Never Say Goodbye (19 page)

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Authors: T. Renee Fike

BOOK: Never Say Goodbye
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I look to Sophie and she just shrugs
as she takes a seat on the couch. I see an open chair and take a seat, not happy with this situation.

I glare at Brynn
, not happy with whatever game she’s playing. The rest of the group seems to think everything’s fine. They are all engrossed in conversation, laughing and joking around.

Within about five minutes, Nathan walks into the room and looks around
at us sitting in the living room. His eyes find mine and then quickly go back to Chad.

“What’s going on?” he asks looking at Chad.

“I told you man, our party tonight,” he says with a sly smile.

There’s seven people here, I hardly call that a party,” he says looking slightly irritated.

“Don’t worry, Sawyer and Megan should be here soon,” he says looking happy with himself.

“What kind of party you planning on having bro?” he asks confused.

“You’ll see, take a seat.”

Brynn looks at me with a smile as Nathan sits next to Caden. What the fuck is she up to?

Thankfully, I don’t have to wait long to find out. Sawyer and Megan walk in laughing to each other.

“Let’s get this party started,” Sawyer says with a cheer and hands in the air.

I look at Sophie and back to Brynn hoping to figure out what’s going on.

“Yay, okay so the rules,” Brynn says with way too much excitement. “We are playing truth or dare, but with a twist,” she says with a devious look.

“What?” Nathan says looking as shocked as I am.

“Calm down man, just listen,” Chad starts to say, but Brynn cuts him off.

“Don’t worry babe, I got this. Okay, so the rules, since Chad knows the guys and I know the girls we created questions which are all in here,” she says as she pulls out a five gallon bucket, followed by another five gallon bucket.

“Whoa, why the fuck do you got two buckets?” Sawyer pipes up laughing.

“Listen assholes,” Brynn snaps, “we have a truth and a dare bucket. So, depending on what the person picks you select a question or a dare from the right bucket. Got it?” she says, piercing us with evil eyes.

We all say yeah to shut her up.

“Now the twist,” she says with a devious laugh, “you will find out about that when one comes up,” she says laughing, “now we all need to sit in a circle,” she instructs.

Some of us moan and grunt in frustration, but do as she says.

“Count us out,” Rob says as he stands alone with the blonde girl.

“Why?” Brynn says looking angry.

“We have other plans, maybe another time,” Rob says with a laugh as he and his date walk out the door.

“Okay, everyone, get in a damn circle,” she scolds.

“I’ll start,” Brynn says looking at Chad, “Baby, truth or dare?”

That’s not fair; you two know all the damn questions,” I state.

“No we don’t, Megan helped write some too,” she says with a smile.

Evil bitches, I say to myself.

“Truth babe,” Chad says.

Brynn reaches into the bucket and pulls a slip of paper out and looks at it, her face goes a little pale, but she reads it anyway, “Is it true that I’m the best fuck you ever had?” she says with a stern look at him.

“Absolutely babe,” he says and
then leans in and kisses her.

What the hell kind of question is that?

“Okay, which couple wants to go next?” Chad asks, looking around.

I must look like a deer in headlights
, because obviously I didn’t hear him right.

“Oh shit,” Brynn
mumbles, “So, I may have forgot a rule, we are doing this in teams, they are Caden and Sophie, Nate and Liv, Sawyer and Megan, and of course me and Chad,” she says with a smile.


“Sorry guys, I forgot to get the beer, I’ll be right back,” Chad stands and leaves the room.

I glare at my so called best friend, hoping she realizes she’s a dead best friend when the night is over.

Chad comes back in with a cooler. He passes us each a beer and also says there’s liquor for shots too.

“So, who’s next?” Brynn asks excitedly.

I look at Sophie who looks just as nervous as I do.

“We’ll go,” Megan pipes up, “Sawyer, truth or dare?”

“Dare baby, definitely dare,” he says with a smirk. Megan pulls a slip of paper from the bucket and reads her question, “I dare you to lick…who the hell wrote this?” she
says looking to Chad and Brynn.

gotta read it,” Chad says laughing.

“You are dead,” she says and then continues to read the question, “I dare you to lick chocolate sauce off my nipples.”

“Woohoo, give me that shit,” Sawyer pipes up.

“Now, in a situation like this, we aren’t going to make you do it in front of us, unless you want to, you can do it in the spare room, but you have to each take a shot if you decide to use the spare bedroom,” Brynn says smiling.

“Give me the damn shot,” Megan says as she stands up. “Let’s go Saw, and you better not bite me or you’re losing one of your balls tonight.”

“Please woman, you would love for me to bite you,” he says
, following her into the bedroom with the chocolate sauce.

We wait patiently for them to come back out, but I hear Megan, “Not so much chocolate sauce you ass,” and then a laughing and manly roar coming from Sawyer. No surprise he would do something like that.

They come out a few minutes later and Sawyer has a huge smile plastered on his face.

“Okay Sophie or Liv, which one of you want to go next?”
Megan says. Sophie looks at me and nods for me to go next.

“I guess I will,” I say nervously, “Nathan, truth or dare?” I wait for his response and it feels like minutes go by rather than seconds.

“Truth,” he says sounding irritated.

I pull a question from the truth bucket and pray that it’s an easy question, looking at the question I release a breath I didn’t realize I was holding, “Is it true that you
and a sibling shared a same sex partner?”

He starts to laugh, “No, definitely not true.”

“Bull shit, what kind of question is that?” Megan yells. “How the hell do I get him to lick my tits and he gets something so…so…minor?”

“Questions are a little bit of everything,” Brynn says
with a shrug, “Sophie you’re up.”

Caden, truth or dare,” Sophie asks.

“Dare,” he says with a smile.

She pulls a paper and starts to laugh, “I dare you to kiss the person on your lefts, cheek.”

The person on his left is Nathan and he
does not look happy, but before he can stop it, Caden leans over and kisses him on the cheek, causing us all to laugh.

“Not cool fucker, not cool,” Nathan says while rubbing his cheek.

The next few rounds are thankfully easy, and now it’s back to Nathan and I.

“Truth or dare?”
I ask him.

“Dare,” he says surprising me. I pull the paper and read it, not believing the dare.

I must wait longer than I thought because they start bitching at me to read it out loud, but before I get the chance, Brynn pulls the paper from my hand and reads it allowed to the group, “I dare you to make out with me for seven minutes,” she says without a laugh.

She looks at me with apologetic eyes, but I have a feeling this was one she was hoping I would get.

“Shit,” I hear Nathan mumble.

“Remember, you can use the spare bedroom, but you have to take a shot first and we have to time you,” Brynn says
a little too excited.

Oh yeah, she’s definitely dead.

“Shot,” I say holding my hand out for the bottle. I take a swig and then hand the bottle over and Nathan follows. We stand and walk to the bedroom, he closes the door and the light is off, but there’s a small lamp sitting on the nightstand that’s on.

Neither one of us says a word for probably two minutes.

“I don’t hear anything,” Sawyer yells through the door.

“Fuck off,” Nathan says.

“We are going to start timing in one minute so you better get your kissy lips ready,” Megan says happily through the door.

“We don’t have to do this,” I tell him.

“No, I picked dare and I’ll do it,” he says looking everywhere, but at me.

“You can’t even look at me, I’m not going to make you kiss me,” I say walking towards the door.

Before I can comprehend what’s happening, he has my back up against the door and his lips meet mine. His hands are holding the sides of my face, not allowing me to really move my head as he continues to kiss me.

I feel the shock of his kiss
causing a soft moan to come from me. My mouth opens more for him to explore, and I’m surprised when he does.

His tongue is molding with mine and I can’t help but enjoy how good this feels. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. My hands find his hair and I run my hands through it
, not getting enough of what this man is doing to me.

The next thing I know, Nathan is lifting me up, and I immediately
wrap my legs around his waist.

We get lost in each other and completely forget what and where we are, that is, until someone starts to pound on the door saying, “seven minutes i
s up, get your asses out here.”

As quickly as the kiss was advancing
, it turns cold. Nathan lets me down, doesn’t even look at me and walks out of the room, leaving me standing there to wonder what the hell just happened.

Once I compose myself
, I walk back into the living room, not wanting to look at anyone.

“So, how was your seven minutes of heaven?” Sawyer says to me.

I just give him a glare and look away.

I felt something during that kiss, Nathan had to too, right? There was so much power to that kiss. He kissed me like I was his last breath and I, his. I’ve never felt that pull to someone during a simple kiss, but then again
, that kiss was anything but simple.

I can sense Brynn looking at
me; I continue to look everywhere, but in her direction. Now, I feel completely awkward to even continue with this stupid game.

We continue to go a few more rounds and Nathan and I have both selected truth each time. Now, it’s my turn and as much as I hate the dares, I hate the truths too.

“Liv, truth or dare,” Nathan says.

“Dare,” I say surprising myself and him. He just looks at me like I
lost my freaking mind and I probably have.

He pulls a slip of paper and reads it, before reading it aloud. He starts to shake his head and I see a small smile appear, “Liv, I dare you to do a strip tease
, slash lap dance for me.”

“Seriously, do you guys only have sex on your damn brains?” I ask
, looking at Megan, Brynn, and Chad.

They start laughing and Chad speaks up, “What do you expect, we’re horny college kids.”

I grab the bottle of tequila, down a shot, hand it to Nathan and walk to the bedroom. “Do I get music?” I ask to no one in particular.

“Nope, use your imaginations,” Megan yells.

“How long?” I ask curiously.

“Until you’re naked,” Sawyer says with a laugh.

“You don’t have to get completely naked you moron,” I say snapping at his stupid comment.

“Okay, anywhere between five to ten minutes,” Brynn says, “I’ll let you know when to start.”

I shut the door and lock it and notice that Nathan is already sitting on the edge of the bed with a smug look on his face.

“What?” I ask annoyed.

“Nothing,” he says, and looks anywhere, but at me.

Thankfully, the only light on is that nightstand light, or I would be feeling even more nervous. Why on earth did I decide to wear a thong tonight? Ugh.

I try to think of a song in my head to try to get through this stupid dare. Why the hell did I pick dare anyway?

“Don’t think so hard,” he tells me.

“Easy for you to say, you get to just sit there,” I tell him.

He props his hands behind him to lean further back and just watches and waits for me to being my spectacle that’s about to occur.

I try not to think about the situation and when I hear Brynn tell me to start, I do.

I close my eyes and try to focus on the strip tease and how fun and easy it can be.

I start to move my hips and sway to a beat that I’m listening to in my head. I get closer to him, but not enough to touch him, not yet.

Moving my hips I move my hands up through my hair and slowly move them back down and towards the hem of my halter top. I lift it slowly and turn my back to him and cont
inue to move my hips and body.

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