New West (14 page)

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Authors: BA Tortuga

Tags: #Male/Male Erotic Romance, Western, Sci-Fi

BOOK: New West
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Jesse nuzzled gently, cheek sliding on Ezrah’s shaft. His fingers rolled the tender balls, so carefully. The scent of Ez, simple and unmasked, fascinated him.

Jess grinned, then licked along the head of Ezrah’s prick, wondering how long it would take his cowboy to wake up.

“Careful, baby. That’s fragile.”

“I wouldn’t hurt you.” He would never hurt Ez.

Ez spread even more, digging into the soft blankets with his heels to push up into Jesse’s touch. “You up for this? I been waiting until you were good and well.”

Ezrah was definitely up for it.

“I want it. You promised me it would happen again.”

And his entire body was primed, ready for the touch, the connection. The pleasure.

He just wanted to climax again. Make sure he could. Hell, he wanted to see Ezrah do it if he couldn’t. His cock was firming up damned nicely, though, so Jesse thought he could go along for the ride, for sure.

“I did. I always keep my promises to you, Jesse, because you’ve never broken a promise to me.” Ezrah shoved him up, then rolled over top of him, surrounding him with that perfect warmth. Ezrah’s lips landed on his, tongue pushing into his mouth to open him, to taste him. Jesse could do nothing but moan and wrap around Ez, rub them both together as if he were a cat in heat.

Ezrah’s cock felt like iron against his, hot as fire. That big body was heaven, rough with hair, skin smooth in comparison.

His prick ached and the spot where the tip nudged Ez’s thigh tingled and distracted him, making his hips roll, making him think on riding one of those terrible horses again.

No. No horses in bed.

Ez pulled back and stared at him. “No, baby. No horses.”

Jesse’s laugh rang out, and Ez grinned, dark eyes glinting. Then Ez kissed him again, stealing his breath clean away. Ezrah’s hand wrapped around their cocks, bringing them together, stroking in a steady, sure rhythm that matched the heartbeat in his ears.

These days his heart beat to the sound of the drums, which always seemed to be playing in the pueblo. So this was like dancing. He and Ez were damned good at dancing.

Ezrah nipped at his collarbone, lips easing the sting. “Good, baby. Feel good.”

“Yes. Promise me we can hide away in here all day, touch like this.”

“Hell, yes.” Ezrah’s thumb dug into head of his cock, pressing hard enough to make his toes curl.

“Ez!” He pushed up, shoulders leaving the mattress, his legs shaking with sensation. “Oh, do that again.”

“You like that, huh?” Ez’s grin turned downright naughty, and that thumb pressed him again.

His mouth was dry, so he just bobbed his head, body begging for more.

Ezrah gave it to him, hands on his cock, his hip, mouth on his chest. “You still taste sweet.”

“Sweet. Ez, please.” He moaned, his hand moving on Ezrah’s prick, trying to keep up.

“I dreamed about touching you.” Ezrah reached farther down, cupping Jesse’s balls, rolling them in a tiny circle against the base of his cock.

This was better than dreaming, than flying, than anything. Better than anything he’d ever known in the Flow, which was how he had managed to let go of that need. He had Ez.

One of Ezrah’s fingers tapped his hole, reminding him how it had felt to have Ez inside him.

He arched and stretched, skin feeling too tight, his heartbeat too fast. His head didn’t hurt, though. Not one bit. He moaned, hips rocking. Ez knelt up to touch him in both places, cock and ass.

“Please.” He writhed, sliding on the blankets, twisting and bucking for Ez, reaching for his climax. His body needed it; he knew his connection with Ez needed it. Oh, hell, it just felt good.

Ez chuckled, the sound pure sex. “Come on, baby. I love you. Let me see you come.”

The laughter felt as good as the touches, and Ez’s fingers pushed deep, lighting a fire inside him. He shook, his legs jerking, his belly tight and hard. His dick twitched, his balls telling him he was just that close.

“Now, baby.” The tip of his prick was pinched, hard, and he came, seed spraying onto his belly, Ezrah pulling it right out of him.

When he caught his breath Ez was watching him, hand still moving on him gently.

He didn’t have any words. Hell, he didn’t have any brain, so he beamed at Ez, melted and happy.

“Better?” Ezrah dropped a kiss on his mouth. He felt that amazing cock hard against him, but Ez wasn’t pushing.

“Yes.” He cackled, threw his arms around Ez’s neck. “Let’s do it again!”

Ezrah laughed out loud. “You got it, Jess. You want to help me out?” Ez rocked against him.

“I would love to.” He smacked his lips against Ez’s and then headed down, wanting Ezrah’s prick in his mouth.

“Oh. Jess.”

He knew Ez liked this. He could remember the sounds Ezrah made last time. God, he could remember the way Ez sucked him in to the root on the first try. He didn’t think he could do that yet, but he could lick against the big vein along the underside.

The fat dick swelled in his lips, and he swallowed, wanting the bitter-salt flavor on his tongue almost as if he needed Ezrah’s satisfaction.

It took maybe ten seconds. Ez had some pent up need in there, because the man came for him so hard he almost choked.

He rested his head on Ezrah’s belly, licking idly, cleaning Ez off.

One big hand landed on his head, Ez petting him, carefully avoiding the spot where the port had gone in. That skin was still puckered, healing, scarred. Not only that, but Ezrah’s touch there sort of sent him flying.

“Love you, Ez. You-Do you think we’ll have to leave soon? I know your mom would miss you. Cyrus, too.” Jess didn’t want to go back to old Tejas, but he would for Ez. At least for a while.

“Maybe? I guess we’ll ask Zill if you’re ready to travel.” They’d heard a lot of news from the north on the new quakes, but nothing from the south. Ez had been pretty worried, and Jess knew it.

“We can come back here, though? After?”

“We will.” That Ezrah sounded definite about, and he could see the sincerity in those dark eyes. “Zill said we’re their people.”

“Thank you.” There was something about this place—they took him in, loved him, and more importantly, loved his Ez.

Ez grinned at him. “Uh-huh. Enough talking, hmm? We have an entire day to waste, together.”

Oh. God, yes. Jesse rolled on top of Ez. “You know how I hate to ride horses, right?”

Ez blinked, then nodded. “I do.”

“Well, I have to tell you, I feel completely different about riding you.”

Ez squeezed his ass, that cock rising against him again, letting him know Ez loved that idea. “Yeehaw, baby.”


Chapter Eighteen




Ezrah didn’t want to go home.

Or back to the ranch. Of all things, he thought of the frickin’ pueblo as home now. How weird was that?

Still, he and Jess had talked on it a lot, and with the lack of letter carriers after the last shake, they had decided to go tomorrow morning.

Zill had looked at them both when they’d told him and nodded his huge head solemnly. “You will know what is right. You will see.” He said see in the way they’d learned meant magical seeing.

Jesse was fluttering, moving from place to place, like to drive him out of his mind. He got it. Jess was even more reluctant to leave. Everyone loved his goofy, red-headed lover. They all had nicknames for him, wanted to touch Jesse and feed him.

“Do you think Eddie would come up and help me haul shit down the cliff?” he asked Salana, the dark beauty of a girl who fried the best bread.

“Eddie? From the base of the cliff? I will send for him.” She looked at Jesse, sighed. “You will both return? You will be missed.”

“We will. I promise.” Hell, Zill had said they could always find their way back, too. All he had to do was touch Jesse’s old port and commune with Emmett or something.

Jesse came to her, hugged her tight. “Go on and find Eddie for us, lady. We haven’t seen him in weeks.”

Salana gave Jesse the oddest look, but nodded and skittered off. Jesse went to the window opening, face lifted to the setting sun. “Are you looking forward to being on the road again?”

Ezrah grimaced. “Not really. I mean, I get to ride Bonny up here on the mesa since they got her up. I don’t miss trail dust and cactus.”

“You’re unnaturally biased against prickles.”

Uh-huh. Prickles, maybe. Pricks, not so much.

He snorted. Lord, he amused himself. “I just want to let my momma know I’m okay, make sure Cyrus made it back.”

“I get it. I do. I want that, too, Ez, for her, for you, for Emmett.” Jesse did love him, and Em, better than anyone.

Ez went to Jess, needing to touch. He wrapped his arms around his lover’s waist, resting his chin on Jesse’s dreads. Jesse held onto him, and they breathed together, holding each other close.

“My friends! How long has it been? Look at you, up and awake!” Eddie laughed, applauded, and Ez lifted his chin, intending to tease about busy people not coming up for weeks as Jesse healed. The words dried in his throat, though, when his gaze landed on the old man standing in front of them.

Eddie’s long hair was white as snow, face tanned and wrinkled, back bent. A dark spot interrupted his smile, where a front tooth was missing.

Jesse turned, smiled. “I hear I owe you a debt of thanks, for hauling my ass up the wash.”

“I was glad to help. I’m sorry you didn’t get to meet Anayah, Spirit Walker. She was the one who decided to send you to Zill.”

Ezrah remembered the old lady with the braids and arthritic hands. She hadn’t seemed sick. “I’m so sorry.”

“It was many, many moons ago, and it was her time. You wish to leave the pueblo? Are you sure?”

He glanced at Jess, who stared at Eddie curiously, but how could he know how weird this was? He’d been asleep when they arrived. “We have to go see my momma. We’ll be back, I promise. I was going to ask you to help haul some stuff down the trail, but—” he cut himself off, not wanting to offend.

“I’m happy to help. I’ll return at daylight to lead you down.”

“I’m strong enough to help now, too.” Jesse offered Eddie a smile. “It’s good to meet you.”

“You, too. I have heard you help the spirits very much. I guess they’re sending you home with three horses worth of gifts, huh?”

Ezrah chuckled. “Just two, I think. We have some packed here.”

Eddie left and Ez stared, trying to make his memory of the young man he’d met only a few weeks ago with the old man who had stood before him.

It made no sense.

Jesse took his hand. “Ez? You okay?”

“He’s aged twenty years.” Ezrah felt stunned. “I mean literally. He was maybe forty the last time I saw him.”

“What? That man? Are you sure?”

“I am.” He shook his head, trying to clear it. “His hair was black, and he had all his teeth. I swear, baby.”

“Weird.” Jesse shivered, stepped closer. “That’s-I don’t know what to say, Ez.”

Ezrah hugged him. “Tell me my memory is all scrambled. The lady he said was dead moons and moons was just there when we came. She wasn’t sick.”

“But, Ez, we haven’t been here for years. We’ve been here…just a while.” Jesse shifted away from him, beginning to frown, fingers going to worry at the scars on his jaw and neck.

“I know.” They stood there together until the sun began to wane in the window, and Ezrah’s belly rumbled. “We should get supper and get some sleep.”

“Okay.” Jesse came up to him, pushed in his arms. “Everything feels so odd.”

“It does. It will be better in the morning.” He had to have faith in that.

“I believe you. I do.”

They picked at a small meal, neither speaking really. Finally, after staring at each other and the walls, they simply snuffed the lantern and crawled into the blankets, holding each other as if they were worried children.

He thought he’d never get to sleep, ever, but he did, the world disappearing and opening up into the vast blackness that was Jesse’s gift.

When it came in their dreams these days it was always someone or something familiar. Someone they knew. Usually Em, but there had been a few of Jesse’s Grounder friends, a few of the older Diné.

Jesse looked at him, smiled. “Well, hello love. I thought for sure Em would be here.”

“Me, too.” He glanced around, but all he saw was Jess. “Restless, baby?”

“Yeah. Yeah, you know I’m nervous about tomorrow.”

“Boys? Boys, is that you?”

That voice was as familiar as his own, as Em’s. “Momma?”

She ran up to them, hair dark as night, face unlined and happy. “Oh, Ezrah. I thought I heard you, son. I’ve missed you, so much.”

“Momma. Oh, God. He held her, the smell of wood smoke and roses making tears prick at the backs of his eyes. “I’m so sorry about Emmett.”

“I saw him, only moments ago. He says he’s busy and happy.” Momma squeezed him tight. “Jesse, my God, look at you.”

Jess grinned. “You look great, lady, speaking of.”

“Thank you.” Momma just laughed, which made Ezrah smile. How could he not?

“Are you all right?”

“I’m fine now. So glad to see you again, after so very long, and you look so fine.”

“I know. I thought for sure I’d be right behind Cyrus. He did sell the cattle, yes? He saved the ranch?”

“He did. Valley fever has taken everyone, though, old and young.”

“Did it take Chastain?” He shouldn’t, but he wanted the old man dead. The bastard had killed his whole family.

“Lord, no. He died of meanness more than a decade ago.”

He stared, then looked at Jess. “I haven’t been gone that long, Momma. His men killed Em.”

“Son, I haven’t seen your face in twenty-eight years. I married Cyrus, and we had a daughter, Lily.”

“A daughter?”

Jesse hooted, the sound weird and loud. “You didn’t name her an E name?”

“Cyrus’ mother was a Lily. Lily Rose. She has three children of her own. I sent them away, when the fever hit.” Momma looked at Jesse. “You haven’t seen any children about? Ones with white-blond hair?”

“No, ma’am. Mostly I meet dark-haired folks.”

Ezrah sat there, mouth opening and closing. When he finally found his voice he felt it sounded like a child’s, not a grown man’s. “You mean you. You’re here in the dream. Oh, Christ, Momma. I’m sorry.”

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