Never Call Retreat (81 page)

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Authors: Bruce Catton

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13. James H. Wilson,
Under the Old Flag,
Vol. II, 328-33;

Burton Harrison,
Capture of Jefferson Davis, Century Magazine,
November 1893, 142-43; O.R., Vol. XLVII, Part Three, 345-46.

14.     O.R., Vol. XLVIII, Part One, 193-94, 265-67; Part Two,

15. O.R., Vol. XLVII, Part Three, 461-67, 493.


The following bibliography for
Never Call Retreat,
Volume III, The Centennial History of the Civil War, has been condensed from the list of research materials used in writing this volume. Only entries not in the bibliography of Vol. I,
The Coming Fury,
or Vol. II,
Terrible Swift Sword,
have been included. Space has permitted the listing of about 40 percent of the new titles specifically consulted for this volume. Many hundreds of additional manuscripts, books, articles, and newspapers contributed to the research notes for the Centennial History. The bibliography consists of four parts: I. Resources. II. Primary manuscript collections consulted. III. Principal newspapers. IV. Books, pamphlets, and periodicals from which substantial material has been extracted or items used as major reference.


In addition to the institutions listed in the first two volumes of the Centennial History, the following were consulted for
Never Call Retreat.
All the major battlefields and many of the secondary ones pertaining to this volume have been visited. Appreciation is extended to all those who so generously aided in the research.

Champion, Sid, Edwards, Miss., private family collection.

Civil War Collection, G. A. R. Room, Chicago Public Library,

Harold Teitelbaum, and others. Evans, Robert P., Camerillo, Calif., private collection. Filson Club, Louisville, Ky., Richard H. Hill, Mrs. Dorothy Cul-

len, Miss Evelyn Dale. Giannitrapani, Duilio, Oak Park, 111., private collection.

Grant, Ulysses S., Association, formerly Ohio State Museum now at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, 111., John Y. Simon, Executive Director; Ralph Newman, President; Ulysses S. Grant III.

Herzog, William, Santa Barbara, Calif., private collection. McWhiney, Grady, Evanston, 111., research notes. Merryweather, John, Chicago, private collection. Morgan, J. P., Library, New York.

Ohio Historical Society, Ohio State Museum, Columbus, O., Erwin

C. Zepp, Kenneth W. Duckett. Parry, Dr. Edward Owen, Devon, Pa., private collection. Stern, Alfred, Collection, Rare Book Room, Library of Congress. Underwood, Elmer, Forest Park, 111., private collection. Williams, Ray, Cleveland, private collection.

Manuscript Collections

This lists only a portion of the major manuscript collections consulted:

Abbott, A. T., Diary, Library of Congress.

Abbott, L., Letters, Massachusetts Commandery, MOLLUS, Houghton Library, Harvard University.

Afield, C. E., Notes, Vicksburg National Military Park.

Affleck Papers, Department of Archives, Louisiana State University.

Agnew, Samuel Andrew, Diary, Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina.

Alexander, E. P., Papers and Letters, Western Reserve Historical Society and Library of Congress.

Alison, Joseph Dill, Diary, Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina.

Allen, Isaac Jackson, Papers and Autobiography, Library of Congress.

Alvord, Augustus, Letters, Library of Congress.

Ammen, Jacob, Papers, Illinois State Historical Library.

Anderson, E. C, Papers, Georgia Historical Society.

Arnold, Isaac N., Papers, Chicago Historical Society.

Atkinson, Mrs. E. K., Letters, Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina.

Atwater, M. B., Reminiscences, State Historical Society of Wisconsin.

Augur, C. C, Collection, Illinois State Historical Library.

Babcock, Orville E., Papers, Chicago Historical Society. Badeau, Adam, Letters, Princeton University Library; Western

Reserve Historical Society; and Huntington Library. Bailey Family Letters, Stanford University Libraries. Balfour, Miss, Diary, Mississippi Department of Archives and


Bate, William, Letter, B. & L. Extra-illustrated, Huntington Library.

Bateman, Warner M., Papers, Western Reserve Historical Society. Bates, David Homer, Stern Collection, Library of Congress. Bates, Edward, Expression of Patriotism, Huntington Library; and

File, Chicago Historical Society. Bates, Samuel Penniman, Collection, Pennsylvania Historical and

Museum Commission. Beauregard, P. G. T., Letters and Papers, Huntington Library

and Virginia State Library. Bennett, James Gordon, Papers, Library of Congress. Berkeley, William Noland, Letters, Alderman Library, University

of Virginia.

Bingham, Henry H., Memoirs, Western Reserve Historical Society.

Biondi, Eugene N., Reminiscences, Bancroft Library, University of California.

Bonsell, Mrs. Rebecca Wright, Houghton Library, Harvard University.

Boykin Papers, Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina.

Boynton, H. V., Papers, New York Public Library.

Bragg, Braxton, Papers, Missouri Historical Society.

Breckinridge, John C, Papers, Filson Club, Louisville, Ky.

Bright, John, Letter, Goodyear Collection, Yale University Library.

Brown, Campbell, Papers, Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina.

Burgess, William Wallace, Papers, Alderman Library, University of Virginia.

Burt, Elizabeth Johnston, Papers, Library of Congress.

Butler, B. F., Letters and Papers, Library of Congress and Alderman Library, University of Virginia.

Cadwallader, Sylvanus, Papers, Illinois State Historical Library.

Calhoun, James M., Petition of Mayor of Atlanta, Dearborn Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard University.

Campbell, Given, Narrative of Last March of J. Davis, Library of Congress.

Carter Brothers, Papers and Manuscripts, Huntington Library.

Chambers, Rowland, Diaries, Louisiana State University Department of Archives.

Chancellor, Sue M., Personal Recollections, Alderman Library, University of Virginia.

Chase, Lucian B., Letters, Chicago Historical Society.

Chase, Salmon P., Papers, New York Historical Society and New York Public Library.

Cobb, Howell, Papers, Duke University Library.

Cobbett, J. P., Scrapbook, annotated, E. B. Long Collection.

Conlee, Alexander W., Letters, Huntington Library.

Cook, Lelian M., Diary, Virginia State Historical Society.

Cook, John Esten, Papers and Diary, Virginia State Historical Society and Alderman Library, University of Virginia.

Cox, Jacob D., Collection, Library of Congress.

Dahlgren, John A., Letters, Newberry Library, and
Manuscripts from Goodspeed's,

Davis, David, Papers, Chicago Historical Society.

Davis, Jefferson, Letters, Philip D. and Elsie O. Sang Collection, River Forest, 111.; Yale University Library; Lincoln National Life Foundation, Fort Wayne, Ind.; Confederate Memorial Literary Society; Eugene C. Barker Texas History Center, University of Texas; Virginia State Historical Society; National Archives; Chicago Historical Society; Louisiana Historical Association; New York Historical Society; and Dallas Historical Society.

Dawes, Rufus, Papers, Courtesy of Rufus D. Beach and Ralph G. Newman.

Dodge, Theodore A., Letters, Library of Congress.

Doubleday, Abner, Letters, Western Reserve Historical Society.

Drennan, William Augustus, Diary, Mississippi State Department of Archives and History.

Duke-Morgan Papers, Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina.

Early, Jubal A., Letters, Virginia State Historical Society and Huntington Library.

Evans, Thomas, Diary, Library of Congress.

Everett, J. H., Papers, Georgia Historical Society.

Fessenden, William Pitt, Papers, Western Reserve Historical Society.

Fontaine, Mary A., Letters, Confederate Memorial Literary Society.

Fredericksburg, Personal Recollection of, no author, Littlefield

Collection, Eugene C. Barker Texas History Center, University of Texas.

Gale, William D., Papers, Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina.

Garfield, James, Letters and Papers, Library of Congress and Huntington Library.

Garland, Hamlin, Papers, University of Southern California Library.

Gay, Sydney Howard, Papers, Columbia University Library.

Gettysburg Address, Text by Associated Press, Lincoln National Life Foundation.

Gilpin, Samuel J. B. V., Diary, Library of Congress.

Grant, Ulysses S., Papers and Letters, U. S. Grant Association; California Historical Society; J. P. Morgan Library; Princeton University Library; Rosenbach Foundation; John Hay Library, Brown University; Massachusetts Historical Society; Western Reserve Historical Society; Library of Congress; New York Historical Society, and Illinois State Historical Library.

Groner, J. A., Papers, Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina.

Hancock, Winfield S., Letters, Massachusetts Commandery, MOL-LUS, Houghton Library, Harvard University.

Harrison, Benjamin, Papers, Library of Congress.

Hayes, Rutherford B., Diary, Ohio State Museum.

Hazen, W. B., Account of the Battle of Chickamauga and Missionary Ridge, Western Reserve Historical Society.

Holt, Joseph, Papers, Library of Congress.

Hood, Charles C, Diary, Library of Congress.

Hood, John Bell, Letters, Western Reserve Historical Society and Huntington Library.

Hooker, Joseph, Papers and Letters, Huntington Library; Civil War Institute, Gettysburg College; and National Archives.

Hotchkiss, Jed., Papers, Library of Congress.

Howry Family Papers, Library of Congress.

Inskeep, John D., Diary, Ohio State Museum.

Jackman, John S., Journal, Library of Congress.

Johnston, J. Stoddard, Papers, Filson Club, Louisville, Ky.

Johnston, Joseph E., Letters and Papers, Western Reserve Historical Society; Chicago Historical Society; and Huntington Library.

Jordan, Thomas, Memorandum, Huntington Library. Keifer, Joseph Warren, Letters, Library of Congress. Kelaher, James, Papers, Huntington Library. Larned, Daniel Reed, Correspondence, Library of Congress.

Latta, James W., Diaries, Library of Congress.

LeDuc, William Gates, Memoirs, Huntington Library.

Lee, R. E., Letters and Papers, Huntington Library; Lincoln National Life Foundation; Philip D. and Elsie O. Sang Collection; Eugene S. Barker Texas History Center, University of Texas; Chicago Historical Society; Missouri Historical Society; New York Historical Society; and New York Public Library.

Letcher, John, Papers, Library of Congress.

Lightfoot, Emmie Crump, Papers, Confederate Memorial Literary Society.

Lincoln, Abraham, Letters, Huntington Library and New/Not in Collected Works File, Illinois State Historical Library.

Logan Family Papers, Yale University Library.

Longstreet, James, Letters, courtesy Ralph G. Newman.

Lord, Mrs. W. W., Journal Kept During the Siege of Vicksburg, Library of Congress.

McClellan, George B., Papers, New York Historical Society.

McClellan, Henry Brainerd, Papers, Virginia State Historical Society.

McLaws, Lafayette, Letters and Papers, Western Reserve Historical Society and Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina.

Mackall, W. W., Papers, Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina.

Mann, Maria R., Letters, Library of Congress.

Meade, George G., Letters, Rosenbach Foundation and Huntington Library.

Meigs, Montgomery C, Papers, Library of Congress.

Mercer, George A., Diary, Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina.

Merryweather, George, Letters, John Merryweather Collection, Chicago.

Mordecai, Emma, Diary, Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina, and Letters, Confederate Memorial Literary Society.

Mosby, John S., Papers, Duke University Library.

Motley, John Lothrop, Letters, Massachusetts Historical Society.

Munford, Thomas T., Five Forks—The Waterloo of the Confederacy, Virginia State Historical Society, and Papers at Duke University Library.

Olmstead, Charles Hart, Reminiscences, Georgia Historical Society.

Parker, Ely S., Narrative of Appomattox, Benjamin Harrison Papers, Library of Congress.

Parry, D. H. C, Letters, Dr. Edward Owen Parry Collection, Devon, Pa.

Pemberton, John C, Letters and Papers, New York Public Library; Huntington Library; Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina.

Perham, Aurestus S., Papers, Library of Congress.

Phillips, Wendell, Papers, Library of Congress.

Pickett, George E., Letters and Papers, Western Reserve Historical Society; Duke University Library; and Huntington Library.

Pleasonton, Alfred, Papers, Pleasonton Family collection, courtesy Ralph G. Newman.

Porter, Albert Quincy, Diaries, Library of Congress and Mississippi Department of Archives and History.

Quincy, Samuel M., Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.

Rabb Family Papers, Eugene C. Barker Texas History Center, University of Texas.

Rawlins, John A., Letters and Papers, Chicago Historical Society; and Western Reserve Historical Society.

Reichhelm, E. Paul, Journal, Library of Congress.

Riddle, Albert G., Papers, Western Reserve Historical Society.

Roman, Alfred, Papers, Library of Congress.

Ropes, Henry, Letters, Boston Public Library.

Ross, Levi Adolphus, Papers, Illinois State Historical Library.

Schurz, Carl, Papers, State Historical Society of Wisconsin.

Seward, Fanny, Papers, Rush Rhees Library, University of Rochester.

Shellenberger, John K., Papers, Library of Congress.

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