New Beginnings (13 page)

Read New Beginnings Online

Authors: E. L. Todd

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: New Beginnings
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“Thanks.” Mike shook hands with Ryan. “I’m gonna be a dad.”

“You better not have their birthday party at the strip club,” I teased.

“That’s an idea,” he said with a smile. “I’ll teach my son to be a man before he’s a toddler.”

Cassandra glared at him.

“I mean, I would never do that,” Mike said quickly. He put his hand on her stomach, showing the slight bulge through the shirt. “Dude, this is like the hottest thing in the world.”

“I know exactly what you mean,” Sean said as he grabbed Scarlet’s hand.

I felt bad that Scarlet and Sean didn’t have their baby, but they didn’t seem to be jealous or upset. They were genuinely happy for Mike and Cassandra.

“Does Dad know?” Sean asked.

“He was the first person I told,” Mike said.

Sean nodded. “Good. I’m sure he was thrilled.”

“He’s very excited to be a grandpa,” Mike said. “He’ll be at the strip club for the birthday party.”

Cassandra hit him on the shoulder. “If you keep saying that, I’m not going to think you’re joking.”

“Who said anything about joking?” he said.

She hit his shoulder again. “I can raise this baby on my own…”

“I don’t think so. The two of you are mine. I’ll hold you down if I have to.”

“That’s disturbing…” Sean said.

Mike glared at him. “My baby likes it when I hold her down. And I can actually get her pregnant.”

“We’ll see about that,” Sean said.

Everyone was excited about the baby on the way. Even though I still felt the stress weigh on my heart, I felt happy because of the news. Despite the hard times we faced, we always got through it. As long as we had each other, everything would be okay.



Everyone left around midnight. We said our goodbyes and walked them out the door. I took Cortland aside before he got into his car.

“I remember what y
ou said,” I said quickly before he could interrupt me. “But I’m here for you if you need me.”

“I know,” he said. “I’ve always known that.”

I hugged him tightly before I finally let him go. He was a wonderful man and an exceptional person. I just wanted him to be happy.

“We’re heading out,” Mike said. “My baby is getting tired. And
she gets grouchy when she’s tired.”

“No, I get grouchy when I don’t get sex because you’re too tired,” Cassandra snapped.

“I’m never too tired.” He gave her a dark look then eyed her stomach. “I’ll prove it right now in the car.”

“Anyway…” I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “We wanted to talk to you after everyone left.”

“What’s up?” Mike asked.

I let Sean take the lead.

“It’s a long story,” he said. “But I’ll start at the beginning.”

“Okay…” Mike gave him a hard look.

“Mom told me she went to the doctor and found out she had a mass in her brain. It wasn’t cancerous, but it was affecting her mood swings. After she took medication, she returned to normal. That’s why she’s been normal lately.”

Mike stilled at Sean’s words. Concern covered his face. “Is she okay?”

“She’s fine,” Sean said. “And she’s going to be fine.”

“Are they going to operate?” he asked. “How is she taking care of this?”

“I don’t know any of that,” Sean said quickly. “But I know she’ll be fine. The doctors don’t seem concerned about it.”

Mike gripped his skull. Cassandra comforted him by holding him around the waist. He towered over her
so he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. He took a deep breath. “So, that whole time she was acting crazy, she was sick…?”

Sean nodded. “Yeah.”

“And we were both assholes to her.” He stared at the ground when he spoke.


“Does Dad know?”

“She didn’t want him to know, but when I saw him on a date with some whore, I intervened and told him the truth.”

“When he was on a date?” Mike asked. “You saw him?”

“You knew about it?” Sean asked.

Mike glanced down at Cassandra, who’s face was pressed to his chest. He shook his head slightly, asking Sean to drop the subject. I had no idea why and I knew Sean didn’t either.

“Anyway,” Sean said. “Mom didn’t want him to know because she wanted to win him back on her own, but I blabbed his secret. He had a break down and I took him to Mom. That was three days ago. I haven’t seen him or spoken to him since.”

Mike processed everything for a long time. “So, they do love each other.”

“A lot,” I said. “Their reunion was very touching.”

He held Cassandra to his chest, his chin rested on her head. “I’m glad.”

“I can tell Dad is happy,” Sean said. “And I am too. They’re going to get remarried.”

“Then that’s great,” Mike said. “But now I feel like a piece of shit son for turning my back on Mom. If I’d known—”

“No one knew,” Sean said. “It’s not our fault. We can’t blame ourselves. Everything worked out so it doesn’t matter.”

“Yeah…” He kissed Cassandra’s forehead and turned his face into her head. “I guess I really was stupid for giving up.”

I knew that was directed toward Cassandra, so I didn’t speak. Neither did Sean.

“I pushed you away for no reason,” he whispered to her.

“Forget about it,” she said. She moved her mouth to his chin and kissed him.

I remembered what Sean said about seeing the men’s clothing and accessories at her apartment. It made me wonder if the baby was really Mike’s. He didn’t strike me as the kind of guy to ask for proof.

When Sean looked at me, I knew he thought the same thing.
“Can we talk to you for a second—in private?” Sean asked.

“There’s nothing I keep from Cassandra,” he said quietly.

“It’s personal,” Sean said.

“It’s okay.” Cassandra kissed him. “I’ll wait in the car.”

“Okay.” He reluctantly released her.

When she shut the door and pulled out her phone, Mike turned back to Sean. “You better have a good reason
separating me from her. I’ve been apart from her for a long time. I’m not wasting anymore time.”

Sean sighed. “I didn’t want to say this in front of her just in case I offended her.”

“What?” he asked.

“I’m really happy about the baby. It’s great, really,” Sean said.

“Okay.” Mike stared him down, waiting for him to get to his point.

“I visited Cassandra when you guys were broken up…”


“I saw men’s clothing, shoes, and
a wallet sitting on the table. It’s none of my business what she did when you were broken up, but are you sure the baby is yours?”

Mike’s face turned red in anger. “She wasn’t with anyone when we were apart. I don’t need a test.”

I knew Sean had to tread this carefully.

“I know what I saw,” Sean said firmly. “She wouldn’t let me into the apart
ment and she looked flustered. They were definitely men’s items on the table. When I yelled at her for sleeping with someone else, she started crying and said she didn’t, but I can tell she was lying.”

“You can tell she was lying?” Mike asked incredulously. “You don’t know Cassandra like I do. She’s not a liar. If she slept with someone, she would have told me.”

“I’m just saying maybe you should get a test,” Sean said. “Just in case. It doesn’t do any harm.”

“Any harm?” Mike asked. “I trust Cassandra and I’m not going to break that trust. I know she wouldn’t lie to me.”

Sean sighed. “I just wanted to let you know, okay? Don’t get mad. I really am happy for you. Everything you’ve ever wanted is coming together. I want you to be happy.”

Mike calmed down slightly. “Okay.”

We stood there awkwardly in front of each other.

“About Dad,” Mike said. “The reason he was on that date was because of me.”

“What?” Sean said.

“I tried b
uying a house for Cassandra, but the buyer wouldn’t take my offer, even when it was over the listing price. The only way I could get it is if Dad went on a date with her. He did it as a favor to me and Cassandra. That was why he was with her.”

Sean covered his face and sighed. “God, I’m such an ass.”

“What?” Mike asked. “What did you do?”

“I said and did a lot of mean things to him,” Sean said. “I owe him an apology.”

“You actually thought Dad was on a real date?” Mike asked incredulously. “Dad would never do that. He even said so.”

“Which is why I feel like a piece of shit,” Sean said quickly.

“Well, if he’s shacking up with Mom, I doubt he even remembers what you said.” He cringed at his words. “Gross. I hope I don’t have another sibling because of this.”

“Eww,” Sean said. “Don’t talk like that. I’m going to hurl.”

I smiled while I listened to both of them.

Mike glanced at the car and saw Cassandra sitting inside. “I should go. She reall
y does get cranky when she’s tired.”

“Okay.” I hugged him. “Good night. And congratulations.”

“Thank you.” He pulled away and gave me a firm look. “It’ll happen for you guys. Don’t worry.”

I gave him a soft smile. “I know…”

Mike kissed my forehead then embraced his brother. “Night.”

“Night,” Sean said back.

Mike got into the car then left the driveway.

“You think she was lying?” Sean asked.

“I don’t know…”

“I hope Mike asks her about it.”

“Do you think she really had a guy over there?”

He sighed. “I know what I saw. I just hope I’m wrong.”



When we got home, Cassandra washed off her make up then pulled my shirt on. She didn’t wear any bottoms, just her panties. I liked seeing her like this. She didn’t need to wear make up and I wasn’t sure why she did most of the time. She was perfect without it.

“I’m glad we told them,” she said when she lay in bed.

I undressed then tossed my clothes in the hamper. “Me too. They all seemed really excited.”

“Not as excited as I am.” She sat up and watched me strip.

When I was down to my briefs, she blatantly stared at my crotch. “You’re so hot.”

I smirked then looked away, trying not to let her see the blush in my cheeks. I knew I was a good-looking guy but I wasn’t on the same level as Cassandra. She was a natural beauty, someone who didn’t
need to dress up to look perfect. Her eyes emitted so much life that eye shadow and eyeliner didn’t make a difference. Her lips were full and soft, attracting everyone in the room, gay or straight. When she didn’t notice my stares, the muscles of her mouth relaxed, and her eyes became empty, making her look like a wise goddess. I noticed new details every day, but that was because I was always looking.

I came to the bed then got under the covers beside her. Her legs automatically hooked around mine. Her legs were smooth and soft, not a single hair apparent. I never liked sleeping with people because I hated sharing the room, even
though I had a California king bed. But with Cassandra, there was too much room left over. I could hold her in my arms all night and get better sleep for it. My hand moved around her waist, filling the skin of her hips underneath her shirt.

Then I thought about what my brother said. What if someone else had felt this same hip, had noticed all the details I adored about her? What if someone felt the warm lips that belonged to me? What if she lied?

But she wouldn’t. She wouldn’t.

My brother
didn’t lied. He wouldn’t do it to save his own ass. So, I felt torn.

Cassandra ran her hand down my chest then to my stomach. She felt the hard grooves underneath. Then her fingers played with the top of my boxers, wanting to pull them off. She was more obsessed with sex than I was. She looked at me, her eyes shining with arousal.

But I couldn’t make a move. A part of me was paranoid.

“Mike, what is it?” she whispered.

I refused to lie to my partner—now or ever. We were going to raise a kid together, and I had to be a role model by example. Lying was wrong. “Sean said something to me before we left the house…”

“And what did he say?” She kept fingering my boxers.

“He said he came to your apartment and saw a wallet, shoes, and a jacket that clearly belonged to a man. And you wouldn’t let Sean into the apartment.” I looked into her eyes, studying her reaction.

She didn’t react in any noticeable way. Her hand was glued to my hip. “What’s your point?”

“He thinks you slept with someone.”

There was still no reaction. She didn’t seem affected by those words. I wait
ed for her to deny the claim or confirm it. She did neither.

I waited. I didn’t want to directly ask her because that would indicate I didn’t trust her. “He wants me to get a paternity test to make sure it’s mine.”

“Do you want to?” she asked.

I just wanted her to tell me she didn’t sleep with the guy, but I didn’t want to ask. I kept my mouth shut.

She eyed me. “Mike, I already told you I didn’t sleep with anyone.”

“I know, but—”

“Fine. Then ask me.” Her hand left my boxers. She looked me in the eye, the anger brewing. “Ask me since you don’t believe me.”

“I do believe you.”

“If you did, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.”

She got me there.

“So? Are you going to ask?” She was testing me.

“Then who was the man?”

“I don’t see why that’s any of your business.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Why won’t you just tell me? Why is it a big deal?”

“I’m hurt that I’m being questioned like I did something wrong.”

“I’m not questioning you. I just wa
nt to have an explanation for your behavior.”

“This is our relationship, Mike. You don’t owe him anything.”

This was going nowhere. “Cassandra, if you said you weren’t with anyone, I believe you. To prove that, I won’t ask for a paternity test.”

“I don’t mind taking it if it clears your doubt.”

“No,” I said firmly. “It’s fine. But I’d like to know who the guy was.”

She eyed me for a moment then looked away. “Joey.”

Was that name supposed to mean something to me?  “Who?”

“He’s my brother.”

“Oh.” I knew she had a brother but I’ve never met him.

e went to dinner then watched a movie at my apartment. That was all.”

“Why didn’t you let Sean into the apartment?” I asked.

“Joey is protective of me. He would have gotten involved. It was easier just to hide Sean and Joey from each other. And judging your brother’s reaction, he would have said something I’d be forced to explain to Joey later.”

Now I felt stupid for ever worrying about it.

“I really don’t want your family doubting me or this baby’s relationship to you,” Cassandra said. “I think it will save us both headaches if I just do the test. Everyone will know the truth and everyone will be happy.”

“I don’t care what they think, Cassandra.”

“I do,” she said simply. “We’ll do it this week. Plus, it’ll make Sean feel like an ass.” She gave me a playful look.

“I like making my brother feel like shit.”

Cassandra pulled off her shirt then turned on her stomach. When I saw the deep curve of her back, I immediately sprung to life. Her ass was hard with muscle and round and firm. I wanted to bite it as soon as I saw it.

“You owe me good sex since you doubted me.” She rose on all fours and gave me an expectant look.

I swallowed the lump in my throat before I sat up then came behind her. I loved everything about her body, but her ass was truly exceptional. Just looking at it made me want to come. She was as kinky as I was, so our bedroom escapades were never boring. I slipped inside, feeling how wet she was as soon as we began.

I’d been with a lot of women, and not all of them could take my full length. I could only insert three quarters
so I wouldn’t hurt them or make them uncomfortable. But Cassandra took all of me like a pro. She rocked her hips and bounced her ass against me, wanting it harder and faster. Sometimes she was too much for me, making me spiral out of control against my will.

I lean
ed over her and pressed my chest against her back, feeling the warm skin. I pressed my mouth to her ear and breathed loudly while I moved inside her over and over. She moaned for me like she never wanted me to stop. I had to stop a few times because I was going to come too soon.

“Mike…fuck me.”

“Shit, Cassandra.” I had to stop again so I wouldn’t come. “You’re even more horny than you used to be.”

“Because I spent three months touching myself while thinking of you. I miss the real thing.” She rocked back into me, pushing me into her.

“Damn it.” I took another deep breath, trying to forget the words she said. That was the hottest thing she ever said. I pressed my fingers to her clitoris and rubbed it in a circular motion, trying to get her to come. I moved into her at the same time, and instantly, she was writhing for me, arching her back and saying my name over and over. I came inside her at the same time, feeling the wonderful heat in my groin.

“Hmm…that felt good.” She lay down, sighing happily.

I lay beside her and looked at her. “Those hormones are really getting to you.”

Her hand rested on my chest. “No. I’m just hot for you.” She closed her eyes and fell asleep.

After that round of hot sex, I wasn’t tired. All I wanted to do was stare at my muse, the greatest thing that ever happened to me. Her face was more interesting than any dream I could experience. I stared at her for an hour before I finally went to bed.


I went to my mom’s house after work, needing to see her after what Sean told me. She was sick and I didn’t even know. As selfish as it sounded, I was hurt she told Sean and not me. I always felt like he was the favorite and I was a lost cause. I understood why she didn’t tell my dad, but why not me?

I rang the doorbell and waited. Minutes passed and nothing happened. I rang the doorbell again.

“Coming!” I heard my father yell.

He opened the door, wearing a shirt that looked worn out and old, and his hair was in disarray. One look told me exactly what he was just doing. “Hey,” he said, still out of breath. “What are you doing here?”

I cringed. “Gross…”

He smirked. “You didn’t catch me at the best time.”

“So, you’re really getting back together?”

“Yep. We’re going to have a small ceremony in a few days after we…talk it out.”

“Eww,” I said with another cringe.

“Andrew, bring a spatula!” she yelled from upstairs.

“Okay, I’m officially grossed out.” I stepped away. “I’m leaving.”

“I’ll call you when we’re…settled.”

“Yeah, whatever.”

“And Athena said you still have the house.”

“She did?” I asked happily.


“Andrew, hurry!”

He looked over his shoulder then back at me. “I gotta go.” He shut the door in my face.

I was grossed out for several minutes afterwards, thinking about my parents having sex. Disgusting. Old people still did that shit? I drove to Athena’s next so I could get the paperwork started.

When I arrived at the house, she gave me a weak smile. “Here to claim your prize?”


She gave me the paperwork in an orange folder along with the keys.

“Thanks.” I checked everything to make sure it was right.

She held out her hand. “And the money?”

I pulled a check out of my wallet and handed it over. “You have all my information if the check bounces.”

“It better not.”

“Don’t worry. Preston money is good money.” I headed out the door, feeling proud that I got my girl the house she wanted. I worked my ass off to get it and even had to pimp out my dad like a whore.

I drove to the house and inspected it. I had a few weeks to report any damages or unclaimed problems. Everything seemed to be intact. All the appliances worked and the house was spotless. I wanted to tell Cassandra so we could move in right away, but I had a better idea.


I changed into three different suits because I didn’t know what to wear. “What do you think of this one?” I asked as I looked at myself in the mirror.

“Isn’t that the same one you were just wearing?”

“No. This one is gray.”

“And what was the other one…?”

“Black,” I said impatiently.

She grabbed my ass. “You look hot in all of them.” She patted it then walked to her jewelry box, putting on a golden necklace.

I grabbed a blue tie and put it on. “I want to look nice. This is important.”

“You can wear jeans and that would be acceptable.”


She rolled her eyes. “And remember, I don’t want them to know you have money.”

“What? Why not?”

“I just don’t,” she said. “My parents never had money and I don’t want them to think they can get it from you.”

“But being rich is all I have. I’m not funny, charismatic, or nice. They aren’t going to like me. But if I have money, they’ll accept me at least.”

She gave me an incredulous look. “Mike, you’re all of those things and much more.”

I rolled my eyes. “Whatever. You’re just saying that because I give you good sex.”

“No,” she said firmly. “You’re such a wonderful person. My parents are going to love you for you.”

“I can’t take a chance, Cassandra. I already knocked you up. They’re already going to dislike me for that.”

“Mike, I don’t care what they think. Just be yourself.”

“If I was myself,
they’d throw me out of the place.”

“You’re yourself around your family and they seem to love you.”

“Because they have to,” I snapped.

“No.” She gave me a firm look. “Not at all. I fell in love with you for you. You had me on our first date.”

“Because I’m hot,” I said with a smirk.

She wrapped her arms around my neck
and gave me a firm look. “No matter what happens tonight, I love you. Nothing will change that. So, please, be yourself and calm down.”

“I really want them to like me. I’ve never met a girl’s parents before.”

“They are humans just like everyone else,” she said with a laugh.

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