Never Say Goodbye (20 page)

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Authors: T. Renee Fike

BOOK: Never Say Goodbye
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I move slow and seductively
and then slowly remove my shirt. I slowly turn and am surprised when I see him staring at me with wide eyes.

Two can play this game, I think to myself.

I make a show of touching my breasts and move my hands down to the button on my denim skirt. I continue to make a show of sliding my hands slowly down my breasts to my hips then very slowly I begin to slide my skirt down over my thighs until it drops to the floor, leaving me in only my lacy black bra and matching thong.

Now that I have his full attention
, I decide to start with the lap dance.

Keeping my back to him, I dance in between his spread legs, allowing my ass to come down and touch his crotch.

That’s when I feel him jump, and can tell I’m having an effect on him.

I turn around and climb on the bed to straddle him, continuing my
swaying and moving of my body.

I hear him whisper, “Fuck,” through his
clenched teeth, and I can’t help but relish it.

Before I can dip down on him again, he has a hold of my hips and moves me and him so I can feel his erection, his
very hard erection.

I move my body on him and he moves his hands from my hips to my face and guides me down to his lips.

As we start kissing, his hands are moving and exploring my body. His hands are sending bolts of electricity through me, and I can’t seem to get enough.

And then there’s the damn pounding on the door. I’m really starting to hate the pounding to let us know times up.

I hop off the bed and grab my skirt and throw it on and my halter top and before Nathan can say anything, I walk out the door like nothing happened. Even though my body knows damn well something did.

I plaster on a fake smile for the group and take my seat. It takes a minute or two for Nathan to come out, I’m guessing s
o no one see’s his hard-on.

When he does finally come out, Sawyer is the first one to say something.

“How was your strip dance man?” he says with the cheesiest smile.

“Shut the fuck up,” Nathan says and then takes his seat, never making eye contact with me.

We end up only playing one more round and calling it quits.

“Okay, we
’re going to head out,” Sawyer says, grabbing Megan and pulling her towards the door.

“Yeah, we’
re going too,” Sophie says, holding hands with Caden.

“Have fun,” I mouth to Sophie. She gets the biggest smile on her face.

Great, so now it’s just me, Nathan, Brynn, and Chad.

“Yeah, sorry you two, but that game got me fucking horny, let’s go Brynn,” Chad says as he pulls Brynn up from her seat and starts to lead her to his room.

She stops short of his room, “Liv, don’t leave yet, you can’t walk home by yourself,” she tells me in a serious voice.

“Don’t worry about me B, I’ll be fine,” I tell her.

“No Liv, wait for me.”

I start to laugh, “Sorry, but I’m not waiting for you to finish fucking to go home. I don’t want to hear
you guys,” I tell her truthfully.

Brynn looks between me and Chad trying to figure out what to do.

“Seriously B, I’ll be fine, go have fun,” I tell her as I stand.

Wolffe can you either walk her home or keep her company for a little while?”

“Yeah,” he says quickly.

“Thanks man,” Chad says as he pushes Brynn into his room.

“You don’t have
to walk me home, I’ll be fine.”

“It’s fine. You ready now or do you want to watch some TV?” he asks surprising me.

“Umm…will we hear them?” I ask pointing in the direction of Chad’s room.

o, the walls are pretty thick.”

“Oh okay, we can watch some TV then,” I tell him taking a seat on the
opposite end of the couch.

“Do you want anything to drink?” he asks as he stands.

“Water would be good, thanks.”

He nods and walks in the direction of the kitchen. He comes back with bottled water
which he hands to me then proceeds to turn the lights down in the living room.

He sits on the couch at the opposite end
but doesn’t say a word. I take a big drink of my water and set it on the coffee table.

A scary movie starts, go figure its Scream and I sit leaning into the corner of the couch. I move so my feet are bo
th underneath me on the couch.

I can feel Nathan’s eyes on me, but I don’t look his way. I keep my focus on the television.

I’m staring at the television and my eyes are getting heavy. I guess I’m more tired than I thought.

I remember seeing Drew Barrymore cooking popcorn, and that’s the last thing I remember before I pass out.

I wake up and look around, forgetting where I am.

That’s when I see
where I’m lying. My head is on a thigh, not a pillow. I follow the thigh and look up to see a sleeping Nathan.

I have no clue how I got from the end of the couch to
sprawled out and lying my head on his lap. How did that happen?

The television is still on, but it appears as though another movie has started.

I turn around to look back at Nathan. I’m trying to figure out how he can be comfortable sleeping with his body sitting in an upright position, with his head cocked to the side, and his legs propped up on the coffee table.

I mean, the couch is super comfortable, but how he’s position
ed looks anything, but comfortable.

All the lights are out and it’s quiet in the house
, no one’s awake right now. I look at the digital clock by the television and it shows its 3:34 a.m.

“Nathan,” I whisper as I tap his leg a few times, “Nathan, wake up.”

He slowly starts to move, but not enough to wake him up.

“Nathan,” I say with a harder push on his leg, “Wake up.”

“What’s wrong?” he whispers.

“Go to bed,” I tell him kindly.

“Okay,” he mumbles, “Carry me.”

“What?” I say with a laugh, “I can’t carry you.”

He mumbles something else, and obviously he’s not really awake.

“Nathan, go to bed,” I say shaking his leg again.

“What?” he says in a slightly annoyed tone.

“Go to bed.”

“Ugh, okay, let’s go,” he says as he sluggishly gets up. He looks half asleep, but still sexy as hell.

How can my child hood best friend grow
up into this sexy human being?

“You coming?” he says through sleepy eyes.

“I’m gonna head home,” I tell him as I stand.

He looks at the clock, “Its 3:40 a.m.
, you can’t possibly walk home now. You can sleep in my bed, it’s big enough and you won’t even know I’m there,” he tells me.

“Its fine, I can walk home,” I say again.

“You got two options, one, you walk to my room or two, I carry you into my room. Take your pick, but make it fast, I’m tired,” he snaps.

I yawn, “Fine, I’ll walk,” I say.

Nathan walks to his room and I can’t help but recall something about his room.

He shuts the bedroom door and grabs some clothes out of the dresser and throws some on the bed.

“You can sleep in those, that way you don’t have to sleep in a skirt,” he says and then he opens the door and walks out.

I quickly change into the tee shirt and boxers, lying my skirt and halter top on the chair in his room.

He comes in a few minutes later changed into shorts and no shirt.

If I thought I was in heaven before, I was wrong.

Looking at Nathan right now has my mouth-watering. Talk about a man who is hot as hell.

I only get a glimpse because he turns the lights out and walks towards the bed.

I’m still standing by the chair in complete shock of how defined and tattooed his body is.

gonna stand over there all night?”

“No,” I say as I finally make my way toward the bed.

“Do you want to sleep against the wall?”

“I don’t care,” I tell him truthfully.

“Good, you get the wall then,” he says as he moves so I can crawl in and sleep between him and the wall. Yeah, this is going to end well.

Just like sleeping between a rock and a hard place…the wall and Nathan’s body. I’m screwed.

Chapter Eighteen

I can’t remember the las
t time I had a dream this good.

“No, kiss me,” I demand and
Nathan complies. My dream is so vivid. The lines of his hard body, I can’t stop touching him.

The kisses aren’t enough, I’m pulling him closer to me,
and I want him closer than I’ve ever wanted anyone.

“More,” I whisper.

Our kisses are urgent, like we can’t get enough of one another. I can’t help touching his body; I want to lick him everywhere.

I continue to run my hands down his body and I’m dying with anticipation of taking this further.

If I can’t have him in real life, I might as well take what I can get in my dream.

I reach down into his boxers and feel his hard erection. Oh damn, he feels enormous. Dreams usually work that way though.

I start to stroke him, enjoying the sounds I’m hearing.

“Liv,” I hear and then my hand stops
moving. “Liv,” I hear again.

Why? My dream was just starting to get good. I open m
y eyes to Nathan staring at me.

“Huh?” I ask confused.

“Can you take your hand off my dick?” he asks with an amused look.

I look down at my hand and see that it
’s inside his shorts and definitely wrapped around his erection.

I quickly let go, “Shit, I’m sorry, I…I…I don’t know what I…shit
, I thought I was dreaming,” I stutter and mumbled sounding ridiculous.

“So you dream of jerking me off,” he says smugly.

“Shit, no, I’m sorry,” I say embarrassed.

“Wait…did we kiss or was that actually in my dream?” I ask confused.

“So, you don’t dream of jerking me off, but you dream of kissing me?” he asks, sounding like a jackass.

my gosh, you’re ridiculous,” I say crawling out of bed, grabbing my clothes and heading into the bathroom.

I look into the mirror, “What the fuck are you doing?” I say to myself. Unfortu
nately, I don’t have an answer.

My face is red and I look horrible. I quickly wash up and throw my clothes on. I head back into Nathan’s room, realizing it was his room I slept in
a year ago.

I throw his clothes in his hamper. “I’m sorry about this morning, it won’t happen again,” I tell him apologetically.

“Oh, I know it won’t happen again. And just so we’re clear, last night only happened because it was a dare. Don’t think I would make out with you under normal circumstances,” he says rudely.

“Wow, really, back to asshole mode already?”

“Only when it comes to you, now if you don’t mind, you can leave,” he says, as he walks past me and into the bathroom.

“What an ass,” I mu
mble to myself.

I find Brynn in the living room, looking
surprised to see me still here.

“Get your mind out of the gutter, absolutely nothing happened. He’s a fucking asshole. I’ll see you at home,” I tell her as I walk toward the door.

“Wait, I’ll come with you,” she tells me kindly.

“Brynn, seriously, it’s fine. Hang out with Chad. I’ll see you later.”

I don’t give her time to respond; I walk out the door and head home, pissed off that she would come up with such a devious game.

If I thought Nathan
was a decent human being at any point last night, I was wrong. He’s an asshole.

The next few
days’ things return to normal. I ignore Brynn for all of two hours, because honestly she wouldn’t leave until I talked to her. As much as I want to stay mad at her, I don’t, it happened, it’s over, time to move on.

starts this week, and other than that I’ve been helping with the sorority planning events and ideas for different social interactions.

biatch, how was class?” Brynn asks, as I plop my things down on my bed.

“Eh, it was okay, just glad it’s over now.

“Don’t you have an afternoon class today?” she says giving me a look.

“Yeah, but not for two hours, thankfully it’s my last one of the day,” I say happily.

My morning was chaos, and now I have so much reading to do to
night. Welcome back to college.

“How did we manage to only schedule one class together?” Brynn asks sadly.

“I don’t know, what the hell were we thinking?” I whine.

“Next semester let’s take all our classes together,” she says with excitement.

“Absolutely,” I say with a smile.

“Let’s get something to eat before your afternoon class,” she
says standing up from her bed.

My stomach grumbles and we both laugh, obviously I’m in need of food.

My two hour break goes by fast and before I know it, I’m walking into my communications class. The classroom isn’t too full yet, so I take my seat by the windows and look through my phone.

About five minutes later the class is quickly filling in with people, and that’s when I see him.

I watch Nathan take a seat with a few girls and guys in the opposite corner from where I’m at.

This professor starts out the old fashio
ned way, and does a roll call.

If I thought Nathan wouldn’t know I was here, well the roll call will surely let him know otherwise.

Once my name is called I say “here” and then look in his direction. I don’t know why I do, self-punishment I guess, but he’s looking at me as though he’s shocked to see me here. That’s when I turn and focus back on the professor.

Class takes forever, but finally when it’s over
, I leave the room without another thought of Nathan and head back to the sorority house. I am officially done with classes for the day.

“How was class?” Sophie asks as I come in the front door.

“It was boring,” I say truthfully.

Brynn rushes in the door a few minutes after me, “Liv, I’m sorry I had no idea, did he say anything to you?” she says all out of breath.

“What are you talking about?” I ask confused.

“I just found out that Nathan’s in your Com class. Did he say anything to you?” she asks in a stern tone.

“No, I saw him in the beginning, but that was it. Should I be worried about something?” I ask nervously.

“Oh no, I just thought his punk ass would say something to you. I was ready to go and rip and feed him his balls,” she says with an evil smile.

“B, we are bound to have some classes together, we are both sophomore’s.”

“I guess you’re right, but if that little fucker says anything out of place you better let me know,” she says with a glare.

“You don’t need to worry about Nathan, he will probably stay as far away from me as possible. Plus, you don’t need to allow any of the crap that occurs with him and I to affect you and Chad,” I state truthfully.

“You let me handle Chad. If he says anything rude, you better fucking tell me, or I will kick your ass after I kick his.”

I smile, “Fine B.”

ly, the first month of school’s going smoothly. I have my classes all in order. With helping plan events with the sorority and hanging out with the girls and the new pledges, I’m busy.

Luckily, Nathan never says anything to me during or around Com class.

Life is good.

“Who’s in for The Cave tonight?” Brynn yells to anyone who will listen.

I just shrug. I haven’t decided if I want to go out tonight. I have a shit ton of homework to do.

A bunch of the girls yell to count them in, but I continue looking at the work sitting in front of me.

“Oh Livie, just so you know I wasn’t asking you. You’re coming,” Brynn says with a smile.

“I don’t get a choice?” I say with annoyance.

“Not tonight, you’ve been reading and doing homework all week. Tonight you are taking a break.”

“How would you know? You’re hardly here,” I retort.

“I have my ways. Now, go get dressed, we’re leaving in an hour,” she says excitedly.

I don’t bother to argue
, because I could definitely use a night out of fun. I head up to my room and go through my outfits. I want to look hot tonight, and getting drunk sounds like a fantastic plan right about now.

“Holy shit Liv, you look awesome,” Sophie says from the door.

“Thanks,” I say with a smile. I’m wearing a little black dress, it’s short, definitely shorter than I normally wear, and it’s strapless and hugs my body like a glove. I pair it up with my killer red sparkly high heels. I’ll probably pay for the heels later, but I look hot, if I do say so myself. My make-up consists of smoky eyes and my dark hair is curled.

I take one last look in the mirror and then head down the stairs to leave with the girls.

I walk down the stairs and Brynn stares at me, “Holy shit, you look hot bitch,” she says with a giggle.

“Shut it, you’ve seen me dressed like this before,” I tell her.

“Yeah, but that was freaking years ago. That dress is awesome, I want to borrow it soon,” she says as she fixes something with my hair.

“Sure, you know it’s in my closet,” I say smiling.

“Are you trying to get laid tonight Liv?” she says in a sarcastic tone.

“Ha, very funny, then again, I’m not opposed to it,” I say shocking her.

“Oh hell yes, this is going to be so much fun,” she says clapping in excitement.

We get to the club, show our fake Id’s to the bouncer and head inside. The bar is ridiculously packed. The music is thumping and people are grinding all over each other.

We head right to the stairs and climb them to the second floor, go to the bar and order our first round of drinks.

“Hurry up girls, I
wanna dance,” yells Brynn.

Of course
, she wants to dance already.

I’m thankful a bunch of our sorority sisters came along; hopefully she won’t notice me not dancing.

“Come on,” Brynn whines. A group of the girls get up and head off onto the dance floor with her.

“So, are you hiding over here for a reason?” Sophie asks.

“No, just not in the mood to dance.”

“Do your feet hurt yet?” she asks with a laugh.

“Not yet, I’m sure they will soon enough,” I say truthfully.

“It happens, they are hot as hell though,” she says smiling and glancing down at my high heels.


“How about a few shots?” she asks surprising me.

“You read my mind,” I tell her as I stand up and follow her to the bar.

It doesn’t take long for the waiter to ask us what we want. Sophie looks at me to name my poison.

“Four red headed slut shots, please,” I tell him.

“Four?” she says looking confused.

“What? You asked,” I tell her with a smile.

The waiter makes the shots in front of us; we pay and stand ready to down them.

“To getting drunk,” I say holding up my first shot.

“Hell yes!” she cheers and we down our first shot.

“To getting laid tonight,” Sophie says, holding up the next shot.

“Absolutely,” I say as I clink my shot glass to hers and down it.

Damn they are good.

“What the fuck bitches, you did shots without me?” Brynn says with a pout.

“Sorry,” I tell her.

“Fine, but be ready for another,” she says. The waiter comes back over to us, “Six shots of whatever the hell they just drank,” she tells him.

“Six?” I ask confused.

“Hell yes
bestie, I’m making sure you’re having fun tonight,” she says excitedly.

The waiter brings six shots over, we each down two.

“Ready to dance now bitches?” Brynn says laughing.

“Fuck yeah,” Sophie yells.

I just laugh and follow them to the dance floor.

The second floor dancers aren’t nearly as good looking as I would have hoped, but looking down
at first floor, I decide we need to head there.

“Hey, let’s go down there,” I say pointing to some hot guys on the first floor.

“Oh hell yeah, finally some hotties,” Brynn says a little too excited for someone who’s not single.

I just laugh and lead the way down the stairs.

Dancing with ourselves allows us to act however we want. We dance and move to the beat with each song that starts.

“Go dance with him,” Brynn yells to me.

“What if he has a girlfriend? I’m not trying to piss anyone off,” I tell her truthfully.

“Does it
look like he has a girlfriend?”

“Well no, but that doesn’t mean anything. Maybe she’s in the bathroom.”

“Ugh, you are frustrating, wait here,” she says as she heads in the direction of one of the hotties.

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