Never Let Me Go (Welcome To Redemption) (4 page)

BOOK: Never Let Me Go (Welcome To Redemption)
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Her eyes shot open in surprise when the truck came to a stop in the hospital’s parking lot. Her thoughts had almost started to wander into dangerous territory. She cleared her throat and opened the door before Chase could come around and open it for her. The man was a gentleman through and through, but it made her a tad uncomfortable to have someone open doors for her. Maybe she was too self-sufficient for her own good.

He escorted her inside, and after a quick stop at the information desk and then the gift shop, they headed to the third floor with a cheerful houseplant and a ‘Get Well’ Mylar balloon.

Hannah wasn’t prepared for the sight of Hutch lying on the hospital bed, his head covered in a thick bandage, his eyes closed as he either rested or slept.

She approached the bed quietly, not wanting to wake him if he was sleeping, and walked around him to set the planter down on the window ledge.

“You should’ve just put up the ‘Closed’ sign.”

Hannah spun around at the raspy complaint. “How are you feeling?”

“Guilty. This should’ve been your weekend off.”

She shot a quick glance to Chase, who seemed to be hiding a smile as he approached the bed on the opposite side.

“I wasn’t about to let those scumbags steal another day’s earnings from you.”

Hutch turned to look at Chase. “Got a heart of gold, this one.”

Chase met her gaze. “That she does.”

She fiddled with her ponytail, uncomfortable with their praise. “It wasn’t a big deal. I had nothing to do this weekend anyway with Dad and Drew in L.A.” Focusing her attention back on Hutch, she said, “Miles is closing tonight.”

“He’s a good one, too.” Hutch scrunched his eyes at the plant. “You didn’t have to buy me a gift.”

“Of course I did. Who comes to visit a friend in the hospital and doesn’t bring a gift?”

“I’m just saying your money could have been better spent on something else.”

She scowled as she moved in to grasp his hand. “I can’t think of anything better, you ungrateful old coot.”

Hutch smiled and gripped her fingers. His voice was a raspy grate as he said, “That’s just how she would have said it, you know.”

“I know,” Hannah whispered right back.

It had been about a year since Rosalee Hunter, Caleb’s mother and the love of Hutch’s life, had passed on, and Hannah knew how much Hutch missed her. Hannah missed her as well since she’d known Rosalee most of her life.

After a moment, Chase took a step forward and gave Hutch’s shoulder a gentle pat. “Listen, if you’re feeling up to it, I’d like to ask you a few questions about last night.”

The old man nodded. Hannah released his hand and took a step back.

Chase pulled out a pad and a pen. “Hannah already filled us in on most of the details, so I just wanted to follow up with you, make sure we have all the facts before I start this investigation. Did you happen to recognize either of the robbers?”

The old man gave his head a slow shake, but then he looked at Hannah with an almost quizzical expression. “They were wearing masks, but…I thought the one who spoke sounded familiar. Thought about it all day, but I just can’t figure it out to save my life.”

Chase glanced over at her. “Did you recognize the guy’s voice? I assume he’s the one who threatened you?”

“He threatened you? When?” Hutch demanded.

Hannah leveled Chase with an incredulous lift of her brows. “Really? In his condition you had to bring that up?”

“I’m sorry, but you didn’t tell me he didn’t know,” Chase quickly defended.

She turned back to Hutch with a reassuring smile. “I’m fine. Please calm down.”

“I’m as calm as I can be under the circumstances.” He closed his eyes for a brief moment, let out a weak sigh, and relaxed back into the pillow. “Tell me what happened.”

“The taller one said I was high and mighty or something like that. Said he knew where I lived and not to give him a reason to make a late night visit.”

A scowl twisted the gruff old man’s face. “Those nasty little punks.” He shot a meaningful glance at Chase. “Promise me you won’t stop until you have those two behind bars.”

“There’s not a chance in hell I’m gonna let them get away with this,” Chase assured him. “And if you remember anything else, you let me know, hear?”

“Of course.”

Chase nodded and gave Hutch a pat on the arm. “Appreciate it.”

“So,” Hannah said, giving his hand a squeeze. “When are they going to spring you?”

“Today, if you don’t mind sneaking me out of here.”

Hannah couldn’t help but grin at Hutch’s deadpan expression. “Nice try, but you’re going to stay as long as they say you need to.”

“Well, I’m certainly glad to hear that.”

Hannah looked up to a see a doctor striding toward the bed. A very handsome doctor at that. He wore the customary white coat, stethoscope wrapped around his neck, and a clipboard in his hand.

“I’m Dr. Bowman.” He held out his hand to first Chase, then Hannah. “I was just explaining to Mr. Hutchinson that I’d like to run a few more tests before he’s released. Just as a precautionary measure.”

Concern gripped her as a million questions flooded her mind. But she didn’t want to worry Hutch, so she held the older man’s gaze and said, “Sounds reasonable to me. You need this time to rest anyway. Rosalee would agree with me,” she added with a stubborn tilt of her head when he opened his mouth to argue.

Hutch’s face fell, and he huffed out an exaggerated sigh.

Deep down, Hannah knew he was happy to have a couple days of bed rest. Even if it happened to be in a hospital. He was much too proud—and lonely—to take a day off work. With no children of his own, Hutch had very little to occupy his time. Other than Caleb, Lauren, and the kids, but they had busy lives of their own.

“Smart lady. So is this your daughter?”

Dr. Bowman smiled at her, and Hannah found herself smiling right back. Out of the corner of her eye, she realized Chase was regarding the doctor with barely concealed annoyance, though she couldn’t imagine why.

“This beautiful snippet is Hannah Porter. She’s been working for me for years. And this is our sheriff, Chase Lowell.”

Dr. Bowman nodded at Chase. “Sheriff. Miss Porter. It’s a pleasure to meet you both.” He returned his attention to Hutch. “I’ll probably release you Tuesday, maybe even Monday if you have someone at home to take care of you…?”

“Caleb and Lauren already made the offer.”

“And I’ll take care of the diner,” Hannah assured him, “so don’t you worry about that.”

“Great. It was nice meeting you both. Hutch, get some rest, and I’ll be back to check on you later.” With that, Dr. Bowman left the room.

Hannah gave Hutch’s shoulder a quick pat. “Would you like us to stay for a bit?”

“No, please. You must be tired after working all day.” He looked over at Chase. “You make sure she gets home safe and sound. And if you wouldn’t mind, I’d appreciate you checking up on her until Drew and Andy get back from California.” He glanced back at Hannah. “You did call and tell them what happened…?”

“Uh, no, I didn’t.” She chanced a quick glance at Chase. “You know they would’ve cut their trip short if I had. And Dad really needed the time away after…well, you know.” Her mother’s death had hit them all hard, but her father had nearly gone into a depression over the loss of his soul mate.

Hutch gave a curt nod. “That I do. Better than most.”

“Chase graciously offered to stay at the house until they get home.”

“In Drew’s old room,” Chase quickly amended.

Was it Hannah’s imagination, or were his cheeks flushed? She almost laughed out loud at the thought.

Hutch didn’t say anything for moment, merely ping-ponged a look between them. Finally, he cleared his throat and cast Chase what could only be called a meaningful glance. “I’m sure the Porter men will be glad to know she’s in such good hands. Can’t get much safer than shacking up with the sheriff.”

“Oh, we’re not shacking up,” Hannah quickly corrected. “It was the only way Chase would agree not to call them. I really wanted my dad to have this time away, plus he has that work seminar. And Lindy was so excited to see her parents after the interview fiasco last month, so I know—”

“I think he gets the drift,” Chase cut in, stopping her mid-ramble.

Hannah bit the bottom corner of her lip and smiled a bit sheepishly.

“Go on,” Hutch said. “Take her home. If she’s dead set on opening the diner tomorrow, she’ll need a good night’s sleep.”

.” Hannah leaned over and kissed Hutch on the cheek. “And you get some rest yourself. I know Caleb and Lauren will take good care of you, but if you need anything please let me know.”

“I will.” He smiled gratefully, then closed his eyes and shooed them out.

Chase didn’t say a word until they were sitting in his truck. “Since neither of us had a chance to eat lunch, what do you say I take you out for an early dinner? Anywhere you’d like.”

“Honestly, I’d rather just head home and make something.”

He raised a brow. “After cooking all day? You sure?”

“Positive. I can kick off my shoes and get comfy. Besides, I love to cook.”

“You always did.” He winked at her. “Okay, I’m game. What are you gonna make for us?”

She turned to face him, excited with the opportunity to cook for this man, show off her talents a bit. “I have some beautiful center-cut pork chops to grill, and I’ll make my mushroom risotto to go with them. Oh, and fresh asparagus with homemade hollandaise sauce.”

hollandaise sauce?” he repeated with a doubtful lift of his brow.

Hannah lifted her chin a notch. “Yes, homemade. Dad loves eggs benedict, and that powdered mix is such crap. I’ve been making it for years.”

“And risotto? Fancy. Someone’s been watching a lot of cooking shows. Don’t suppose you make simple stuff anymore like spaghetti or lasagna, or fried chicken?”

“Of course I do. Dad and Drew beg for lasagna on a weekly basis, and polish off the entire pan in a night.”

“You do make a damn good pan of lasagna.”

“Thank you. It’s so nice to feel appreciated.”

“Feed me something besides the frozen pizza and TV dinners I usually eat, and I’ll appreciate you like no one ever has.”


Chapter Four


Hannah tingled from head to toe as Chase’s suggestive promise washed over her. Though, she had to wonder, again, if she was simply hearing what she wanted to hear. The man definitely frustrated the crap out of her. She could have sworn the green-eyed monster flickered in those sexy hazel depths when Dr. Bowman spoke with her. But, if Chase had an interest in her other than friendship, wouldn’t he have made a move by now? Especially if his reputation as a ladies man was true? On the other hand, he did seem to put her on a pedestal. Always had. As if she was some kind of saint or something.

Saint Hannah—the thought was laughable. Maybe she’d have to do something to get that ridiculous notion out of his head…

The moment they arrived home, Hannah washed her hands and got started on dinner. She wanted so badly to knock his socks off with this meal.

“I could use a cup of coffee,” Chase said after a quick stop in the bathroom. “Mind if I put on a pot?”

“No, go ahead. I might have a cup.” Not that she needed one. Simply being in the same room as Chase was like bathing in caffeine. “There’s some Colombian in the fridge, and I have a secret stash of Hutch’s special roast in the cabinet under the bread box.”

He raised a brow. “A
secret stash?”

She laughed. It was a well-known fact that Hutch was as competitive with his coffee as he was his burgers and fries. “No. He gives me a pound per week with my paycheck. It’s an incentive bonus dating back to when Nino offered me a job.”

“Hell, I remember that. I thought they were going to start a bidding war over you. Must have felt good.”

Hannah shrugged before opening the oven to retrieve her pots and pans. She filled a large saucepan with water and set the burner on medium for the asparagus. “I guess. Though I’m sure Nino was just teasing. He knew my loyalties lied with Hutch.”

“He also knew that loser ex of yours worked for him, so maybe he figured you’d follow suit.”

Hannah shot him a quick glance, surprised he would bring up Jimmy. “We weren’t even together at the time. Jimmy didn’t start working for Nino until long after he offered me a job.”

“You’re not together now, either, right?”

She stared at him for a second, curious as to where this line of questioning was headed. Could the man be jealous of her ex? “You know we’re not. I haven’t seen Jimmy since Lindy’s party, and if I never see him again it’ll be too soon.”

He considered her words for a moment before giving a small wink. “Good to know.”

Once the pot was half full, Chase poured himself a cup of coffee, and then sipped in silence while Hannah got started on dinner.

For the risotto, she poured a carton of chicken stock into a sauce pan and set it to simmer, then sliced some fresh baby portabellas and diced a small onion. She coated both sides of the thick chops with her own special dry rub blend and set them aside to come to room temperature. The asparagus would be lightly boiled, and then served with the hollandaise sauce she’d perfected over the years. Hannah sent up a silent prayer that it wouldn’t break on her today of all days. More than anything, she wanted this dinner to be perfect.

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