Never Been Kissed: A Never Been Novel (34 page)

BOOK: Never Been Kissed: A Never Been Novel
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“I... I did something dumb. Or genius.
” he says, going for the buttons of his shirt. He looks down at the buttons and chuckles, but in the light I can tell he’s blushing. Hunter MacLaine is
. Oh, wow.

“I was hoping you’d be in my bed tonight, so I needed some extra insurance. It just seems really stupid now, like you’d really go for it...”

I don’t even care what he’s saying, I’m completely fascinated by what his fingers are showing me as he undoes button after button. I don’t see any slice of skin, but rather, another shirt underneath...

Oh, God. Fuck.

My Loki panties are soaked, and I can’t help but moan as he spreads his half-opened shirt and reveals what’s underneath. My breath comes in little hitches and I’m aching for him, body on fire at what I see.

Hunter MacLaine is spreading his shirt open while he’s wearing another shirt underneath. Not just any shirt... a Superman shirt, like he’s
Man of Steel ready to take off his Clark Kent disguise and go save Metropolis.

I squeeze my thighs together, hands going to my mouth a
s I moan.

“Oh my God. Oh, God. Hunt-Hunter. What?” I somehow get on my knees and practically slam into him, shoving my tongue into his mouth and rubbing my body all over him. He laughs at me between kisses, and sweeps of tongue.

“Fuck, baby, if I knew it would get you this excited-”

“No more talking. No! Don’t take off the shirt!” My hands go to his as he tries to reach behind him to yank them both off with one go. “I want it on,” I pant, wrapping my hands around his wrists.

This is a problem. I want to touch him all over. I want to glide my hands over his thick muscles, over the ridges on his ribs, and the shallow dips of his abs. This is too good to pass up. I can always touch

Hunter takes control again, kissing me while his hands go to my back and on the tab of my zipper. I can’t help my reaction to freeze and want to push him away. The only person who has ever seen me naked is me, and I haven’t been very nice to myself.

“I need to tell you something,” I mumble against his mouth, having missed this contact so much. “Hunter?”

He’s not paying attention and all of mine has zeroed in on the lowering of my zipper from the top of my spine to just above the waistband of my Loki panties. Shit. He’s going to see them.

Hunter pulls away from me, staring. His mouth is wet from me, open as he tries to catch his breath. Every time his chest expands for air, it brushes against my aching nipples and I need more, more, more.

“We’re going to do this slow, baby.” His hands have stopped moving.
Why have they stopped moving?
“If I do anything you don’t like, you just have to tell me, yeah? Anything at all, and I’ll stop. Swear to God.”

My throat’s too tight to speak, my heart drumming hard in my chest cavity. This is it. There’s too much to process, but everything feels too good to stop. I’m terrified and elated; I’m crippled with nerves and high on his kiss all at the same time.

I should tell him. I should tell him right now.

“I’m a virgin.” I wince at the sound of my voice barely above a whisper. I set my shoulders and give him a glare. “I’m a virgin,” I say, more loudly now.

Frak. The man has turned into a statue while I’m about to burst into flame with my need for him.
Say something
If you stop this, I’m going to claw your eyes out.

His body relaxes, and he comes close to touch his mouth to mine. I don’t understand what just happened.

“Just when I thought I couldn’t love you anymore.”

I snort as my cheeks start to burn. “It’s a piece of skin
. Don’t go getting a big head.”

His grin is dark and wicked and promises a whole bunch of things I’m dying to try out. “No, stupid. That you’re giving me
this, that you told me when I already guessed at it. That you’re here with me even though I’m sure you’re freaking out if the way your eyebrows are popped high is any indication.”

I groan.
Of course he
. “Well, I was never going to be a spy anyway. Less talking. More doing.”

Hunter pulls in a breath through his nose, kisses me softly, achingly slow so that it feels like it’s travelled to my heart and
sews itself there as a memory.

“I’m going to take ca
re of you. Do you believe me?”

I gulp and nod once, twice. I can do this. Fraking sixteen year old little prosti-tots can do it, then so can I, damn it.

I jump when the pads of his fingers skim the exposed flesh of my back through the gaping material of my dress. They travel up, up, up until one hand lands on each shoulder, dragging the back of my dress with it.

Okay, he’s undressing m
e. C’mon, Sera, move your arms.

I’m sorta naked from the waist up, in just my black bra in front of him. Hunter’s blue eyes go from my face, to my chest, and back again. Ever so slowly, he moves forward and gets his hands behind me,
going for the clasp of my bra.

I think I forgot to breathe and now spots a
re dancing in front of my eyes.

“Breathe, baby. I just want to see you. I’ve been
dying to see you for so long.”

I suck in air, and let it out slowly, trying not to shake with my nerves, telling my body to stay fraking still.

Cold air sweeps across my skin, and my nipples tingle. I swallow convulsively, watching his face as he stares at me

Hunter groans as he drags my bra down one arm, then the other, tossing it to the ground in the direction of his suit jacket. I’m completely bared to him from the waist up. He’s looking at me like I’m some sort of goddess that has fallen on the Ear
th to make him a happy man.

I want to cover myself, but I check the spasm in my
muscles and just let him look.

My body is a raging inferno, and I feel myself dampening my panties even more as he just looks at me with hunger in his eyes. Hunter MacLaine wants me and it’s the most beautiful his face has
ever looked.

“You’re going to have to stand for me, Sera.” My hands are in his and he’s pulling me up to stand, right next to his big bed. Letting go of me, he steps closer and pushes the material over my hips and watches as I wiggle until my dress falls to the floor with a small
. “Fuck. Just look at you.”

Hunter pulls m
e toward the center of his room with enough floor space all around. I tremble as I feel him make a circle around me, when I’m dying, dying for his touch and to help me to stop over-thinking everything.

I hold my hands in front of me, and keep my gaze trained on the far wall where all his beautiful drawings are plastered to. God, I need him to touch me, to kiss me, to lick me. I need it
all, and I can’t wait anymore.

I feel his heat at my back, his hands coming to rest at my hips. I can feel his pants and shirt on my exposed skin, rasping against the nerves that I feel in my sex. Oh, God. I want to rub myself all over him like a kitten, but the hard grip he has on my hips won’t let me mov
e. I can’t help my moan.

“What’s this?” One of Hunter’s hands skims over the generous globes of my ass, sweeping right over t
he material of my Loki panties.

Oh, oh, fuck. My
panties. The ones that say: ‘Kneel before me’. Oh, no. Oh,

I clear my throat, but my voice still comes out in
a squeak. “My nerdy underwear.”

I’m spun around, try to get my bearings before the world disappeared in a blur. Facing Hunter now, I clutch his biceps over his dress shirt, and stare at the S on his chest. I bite my lip to keep from moaning again. I can’t help the way my nipples tighten into ha
rd points are the way I ache for him.

I’m backed up into the bed, the mattress hitting the backs of my thighs. I lose my breath when Hunter kneels in front of me, the image seared into my brain until the day
I die.

Hunter kisses my belly, right below my belly button. A heated wave burns through my core, getting me damper, even more ready for him. I whimper as his t
ongue licks where his kiss was.

“Please,” I whimper
. I need this. I need Hunter to give it to me.

“Will you let me see you, baby? Will you let me taste you?” Hunter asks, staring up at me. I fraking love that he’s asking my permission, but God, God,

Fuck, I’m going to come from the sound of his questions, of what he’
s asking me.

When I don’t answer, he says, “I’ll make you feel goo
d, I promise.”

I swallow hard
. “No one’s ever done that to me before. I’m a little scared.”

Hunter places kisses along my lower belly, just above the elastic band of my underwear, spanning from hip to hip. I pant as the fire inside
me builds higher and higher, and I pulse and throb inside.

“Christ, this night just ke
eps getting better and better.”

I snicker, even with all my nerves. “Stop beat
ing your chest there, Tarzan.”

He licks my hip bone and I gasp. Didn’t know that would feel amazing. His teeth flash in the light as he nips me there, for being bad and snarky.

“Lie down, but keep your ass to the edge of the bed.”

Oh, shit. I do as I’m told, like a good little girl. I squeeze my eyes shut as he pulls down my underwear, threading one ankle then the other and I’m completely naked in front of him. I’m starting to revise the whole him wearing clothes
thing and me being buck naked.

I hear Hunter settle on his knees, his face right between my legs. I squirm, and cover my face with my hands, feeling my blush hit
my face, neck and chest. Shit.

Light kisses up the inside of
my thigh, causing me to tense.

“You need to relax for me.” I nod, even though I’m sure he can’t see me. “And you might want to hold onto somethi

Bloody, bloody, bloody

I fist the sheets, and stare at the ceiling,

A sweep of warm tongue over my sex, the slightest of touches across my clit and my back bows off the bed as
I bite my lip. A whimper escapes me.

He licks me slow, building me higher and higher until I’m almost there, only to kiss the insides of my thighs, nibble on the softness there until I come down. With each new stroke of his tongue I get closer and closer to that beautiful edge until he teases me with a fall
and pulls me back all too soon.

“Please, please,
,” I beg, wadding more of his sheets into my hands. “Hunter, please...”

Then, “Please what?”

he’s going to make me say it. My hips move in a rhythm against the air, seeking any kind of relief while he tortures me with waiting.


“Yeah, baby?”

I whimper, and lift my head. My stomach drops out at the look in his eyes, dark and hungry as he stare
s at me, waiting for my answer.

“Make me come.”

He grins, puts his hands on the insides of my thighs, spreading me wider for him. I fall back and close my eyes at the renewed bliss of his tongue and mouth on me. He dips his tongue inside me, then moves up and
starts to suckle and tongue my clit, sending billions of fireworks forking up my body, everywhere, over, and under.

I moan, whimper as he adds his fingers inside me, stretching me, rubbing me in places I didn’t know would feel so good. I climb faster, and higher, running towards the edge of that blissful cliff, my hips grinding against his mouth in
a frenzy until, until... until-

I detonate into flames as they lick up my spine, explode in my toes and fingers in heated waves from my sex in one hard crash. I’m unaware of saying Hunter’s name, ove
r and over again like a prayer.

When I come down, I struggle to catch my breath. I thought my spinning bike kicked my ass when it came to endurance, but one duel with Hunter’s tongue and I’m out for the count.

Hunter’s hands are everywhere, his mouth kissing every inch of skin, his tongue tasting the hollow dip between hip and abdomen, trailing up to my ribs, tracing each one with his mouth. I could stay like this forever.

He crawls up my body to get on the bed, arranging my numb limbs into a position where I’m tucked close to him, as he settles us under the covers. I’m exhausted,
and all I want to do is sleep.

I want to tell him I’m sorry, but I can’t take care of him right now. I’m sated, and my eyes start to droop before I can tell him something, anything. I’m tucked closer into his warmth, smell
ing his cologne him as his chin rests on the top of my head, and one hand goes to my ribs.

BOOK: Never Been Kissed: A Never Been Novel
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