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Authors: Bruce Catton

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Sherman, W. T., Letters and Papers, Huntington Library; Mississippi Department of Archives and History; Princeton University Library; Houghton Library, Harvard University; Rosenbach Foundation; Duke University Library; Filson Club; Illinois State Historical Library; Library of Congress; and Ohio State Museum.

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Stewart, William H., The Charge of the Crater, Personal Statements, Confederate Memorial Literary Society.

Stiles, Joseph Clay, Papers, Huntington Library.

Stout, S. H., Reminiscences, Western Reserve Historical Society.

Stuart, J. E. B., Letters and Papers, Huntington Library; Chicago Historical Society; and State Historical Society of Wisconsin.

Sublett, Emmie, Letters, Confederate Memorial Literary Society.

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Thomson, Archibald H., Recollections of the Pursuit of Jefferson Davis, Western Reserve Historical Society.

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Wood, John Taylor, Diary, Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina.

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Morning News;
Star; Irish Times;
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Gazette; London Press; Manchester Examiner; Manchester Guardian;
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Sentinel; Sheffield Daily Telegraph;
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Wooster (Ohio)

Books, Pamphlets, and Periodicals

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Andrews, Eliza Frances, War-Time Journal of a Georgia Girl

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Atkinson, J. H., Forty Days of Disaster, Arkansas Democrat, Dec. 29, 1958.

Ayer, I. Winslow, The Great Treason Plot, Chicago, 1895.

Ayers, James T., The Diary of, edited by John Hope Franklin, Springfield, 111., 1947.

Bache, Richard Meade, Life of General George Gordon Meade, Philadelphia, 1897.

Barnard, J. G., A Report on the Defenses of Washington, Washington, 1871.

Barrett, John G., Civil War in North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1961, and Sherman's March Through the Carolinas, Chapel Hill, 1956.

Bates, Samuel P., Battle of Chancellorsville, Meadville, Pa., 1882.

Battine, Cecil, The Crisis of the Confederacy, London, 1905.

Bearss, Edwin C, Battle of Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg Sunday
Nov. 13, 1960-Jan. 29, 1961; Cavalry Operations in the Battle of Stone River, Tennessee Historical Quarterly, Vol. XIX, No. 1-2, March and June, 1960; Decision in Mississippi, Jackson, Miss., 1962; Destruction of the Cairo, Vicksburg Sunday
Sept. 19 and 25, 1960; Federal Attempts to Cut Supply

Lines, Vicksburg Sunday
Feb.-April, 1961; Jackson Campaign, Jackson, Miss.,
State Times,
July 21-Aug. 21, 1960.

Belknap, Geo. E., The 'New Ironsides' Off Charleston, United Service, Vol. I, No. 1, Jan. 1879.

Bell, Herbert C. H., Lord Palmerston, two vols., London, 1936.

Benjamin, L. N., The St. Albans Raid, Montreal, 1865.

Bickman, Wm. D., "W.D.B.," Rosecrans' Campaign with the Fourteenth Army Corps, Cincinnati, 1863.

Bigelow, John, Jr., The Campaign of Chancellorsville, New Haven, Conn., 1910.

Bloodgood, J. D., Personal Reminiscences of the War, New York, 1893.

Bolles, Charles E., General Grant and the News of Mr. Lincoln's

Century Magazine,
Vol. XL, No. 2, June 1890. Booth, Edwin, Edwin Booth and Lincoln,
Century Magazine,

LXXVII, No. 6, April 1909. Boykin, Edward M., The Falling Flag, New York, 1874. Boynton, H. V., compiler. Dedication of the Chickamauga and

Chattanooga National Military Park, Washington, 1896. Brooks, Noah, Castine Letters, Sacramento Union, 1862-1863; and Washington in Lincoln's Time, edited by Herbert Mitgang, New York, 1958. Brown, D. Alexander, Grierson's Raid, Urbana, 111., 1954. Buck, Irving A., Cleburne and His Command, and Thomas Rob-son Hay, Pat Cleburne, Jackson, Tenn., 1959. Bulloch, James D., The Secret Service of the Confederate States

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Century Magazine,
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Vol. Four, No. One, March 1958. Chamberlain, Joshua L., Military Operations on the White Oak Road, Virginia, March 31, 1865, Portland, Maine, 1897; and The Passing of the Armies, New York, 1915. Chandler,  Albert,  Military Telegraph  Under Lincoln,  Sunday

Magazine, June 17, 1906. The Chicago Copperhead Convention, n.p., n.d. Claiborne, John Herbert, Last Days of Lee and His Paladins, in Bernard, George S., War Talks of Confederate Veterans, Petersburg, Va., 1892.

Cleaves, Freeman, Meade of Gettysburg, Norman, Okla., 1960. Cocke, Preston, The Battle of New Market, n.p., 1914. Coffin, Charles Carleton, The Boys of '61, Boston, 1881. Connolly, James Austin, Major Connolly's Letters to His Wife,

1862-1865, Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society,

Springfield, 111., 1928. Conyngham, David P., Sherman's March Through the South, New

York, 1865.

Cooke, John Esten, Wearing of the Gray, edited by Philip Van

Doren Stern, Bloomington, 1959. The Copperheads & Lake Erie Conspiracy, Ohio Handbook of the

Civil War, Columbus, 1961. Corruptions and Frauds of Lincoln's Administration, New York,


Coulter, E. Merton, Commercial Intercourse in the Mississippi Valley 1861-65, Mississippi Valley Historical Review, Vol. V, No. 4.

Couper, William, Virginia Military Institute Seventy-fifth Anniversary of the Battle of New Market, May 15, 1939, n.p., n.d.

Cox, Jacob D., Atlanta, Campaigns of the Civil War, New York, 1882; and The March to the Sea, Franklin and Nashville, Campaigns of the Civil War, New York, 1913.

Cox, Samuel S., Three Decades of Federal Legislation, San Francisco, 1885.

Crawford, W. T., The Mystery of Spring Hill, Civil War History, Vol. One, No. H, June 1955.

Crook, George, General George Crook, His Autobiography, edited and annotated by Martin F. Schmitt, Norman, Okla., 1946.

Crotty, D. G., Four Years Campaigning in the Army of the Potomac, Grand Rapids, Mich., 1874.

Crownover, Sims, The Battle of Franklin, Tennessee Historical Quarterly, Vol. XIV, No. 4, Dec. 1955.

Cullen, Joseph P., Richmond National Battlefield Park, Virginia, National Park Service Historical Handbook Series No. 33, Washington, 1963.

Cunningham, Edward, The Port Hudson Campaign 1862-1863, Baton Rouge, 1963.

Dahlgren, John A., Memoir of, Boston, 1882.

Dalzell, George W., The Flight from the Flag, Chapel Hill, 1940.

Davis, Jefferson, The Peace Conference of 1865,
Century Magazine,
Vol. LXXVII, No. 1, Nov. 1908.

Davis, Robert Stewart, Three Months Around Charleston Bar, United Service Magazine, Vol. I, No. 2, Feb. 1864.

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DeForest, John William, A Volunteer's Adventures, edited by James H. Croushore, New Haven, 1946.

Dodd, William E., Jefferson Davis, Philadelphia, 1907.

Dodge, Grenville M., The Battle of Atlanta and Other Campaigns, Council Bluffs, Iowa, 1910; and Personal Recollections of President Abraham Lincoln, General Ulysses S. Grant and General William T. Sherman, Council Bluffs, Iowa, 1914.

Dodge, Wm. Sumner, History of the Old Second Division, Army of the Cumberland, Chicago, 1864.

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Dowdey, Clifford, Death of a Nation, New York, 1958; and Lee's Last Campaign, Boston, 1960.

Downey, Fairfax, Storming of the Gateway, Chattanooga, 1960, New York, 1860.

Drayton, Percival, Naval Letters from Captain Percival Drayton, Bulletin of the New York Public Library, Vol. X, No. 11, Nov. 1906.

Duke, Basil W., A History of Morgan's Cavalry, Bloomington, Ind., 1961.

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An English Merchant, Two Months in the Confederate States, London, 1863.

Feight, Henry B., When Ohioans Rebelled Against Draft Act of

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Plain Dealer,
Aug. 27, 1933. Fitch, Michael Henrick, The Chattanooga Campaign, Madison,

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Fitzhugh, Lester N., Saluria, Fort Esperanza, and Military Operations on the Texas Coast, Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Vol. LXI, No. 1, July, 1957.

Fletcher, William Andrew, Rebel Private Front and Rear, preface by Bell Irvin Wiley, Austin, 1954.

Forsyth, George A., Thrilling Days in Army Life, New York, 1900.

Fox, William F., Slocum and His Men, Albany, 1904.

Fremantle, James Arthur Lyon, The Fremantle Diary, edited by

Walter Lord, Boston, 1954. Funkhouser, R. D., Storming of Fort Steadman, in E. R. Hutchins,

The War of the 'Sixties, New York, 1912. Gardner, Asa Bird, Argument on Behalf of Lieut. Gen. Philip H.

Sheridan, U.S.A., Chicago, 1881. Gladstone and Palmerston, being the Correspondence of Lord

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Green, Anna Maclay, Civil War Public Opinion of General Grant, Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, Vol. 22, No. 1, April 1929.

Greene, Jacob L., Franklin at Fredericksburg 1862, Hartford, 1900.

Haight, Theron Wilber, Three Wisconsin Cushings, Madison, 1910. Hamlin, August Choate, The Battle of Chancellorsville, Bangor, Maine, 1896.

Hanna, A. J., Flight into Oblivion, Richmond, 1938.

Hansard's Parliamentary Debates, various issues.

Hardin, Martin D., The Defence of Washington Against Early's

Attack, Military Essays and Recollections, II, Illinois Com-

mandery, MOLLUS, Chicago, 1894. Harkness, Edson J., The Expeditions Against Fort Fisher and Wilmington, Military Essays and Recollections, II, Illinois Com-

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