New Beginnings (9 page)

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Authors: E. L. Todd

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: New Beginnings
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“Completely understandable,” Andrew said. “We take no offense.”

She turned to me, giving me a keen eye. “And your name?”

“Mr. Preston,” I answered.

“Do you have a first name?” she said with an attitude.

Normally, I would have made a smartass comeback, but I kept it back. “Mike.” I extended my hand and shook hers. “I apologize for dropping by without any notice.”

“Then why did you do it?” she asked.

My dad flashed me a smirk.

“Time was of the essence.”

She opened the door wider. “Come inside and we’ll discuss the house.”

We walked into her large parlor then sat down on the large leather chairs.

“Tea?” she asked.

“Yes and please,” my father said.

“Sure,” I said.

She brought a tray to the table and poured green tea into our cups. The mansion she lived in was spotless and smelled like flowers. Athena was fit and small, indicating she exercised every day. Judging her attitude, she didn’t have a problem being alone. She was self-sufficient and strong.

She sat across from us and crossed her legs. Her posture was perfect and she was refine. For an older woman, she seemed youthful and full of life. She didn’t have any wrinkles and she had a perfect complexion.

“How’s Diane?” she asked politely.

“Well,” he answered vaguely.

I wondered if she heard about the divorce.

“Twenty-five years is a long time to be with the same woman,” she said as she sipped her tea.

My dad became a little uncomfortable. “We’re divorced.”

“Oh,” she said. “I’m sorry.”

He nodded. “We’ll get through it. She and I are friendly.”

My mom was nothing but a bitch to my dad. I’m glad they were divorced. It was painful at the time, but when I remembered how horrible my mom was, I was glad my dad was free to be happy.

“That’s good,” she said. “Especially since you have two kids.”

“Four, actually. I have a daughter-in-law, and soon I’ll have another.” He gave me a quick smile.

“Very cute,” she said. She turned to me. “I assume that’s why you want the house?”

I’m glad we were getting somewhere. “Yes.”

“We can discuss it,” she said vaguely.

“I’ll offer however much money you want. That house is mine.” I knew I was being aggressive but she needed to understand how serious I was.

“Determined,” she said. She didn’t seem impressed.

“My girlfriend is in love with that place. I need to have it.”

“It is a magical place.” She sipped her tea. “My husband and I lived there and raised our kids. The memories we made there will last a lifetime.” She sighed. “But it’s just too painful to stay there. It’s time for someone else to make their own memories there.”

And it better be me.

“I’m sorry about your husband,” I said seriously.

“Thank you,” she said. “Two years have come and gone, and I still expect to see him outside working on the yard. But that’s life.”

She reminded me of my dad.

“I’m sorry as well,” Andrew said.

“Thank you,” she said with a nod.

“So, what can I offer you to give me the house?” I asked.

“Right to the point,” she said with a smile.

“Like you said, I’m determined,” I said.

“Honestly, I have no need for money.”

“I can tell,” I said. “Then what can I offer you?”

She eyed Andrew then looked back at me. “Can I have a moment in private?”

I looked at my dad and silently excused him.

“I’ll be outside,” he said as he walked out.

Once the door was shut, I felt nervous. She’d been alone for two years and I suspected I knew what she wanted. She was lonely and missed being with someone. I wasn’t conceited but I knew I was eye-catching. She probably wanted me to bed her. I really wanted that house but not that much.

“Your father is a very handsome man.” She stared at me like she asked me a question.

Did she want me to agree with her?

“Is he over his wife?”

“Um…I don’t know. Whenever women hit on him, he says no.”

“Well, are these women attractive?”

“Actually, they’re pretty hot.”

She touched her throat. “And what’s his reason for rejecting them?”

I shrugged. “He hasn’t been divorced that long.”

She rested her fingers on the hollow of her throat. “I don’t know Andrew personally, but all I hear are absolutely wonderful things. I know about his generosity, his
kindness, and I certainly see how attractive he is.”

Where was this going…?

“I’d like a date with him. I need a new husband, and I would love to give him a try.”

“My dad isn’t a piece of meat,” I snapped.

“I’m not implying he is,” she said calmly. “I just want a respectable man that I can spend time with. Everyone my age is overweight, sick, or just crazy. Your father is a serious catch, and if he’s single, I’d like a chance to get to know him better.”

‘Then ask him out,” I said. “Why are you telling me this?”

She gave me a hard look. “Get me a date with your father and the house is yours.”

Her words resonated in my brain for a while. I wasn’t loyal to my mother because I despised her, but I felt weird hooking my dad up with someone new. When it was young girls at the bars, I didn’t care because I knew it would never go anywhere, but this woman was his age and rich. She was perfect for him. “I can’t make him do anything.”

“All I’m asking for is dinner—not a marriage.”

“I still can’t force him to do something he doesn’t want to do. That’s not fair.”

“Make it happen or forget about the house,” she said coldly.

Seriously? This is what I had to get the damn house? I wasn’t a match-maker.
“Let me talk to him.”

“Good boy.” She sipped her tea and leaned back.

I walked outside, feeling awkward about the impending conversation.

“What did she say?” he asked. “How much?”

“Umm…it’s not about the money.” I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly.

“Then what does she want?”

I felt weird just saying it. “She wants a date with you.”

“Me?” He looked at me like I was crazy. “I’m an old divorced guy.”

I shrugged. “You’re telling me. She said you were handsome, generous, and caring—some crap like that. She’s looking for someone to share her life with, and someone who’s not an asshole.”

My dad stepped back, looking uncomfortable. “I just got divorced, Mike. I’m not ready for that.”

“She just wants a date—nothing else.”

He shook his head. “I can’t. I’m sorry. She’s a very attractive woman and seems perfectly nice but…I just can’t.”

I sighed, disappointed.

“Just offer her more money.”

“She said she doesn’t care about that. She said if this date doesn’t happen, I’m not getting the house. There’s no way to go around it.”

My dad sighed, seeing the decision before him. “So, this is all on me?”

“You don’t have to do it, Dad. I can’t make you do something you’re that uncomfortable with.”

He gave me a sad expression then ran his fingers through his hair. “I know how much you want that house.”

“But it’s not worth it if I have to pimp you.”

He chuckled then looked at me. “Just one date?”

I nodded. “She just wants to have dinner.”

He took a deep breath then placed his hands on his hips. “I can do that.”

“Really?” I asked, surprised.

“I can give up one night and ha
ve some nice company so you can get your dream home. It’s a reasonable sacrifice.”

“Thanks, Dad.” I was glad I didn’t have to pressure him into it. I would have felt like an asshole.

“You’re welcome. But I’m doing it more for Cassandra and the little one on the way than for you.”

“That’s fine,” I said with a laugh. “That’s why I’m doing it too.” I headed back through the door. “I’ll tell her what you said.”

“I’m a man. I can talk to her,” he said simply.


We walked inside then re
turned to the couches. She seemed calm, almost bored.

“I’d love to take you out to dinner,” Andrew said like a gentleman.

She smiled. “I look forward to it. They don’t make them like you anymore.”

He blushed. “I’m really not that interesting.”

She touched his arm then squeezed gently. “And you’re still solid. I like that.”

I wanted to barf. Seeing my dad get hit on was gross. “So…the house?

it’s yours for the original bid you gave.”

“Awesome,” I said.

“I’ll have the realtor take care of it tomorrow.”

“Thank you.” I stood up and shook her hand. “I appreciate it.”

“No, thank you.” She looked at Andrew fondly.

“Well, I guess we should go…” I was trying to save my dad. I thought she might jump on him and start humping his brains out.

“Yes, we should.” He stood up and stepped away. “Are you free tomorrow?”

“I am.”

“I’ll pick you up at six.”

“Sounds lovely.” She walked us to the door and to the porch. “Drive safely.”

“Thank you,
” he said.

We headed back to the house, both of us silent.

He turned to me. “If you see your mother, please don’t mention this.”

“No problem.”

“Am I allowed to tell anyone about the baby?”

“I want to tell Sean and Scarlet myself.”

He nodded. “Got it.”

I dropped him off at the house. I parked the car and waited for him to get out.

When he didn’t move, staring out the window at the house, I knew he was going to say something serious, something I would think about my entire ride home. “I was worried about you for a while there, son. You fell pretty far and I wasn’t sure if you were coming back. For the first time, I was scared. Your mother and I worked really hard to raise you boys into becoming generous, caring, and respectable men. Sean hasn’t always been perfect, but I knew he would make me proud, which he has.” I waited for him to finish, my heart in my throat. “I’m glad the two of you worked it out and you’re being a man and taking care of Cassandra. All I’ve ever wanted was for you to be happy. I can die happy knowing you made it.”

“Dad, don’t talk like that.” I hated thinking about him dying. He said it like it would happen tomorrow.

“Hey, it’s the truth. You never know when it’s going to happen. Just accept it.”

I swallowed the lump in my throat.

“But you have to promise me something, and you have to keep that promise even after I’m in the ground.”

My eyes watered just thinking about it. “What?”

He gave me a firm look. “Don’t ever let that happen again.” He didn’t look away or back down. “I mean it, Mike. The world can be cold and forgiving. It will chew you up and spit you back out like you’re worthless, but don’t ever give into it. Rise above it and be strong. You have a kid on the way. Everything has to change, Mike. You have to be the wall that kid needs. If something bad happens, you can’t just fall apart. No more being weak.”

I couldn’t look at him anymore. “It won’t happen again, Dad.”

“Promise me. Even if Cassandra leaves you for someone else or does something unspeakable, promise me you won’t behave that way again. I’m not always going to be there to help you, Mike.”

I closed my eyes for a moment, hating myself for the way I acted when Cassandra broke my heart. I became a man I despised. Before, I used to be that way because I didn’t know what else to do. But that time, I did it on purpose. I purposely sunk that low. I said and did unspeakable things. I wasn’t an
honorable man like my father was. I brought him shame. My dad was a mountain you could never move. I needed to be the same way.

“Promise me,” he said louder.

“I promise,” I whispered.

“And you better keep it.”

“I will.”

“Because you got two other people to think about now.”

“I know, Dad.”

He patted my shoulder. “And maybe more someday.”

“I hope so.”

He opened the door and got out. “Goodnight.”


“And Mike?”


“I’m very proud of you.” He gave me a serious look before he shut the door and walked back into the house.

I took a deep breath then drove back home, thinking about everything my father said long and hard. I was going to be a dad. And I promised myself I would be the best father I could be—just like him.

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