Never Let Me Go (Welcome To Redemption) (5 page)

BOOK: Never Let Me Go (Welcome To Redemption)
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“You really do have a knack for that, don’t you?”

Hannah looked up in surprise. “For what?”

Chase gestured toward the pot where she’d just poured in Arborio rice. “For cooking. I mean, I know you’ve always cooked for Drew and your dad, but I guess I never realized just how good you are at it. You use a knife like one of those fancy TV chefs.”

Hannah warmed at the compliment. “Thanks. I’ve been watching the Food Network religiously for years, so I suppose I’ve picked up a few skills. You know what they say about practice.”

“If you were any more perfect you’d be sporting a halo.”

When Hannah cocked a brow, Chase chuckled. “I didn’t mean to make it sound like—”

“Like I’m some kind of angel?” she teased. “If that’s what you think, Sheriff, then you don’t know me at all.”

“I know you have lousy taste in men,” he muttered under his breath, though loud enough for her to hear.

Hmm, that was the second time he’d brought up her ex tonight. Hannah stared him straight in the eye and countered, “Can’t argue with that.” After ladling some hot stock into her rice, she added, “Though it’s not as if
have a great track record in the love department.”

He blew out a hard breath. “Touché. And I’m sorry. I have no idea why I said that. It’s none of my business who you spend time with.”

“You’re right, it’s not.”

Chase wisely chose to keep his mouth shut on the subject. He dumped his coffee in the sink, then grabbed a bottle of wine from the fridge and held it up with a questioning look. “Do you mind?”

“Nope. In fact, I’m ready for a glass myself.”

Chase pulled the cork and poured them both a healthy splash. He set a glass on the counter beside her and leaned over to smell the risotto at the exact moment she leaned in to get a whiff of his insanely sexy aftershave. Thankfully, he didn’t seem to notice.

“Wow, that smells awesome. I don’t think I’ve ever had risotto. Is it anything like Rice-A-Roni?”

Hannah couldn’t help but laugh. “No, it’s
like Rice-A-Roni.”

He grinned. “Too bad. ‘Cause that I do know how to make.”

Hannah lit the burner under the grill pan while taking a quick sip of her wine. “I think I need to invite you over for dinner more often.”

“Certainly an invitation I wouldn’t turn down.”

They fell silent again as Hannah gave the risotto a final stir, lowered the heat, and put a lid on the pot. After slapping the chops on the grill pan, she retrieved the ingredients needed for the hollandaise sauce and got to work. Asparagus only took a few minutes to cook, so she wouldn’t drop them in until the pork chops were resting.

“I probably should have asked this earlier, but is there anything I can do to help?”

“You can set the table, if you don’t mind. I ran the dishwasher this morning, so you can find everything you need in there.”

Twenty minutes later, Hannah whisked her rich, lemony hollandaise sauce into a gravy boat and set it on the table next to a small platter of perfectly arranged, bright green asparagus. The pork chops had beautiful grill marks, and the risotto glistened thanks to the extra pat of butter she’d whisked in at the end. After sprinkling some fresh herbs over the top, Hannah eyed her picture perfect meal with pride—nothing gave her a bigger thrill than putting together a delicious meal.

Although watching Chase’s eyes light up when he tasted her risotto would come in a very close second.

“Proud of yourself, eh?”

She turned to meet his teasing gaze. A smile of pure contentment stretched her lips. “Yep.

“It looks and smells incredible. Thanks, Dimples.”

She warmed over his use of the nickname he’d given her years ago. “You’re welcome. Now taste that risotto before I lose my mind.”

Chase chuckled. “Yes, ma’am.”

He forked up a bite, and Hannah literally opened her own mouth as she watched him bring the fork to his lips. Chase paused, and she looked up to find him staring at her with a cocked eyebrow.

“Sorry. It’s just…I’m thinking about entering the recipe in a major magazine’s annual cooking competition, and I wanted to get another opinion. Dad and Drew love it, and Lindy even asked me for the recipe.”

“Impressive since she doesn’t strike me as the cooking type.”

“You’d be surprised,” Hannah informed him, protective of her new friend and future sister-in-law. “Okay, enough stalling. Taste.”

With a shake of his head, Chase forked the bite of risotto into his mouth and closed his eyes. Hannah watched in suspenseful anticipation as the annoying man took his sweet ass time chewing and swallowing.

Finally, he said, “You know, I bet they do make Rice-A-Roni in this flavor.”

Hannah growled, ready to pitch her wine at the exasperating man.

Chase’s eyes twinkled, and he burst out laughing. “I’m kidding! It’s delicious. You should definitely enter it in that contest.”


“Oh, yeah.”

Hannah smiled as his deep, sexy voice washed over her, warming her from the inside out. She wanted to kiss him something fierce—just lean across the table, grab him by the front of his shirt, and lay one on him. Instead, she forced her attention back to her plate and sliced off a bite of the juicy pork chop. Mmm, few things could top a perfectly cooked chop. She swallowed, watching with baited breath as Chase forked up a bite of his own.

“Damn, these are tasty. What did you put on ‘em?”

She sat up a little straighter, thrilled by his interest. “I researched a few spice rubs online, and after a little experimenting, I came up with this blend. It has salt and pepper, of course, a little garlic and onion powder, paprika, sugar, cayenne pepper, oregano, dry mustard, plus a couple of secret ingredients. It’s really good on steak, too. And chicken.” Oh, God, she could tell by his slow grin that she’d entered dork territory again. She shrugged. “What can I say, I’m a foodie.”

“If I remember correctly, you come by it naturally. Have you ever thought about going to culinary school?”

A wave of sadness took her by surprise at his offhanded comment. Her mother had loved to cook and bake, and the few good memories Hannah had of them together were in the kitchen. When she’d been lucid, Elizabeth Porter had loved to bake, especially around the holidays, and she’d always asked Hannah to be her little helper. They’d made birthday cakes, pumpkin pies, tons of cookies every Christmas.

The Christmases she was home, that is. And her mother would always praise Hannah’s efforts, proclaiming her the best chef since Julia Child.

Then she’d pop a few more pills and pass out for several hours—or disappear for days on end.

“Hey, you all right?”

Shaking off the memories, Hannah took a quick sip of wine before plastering a reassuring smile on her face. “Sorry. My mind wandered.”

“Thinking about your mom?”

Now that was just uncanny. “How did you know?”

He shrugged, suddenly looking a little uncomfortable. “When I said you came by it naturally…well, I didn’t mean to dredge up any unpleasant memories.”

“You didn’t,” she tried to reassure him.

“Nice try, but you’re wearing the same expression you always did whenever that flighty mother of yours…” He blew out a hard breath. “I’m sorry. I had no right to speak about your mom like that. I have no idea what the hell’s the matter with me tonight.”

He snatched his wine glass off the table and downed the rest before pouring himself a refill.

But Hannah wasn’t angry with him for what he’d said. Frankly, she was taken aback by how angry
become on her behalf. That he would remember something so specific—a certain facial expression from so long ago—spoke volumes about the kind and caring boy he’d been, and the amazing man he’d grown to be. Chase had always been more sensitive than the rest of Drew’s friends, but she’d never realized how…
he’d been of her. The thought set her pulse thrumming in her veins.

“To answer your question, yes, I’ve had many thoughts about enrolling in culinary school.”

He smiled ruefully, no doubt grateful she’d chosen to ignore his last remarks. “So why haven’t you?”

“I don’t know…a few reasons, I guess. The closest school I’d even consider is a good four to five hour ride from here. Not to mention I could never really afford it—still can’t since I’d have to quit my job to attend. Plus Jimmy always said…”

When she hesitated, he prodded, “Yeah? What about him?”

“He didn’t want me to go so he’d make snide little comments like, ‘You’re not exactly Emeril, you know’ and ‘It’s not like you need college to work at Hutch’s’.” Her chest tightened with repressed resentment. “He knew I had self-esteem issues, so he played on them to keep me around.”

“Man, that little prick is something else. I’ll never understand what the hell you ever saw in him.”

“Neither will I.”

Chase scooped another bite of risotto into his mouth and shook his head, as if angry. “He’s an idiot. This is goddamn delicious.”

Hannah had to bite her lip to keep from smiling. Somehow, she didn’t think it would go over well at the moment. “Thank you. I appreciate that.”

Chase forked up an asparagus spear dripping with rich sauce and stuffed it in his mouth. He chewed as if his teeth were in a race with his tongue. “I mean
hollandaise sauce? How many people can even make that claim?”

His defense of her honor was delightfully unexpected…if a bit over-the-top. “Pretty much anyone if they follow a recipe. Though, again, I appreciate the support.”

He picked up the chop with his fingers and bit into it with relish. After ‘Mmm-mming’ his way through two more bites, he declared, “This is the best damn pork chop I’ve ever eaten. And I’ve eaten my fair share of pork chops.”

Hannah stared at him hard, trying desperately not to laugh. She had no idea why he’d become so passionate about her cooking, but she appreciated it—even if he was simply irritated over Jimmy’s part in her indecision about culinary school.

“I’m thrilled by your support, I truly am. But maybe we could change the subject…? I was hoping we could watch a movie after supper. Or maybe you’d rather go a few rounds in a boxing ring…?”

She playfully held up her dukes and wiggled her eyebrows in an attempt to lighten the mood.

It worked. Chase let out a whopper of a sigh followed by a self-deprecating chuckle. “Sorry. I’m just a bit wound up. Work’s been crazy the last couple of weeks, and then Cooper’s dad, and the robbery at the diner…I may have to put in for an early vacation this year.”

“I may have to agree with you on that one.”

“You know, I was upset on

“And you were very cute, too.”


“Like a puppy dog.”

“A puppy dog?” He repeated in feigned outrage.

puppy dog,” she amended biting back a giggle.

He leaned back in the chair and shook his head. “Yeah, cause that makes it better.”

“I was teasing. You can be so sensitive.”

“Most women would consider that a good thing.”

“So I’m a woman now, not a girl?”

“You’re an infuriating minx, is what you are.”

She laughed. “Minx? Someone’s been reading Lindy’s books, I think.”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” he scoffed. “Men don’t read that crap.”

“Oh, no? Then why did I catch Drew reading one a few weeks ago?”

He snorted. “Please. He was just skimming for the sex scenes.”

“And you know that how exactly?”

Hannah almost laughed out loud as his ears turned pink.

“Just a guess.”

“Oh, my God, you did the same thing!” Hannah howled with laughter. She doubled over and laughed harder than she had in ages.


Chapter 5


“Did not.”

Chase playfully narrowed his eyes as Hannah brought it down to a chuckle—which lasted all of two seconds before she burst out laughing again.

It took every ounce of self-control Chase possessed not to haul her out of her chair, throw her across his lap and…kiss the impossible woman breathless. God, how he wanted her. What the hell had he been thinking, insisting on playing house with her until Drew and her dad got back from L.A.?

Not that it mattered. No way could he leave her alone now that he was aware of the threat made against her. He’d just have to get his hormones under control and keep a level head. Piece of cake. He hadn’t earned the position of sheriff on his good looks.

Plus, he respected Hannah more than any woman he’d ever known. And Drew, who probably wouldn’t care for the idea of him dating his little sister anyway thanks to all those ridiculous rumors floating around—even if Drew himself had been responsible for some of the more interesting ones, the shit.

Playboy…the thought was laughable. He hadn’t gotten laid in over six months.

Hannah continued to chuckle as she pushed back from the table and carried her plate to the sink. “Men. You’re all the same when it comes to sex.”

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