Newly Exposed (24 page)

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Authors: Meghan Quinn

BOOK: Newly Exposed
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“You’re so fucking wet,” I mumbled into her ear.

“So, do your job, and make love to me,” she said with a smile.

“Saucy this morning, I like it.”

“Solo! Where’s our baby girl?” came two male voices from behind her door.

Both our bodies shot up the second Solo’s door flew open and two men came barreling in holding flowers and a box of pastries.

Crimson red was probably not even a good enough description of the embarrassment on all of our faces, including the two men who’d just barged through Solo’s bedroom door.

“Oh, Jesus,” said the man with the pastries, as he politely turned to the side, so he wasn’t directly looking at us.

“Well, that is a compromising position,” the other man said, while fanning his face and not entirely turning away.

“Dads! What…get out!” Solo said, as she cradled her blanket over her chest.

I shifted in place, trying to grasp anything to cover up my junk, which was just hanging out for the world to see. I grabbed a pillow and covered up, but not before Solo’s dads got a good eye full of what I was just about to tease their daughter with.


“Seems like we have bad timing,” the man with the pastries said, still averting his eyes.

“Please, tell me you’re using protection,” the one with the flowers said.

Solo pinched the bridge of her nose and said, “Can you please give us a second? We’ll be right out to talk.”

“Hurry up, honey, I’ll make coffee,” pastry dad said.

Flower dad came over to the bed and leaned over me. I thought he was about to punch me square in the nose from the look on his face. His hand reached out to me and I flinched, as I readied for the hand to choke me, but instead, he said, “I’m Thaddeus. Sebastian is my partner.”

I looked at his hand and then over at Solo, who was absolutely mortified. With an uneasy mind, I shook Thaddeus’ hand and said, “Adam, sir. Nice to meet you.”

A giant smile spread across his face as he let go of my hand and walked out the door, while shouting, “Bashty, he called me sir. How adorable is that?”

“Let them get dressed, Thad,” Sebastian called from the kitchen.

Thaddeus winked at us, twiddled his fingers bye, and shut Solo’s door. I sat completely still on her bed in shock, staring at the door, as Solo did the same.

After a couple of minutes passed, I broke the silence and asked, “Did your dads just walk in on us about to have sex?”

“It appears that way,” she nodded her head in shock.

“Wow, I really know how to make a great first impression. Pretty sure your dads saw my junk.”

“You mean your Just-in Beaver?” she said with a laugh, lightening the mood.

I shook my head and laughed, “Why I was compelled to ever say that during my casting is beyond me. Glad the name has worked its way around the office.”

“Nothing is safe with Meryl’s girls.”

“Apparently.” I took a deep breath and turned to face Solo. I grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it. “Let’s go out there; it’s time to meet the brilliant men who raised you.”

“You’re sucking up to the wrong person,” she smiled. “It’s those two men you have to please.”

“You’re right, any pointers?”

“Mention Harrison Ford is a god and you’re golden.”

“Easy enough, the man is a god.”

Solo rolled her eyes, climbed out of bed…naked and walked over to her closet. I shifted in place as I took in her entire body. My attraction to her was too strong. I wanted her all the time.

“Stop looking at me like that,” she scolded. “You’re going to get us both into trouble.”

“Well, don’t walk around naked and we won’t have a problem.”

“If I knew you were such a horn dog, I would have given this little coupling a little more thought.”

I grabbed my pants off the ground and stepped into them, commando, while walking over to her. I kept them unbuttoned as I placed both my hands on her bare hips.

“You lie, muffin. You never would have been able to deny yourself this,” I leaned down to kiss her when her door flew open again.

Solo pressed her naked body against mine to cover herself up as she squealed.

“What’s taking so long?” Thad asked.

“Dad! God, give me a second.”

“Watch that tone, young lady. I’m not opposed to spanking you, although, is that something she enjoys now, Adam?”

“Oh, my God,” I muttered, as I laughed.

“Don’t laugh at him,” Solo chastised me. Her dad laughed and shut the door.

Solo took a deep breath and detached herself from me, but the feel of her rock hard nipples pressed against my chest was still etched in my memory.

“Put your shirt on and get out there,” Solo said, as she found a pair of polka dot shorts and a tank top.

I bit my bottom lip as I looked her up and down. Even in bed wear she looked fuckable. God damn, I was a crazed man.

“Go!” she pointed and smiled. “You’re going to get us in more trouble.”

Reluctantly, I turned around, grabbed my shirt, threw it over my head, and buckled up my pants. I didn’t need Solo’s dads seeing my junk again.

When I reached her door, I turned around and grabbed her hand in mine. We would be going out there together. Even though I could tell she was embarrassed, and slightly irritated, from her dads walking in unannounced, she still smiled up at me with affection.

I kissed her forehead lightly and pulled her out into the living room, where her dads were sitting on the couch with coffee poured and baked goods scattered on a tray. Thaddeus had his legs crossed with a cup of coffee resting on his knee and Sebastian sat back on the couch, with his arm around Thad and his stance wide. Not that there needed to be a clear distinction, but you could tell Sebastian was slightly more manly then Thaddeus, but Thaddeus seemed like a hell of a good time.

“Well, there are the two love birds,” Sebastian said, sitting up and resting his elbows on his knees. Yikes, he seemed a little scary.

Both men were trim and good looking; I wasn’t going to lie about that. Their shirts were pressed, not a wrinkle in sight, and their hair was styled to perfection. It was funny to see their casual style was a dress shirt and slacks, whereas Solo preferred her jeans and graphic tees, one of the reasons I liked her so much, she was easygoing.

“Glad you could come out of your love hole,” Sebastian continued.

“Dad…” Solo warned.

“Please, introduce yourself,” Sebastian said to me, waving his hand, letting me know I had the floor.

I cleared my throat, leaned forward, and stuck my hand out. “Hi, I’m Adam and I think Harrison Ford is a god.”

Sebastian and Thaddeus looked at each other for a second before throwing their heads back and laughing. Thaddeus slapped his knee, while Sebastian’s shoulders shook with amusement.

Thaddeus pointed his finger at Solo and said, “You prepped him well, baby girl.”

“I’m not just saying that,” I said, trying to save my accreditation. “How can you not think he’s a god when he’s not only been Mr. Indiana Jones, but he’s also been the president, and he’s been the captain of the mother fucking Millennium Falcon?” The F-word escaped me before I could pull it back; I was just too damn passionate.

Sebastian perked up and said, “Solo, you found yourself a keeper.”

Solo rolled her eyes and plopped down on the couch opposite her dads and pulled me down with her.

“Coffee?” Thaddeus asked, as he held out a mug.

“Yes, please.” I took it and offered the cup to Solo to be polite, but she reached for a glass of orange juice instead.

“We stopped at your favorite bakery, Solo. We thought we could get some meat on those bones of yours.”

“I have plenty of meat, Dad. But I will take a donut.” She reached out and grabbed a chocolate frosted long john.

“Ah, you like the long ones,” Sebastian said, eyeing me.

“Dad!” Solo warned him.

“Just observing your doughnut choice, sweetheart. Is there anything wrong with that?”

Solo just shook her head and took a bite of her doughnut.

“Would you like one?” Thaddeus asked, as he held out the platter.

I observed the pastries and smiled to myself.

“Yes, please.” I grabbed the muffin and said, “I can’t get enough of muffins; they’re my absolute favorite.”

I winked at Solo and took a bite of the blueberry muffin. Her face turned red as she picked up on what I was saying.

Both of her dads looked at us in confusion, and then at each other. I didn’t need to explain; Solo knew what I was talking about.

“Is that some kind of reference to a woman’s lady garden?” Thaddeus asked, as he tried to understand the reference. “I believe they call it a muff? Am I right Bashty?”

“Oh, my God,” Solo said into her hands, after she set her doughnut down. “Dad, please don’t say muff.”

“I think a muff is referring to a lady garden that hasn’t been properly landscaped,” Sebastian offered.

“Oh, dear,” Thaddeus said, looking over at Solo. “Honey, please don’t tell me you have a muff.”

I coughed up muffin as I tried to hold back the laughter that wanted to escape me from Solo’s dad asking her if she had a muff. Was he for real?

Solo eyed me with a look to kill that said if you say one word, I will castrate you, so I kept my mouth shut.

Solo looked up at her dad and said, “Fine, you two win. Yes, you walked in on Adam and me about to have sex. Yes, we are using protection. No, I don’t have a muff, and yes, I keep everything properly well maintained down below. Referring to the muffin comment, Adam, for some god forsaken reason, calls me muffin, and yes, Adam is packing, because I know that was your next question.”

“Jesus,” I laughed and shook my head, not truly believing the banter between Solo and her dads.

“Oh, honey, we already know he’s packing. We saw it earlier.” Thaddeus winked at Solo and said, “Good find, honey.”

“So glad you’re here,” Solo said sarcastically, as she finished off her doughnut and sat back on the couch.


“Stay in touch, baby girl. Adam, we look forward to having a dinner date with you,” Thaddeus said, as he waved his hand while walking out to their car.

“Me too,” I called back, while Solo shut the door to her place.

Even though it was painful to Solo to have her dads here, ragging on her, I had a rather enjoyable morning. I could see the love her dads had for her, even though they loved teasing her. What I liked more was the adoration I saw in Solo’s eyes when she saw her dads hold hands; it was endearing to see. I liked Sebastian and Thaddeus, just another point as to why I liked Solo so much.

“God, I don’t think I’ve ever been more embarrassed in my life,” Solo said, heading to her bedroom.

“It wasn’t that bad. I enjoyed their company.”

I followed her into her bedroom and watched her strip her clothes off without any shame. She turned toward me, giving me a mouthwatering view of her front side. I was in fucking heaven.

“I’m talking about the part where they walked in on their daughter completely aroused with her guy on top of her, playing with her nipple.”

I gulped and walked closer to her, as thoughts of what her dads walked in on earlier ran through my head. Just the sight of her had me sprung and ready to go. I kept thinking about how her nipple puckered from my light touch earlier before her dads walked in on us; I was a fucking goner.

I grabbed her waist and pushed her up against the wall of her bedroom.

“Did you like me playing with your nipple?”

“I did,” she said with confidence.

“Are they sensitive?” I asked, while barely grazing the fabric of my shirt against them.

“Very sensitive,” she sucked in a breath of air.

“Interesting,” I said, moving my hands up her body to the underside of her breasts. My thumbs caressed the soft, weighted skin and watched as her nipples tightened. Just a swipe of my thumb, and I had her turned on. It almost seemed too easy.

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