NEWBORN: Book One of the Newborn Trilogy (36 page)

Read NEWBORN: Book One of the Newborn Trilogy Online

Authors: Shayn Bloom

Tags: #vampires, #paranormal, #wizards, #werewolves, #vampire romance, #vampire erotica, #newborn, #paranormal erotica, #magical romance, #magical erotica

BOOK: NEWBORN: Book One of the Newborn Trilogy
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I’m wiping my tears with the sleeve of my
turtleneck. “Well, now you do.” Recovered and dry, I look up at
him. He’s watching me warily, as though frightened I will begin
crying again. I won’t. I’ve had my fill. Or spill, I should say.
“I’m not inferior to you, Gabriel,” I say to him.

Turquoise eyes widen in surprise. “What?”

“You heard me. I’m
inferior to you
because I’m an Immag. We’re both equals – not one better than the

Gabriel’s eyes are fixed on the light
emanating from the end of his wand. “But you
he begins, “because –”

“Don’t want to hear it!” I shout at him, fury
pumping through my veins. “I don’t want to hear it, Gabriel! You’re
such a fucking bigot all the time! I’m sick of it! You know what?
Wolf is right about you. You think you’re better than everybody
because you have a magic stick! Well let me tell you something
Gabriel White. There’s a lot more magic in this world than can come
out of a wand!”

Turning on my heel, I walk away from him.

I can’t be with somebody who doesn’t respect
me. I can’t be with somebody who doesn’t understand the basics of
equality. Why, you ask? Because I’m a self-respecting woman who
believes in herself. That’s why.

I am no less than he.

“Wait!” Gabriel cries, running to catch up.
“Wait, Nora! Wait!”

I turn to face panicking pupils. “Accept me
as your equal,” I demand of him before he has the chance to say a
word. “Do it now and I will forgive you. Otherwise, I’m leaving you
for someone else.”

“Not that dog!”

I yell, “Do it! Accept me as your equal!”

Gabriel takes a long, deep breath. “I accept
you as my equal,” he says.

We stare at each other for a moment, neither
of us breaking eye contact. Something’s not right. He said it too
quickly. Or did he say it not quickly enough? No – he said it too
quickly. I am right the first time. I don’t think he’s had time to
consider what he’s saying. It came out in emergency mode.

“Say it again,” I order.

Gabriel says, “I accept you as my equal, Nora

“Do you believe what you’re saying?” I ask
him calmly. “Or are you lying so you can keep fucking me?”

Marble skin turns whiter in the glow of his
wand. “Neither, to be honest,” he answers. “I’m lying so I can keep
loving you. Nora, it’s hard – I’ve been told my whole life I’m
superior to Immags. I don’t even know how not to believe it,” he
explains, his expression gloomy. Defeated. Depressed.

My heart is going out to him. I can’t deny
it. Why am I so weak? Or is this strength? Perhaps strength is what
it takes to forgive somebody like Gabriel. Kiri’s words float to me
on the evening air.

“Well, then,” I begin, “I guess I’ve heard
your opinion. It hasn’t changed, but if letting you know what
think is the best I can do right now, it’s enough. You do
know what I think, don’t you?”

“You think we’re equals.”

we’re equals,” I correct. “I’m
going to give you some time to realize that. Since you’re finding
it hard. I expect you to come around to the idea eventually. Can
you promise me you will?”

“I promise I’ll try,” he says.

I blink back my dissonance. “That will have
to do,” I reply.

Silence between us. Can things be the same? I
am glad I said all that. I need respect like everybody else to
thrive. How long will this cold last between us? The chill is
surpassing my charmed turtleneck.

“I have a surprise for you. I’ve been putting
it together for a few days. Planned to show you tomorrow. Why
wait?” At once he’s smiling at me, the warmth returning to
turquoise eyes. Here’s the Gabriel I love!

“A surprise?” I gasp. “I love surprises!”

Coming closer, Gabriel wraps his arms around
me and hugs me to him. The world darkens as his wand falls behind
my back. But soon I’m distracted. Gabriel is kissing me like
heaven. Soaking me in honey. I’m lost to him so quickly I hardly
notice my involuntary surrender. Astonishing.

Breaking from me, turquoise eyes find mine.
“Of course you do,” he says. “This way.” He’s guiding me forward,
his hand still wrapped around my back. “You’ll love this,” he
reassures as we walk. “This took some imagination. Lucky for you
I’m not defaulting there. You wait!”

“I can’t!” I say happily.

Geez, what a turn around.

Moments ago I threatened to leave him. Now
I’m giddy for whatever he has planned. Do I need help or something?
No – I’m sure I don’t. This has been an exhausting day. Troubles
with Mom. Troubles with Wolf. Troubles with Kiri. Now troubles with
Gabriel. Well, until now, anyway.

Night has been our host for a while. My
wizard leads the way with his wand, its light shining forward
without fail. Leaving Red Square, we flank the Daniel J. Evans
library and hug the tree line. We’re heading northwest. Oh geez, I
think I know where we’re headed. I want to make sure.

“Do you know where you’re taking me?” I ask

He swipes his blond hair to the side of his
forehead. “Of course!”


Turning around, his jade robes glowing in the
illumination of his wand, Gabriel grins. “Can’t tell you that, Nora
– can I? Then it won’t be a surprise! Walk tight and follow me.
You’ll see soon enough!”

“Well, don’t get us lost,” I huff. “Do you
have a compass in case? I know you don’t have a phone…” Okay – I
admit it – it’s fun doubting him aloud. The slightest of vendettas,
if you will.

“Naturally,” Gabriel answers, surprising me.
Reaching into the pocket of his jade robes, he brings forth a
package. I catch it. “Brand new Vampass,” he says, eyes glinting in
the light. “Finally badgered them enough about my broken one, I
suppose. Latest model. I can’t wait to open it!”

Judging from the package, it’s the same size
as the old model. “Can I open it?”

“Perhaps,” Gabriel replies, holding out his
hand for it. “Let’s not get distracted by vampire-finding gadgets.
I’ve worked too hard for what’s ahead. I promise you it’s worth it.
You’ll see. And love it!”

Returning his new Vampass, I slip my hands in
the pockets of my jeans. “I’ll take your word for it.”

By now we’ve left the tree line and are in
the forest, snaking our way deeper into the woodlands. The path
beneath us is shallow and overgrown, but at least it’s visible. It
carries our steps forward.

I’m too aware of every twig that breaks and
every bush that moves. I’ve learned to not feel safe in the forest.
with my wizard. That counts. Still, if the vampires
ambush us… No, Nora – don’t have those thoughts! You must keep your
wits about you. Not to mention your head.

“Are the woods safe at night?” I ask.

Scared of the dark?
asks my alter ego.
Grow up, shit face!

Shut up!
I shout at her.

“With me you are,” Gabriel answers. “I don’t
think we’ll run into vampires, Nora. They are west of here a-ways.
And if they did come, they wouldn’t stand a chance,” he adds slyly.
“Let them try!”

Following him, I make sure to avoid
protruding roots and fallen branches. “You really hate them, don’t
you? Vampires.”

Wand light illuminates the deadly seriousness
of turquoise eyes. “Yes. I hate them beyond imagination. Vampires
are not fit to walk our world. They must be destroyed! All of them.
The men. The women. The –”

“Children,” I interrupt, finishing for him.
“I know, I know – you’ve told me before. I wish you’d tell me
you hate them so much. Once – not long ago – you said
you’d tell me someday. Is it someday yet?”

“I can tell you now,” he responds. “I hate
them because they are the most parasitical and abominable species
ever to walk this earth. They must die. All of them. Every man.
Every woman. Every child.”

“Can’t you hear yourself?” My tone is harsh.
“It’s like the words are programmed into you. What are you? A
robot? A machine? A
machine? Consider the morality
of what you do!”

Gabriel doesn’t miss a beat. “The BOM – the
Bureau of Magic – has hired me as a Releaser. It’s my job to kill
vampires. It’s my career. It’s what I do. It’s what I’m
to do. My job isn’t to ‘consider morality.’ Nor to
question it. But I have done so, landing on the same

“Which is?” I push.

“That my crusade is just!”

“How can you say that? How is murder

“I seem to recall,” Gabriel begins, his voice
menacing, “the last time we were in the forest. Not only were you
almost raped and murdered by a vampire, you were almost raped and
murdered by two! The Nora
remember then was ready to help
me slay the Newborn – was ready to assist in the execution of
number thirteen. The one too many. The one that crossed the line.
Where has

I cross my arms. “I don’t know. I’ve had a
change of heart.”

“Do you still want to help find the

I nod hastily. “I do. Wolf is coming, by the
way. Like we agreed on. It’s not only for my safety,” I say loudly,
before he can interrupt, “but for yours, too! Three is safer than
two. So there!”

Gabriel is angry. “I will not allow –!”

“Aaaahh!” I scream. For I’ve promptly tripped
over a root and fallen to the ground. “Holy hell!” I’m clutching my

Gabriel bends down. “Are you alright? Did you
hurt anything?”

“My ego,” I answer. “Help me up!”

He lends a hand. Brushing leaves and dirt
from my clothes, I get up. But not before hearing a familiar sound
in the distance. This is where I hoped we’d be! Yay! We’re here!
“Is that what I think it is?” I ask excitedly.

Gabriel doesn’t answer. Instead, he points
his wand at me. “Amendi!” The dirt and leaves vanish off my clothes
as they resettle on me, warm. “There,” he says, satisfied. “Yes –
that is what you think it is.”

Whooping, I run forward. I’m where I want to
be! For the sound I hear is water – rushing, gushing water. It laps
against sandy shores. Before I know it the trees are thinning and I
arrive at the beach in Eld Inlet.

I see nothing unusual. What the fuck? Where’s
my surprise?

My wizard brings up the rear. “Wait!” he
exhales. “You aren’t supposed to get here first!” He doesn’t look
that worried. Gabriel never does. Passing me on the beach, he waves
his wand high. “Evanese!”

Eyes are alive with wonder. Eyes belonging to

On the beach is a stunningly ornate, white
four-poster bed. Its legs disappear into the sand as the water laps
nearby. It’s surrounded in a ten foot radius by tiny red candles.
There must be thousands of them. The only opening is directly in
front of us. A two foot wide path leading to bed.

Leaping into Gabriel’s arms, I exclaim,
“Thank you! Thank you! It’s fantastic!”

He chuckles. “It’s nothing,” he says. “Don’t
worry – soon
will be thanking you. Lumio!” The light at
the end of his wand goes out.

Leaving thousands of little red candles to
light our way to bed.


“Bloomio rosa,”
says Gabriel, pointing his wand at his hand. A single, long-stemmed
red rose appears there. He hands it to me. “This night belongs to
you. I hope you will share it with me.”

A deep blush spreads across my cheeks as I
take the rose. What am I supposed to do with this? Oh – right! I
sniff it. “Beautiful,” I sigh, closing my eyes. “It’s beautiful,
Gabriel. Thank you so much!”

Turquoise eyes are revealed in the light of
thousands of candles. “You are the rose, Nora,” he tells me, “it is
who is beautiful. You must lead me to bed. This flower,
after all, is yours.”

I blush further. Oh geez, can he see in the
candlelight? Probably. Oh well. This is by far the most romantic
thing anyone’s ever done for me. I’m so affected I’m speechless – I
can’t speak. Can’t say a word.

Instead, I wrap my arm around his waist and
kiss him. This is grace. I know it now. When our passion is so
strong our faces melt into each other. When I can’t tell anymore
where I end and he begins. When we’re one person, not two. When I
realize all I need in this world is him.

Words fail me. Because Gabriel is all I ever
wanted. His physical beauty is only a perk. The real beauty of him
is innate – inside him – where it lives and struggles against the
demons of his upbringing.

He believes I’m inferior because I’m an
Immag, but it’s only because of his Puridite schooling. I believe –
truly believe – he can change. That the beliefs of the Puridite
Movement can and will fall away from him.

The bliss of a long kiss ends. I’m left
staring into candlelit eyes, glazed over and glassed. They close
gently, his face wreathed in pleasure. Geez, I didn’t realize I
could have this much of an effect on him.

He’s imagining someone hotter
, remarks
my alter ego.

Fuck off
, I demand.
I mean

Gabriel purses his lips and licks them.

I can’t help it. “How do I taste?” I ask.
“Good, I hope?”

He nods, eyes still closed. “Excellent, Nora.
When I kiss you I taste – taste… strawberries. It’s weird.”

“Weird good?” I’m desperate. Please say

Finally, he opens his eyes, dazzling me in
turquoise. “Weird as in fantastically good,” he reassures. “But I
still prefer the taste of chai latte,” he muses aloud, his eyes
sinking down my body. Oh geez!

Lifting the rose to his nose, I ask, “How’s

His brow furrows in thought. “Acceptable,” he
surmises after a moment, “for a rose, anyway. It’s a rose, Nora –
not Russian spiced tea. We have to work with what we’re given.
Don’t you agree?”

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