troubridge 30.3.1799; Nicolas III p. 310

49 Nelson to Ball 9.4.1799; Nicolas III p. 319

50 Nelson to Spencer 6.4.1799; Nicolas VII pp. clxxvii–iii

51 Hamilton to Charles Greville 8.4.1799; Morrison II pp. 40–1

52 Mackesy, p. 98 is a typical modern example.

53 Lord Keith to Sister 19.4.1799; Keith II p. 37. Typically this is a piece of second-hand reportage, based on an unknown source, by someone who had not met Nelson for a year.

54 Nelson to St Vincent 8.3.1799: Nicolas III pp. 285–6

55 Nelson to Ball 21.4.1799; Nicolas III pp. 332–3

56 Nelson to Troubridge 25.4. and to Stuart 28.4.1799; Nicolas III pp. 333–7

57 Nelson to St Vincent 9.5.1799; Nicolas VII clxxxi

58 De la Graviere,
London 1848, Vol. I pp. 224–31

59 Rodger,
is widely cited, but repeats several important errors, and adds a few new ones. Rodger underrates the importance of Naples and Sicily, while over-valuing Minorca and Malta.

St Vincent to Nelson 6.5.1799; Gutteridge p. xxxvii

61 Nelson to various 12.5.1799; Nicolas III pp. 352–4

62 Nelson to St Vincent 28.5.1799; Nicolas III p. 367

63 Nelson to St Vincent 23.5.1799; Nicolas III pp. 364–5

64 Hallowell to Nelson 23.5.1799; in Beresford, Lord C. and Wilson, H. W.
1897 p. 123

65 Lambert, ‘Cornwallis’

Nelson to Emma 22 and 24.5.1799; Nicolas VII p. clxxxiii

67 Nelson to Wife 24.5.1799; Naish p. 484

68 Nelson to Emma 19.5.1799; Nicolas III p. 362

69 Nelson to St Vincent 30.5.1799; Nicolas III pp. 368–9

70 Foote to Nelson 28.5.1799; Nicolas III p. 360

71 Nelson to Wife 5.6.1799; Naish p. 485

Nelson to St Vincent 5.6.1799; Nicolas III pp. 374–5

72 Nelson to St Vincent 6.6.1799; Nicolas VII p. clxxxiv.

73 Nelson to St Vincent 10 and 12.6.1799; St Vincent to Nelson 11.6.1799; Nicolas III pp. 377–9

74 Keith to Sister 30.3.1799;
pp. 36–7. On the evidence of this letter Keith was a better judge of service politics than enemy intentions.

75 Collingwood reports that Keith was in sight of the enemy before he abandoned the chase to secure Minorca. Collingwood to Edward Collingwood 17.8.1799; Duffy, M. ed.
Aldershot 2003 pp. 168–9

76 Keith to Nelson 6.6.1799; Nicolas III pp. 379–80

77 Nelson to Keith 16.6.1799, and to St Vincent 16.6. and to Wife 17.6.1799; Nicolas III pp. 379–81 and Naish pp. 485–6

78 Nelson to Hamilton 21.6.1799; Gutteridge p. 144

79 Nelson to Keith 27.6.1799; Gutteridge p. 264

80 Acton to Hamilton 19 and 20.6.1799; Nicolas III pp. 391–2. Nelson to Magra 20.6.1799; 6c to Hamilton 20.6.1799; Nicolas III pp. 382–3 and VII p. clxxxv.

81 Nelson to Keith 27.6.1799; Nicolas III pp. 390–2

82 Nelson to Duckworth 21.6.1799; Nicolas III p. 384

83 Nelson to Admiralty 27.6.1799; Nicolas III p. 389

84 Gutteridge p. xci

85 Pakenham, T.
London 1969 p. 327

86 Nelson to Acton 29.6.1799; Gutteridge p. 279

87 Queen to Ruffo 17.5. and 19.6.1799; Gutteridge pp. 55 and 135. King to Ruffo 20.6.1799; Gutteridge p. 141

88 Nelson to Troubridge 26.6.1799; Nicolas III pp. 388–9

89 Acton to Nelson 30.6 and 2.7.1799; Croker MS, NMM CRK/17.

90 Acton p.409.

91 Nelson to Hood 4.7.1799; Nelson to Keith 13.7.1799; Nicolas III p. 400, 403–4

92 Nelson to Spencer 13.7.1799; Nicolas III pp. 406–7

93 Nelson to Keith 13.7.1799; Nicolas III pp. 407–8

94 Keith to Nelson 9.7.1799; Nelson to Keith and Admiralty 19.7.1799; Nicolas III pp. 414–16. Nelson to Spencer 19.7.1799; Nicolas VII pp. clxxxv–vi

95 Nelson to Sidney Smith 20 and 22.7.1799; Nicolas III pp. 416–18

96 Collingwood to Edward Colllingwood 17.8.1799; Owen in Duffy,
pp. 168–9

97 Nelson to Duckworth 22.7.1799; Nicolas III pp. 418–9. Nelson to Spencer 23.7.1799; Nicolas VII p. clxxxvii.

98 Nelson to Admiralty; to Spencer; to Keith 1.8.1799; Nicolas III pp. 425–9

99 Nelson to Ball 14.8.1799; Nicolas III p. 440

100 Sermonetta, Duchess
of Norbury.
London 1940.PP. 151–201. The author/editor of the volume was a member of the Caracciolo family, and does not try to hide her bias. This problem is compounded by errors of fact. See pp. 166–70 for the Caracciolo story, and the family connection. Nelson to Lock 23.7.1799; to memorandum 24.7.1799. Nicolas III pp. 420–1. See also Nicolas IV pp. 101 and 129 for further correspondence on this issue. Russell, J.
1969 pp. 88–90. Acton, pp. 337–9, 405–6, 413–14.

101 Acton, pp. 428–30.

102 Nelson to King Ferdinand 13.8.1799; to Father 15.8.1799; Nicolas III pp. 438–9,441

103 Nelson to Duckworth 16.8. to Suvarov 16.8. and to Oushakov 18.8.1799; Nicolas III pp. 446–9

104 Nelson to Duckworth 20.8. to Troubridge/Martin 22.8.1799; Nicolas III PP. 453–9

105 Nelson to Ball 21.8.1799; Nicolas III pp. 456–7

106 Admiralty to Nelson 20.8.1799; Morrison II pp. 64–5

107 Nelson to Davison
.23.8.1799; Nicolas III pp. 460–1. Nelson to Wife 23.8.1799; Naish pp. 488–9

108 Nelson to Wife 23.8.1799; Naish p. 488. Nelson to Admiralty 24.8.1799; to Troubridge 31.8.1799; Nicolas III pp. 462, 469–70

109 Nelson to Minto 20.8.1799; Nicolas III p. 452


1 Admiralty to Nelson 20.8.1799; Spencer IV p. 30

2 Nelson to Admiralty 20–21.9.1799; Nicolas IV pp. 23–7

3 Nelson to Spencer 5.9.1799; Nicolas IV p. 3

4 Nelson to Davison 23.9.1799; Nicolas VII pp. cxci–ii

5 Nelson to Oushakoff 25.9.1799; to Spencer 26.9.1799; to Ball 27.9.1799; Nicolas III pp. 29–31

6 Nelson to Admiralty and Troubridge 1.10.1799; Nicolas IV pp. 34–5

7 Nelson to Troubridge and Admiralty 1.10.1799; to Acton, and Troubridge 2.10.1799; to Ball and Graham 3.10.1799; Nicolas IV pp. 34–42. Quotes from letters to Troubridge.

8 Nelson Standing Orders 10.11.1799; to Erskine 11.10.1799; to Duckworth 14.10.1799; Nicolas IV pp. 46–52. Nelson to Hamilton 11 and 13.10.1799; Morrison II pp. 71–2. Nelson to Admiralty 15.10.1799; Nicolas IV pp. 53–5

9 Nelson to Admiralty 3.11.1799; to Spencer 6.11.1799; Nicolas IV pp. 85–91

10 Nelson to Wife 7.11.1799; Naish pp. 491–2

11 Nelson to Admiralty 9.11.1799; Nicolas IV p. 94

12 Nelson to Victualling Board 14.11.1799; – Lock 15.11.1799; Nicolas IV pp. 100–1. Sermonetta has Lock’s correspondence.

13 Nelson to Admiralty and Lock 4.12.1799; – Victualling Board 5.12.1799; Nicolas IV pp. 128–9

14 Nelson to Admiralty 11.11.1799; to Erskine 12.11.1799; to Wyndham 26.11.1799; Nicolas IV pp. 96–9, and 111. Testa. C.
for these developments.

15 Nelson to Troubridge 25 and 28.11.1799; to Graham 25.11.1799; to Niza 15, 17 and 24.11.1799; Nicolas IV pp. 102–3, 107, 109–10, 119

16 Nelson to Niza 18.12.1799; Nicolas IV p. 144

17 Nelson to Admiralty 26.11.1799; Nicolas IV p. no

18 Nelson to Duckworth 27.11.1799; Nicolas IV pp. 113–14

19 Nelson to Lord William Bentinck 22.11.1799; to Wyndham 2 and 13.12.1799; Nicolas IV pp. 106, 125–6, 135–6

20 Nelson to Troubridge and Blackwood 16.12.1799; Nicolas IV pp. 142–4

21 Nelson to Udney (Consul at Leghorn) 26.9.1799: Nicolas IV p.30

22 Nelson to dockyard officers, Port Mahon 14.12.1799: Nicolas IV pp. 138–9

23 Nelson to Troubridge 16.12.1799: Nicolas IV 142–3

24 Nelson to Lord Elgin (Minister to the Sublime Porte) 21.12.1799: Nicolas IV pp. 158–60

25 Nelson to Davison 19.12.1799: Nicolas VII p. cxciii

26 Nelson to Troubridge 22.12.1799; Nicolas IV pp. 155–6

27 Nelson to Graham 22.12.1799; to Admiralty and Spencer 23.12.1799; Nicolas IV pp. 15 8–60

28 Keith to Spencer 23.12.1799; Spencer IV p. 105

29 Troubridge to Nelson 1, 5, 7 and 8.1.1800; Nelson to Troubridge 29.12.1799,1, 5 and 8.1.1800; Nelson to Graham 7.1.1800; Nicolas IV pp. 166–73

30 Nelson to Troubridge 14.1.1800; Nicolas IV pp. 176–7

31 Troubridge to Emma 14.1.1800; Morrison II pp. 79–80

32 Nelson to Keith 7.1.1800; Nicolas IV pp. 170–2; Nelson to Wife 9.1.1800; Naish pp. 493–4

33 Hamilton to Charles Greville 25.1.1800; Morrison II pp. 82–3

34 Nelson to Emma and Hamilton 3.2.1800; Nicolas IV pp. 185–6, Morrison II p. 84

35 Nelson to St Vincent 1 and 6.2.1800; Nicolas IV pp. 184–5

36 Keith to Spencer 9.2.1800; Spencer IV pp. 108–9

was rated by ther British as an 80-gun ship with 24-pounders on her main deck.

38 The battle ensign of
has recently been re-discovered in the Norwich Museum. A vast tricolour, 60 feet long and 20 feet deep, it hung in St Andrew’s Hall, close by Sir William Beechey’s portrait and a Spanish admiral’s sword, taken at Cape St Vincent.

39 Nelson to Keith 18.2.1800; to Maurice 20.2.1800; Nicolas IV pp. 188–90. Nelson to Hamilton 18 and 20.2.1800; Morrison pp. 86–7

40 Nelson to Maurice 27.2.1800; Nicolas VII pp. cxciii–iv

41 Keith to Nelson 24.2.1800; Nicolas III p. 191

42 Nelson to Keith 24.2.1800 [public and private letters]; Nicolas IV pp. 191–2

43 Nelson to Hamilton 25.2.1800; Morrison II p. 88

44 Hamilton to Minto 3.3.1800; Naish pp. 521–2. Ball to Emma 10.3.1800; Morrison II p. 90

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