Never Call Retreat (86 page)

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Authors: Bruce Catton

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Lee, Brigadier General Fitz-hugh, 136, 421

Lee, General Robert E.: at Chancellorsville, 141, 142, 144, 145, 149; characterizations of, 301-303; at Cold Harbor, 345, 346; as Commander of Army of Northern Virginia, 5, 11, 12, 14, 48, 52, 150, 299-301, 316, 414, 415; farewell order, 433; at Fredericksburg, 15-18; General-in-Chief, 415-417; at Gettysburg, 171-184; Gettysburg campaign, 152-160, 183, 203, 204, 258; at Petersburg, 349, 414; and problems of Army command and supply, 93-98, 152, 255, 256, 297-300; at Spotsylvania, 342-344; surrender of Army of Northern Virginia, 427-433; on using slaves as soldiers, 407-409; war strategy, 95, 136, 137, 298-301; at Wilderness, 337-342

Lee, Admiral S. P., 168

Lee    and    Gordon's    Mills,

Georgia, 233-235 Leggett's Hill, 366 Lexington, Virginia, 151 Lieber, Francis, 219, 354 Lincoln, Abraham: assassination, 434, 435, 439; cabinet crisis and, 57-60; characterizations of, 127; as Commander-in-Chief, 23, 24, 26, 27, 30, 35, 45, 54-57, 60-66, 133, 134, 156-158, 201, 259, 260; criticisms of, 165, 166, 275; Du Pont and, 126; 1864 message to Congress, 387; election of 1864, 351-364, 372-376; and Emancipation Proclamation, 220, 263-265; Gettysburg address, 272; Grant and, 291, 292, 399, 400, 418; at Hampton Roads Peace Conference, 399-402; Hooker and, 133, 157; last speech, 436, 437; Meade and, 202, 286; and Negroes, 108, 109, 113, 265-267; and peace feelers, 168, 169, 217-219; Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction proposed by, 273-275; reconstruction plans, 419, 426, 427, 436-439; second inauguration, 409, 410; Sherman and, 419; visit to Army of the Potomac Headquarters, 132, 133; visit to Richmond, 425, 426; war aims of, 24-26, 54, 205, 218-221, 263, 264, 392, 393 Little Kennesaw, 312 Little Rock, Arkansas, 8, 11, 79

Little Round Top (Gettysburg),

175, 177 Logan, Major General John A.,

285, 394; Atlanta campaign,


Long Bridge Road, 348 Longstreet, General James, 93, 136, 151, 154, 228, 229, 240-

242, 255, 298, 299; with Army of Northern Virginia, 300, 301; at Chickamauga, 231, 234, 236-238; at Fredericksburg, 18; at Gettysburg, 176, 178-182; Gettysburg campaign, 155, 171; at Knox-ville, 244, 249, 253, 258; at Wilderness, 337, 340

Lookout Mountain, 231, 241, 244, 248-250

Lookout Valley, 248

Loring, Major General W. W., 84, 85, 192; Atlanta campaign, 308

Louisiana, 67-72; reconstruction in, 264, 265, 279, 281, 436, 437

Louisville, Kentucky, 244, 394, 395

Lovejoy, Georgia, 368 Lovejoy,  Congressman  Owen, 274

Lynchburg, Virginia, 228, 347,

349, 350, 369, 429 Lyons, Lord, 128, 130

McClellan, Major General George B., 12, 13, 59, 61, 89, 156-158; demands for reinstatement, 158, 169, 282; Democratic Presidential candidate (1864), 351, 357, 360, 363, 364, 372, 373, 375, 376

McClernand, Major General John A.: Arkansas Post, 78; Commander of Army of the Mississippi, 77-79; in Mississippi Valley, 25-34; relieved of command, 195; Vicksburg campaign, 186, 188, 189, 191, 192

McClure, Alexander K., 158

McCook, Major General Alexander McD.: at Chickamauga, 231, 234-238; at Stone's River, 37, 39, 40

McLemore's Cove, 231, 232, 234

McMahon, John, 266

Macon, Georgia, 377

McPherson, Major General James B.: Atlanta campaign, 305-307, 309, 313, 365, 366; death, 366; Vicksburg campaign, 188, 191, 192

Mallory, Stephen R., 130, 407, 423

U.S.S., 425

Malvern Hill, 328

Manassas Gap, 258

Mansfield, Louisiana, 323

Marble, Manton, 101

Marietta, Georgia, 311.

Marye's Heights (Fredericksburg), 16-19, 22, 142

Maryland, 156, 161

Mason, James, 129, 224, 225

Massachusetts 54th Regiment, 211

Massachusetts 55th Regiment, 413

Matamoras, Mexico, 129 Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico, 222

Meade, Major General George G., 64; Commander of Army of the Potomac, 159, 201-203, 243, 259, 286, 287, 289; at Fredericksburg, 21; at Gettysburg, 172-184; Gettysburg campaign, 171, 172, 258; Grant and, 286, 287; at Petersburg, 349, 350; at Wilderness, 338

Medill, Joseph, 23

Memphis, Tennessee, 27-30, 31, 32, 80, 81, 191, 244

Memphis & Charleston Railroad, 245

U.S.S., 120

Meridian, Mississippi, 288, 289

Mexico, 222

U.S.S., 383

Milliken's Bend, Louisiana, 34, 77-79, 81, 186, 190

Milroy, Major General Robert, 156

Mine Run, Virginia, 262 Missionary  Ridge,   238,  250,

251; assault on, 252, 253 Mississippi, 345 Mississippi Central Railroad, 3,

28, 32, 84, 86 Mississippi River, 4, 5; Federal

campaign to clear, 74-77, 80-

83, 88

Mississippi Valley: Confederate

command problem in, 5-11 Missouri, 8, 104-106, 305, 323;

Confederate cavalry raid, 386 Mobile, Alabama, 75, 223, 288-

291, 307, 381, 411 Mobile & Ohio Railroad, 32,

34, 189 Mobile Bay, 371 Moccasin Point, 248
U.S. ironclad, 118
U.S.S., 76 Montana Territory, 352, 353
U.S. ironclad, 125 Montgomery,   Alabama,   315,

382, 412, 445 Moran, Benjamin, 132 Morgan,    Brigadier    General

John Hunt, 2, 3; death, 386;

Ohio raid, 268 Morris Island, 126, 208, 210,


Mount Vernon, Ohio, 164 Murfreesboro, Tennessee, 2, 3,

34, 37, 44, 200, 227, 381 Murphy, Colonel R. C, 33

U.S. ironclad, 125
U.S. ironclad, 125 Napoleon, Ohio, 163 Napoleon   III,   Emperor   of

France, 222 Nashville, Tennessee, 34, 35, 37, 244, 317, 381; battle of, 394; campaign, 389-392
C.S.S., 118 Natchez, Mississippi, 110 Navy,    Federal:    Charleston ironclad attack, 122-127; Fort Fisher expeditions, 396, 397;

on Mississippi River, 75-77, 85-88; Mobile Bay, 371; Red River expedition, 321-324; and Vicksburg campaign, 185-188, 195

Negley, Brigadier General James S., 36

Negroes: anti-Negro feelings, 205-208, 266-268, 279; colonization plan for, 25, 108, 267; Confederate proposals to use slaves as .soldiers, 404-409; exploitation of freed, 111-113, 281; as Federal soldiers, 70, 71, 113-116, 211, 212, 279, 319; Freedman's Bureau, 443; in Louisiana, 69-73, 264; responsibility of North for refugees, 108-112; suffrage for freed, 279-281, 353, 354.
See also
Emancipation Proclamation

Nelson, Samuel, 396

New Berne, North Carolina, 411

New Carthage, Louisiana, 185, 186

New Hope Church, Georgia, 309

New Ironsides,
U.S.S., 118, 122, 124, 213

New Market, Virginia, battle of, 335, 336

New Orleans, Louisiana, 67, 70, 72, 246

Newton, Brigadier General John A., 62

Newtonia, Missouri, 8

New York City, 167; Confederate fire plot, 383; draft riots in, 205-208, 279; secession from Union suggested, 398

New York
246 Nicolay, John, 55, 115, 266, 286

XIX Corps, Federal, 324 IX Corps, Federal, 137, 338 Norfolk, Virginia, 291

North: Copperhead movement in, 98-101, 268, 383; cost of war, 56; discontent in, 170, 362; patriotism vs. defeatism in, 162, 163; war aims, 24, 25, 26, 53-56, 217

North Anna River, 345

North Carolina, 154, 295, 296, 329, 337, 411-413, 418, 427

Northrop, Colonel Lucius B., 199, 255, 297, 416

Ogeechee River, 118, 396 Ohio, 161, 164-166, 268, 383 Okolona, Mississippi, 290 Oostenaula River, 308 Opequon Creek, 368, 371 Orange & Alexandria Railroad,

139, 155 Oranse   Courthouse,   Virginia,

138, 337 Orange Turnpike, 138, 338 Ord, Major General E. O. C:

at Vicksburg, 195 Oxford, Mississippi, 30

Paducah, Kentucky, 319 Palmerston, Lord, 226
Palmetto State,
C.S.S., 120 Palmito Ranch, Texas, 445 Pamunkey River, 345, 348 Parker, Governor Joel, 158 Parker's Cross Roads, Tennessee, 32
U.S.S., 120, 125
U.S. ironclad, 125 Patrick, Brigadier General Mar-

sena, 89 Peace overtures, 168, 169, 217, 218,   275,   362;   Hampton Roads Conference, 399-403; Lee's suggestion of a military convention, 411 Peachtree Creek, 314, 365 Pelham, Major John, 21, 136 Pemberton, Lieutenant General John C, 7-10, 28, 33, 52, 73, 118, 242; at Vicksburg, 73, 80, 84-87, 151, 185-197

540                               IN

Pender, Major General William D.: at Gettysburg, 179

Pendleton, Congressman George H., 353, 364

Pennsylvania, 158; Gettysburg campaign, 152-184; representation in Army of the Potomac, 162

S.S., 129, 130

Petersburg, Virginia, campaign, 326-337, 349-351, 420-422; mine explosion, 361, 362

Petigru, James L., 119

Pettigrew, Brigadier General J. J.: at Gettysburg, 179, 181, 182

Phelan, Senator James, 5, 7 Phillips, Wendell, 355 Pickett, Major General George A., 151, 300, 337; at Five Forks, 420, 421; at Gettysburg, 178, 179, 181, 182; at Petersburg, 349 Pickett's Mills, Georgia, 309 Pine Mountain, 311 Pipe Creek, 172, 173, 175 Plank Road (Wilderness), 338 Pleasant Hill, Louisiana, 323 Pleasanton, Brigadier General

Alfred, 155, 386, 387 Plumly, Benjamin Rush, 108 Polk, Major General Leonidas, 2,   50,  255;  Atlanta  campaign,   307,   309,   324;   at Chickamauga, 233, 237, 238, 240,  242;  death,   311;  at Stone's River, 39, 40, 49 Pollard, Edward A., 46 Pontoon bridges, 15, 141, 248,

313, 399 Pope, Major General John, 13, 65

Porter, Admiral David D., 79, 82, 83, 419, 425; Fort Fisher expeditions, 396, 397; Red River expedition, 321-324; at Vicksburg, 75-77, 88, 185, 187, 196

Porter,   Major   General   Fitz

John, 65, 66, 91 Port Gibson, Mississippi, 151,


Port Hudson, Louisiana, 4, 73, 86, 186, 197, 279; passage of Federal fleet, 75-77

Portland, Maine, 222

Port Royal, South Carolina, 112

Port Royal Sound, 120 Port  Walthall  Junction,  Virginia, 332 Potomac River, 156, 183, 203 Prairie Grove, Arkansas, 8 Preston, Brigadier General John S., 415

Price, Major General Sterling: Missouri cavalry raid, 386, 387; Red River expedition, 322

Prisoner exchange, 168, 169 Pumpkin Vine Creek, 309

Queen of the West,
U.S.S., 75

Raccoon Mountain, 249 Raleigh, North Carolina, 288, 442

Randolph, George W., 9 Rapidan River, 138, 140, 243,

259-261, 299, 328, 337, 345,

Rappahannock River,  11,  16, 63, 137, 138, 140, 143, 148, 150, 261, 300 Raymond, Henry, 362 Raymond, Mississippi, 191 Read, Lieutenant Charles W.,

221, 222 Reagan, John, 444 Ream's Station, Virginia, 382 Reconstruction:    Proclamation of Amnesty and, proposed, 273-275;   Wade-Davis   bill plan, 276-279, 281, 353, 354 Rector, Governor Henry M., 8

Red River, 73, 76, 81; Federal expeditions, 73, 74, 307, 320-326

Reed's bridge (Chickamauga), 235

Republican party: Copperheads in, 268; Presidential election of 1864 (as National Union Party), 356, 357, 360, 363, 372, 375, 376; reaction to proposed Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction, 274-276; and war aims, 102, 103, 157-159, 268, 269

Resaca, Georgia, 306-308, 311, 381

Reunion: Lincoln's ideas on, 219, 220, 263, 264

Reynolds, Major General John F.: at Gettysburg, 172, 173

Rhett, Colonel Alfred, 123

Rice, Senator Henry M., 163

Confederate ironclad, 424

U.S.S., 76

Richmond, Virginia, 149, 150, 154, 155, 255, 262, 263, 300, 328, 331, 345; bread riot, 88, 96; fall of, 422-425; Lincoln's visit to, 425, 426; Sheridan's ride around, 344

Richmond & Danville Railroad, 420, 423, 427

Richmond & Petersburg Railroad, 332



Riddle, Congressman Albert G., 24

Ringgold, Georgia, 233
River Queen,
S.S., 418 Rocky Face Ridge, 306, 307 Rodgers, Captain John, 125 Rolling Fork, 82 Rollins, Congressman James S., 393

Rome, Georgia, 231 Rosecrans, Major General William S., 87, 305; characteristics, 35, 36, 42, 134, 135; in Chattanooga, 228, 231, 232, 243-245; at Chickamauga, 231-239; as Commander of the Army of the Cumberland, 35-37, 134, 197, 200; criticisms of, 135, 239, 240, 245-247; relieved of command, 246, 247; at Stone's River, 36-43, 44

Rosser, Brigadier General Thomas L., 421

Rossville, Georgia, 238

Round Forest (Stone's River), 40-42

Russell, Lord John, 128, 130, 131, 225, 226

Sabine Crossroads, Louisiana, 323

Sabine Pass, Texas, expedition

to, 222, 223, 246
Federal gunboat, 223 St. Albans, Vermont, 383 St   John,   Brigadier   General

Isaac M., 416 St. Louis, Missouri, 386 Salem Church, Virginia, 149 Salkehatchie River, 399 Savannah, Georgia, 118, 380,

381, 395, 396 Sayler's Creek, 428 Schimmelfennig, Brigadier General Alexander:  at Gettysburg, 175 Schofield, Major General John M., 105; Atlanta campaign, 305, 310, 313, 366, 367; in Missouri,    221;    Nashville campaign, 389-391; in North Carolina, 411, 415, 418, 419 H Corps, Federal,  177, 261, 338

Seddon, James A., 9, 50-52, 95, 96, 119, 151, 154, 178, 240, 257, 260, 298, 315, 348, 384, 387

Sedgwick, Major General John: death at Spotsylvania, 342;

at Fredericksburg,   140-142,

147; at Gettysburg, 175, 180;

at Wilderness, 338-340 Selma, Alabama, 412, 445 Sequatchie Valley, 245 Seward, William H., 57-60, 130,

169, 225, 362, 399, 403 Seymour,   Governor   Horatio,

103, 104, 165, 352 Shaw, Colonel Robert Gould,


Shenandoah Valley, 154, 258, 291, 299, 335, 347, 368-375, 415

Sheridan, Major General Philip H.:  at Chickamauga, 236, 238; at Five Forks, 420, 421; pursuit of Lee, 428; Richmond raid, 344; in Shenandoah Valley, 347, 368-375, 415; at Stone's River, 40 Sherman, Senator John, 352 Sherman, Major General William T.,  77-79,  287,  288, 352; in Atlanta, 379, 380; Atlanta campaign,  303-314, 365-368; Carolinas campaign, 399, 411-413, 418; characterizations of, 302, 418, 440, 441;  at  Chattanooga,  250, 251; and Chattanooga campaign, 244, 249, 258; Georgia campaign       (post-Atlanta), 380, 381; Lincoln and, 418, 419; March to the Sea, 380, 388, 395, 396; at Memphis, 28-30;   Meridian   campaign, 289,   290;  Vicksburg  campaign, 189, 192, 194 Shreveport, Louisiana, 321 Sickles, Major General Daniel E.: at Chancellorsville, 145, 146; at Gettysburg, 172, 177 Sigel,  Major  General   Franz, 146, 291; in Shenandoah Valley, 335-337, 347, 370 Silver Spring, Maryland, 361 VI Corps, Federal, 175, 338, 342, 346, 361, 422, 428

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