Never Keeping Secrets (19 page)

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Authors: Niobia Bryant

BOOK: Never Keeping Secrets
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No words were ever needed. They all remembered. None of them would ever forget.
Not that memory or any other.
As the processional pulled into the cemetery and parked, they all seemed to take a deep breath to prepare for leaving their friend behind at her final burial place. By the time they gathered by the gravesite the casket had already been brought from the hearse. They again clutched at each others' hands as the people they brought with them gave them support in a row behind them.
They barely heard the words of the minister as they each locked eyes on the casket. It wasn't until everyone began saying the Lord's Prayer that they spoke.
“Our Father who art in heaven . . .”
They accepted the white long-stemmed lilies from one of the funeral director's crew as he moved about the crowd passing them out.
They knew she wouldn't want her funeral any other way.
They stepped forward as a young lady began to sing a cappella as they lowered the casket. One by one they began to toss the lilies atop the casket.
As the soloist lowered her voice for a gentle refrain, the minister opened a small black book that said
The Book of Commons
on it and glanced down into it. “We commend unto thy hands of mercy, most merciful Father, the soul of this our sister departed, and we commit her body to the ground, earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. ”
“I will always love you,” one friend said.
“Be at peace,” the other said.
“We miss you,” said the last.
Chapter 21
onica was afraid.
She hadn't even gone into her office since she received that package. She hadn't been sure if the bastard would make a move before Friday. She didn't know who to trust and enjoyed the comfort being inside the walls of their home gave her. Plus she wanted to be around Cameron to make sure he didn't receive anything strange.
Her fear was not of her being hurt mentally or physically. The love in her made her a warrior and she wanted to protect Cameron from being hurt at all costs. She wouldn't allow it.
From her office in their apartment she swiveled to look out the window. Night was coming on fast and with the change in time, it was darker much earlier. It would be dark in the next couple of hours it took to reach eight o'clock.
Her phone was on silent but she could see the screen light up from where it sat on the edge of her desk. Turning a bit, she reached for it. A text. Biting her bottom lip she opened it.
Monica snorted in disdain and tossed the phone back onto her desk before she swiveled back around to eye the skyline. Fuck Usain. It wasn't his first text that week or her first time ignoring him. Until she met the sneaky motherfucker who had been fucking with her for months she wasn't trusting a damn soul. Nobody.
And she was going to that meeting because she wanted the bullshit ended tonight. She wanted everything laid out on the table so she could decide if whatever secrets he held on her—whatever revenge was being sought—were worth her time.
She stood up and left her office. Looking down the hall she spotted the top of Cameron's head where he sat on the sofa watching television. She headed in his direction. By the time she moved across the polished black floors and into their sophisticatedly designed living room, she was naked. Her clothes were on the floor in a path behind her.
“Damn,” Cameron said as she stepped in front of him.
Monica smiled as his eyes took her in. Her smooth brown skin. The way her dark nipples were already hard and poking through the long layers of her hair. The baldness of her pussy. The shape to her long legs that still showed the effects of decades of being a trained dancer.
He tossed aside the paper he was reading and reached for her, pulling her down to straddle his waist. He pressed his face against her cleavage and smoothed his hands from her shoulders down to the curves of her buttocks. “What's this—”
“Sssh.” Monica held a finger to his lips before she pressed her hands against his shoulders and pushed him back as she traced his lips with her tongue. She felt the shiver race across his body.
As she eyed him, she stood up on the couch and then placed one leg over the back of it and pressed her hips forward until his face was buried between her thighs. Cameron didn't hesitate to lay his head back on the sofa and guide her body forward more as he released his tongue and opened the lips of her pussy in one swoop.
She hissed in pleasure and her fingers dug into the cushions of the sofa. “Yes,” she moaned.
He licked her core, enjoying the taste of her juices, and then circled her clit before he used just the tip of his tongue to outline and then pluck it.
Monica felt her legs tremble as he began to slowly pull and suck her clit like he was giving it CPR. She cried out and rocked her hips against his face, sending her clit a little into his mouth. And when Cameron brought his hands around to slide a finger deeply inside her she almost buckled on top of him. He didn't let up. He brought his arms up to wrap around her thighs and lock her body in place as he shifted from deep sucks of her clit to rapid-fire flicks of his tongue against it.
“Oh God don't make me cum,” she begged with a whimper as she clutched at the sofa with a grip tight enough to tear the charcoal suede as she tried to free his grip of her thighs and her clit.
He released it with a final kiss and looked up at her with hot eyes filled with desire. “You don't want to cum all in my mouth?” he asked, his chest heaving as he struggled to breathe after her pussy damn near smothered him.
She shook her head, causing her weave to sway back and forth across her tender nipples as she sat down far back enough on his knees to free his hard dick from the khakis he wore. “I want to have the strength to ride you and you know a good cum makes me weak,” she told him, leaning forward to lick at his mouth as she stroked the length of his dark dick with both her hands.
Cameron reached up to cup the back of her head and deepened the kiss as he reached around his dick with his free hand to play in her pussy. The way she sat across his lap left her lips open and clit exposed from where it was usually nestled away.
“Make love to me, Cameron,” she said, filled with sadness at anything snatching him away from her.
He studied her face and then wrapped one strong arm around her waist and stood up to carry her naked body across the apartment and up the stairs to their bedroom. Monica clung to him with arms and legs like she would never see him again. She was glad he understood what she meant by making love. Fucking could be done anywhere and with any amount of clothing on. Making love was two naked bodies somewhere where they could stretch out and get lost in one another: a bed, a blanket on the floor, even the beach.
Cameron laid her on the middle of the bed and stripped as Monica stretched her body languidly with her arms high above her head. With his dick leading the way, he climbed onto the bed between her open legs. Again he feasted on her pussy with a sexy lick from her ass up to her clit. His kisses continued against her belly button and up to her neck with thorough stops at her stomach and both pointed peaks of her breasts.
She shivered as he sucked at her neck as she massaged him from the buttocks and across the wide expanse of his back. The first feel of him guiding his dick inside her as he kissed her deeply caused Monica to nearly cum. He was long and thick and the blood coursing through his dick, making it hard, also made it warm.
Cameron eased his hands beneath her, guiding her buttocks up as he began to slowly wind his hips, sending his dick against her rigid and wet walls like they had nothing but time to enjoy each other. Just in and out, in and out again, and then a vicious swirl caused his stick to swoop against the walls of her pussy.
She sucked hotly at his shoulders as her fingers dug tiny pits into his ass with each delicious thrust. Just nice and slow and ever so thorough. In and out. In and out. “Oh God, Cameron, I love you so much,” she whimpered as he sucked her neck and continued the onslaught.
He raised her hips higher and shifted his body to the side to deliver thrust after thrust to a new spot in her pussy.
“Ah shit,” she cried out, tightening her legs around his back.
More thrusts.
“I'm cumming. Oh I'm cumming,” she moaned against his neck as spasm after spasm hit her body with each tiny explosion inside of her. “Don't stop. Please don't stop.”
He didn't.
Cameron shifted his body to the other side and went to work stroking against another spot in her pussy.
Nice and slow. In and out. Over and over and over.
Monica couldn't stop the emotions as she came. Tears raced down her cheeks as she kept proclaiming, “Cameron, I love you so much. I love you.”
“I love you too, baby,” he said, bending his head down to kiss her and stroke her tongue to the same rhythm of his dick strokes.
“I swear I love you. Don't ever leave me,” she begged, still shivering and lost to everything as she finally came sliding down out of her climax.
“Shit I'm about to cum,” he said, his tone thick and anxious.
Monica built up all the strength she could, motivated by wanting to please him the way he pleased her. She pushed his shoulder and Cameron rolled over onto his back, bringing Monica with him. His dick was still planted deeply within her.
She began to work her hips in that same slow back and forth motion as she sucked deeply at his tongue. Each move pulled tightly on his dick. She felt it get even harder inside her just moments before his entire body went stiff with the first shot of his cum firing from inside his dick against her walls. She sucked his tongue but rode his dick at the same slow and steady pace meant to drain a dick and extend his nut. “Don't you forget, I love you. You hear me, Cameron?” she demanded, looking down at the sweet torture expressed on his face as he grunted with each shot of cum she milked.
“I . . . love . . . you too . . . baby.”
She continued working her hips even as he fought for control.
“Shit,” he swore, closing his eyes.
She finally brought the ride to an end and his body went slack beneath her. She shifted her body atop him to lay her head on his shoulder. She kissed the spot near his lips and closed her eyes, listening to the rapid beating of his heart. It matched hers.
Soon, Cameron was snoring softly but even a sex-induced nap eluded Monica as she thought of the night still ahead of her. She gently rolled off the bed and walked into the bathroom to take a shower before she quickly dressed in stretchy jeans and a long-sleeve white tee with flats. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail and grabbed a black leather jacket.
Walking out of her closet, she saw that Cameron was still asleep. She started to risk a kiss, but decided against it. It was better to leave while he was not awake to ask questions. She already told him earlier that she had dinner plans with a client.
She left the bedroom and headed down the stairs. In her office she retrieved the key to the top drawer of her desk from its hiding spot inside the mouth of the large elephant statue she kept on the floor. She unlocked it and removed the nine millimeter gun, checking to make sure the safety was on before she slid it into the over-the-shoulder bag she wore.
“Just in case,” she said, leaving her office and then the apartment.
Whoever was playing around in her life didn't know that she wasn't in the mood for the bullshit.
For a second, she'd forgotten that she gave Sampson the week off too.
“Could you hail me a cab please?” she asked the doorman.
He quickly obliged.
Once she was settled inside a cab and headed into Jersey, she bit at her nails in nervousness. She had no clue what she was going to meet. She didn't even really know if she could use the gun she purchased the day after the box arrived but she refused to go without some protection. Thankfully they wanted to meet at a public place like a hotel's conference room and she could only hope whoever the bastard or bitch was that they weren't crazy enough to get physical in public.
After nearly an hour the cab finally pulled to a stop in front of the Hilton near the Newark Airport. She paid her fare and left the cab to walk inside the hotel lobby. She looked around, hoping she didn't seem too obvious and sketchy. She saw nothing or no one out of the ordinary.
She walked up to the front desk and couldn't even find the politeness to greet the short, stubby white man working the desk. “Elizabeth Ballroom,” she said, wishing the mini Starbucks in the lobby was open.
“Straight down the hall and just follow the signs,” he said with a polite smile.
Monica walked away and then turned to come back to him. “Do you happen to know who rented the space?” she asked.
“Let me check,” he said, tapping away on his computer. “It says JDI. John Doe Industries.”
Fucking excellent.
“Okay, thank you.” She headed down the hall and followed the signs on the way. As she came to the double doors leading into the ballroom she visibly shook her body and hopefully the nerves and uneasiness she felt. She stepped into the room and froze before she deeply frowned.
Save for the four chairs lined up in a row at the front of the room, it was empty.
“I'm sick of these childish-ass games,” she said. Refusing to go any farther into the room, she posted up on the wall by the door with her hand inside her purse.

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