Nessa (Broken Sisters #1) (3 page)

BOOK: Nessa (Broken Sisters #1)
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Great job Nessa, now you're jobless.

I head straight home, I have had a shitty day and all I want now is a big glass of wine.

Once home I kick my shoes off and fill the biggest wine glass we have and go sit on the sofa. Our apartment has the prefect view of the Liffey, it's beautiful and calming.

I take a sip of my wine, relax and think about what the hell I'm going to do now. I'm broke. Every penny I have is being paid to my credit card company and I was so livid when I left I didn't even collected my redundancy package—not that I reckon I'll get one now. Just great I'm broke and in debt and can't see how I'll get out of it anytime soon.

I'm down two glasses of wine and still on the sofa when Stacey comes home a few hours later.

"Hey hun," she greets me I get up to get myself for a refill.

"Hey, wine?" I shake the bottle at her.

"Oh yes please. How was your day, you look stressed."

I tell Stacey what happened, every single gory detail, God, my life is a freaking joke.

"Nessa that's terrible! I can't believe it, I'm so sorry," she says as she hugs me.

"I'll be grand. I'm sure I'll find something else. Hopefully it'll be fast since I still have eight thousand euro in debt to payback."

She looks at me seriously. "Let me help Nessa."

I know she means well but hell, she's letting me live here for free—that helps so much not having to cover rent.

"No I'm good babe. Thanks but you have helped me loads." I don't want her feeling sorry for me so I change the subject. "So tell me how this posh do that is coming up. You got everything ready?"

She stares out the window and I can see that this job is really stressing her out.

"If I get this right Nessa it could really get my business out there. I could hire more staff, get bigger clients, I could do so much more."

Wow that is big. "Whose party is it that it's so major?"

She jumps off the sofa to get a new bottle of wine. "Oh my God, Nessa have I not told you it's Taylor Kessler's party. He's a big hotshot billionaire who probably owns half of Ireland. He's also scorching hot! Pity he's a man whore though, he's always pictured with different girls." She's actually swooning a little. "He's recently move his head office from Waterford to Dublin and is hosting this party to celebrate his move and to welcome his new clients. I'm so nervous."

"Wow it sounds like a big deal."

She is quiet for a moment and I can tell that she is thinking for a minute before saying, "It is such a big deal, exciting and scary all at the same time. I called in every favour I was owed to land this job. I hope I can do it justice."

I've seen her work it's amazing she just has no faith in her own talents. "You will do great. You're an amazing planner and designer."

She hugs me again. Wow she's all for the hugs today. "Thanks babe. I'm beat, I'm gonna shower and then we can grab a takeaway?" she asks yawning and I laugh.

"Sure, I'll order." I jump up and grab the menu and order for us. After we eat I decide to have an early night and head to bed. I'm beat as well and I just want to curl up and forget my horrible day.




I startle awake to the sound of someone banging. I jump out of bed to see what all the commotion is about and when I get to the kitchen I find the source of the racket is Stacey beating the coffee maker.

"Hey what did he ever do to you?"

She grumbles something about it being stupid. I laugh and move her out of the way. Once I click the filter in the right way it works instantly. She grumbles thanks and goes to get her bag together. She looks so worried.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I ask but I already know today is Saturday, it's her big day. The last few days have gone by pretty quickly and every night she's gotten more and more worried something will go wrong.

"I'm so worried Nessa. I need to get this right. Mr. Kessler is one for perfection, and he can also be an ass or so I heard yesterday." Shit, she sounds really anxious and this is supposed to be a stress free night so I smile a reassuring smile.

"Bitch please, you're amazing. You're gonna blow the pants off this hot billionaire." She laughs and hugs me.

"Thank you babe, I needed that. Once today is over we need dinner, drinks, and dancing. We can go out tomorrow. You haven't been out in ages and I'm horny. You have got to help me find a hot guy to release some frustration with, so don't say no." She starts wiggling her eyebrows and has a pleading look on her face. She's right, I haven't been out since I caught Brandon and Lucy together and was left to clear a massive debt. It's also been a shitty week so why not spend my last few euro on myself, I deserve it.

"Sure why not, let's do this. It can be a way of celebrating your success from tonight." She jumps up and down screaming woo-hoo then checks the time.

"Ok gotta go. Make sure to be there at five to help with the other wait staff. Thanks Ness." She kisses me and is gone in a flash.

I decide to go for a jog to pass the time until tonight. I get ready and head over to Phoenix Park to do a few laps. It feels good to jog, I always thought there was something freeing about it. My body is burning but it feels good.

I been jogging for over an hour, I need to head back home to get ready. When I get home I decide to have a coffee before my shower. As I look out I notice how peaceful things are today, during the week people are rushing around but on the weekend everyone seems relaxed taking their time getting to wherever they're going.

Once I've finished my coffee I head for the shower. Poor Stacey's probably having a nervous breakdown by now. When it comes to her work she's very highly strung because she's a perfectionist. That's why I know she will pass with flying colours today. She has never seen her own potential.

Then again nobody but her friends has ever told her how amazing she was. Neither of her parents could be arsed, they were and still are all about her sister and how perfect she was compared to Stacey—but that only made her stronger.

When my life went to shit years ago I always felt weak and if anything bad happened I only get weaker. I just can't pick myself up like Stacey does. I admire her for her strength because her family is horrible, but she just moves on from it. Me, I'm a dweller, everything stays with me always there to remind me how fucked up I am.

Everyone has a past, whether it's good or bad it influences your future. My friends and I certainly have both bad and good and bad pasts and without us sticking together all these years who knows how we could have turned out, we keep each other sane.



After my shower I stand in front of the mirror. I never thought I was model material or anything but dog damn Brandon for having me thinking negatively of my looks. That morning with Brandon and Lucy has left me doubting my looks. Him calling me a dog has left a mark, I guess. I really thought he loved me. How did I miss the fact that he found me so repulsive? I was never one to care about my looks even after I spent two years listening to the Aunt from Hell tell me how unloved and ugly I was.

I was sixteen when my mam killed herself and with no other family left, I was sent to live with her sister. She was a bitter old woman who blamed me for my mother's death and everyday told me how ugly I was and how she couldn't stand to look at me. But my mother left a letter asking her to take care of me and she did. Once I turned eighteen though she kicked me right out. I wanted to leave before then but she said she would call social services and put me in a care home so I stuck it out.

Even after that I still got up and never thought about it but Brandon has hit something in me and I don't know how to stop it. As I look at myself I don't see the confident, no shit taker, I want to be. I feel weak, exposed.

I'm five feet seven inches with wavy blonde hair that goes halfway down my back and pretty blue eyes. I'm in pretty good shape and even though I don't have much of a bum but I have some nice large breasts. I never really thought about my looks, my mam used to tell me to be happy in my own skin don't try be something I'm not. She hated it if I would say I was too skinny or I was too fat she just said to be happy with who you are and not what others want you to be. Then again she went and left me too so maybe there is something wrong with me.

I removed all thoughts from my mind and concentrate on being there for Stacey. I get dressed in the white shirt and black trousers Stacey left out for me and head to the party.

The party is being held at the Hilton on Dame Street. I have always wanted to see the inside of this building so I'm pretty excited. It isn't too far so I decide to walk to help clear my head.

I have never been in this hotel before because I could never afford it. As I reach the doors I can see the difference in a three or four star hotel compared to a five star hotel. It's just… wow.

I head through the doors and spot Stacey at reception. She waves me over and brings me up to the ballroom. It's on the tenth floor, right under the penthouse. Once we reach the main room where the event is been held I stop at the door. I knew the room would look like something out of this world and I was not disappointed. It was decorated in cream and gold, the place looks very elegant. The colours match the massive chandelier hanging in the middle of the room. It covers half of the ballroom and I'd reckon it could kill at least ten people if it fell.

"Wow! Stacey this is amazing. I'd say you're gonna be busy after tonight." She smiles brightly at me.

"You really mean that Nessa?" Is she serious?

"Of course I do. Are you blind, can you not see what you did to this empty room? Jesus, Stacey, give yourself the credit you deserve it's freaking amazing. You're amazing."

I hug her and ask her where she needs me. She spends the next few hours going over things but she needs to change into her dress so she heads off. I make myself busy going over things and making sure they're all ready for the guests to arrive.

Before I know it, it's eight and guests are arriving. I grab a tray of champagne and start handing them out. After an hour has passed the place is pretty full and it's nearly time for dinner.

I spot Stacey across the room standing at the bar. She looks amazing in her cream dress. It comes off on one shoulder, goes right down to her ankles, and has a slit up the side. Stacey has long red curly hair but it's her hour glass shape and the fact she has an ass to die for that finishes off the dress. I walk over to her and notice she looks worried.

"Hey what's up hun? Everything's going great, why the sad face?"

"Oh you know, guest of honour is only an hour late for his own a party and I can't serve the dinner till he gets here." Well that's not good but being the good friend I am I decide not to say that out loud.

"He will be here. Calm down, you said he's a playboy maybe him and his date are getting freaky before dinner." I wiggle my eyebrows at her just for added affect and it does the job when she relaxes and laughs.

"You're right, I'm just…" she trails off and her mouth drops open a little bit. I turn to see what's got her attention and it's none other than prickface. What's he doing here? He is looking all tall, dark, and gloomy and maybe a bit hot. A tiny bit hot. His date a petite girl who's hanging from his arm and trying to get his attention. She's wearing a long red dress with a low cut in the front which leaves her boobs on full display. Huh, maybe Sinead was right and I should have flashed them a damn tit.

I turn back to Stacey. "Close your mouth Stacey you're drooling," I say before smirking.

"Shit sorry, he's just so much hotter in person. Wow."

"Do you know him?" I ask carefully. She looks at me like I've gone mad.

"Are you for real Nessa? That's Taylor Kessler, this is his party."

Oh shit I'm gonna puke. I abused him in his office and threw water over him and then told him to go fuck himself. If he sees me working here he's going to freak. I know I'm being dramatic, he probably doesn't even remember me but I need to leave in case he does and takes it out on Stacey.

I look back over at him and his date Tits Mcgee and he's looking right at me. Once he recognizes me the corner of his lip lifts up in a one sided smile. Shit on a stick! Looks like he does remember me after all. Fuck! I've got to get out of here.

"Stacey I gotta go."

"But I need you, are you mad? You can't go, what's wrong?" Oh man, here goes.

"Your Mr. Kessler, is the prick who fired me and considering the last time I saw him I threw a whole glass of water at him it's best I leave—especially if you want to woo him. Your company needs this Stacey," I argue hoping she sees the bigger picture here.

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